996 resultados para Hybrid layers


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Nanoporous anatase with a thin interconnected filmlike morphology has been synthesized in a single step by coupling a nonhydrolytic condensation reaction of a Ti precursor with a hybrid sol-gel combustion reaction. The method combines the advantages of a conventional sol-gel method for the formation of porous structures with the high crystallinity of the products obtained by combustion methods to yield highly crystalline, phase-pure nanoporous anatase. The generation of pores is initiated by the formation of reverse micelles in a polymeric polycondensation product, which expand during heating, leading to larger pores. A reaction scheme involving a complex formation and nonhydrolytic polycondensation reaction with ester elimination leads to the formation of ail extended Ti-O-Ti network. The effect of process parameters, such as temperature and relative ratio of cosurfactants, on phase formation has been studied. The possibility of band gap engineering by controlled doping during synthesis and the possibility of attachment of molecular/nanoparticle sensitizers provide opportunities for easy preparation of photoanodes for solar cell applications.


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Hybrid semiconductor-metal nanoparticles monolayer of Cadmium Sclenide and gold nanoparticles has been prepared, using Langmuir – Blodgett technique. The near field photoluminescence spectra from such monolayer films, shows red shift similar to 75 meV with respect to CdSe QDs monolayer film and splitting similar to 57 meV. The composite spectra are much broader similar to 330 meV compared to the corresponding emission spectra of CdSe monolayer similar to 165 meV. The possible explanation for the observed features are provided in terms of exciton - Plasmon interaction.


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The effect of vectored mass transfer on the flow and heat transfer of the steady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer with viscous dissipation for two-dimensional and axisymmetric porous bodies with pressure gradient has been studied. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The computations have been carried out for a cylinder and a sphere. The skin friction is strongly influenced by the vectored mass transfer, and the heat transfer both by the vectored mass transfer and dissipation parameter. It is observed that the vectored suction tends to delay the separation whereas the effect of the vectored injection is just the reverse. Our results agree with those of the local nonsimilarity, difference-differential and asymptotic methods but not with those of the local similarity method.


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The unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow near the three-dimensional asymmetric stagnation point has been studied under the assumptions that the free-stream velocity, wall temperature, and surface mass transfer vary arbitrarily with time. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that in contrast with the symmetric flow, the maximum heat transfer occurs away from the stagnation point due to the decrease in the boundary-layer thickness. The effect of the variation of the wall temperature with time on heat transfer is strong. The skin friction and heat transfer due to asymmetric flow only are comparatively less affected by the mass transfer as compared to those of symmetric flow.


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This study addressed the large-scale molecular zoogeography in two brackish water bivalve molluscs, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma glaucum, and genetic signatures of the postglacial colonization of Northern Europe by them. The traditional view poses that M. balthica in the Baltic, White and Barents seas (i.e. marginal seas) represent direct postglacial descendants of the adjacent Northeast Atlantic populations, but this has recently been challenged by observations of close genetic affinities between these marginal populations and those of the Northeast Pacific. The primary aim of the thesis was to verify, quantify and characterize the Pacific genetic contribution across North European populations of M. balthica and to resolve the phylogeographic histories of the two bivalve taxa in range-wide studies using information from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear allozyme polymorphisms. The presence of recent Pacific genetic influence in M. balthica of the Baltic, White and Barents seas, along with an Atlantic element, was confirmed by mtDNA sequence data. On a broader temporal and geographical scale, altogether four independent trans-Arctic invasions of Macoma from the Pacific since the Miocene seem to have been involved in generating the current North Atlantic lineage diversity. The latest trans-Arctic invasion that affected the current Baltic, White and Barents Sea populations probably took place in the early post-glacial. The nuclear genetic compositions of these marginal sea populations are intermediate between those of pure Pacific and Atlantic subspecies. In the marginal sea populations of mixed ancestry (Barents, White and Northern Baltic seas), the Pacific and Atlantic components are now randomly associated in the genomes of individual clams, which indicates both pervasive historical interbreeding between the previously long-isolated lineages (subspecies), and current isolation of these populations from the adjacent pure Atlantic populations. These mixed populations can be characterized as self-supporting hybrid swarms, and they arguably represent the most extensive marine animal hybrid swarms so far documented. Each of the three swarms still has a distinct genetic composition, and the relative Pacific contributions vary from 30 to 90 % in local populations. This diversity highlights the potential of introgressive hybridization to rapidly give rise to new evolutionarily and ecologically significant units in the marine realm. In the south of the Danish straits and in the Southern Baltic Sea, a broad genetic transition zone links the pure North Sea subspecies M. balthica rubra to the inner Baltic hybrid swarm, which has about 60 % of Pacific contribution in its genome. This transition zone has no regular smooth clinal structure, but its populations show strong genotypic disequilibria typical of a hybrid zone maintained by the interplay of selection and gene flow by dispersing pelagic larvae. The structure of the genetic transition is partly in line with features of Baltic water circulation and salinity stratification, with greater penetration of Atlantic genes on the Baltic south coast and in deeper water populations. In all, the scenarios of historical isolation and secondary contact that arise from the phylogeographic studies of both Macoma and Cerastoderma shed light to the more general but enigmatic patterns seen in marine phylogeography, where deep genetic breaks are often seen in species with high dispersal potential.


