1000 resultados para Identitat corporativa


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The proposal of present paper is to present a conceptual and terminological discussion relative to the terms: organizational memory, corporate memory and institutional memory that is a subject still little studied and explored in the academic area. The study is theoretical focus and the research kind is bibliographical. As research sources were utilized: books, digital libraries of theses and dissertations in the scope of the country and CAPES Journals Portal. This study is in course and is part of doctorate research "Organizational memory and the knowledge bases constitution". As the partial results, observes that the question about "memory" is studied by different areas of knowledge: Psychology, Neurosciences, History and others; the concepts about organizational memory and corporate memory are studied by Administration and Information Systems areas; the concept of institutional memory is more studied by Business Communication area focusing the company history. Beyond that, observes the use of another term, social memory, utilized by Information Science and History areas.


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The study attempts to develop the concept of financial fragility and explore the advancement of their chances, since he started in 1970 until the present day with the most respected authors. The analysis focuses on the possibility of changing the cycle of economic activity that is due to the vulnerability, and so that it is related to the behavior of firms and agents. What can be done to prevent such a crisis. Thus, the authors present the factors and explain how the credit market, operating assets and investments of capital goods under the influence in that economy. It also consists in the analysis to visualize the size of the influence of credit, interest and investments made by the evaluation of a data set


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This work aims at the debate about the role of professional public relations practices in the Public Sector Governance, building concepts through policies to encourage public communication. The democratic regime in place in most national states gave up the struggle of social actors in the quest for greater participation and representation in public policy decisions. The communication processes established in the state-society relationship is not limited to the dissemination of information but should lead the public involvement in changing social reality. And public relations are responsible for the mediation in the dialectic of communication between governments and governed


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In scenery where the information and the knowledge are acquiring more and more importance, the corporations are looking for alternatives to remain themselves competitive in the market, once the competition happens globally. The current work presents, through bibliographic research and multicases studies, one possibility for the organizations that wishes to increase their competitiveness and look into the participation of the Public Relations professional in the development of Corporative Education programs aiming (at) the continuing education of a very important audience for the organizations, the intern one Through courses and trainings that can happen by presence or remote way, the Corporative Educational programs have as target developing of the critical competence to the organizations, aiming to solve internal problems and reach the best position against competitors. This work is aimed to present how the Public Relation professional can act like a facilitator agent for the education of the intern public of the companies through the Corporative Education. The courses offered through these programs aim to keep the professional always updated, besides to disseminate the values, culture and company’s legacy. At this point, the participation of the Public Relations is appointed to a possibility to strengthen the organization’s internal communication and promote a larger engagement and participation of the employees


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The purpose of this experimental project was to characterize the reports by the press offices of three public universities in São Paulo higher education, two state and one federal, evaluating what prerogatives of corporate communication are present in the public communication made by them. From the perspective of the content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin and; based on the concepts involved in the definition of public communication by Pierre Zémor and Corporate Communications by Jorge Duarte, it was made an analysis of the method of construction of news from the three universities. It was used a methodology in which interspersed of quantitative analysis procedures with qualitative analysis procedures


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The questions involving environment and society have been increasingly considered into account when companies make business decisions. However many of them have not yet incorporated sustainability effectively in their business plan, sometimes performing only a few external actions and outside their area of expertise. The concept of corporate sustainability is within this context, and therefore the practice of companies consider, the environmental and social issues into their strategies, along with economic issues. This work has as main objective to identify what are the key indicators and related practices of the concept of corporate sustainability that has been introduced in companies on environmental reference of a certain sector of the Brazilian economy. The sector that was chosen is electric power, having enormous significance both in economy, society and environment. The results indicate that the main practice are in the areas of energy efficiency, security and good relationship with its key business stakeholders


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O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a história dos correios, sua educação corporativa, e analisar os artigos científicos que se relacionam à educação e servirão como fundamentação teórica. A metodologia é um estudo bibliográfico; o principal resultado é a análise e abordagem da educação corporativa da empresa em relação à formação das competências dos funcionários da empresa; a conclusão é a de que a empresa, apesar de ser um órgão público e burocrático, teve que se adaptar aos novos paradigmas do mundo do trabalho, investindo em programas de aperfeiçoamento, visando o lucro, mas acima de tudo valorizando o funcionário, por compreender a complexidade humana, com base nos quatro pilares da educação, segundo a UNESCO. Pois é a partir dessa postura de investimento no ensino e nas pessoas que será desencadeado o processo de mudança e propiciará a competitividade com qualidade no mercado global


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O presente trabalho apresenta em sua essência conceitos relacionados as práticas de Governança Corporativa no mundo e, principalmente, no Brasil. Tais práticas são leis que ajudam na Bolsa de Valores, trazendo mais transparência e confiança para os agentes e está desenvolvido no segundo capítulo. Tais práticas, então, afetarão diretamente as expectativas dos agentes a investirem seus capitais de forma mais segura. Para tanto, é necessário ter uma ideia geral de como são afetadas tais expectativas e é onde está desenvolvido o primeiro capítulo. Para concluir, é feita uma análise empírica, baseada em séries temporais, de econometria para auxiliar se o que a teoria nos diz é comprovada na prática e são usadas como base os Bancos Nossa Caixa e Banco Bradesco


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This research has the finality to search for the Public Relations professional valorization considering new ways of business acting. So it addresses how would be the performance of this professional in a management with Corporate Governance. This way different kinds of references were researched specially business aspects, definitions and history of the public relations, corporate governance, communication and complexity in the organizations. By the end we analyzed the communication in complex organizations and how the public relations professional could be useful in the process