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Nature has used the all-alpha-polypeptide backbone of proteins to create a remarkable diversity of folded structures. Sequential patterns of 20 distinct amino adds, which differ only in their side chains, determine the shape and form of proteins. Our understanding of these specific secondary structures is over half a century old and is based primarily on the fundamental elements: the Pauling alpha-helix and beta-sheet. Researchers can also generate structural diversity through the synthesis of polypeptide chains containing homologated (omega) amino acid residues, which contain a variable number of backbone atoms. However, incorporating amino adds with more atoms within the backbone introduces additional torsional freedom into the structure, which can complicate the structural analysis. Fortunately, gabapentin (Gpn), a readily available bulk drug, is an achiral beta,beta-disubstituted gamma amino add residue that contains a cyclohexyl ring at the C-beta carbon atom, which dramatically limits the range of torsion angles that can be obtained about the flanking C-C bonds. Limiting conformational flexibility also has the desirable effect of increasing peptide crystallinity, which permits unambiguous structural characterization by X-ray diffraction methods. This Account describes studies carried out in our laboratory that establish Gpn as a valuable residue in the design of specifically folded hybrid peptide structures. The insertion of additional atoms into polypeptide backbones facilitates the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds whose directionality is opposite to that observed in canonical alpha-peptide helices. If hybrid structures mimic proteins and biologically active peptides, the proteolytic stability conferred by unusual backbones can be a major advantage in the area of medicinal chemistry. We have demonstrated a variety of internally hydrogen-bonded structures in the solid state for Gpn-containing peptides, including the characterization of the C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds, which can lead to ribbons in homo-oligomeric sequences. In hybrid alpha gamma sequences, district C-12 hydrogen-bonded turn structures support formation of peptide helices and hairpins in longer sequences. Some peptides that include the Gpn residue have hydrogen-bond directionality that matches alpha-peptide helices, while others have the opposite directionality. We expect that expansion of the polypeptide backbone will lead to new classes of foldamer structures, which are thus far unknown to the world of alpha-polypeptides. The diversity of internally hydrogen-bonded structures observed in hybrid sequences containing Gpn shows promise for the rational design of novel peptide structures incorporating hybrid backbones.


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The conventional Clauser-chart method for determination of local skin friction in zero or weak pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flows fails entirely in strong pressure-gradient situations. This failure occurs due to the large departure of the mean velocity profile from the universal logarithmic law upon which the conventional Clauser-chart method is based. It is possible to extend this method,even for strong pressure-gradient situations involving equilibrium or near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers by making use of the so-called non-universal logarithmic laws. These non-universal log laws depend on the local strength of the pressure gradient and may be regarded as perturbations of the universal log law.The present paper shows that the modified Clauser-chart method, so developed, yields quit satisfactory results in terms of estimation of local skin friction in strongly accelerated or retarded equilibrium and near-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers that are not very close to relaminarization or separation.


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Three inorganic-organic hybrid framework cadmium thiosulfate phases have been investigated for adsorption and photodegradation of organic dye molecules. Different classes of organic dyes, viz., triaryl methane, azo, xanthene, anthraquinone, have been studied. The anionic dyes with sulfonate groups appear to readily adsorb on the cadmium thiosulfate compounds in an aqueous medium. The adsorption of the dye molecules, however, does not create any structural changes on the cadmium thiosulfate compounds, though weak electronic interactions have been observed. The adsorbed dyes have been desorbed partially in an alcoholic medium, suggesting possible applications in scavenging specific anionic dyes from the aqueous solutions. Langmuir adsorption/desorption isotherms have been used to model this behavior. UV-assisted (lambda(max) = 365 nm) photocatalytic decomposition studies on the cationic dyes indicate reasonable activity comparable with that of Degussa P-25 (TiO2) catalyst. Sunlight assisted photocatalyti studies have been carried out in detail employing hybrid framework compounds. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics model, employed to follow the degradation profile of the organic dyes, indicates that the photocatalytic degradation follows the order: triaryl methane > azo > xanthene.


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Eight new open-framework inorganic-organic hybrid compounds based on indium have been synthesized employing hydrothermal methods. All of the compounds have InO6, C2O4, and HPO3/HPO4/SO4 units connected to form structures of different dimensionality Thus, the compounds have zero- (I), two- (II, III, IV, V, VII, and VIII), and three-dimensionally (VI) extended networks. The formation of the first zero-dimensional hybrid compound is noteworthy In addition, concomitant polymorphic structures have been observed in the present study. The molecular compound, I, was found to be reactive, and the transformation studies in the presence of a base (pyridine) give rise to the polymorphic structures of II and III, while the addition of an acid (H3PO3) gives rise to a new indium phosphite with a pillared layer structure (T1). Preliminary density functional theory calculations suggest that the stabilities of the polymorphs are different, with one of the forms (II) being preferred over the other, which is consistent with the observed experimental behavior. The oxalate units perform more than one role in the present structures. Thus, the oxalate units connect two In centers to satisfy the coordination requirements as well as to achieve charge balance in compounds II, IV, and VI. The terminal oxalate units observed in compounds I, IV, and V suggest the possibility of intermediate structures. Both in-plane and out-of-plane connectivity of the oxalate units were observed in compound VI. The 31 compounds have been characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and P-31 NMR studies.


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In the present paper the effects of temperature and high strain rate loading on the formation of various surface patterns in Ni-Al nano-layers are discussed. Effects of boundary conditions on the B2 -> BCT phase transformation in the nano-layer are also discussed. This study is aimed at developing several interesting patterned surface structures in Ni-Al nanolayer by controlling the phase transformation temperature and mechanical loading.


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The main obstacle for the application of high quality diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings has been the lack of adhesion to the substrate as the coating thickness is increased. The aim of this study was to improve the filtered pulsed arc discharge (FPAD) method. With this method it is possible to achieve high DLC coating thicknesses necessary for practical applications. The energy of the carbon ions was measured with an optoelectronic time-of-flight method. An in situ cathode polishing system used for stabilizing the process yield and the carbon ion energies is presented. Simultaneously the quality of the coatings can be controlled. To optimise the quality of the deposition process a simple, fast and inexpensive method using silicon wafers as test substrates was developed. This method was used for evaluating the suitability of a simplified arc-discharge set-up for the deposition of the adhesion layer of DLC coatings. A whole new group of materials discovered by our research group, the diamond-like carbon polymer hybrid (DLC-p-h) coatings, is also presented. The parent polymers used in these novel coatings were polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The energy of the plasma ions was found to increase when the anode-cathode distance and the arc voltage were increased. A constant deposition rate for continuous coating runs was obtained with an in situ cathode polishing system. The novel DLC-p-h coatings were found to be water and oil repellent and harder than any polymers. The lowest sliding angle ever measured from a solid surface, 0.15 ± 0.03°, was measured on a DLC-PDMS-h coating. In the FPAD system carbon ions can be accelerated to high energies (≈ 1 keV) necessary for the optimal adhesion (the substrate is broken in the adhesion and quality test) of ultra thick (up to 200 µm) DLC coatings by increasing the anode-cathode distance and using high voltages (up to 4 kV). An excellent adhesion can also be obtained with the simplified arc-discharge device. To maintain high process yield (5µm/h over a surface area of 150 cm2) and to stabilize the carbon ion energies and the high quality (sp3 fraction up to 85%) of the resulting coating, an in situ cathode polishing system must be used. DLC-PDMS-h coating is the superior candidate coating material for anti-soiling applications where also hardness is required.