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The importance of the capital market to Brazilian economic development, linked to the the fragility of a theoretical framework on the issue, case for developing this research. The agents operating in the capital market seek security and confidence for decision making on their investment in that sense we seek to address the concept and values of Corporate Governance to pay in the Brazilian capital market. The Corporate Governance, in its essence, is the system by which companies are directed and monitored, involving the relationship between shareholders and the board of companies, as well as a set of mechanisms and factors intended to minimize market failures. Seeking to confirm adherence to a more advanced system of corporate governance can result in a favorable financial performance, companies were investigated operating in the financial sector (intermediation, various services and insurance), listed by BM&FBOVESPA. The stock market ranks the corporate governance systems in three levels: Level 1 (rudimentary), Level 2 (intermediate) and New Market Level (advanced). To earn the impact of different levels of Corporate Governance for the outcome of the selected companies were calculated and analyzed accounting ratios of profitability, capital structure and liquidity from the Standardized Financial Statements (DFP), base year 2011, 2012 and 2013


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The article presents São Paulo State University Corporate Education Program – UNESPCorp – whose target is to evolve the staff of institution in order of their professional improvement, using distance education technologies (D-learning). The UNESPCorp pilot project started with the Improvement in Bidding and Public Employment curse. The curse was taught on the second semester of 2012 and received 130 employees representing all UNESP campuses. The text was divided in two parts, the first part recovers historical context which introduces the Corporate University. The second part presents challenges and advances represented for the first version of course, even as its pedagogical structure of operation.


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One of the actual biggest problems in big towns is the visual pollution. The advertising has become a necessity for any type of business, resulting in the use of as urban spaces as possible like fronts structures, lights, with too many colors and details to keep the attention of sight, thus becoming an important problem for the social and cultural coexistence. The work of graphic designer can reduce this problem through the concepts of visual identity applied on the enterprise building front, giving harmony in the colors and spaces where they can apply the advertising without to attack the urban beauty and esthetics.


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Um dos papéis da contabilidade é prover informações sobre o desempenho empresarial, quer seja por indicadores contábil-financeiros ou não. Dentro deste escopo do interesse da contabilidade, observa-se que a publicação de estudos teórico-empíricos sobre as relações entre Performance Corporativa Financeira (CFP) e a Performance Social Corporativa (CSP) vem crescendo nos últimos anos, sintoma do desenvolvimento deste campo de pesquisa. Entretanto, a contribuição à teoria pelos trabalhos empíricos se faz de forma pontual, uma vez que normalmente cada estudo foca um aspecto particular da teoria. Periodicamente, portanto, é necessária uma análise que avalie como, de forma agregada, os estudos empíricos contribuíram para a evolução da teoria, e elaborar essa análise constituiu o objetivo do presente estudo. O referencial teórico abrangeu: teoria dos stakeholders, relação entre CSP e CFP, good management theory e slack resource theory. Esta pesquisa abrangeu um período de 15 anos (1996 a 2010) e a coleta de dados empregou a ferramenta de busca das bases de dados: Ebsco, Proquest e ISI. O processo de amostragem obteve um conjunto de 58 artigos exclusivamente teórico-empíricos quantitativos que testam a relação CSP-CFP. Os principais resultados no campo teórico demonstram um reforço da proposição de relação positiva entre CSP e CFP e da good management theory, uma deficiência na explicação na defasagem de tempo (lag) na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP, e deficiências na descrição do constructo de CSP. Isto sugere estudos futuros para investigar a defasagem de tempo na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP e as possíveis razões que levaram diversos estudos empíricos a não atestarem uma associação positiva entre CSP e CFP.


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Em sua dimensão político-societal, competência começa a fazer parte da agenda dos modelos de desenvolvimento de pessoas nas organizações, sobretudo, sob o mote da sustentabilidade. Partindo dessa premissa, este artigo investiga se há conteúdo relevante por trás dessas propostas educativas ou se elas, simplesmente, tornam os pressupostos da sustentabilidade funcionais ao sistema corporativo sem que alguma mudança substancial esteja de fato em curso. Mais especificamente, este estudo se apoia em dois eixos: primeiro, procura discutir o conceito de competência societal; segundo, busca analisar uma experiência de educação executiva de desenvolvimento de gestores em questões relacionadas à sustentabilidade, o Programa de Desenvolvimento de Líderes para Sustentabilidade (PDLS). O estudo, de natureza qualitativa, foi conduzido em uma instituição financeira que se tornou destaque na mídia e passou a ser reconhecida como ator social destacado, por levar à frente a ideia de inserir a sustentabilidade na prática dos negócios. Os resultados revelam um programa impactante que se, por um lado, permitiu que o discurso dos gestores se tornasse competente, por outro, nem sempre correspondeu a uma ação que atingisse o mesmo patamar de excelência. Os gestores participantes adquiriram conhecimento e visão crítica, mas, ainda, enfrentam dificuldades para harmonizar os objetivos do negócio com princípios de sustentabilidade. Mesmo com formação avançada sobre o tema, os paradoxos da ação permanecem presentes quando se trata de dar vida a esta ideia força chamada sustentabilidade.


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BDPI ( Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual). Portal de Revistas USP. Portal de WorkShops de Publicação Científica. Portal de Obras Raras. Portal de Busca Integrada. Dédalus (Sistema Aleph).