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Thermally stable mesoporous TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films with pore size of 50 nm have been synthesized by adopting the polymeric micelle-assembly method. A triblock copolymer, poly(styrene-b-2-vinyl pyridine-b-ethylene oxide), which serves as a template for the mesopores, was utilized to form polymeric micelles. The effective interaction of titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) with the polymeric micelles enabled us to fabricate stable mesoporous films. By changing the molar ratio of TEOS and TTIP, several mesoporous TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films with different compositions can be synthesized. The presence of amorphous SiO2 phase effectively retards the growth of anatase TiO2 crystal in the pore walls and retains the original mesoporous structure, even at higher temperature (650 °C). These TiO2/SiO2 hybrid films are of very high quality, without any cracks or voids. The addition of SiO2 phase to mesoporous TiO2 films not only adsorbs more organic dyes, but also significantly enhances the photocatalytic activity compared to mesoporous pure TiO2 film without SiO2 phase.


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Hybrid peptide segments containing contiguous alpha and gamma amino acid residues can form C-12 hydrogen bonded turns which may be considered as backbone expanded analogues of C-10 beta-turns) found in alpha alpha segments. Exploration of the regular hydrogen bonded conformations accessible for hybrid alpha gamma sequences is facilitated by the use of a stereochemically constrained gamma amino acid residue gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexaneacetic acid, Gpn), in which the two torsion angles about C-gamma-C-beta (theta(1)) and C-beta-C-alpha (theta(2)) are predominantly restricted to gauche conformations. The crystal structures of the octapeptides Boc-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-Gpn-Aib-OMe (1) and Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-Aib-Gpn-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (2) reveal two distinct conformations for the Aib-Gpn segment. Peptide 1 forms a continuous helix over the Aib(2)-Aib(6) segment, while the peptide 2 forms beta-hairpin structure stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds with the Aib-Gpn segment forming a nonhelical C-12 turn. The robustness of the helix in peptide 1 in solution is demonstrated by NMR methods. Peptide 2 is conformationally fragile in solution with evidence of beta-hairpin conformations being obtained in methanol. Theoretical calculations permit delineation of the various C-12 hydrogen bonded structures which are energetically feasible in alpha gamma and gamma alpha sequences.


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The conformation, organization, and phase transitions of alkyl chains in organic-inorganic hybrids based on the double pervoskite-slab lead iodides, (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 (n = 11, 13, 15, 17) have been investigated by X-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and infrared vibrational spectroscopy. In these hybrid solids, double pervoskite (CH3NH3)Pb2I7 slabs are interleaved with alkyl ammonium chains with the anchored alkyl chains arranged as tilted bilayers and adopting a planar all-trans conformation at room temperature. The (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 compounds exhibit a single reversible phase transition above room temperature with the associated enthalpy change varying linearly with alkyl chain length. This transition corresponds to the melting in two-dimensions of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer and is characterized by increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the chain and loss of tilt angle coherence leading to an increase in the interslab spacing. By monitoring features in the infrared spectra that are characteristic of the global conformation of the alkyl chains, a quantitative relation between conformational disorder and melting of the anchored bilayer is established. It is found that, irrespective of the alkyl chain length, melting occurs when at least 60% of the chains in the anchored bilayer of (CH3NH3)(CH3(CH2)(n)NH3)(2)Pb2I7 have one or more gauche defects. This concentration is determined by the underlying lattice to which the alkyl chains are anchored.


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In our effort to explore the use of the sulfite ion to design hybrid and open-framework materials, we have been able to prepare, under hydrothermal conditions, zero-dimensional [Zn(C12H8N2)(SO3)]center dot 2H(2)O, I (a = 7.5737(5) angstrom, b = 10.3969(6) angstrom, c = 10.3986(6) angstrom, alpha = 64.172(1)degrees, beta = 69.395(1)degrees, gamma = 79.333(1)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P (1) over bar), one-dimensional [Zn-2(C12H8N2)(SO3)(2)(H2O)], II (a = 8.0247(3) angstrom, b = 9.4962(3) angstrom, c = 10.2740(2) A, alpha = 81.070(1)degrees, beta = 80.438(1)degrees, gamma = 75.66(5)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P (1) over bar), two-dimensional [Zn-2(C10H8N2)(SO3)(2)]center dot H2O, III (a = 16.6062(1) angstrom, b = 4.7935(1) angstrom, c = 19.2721(5) angstrom, beta = 100.674(2)degrees, Z = 4, and space group C2/c), and three-dimensional [Zn-4(C6H12N2)(SO3)(4)(H2O)(4)], IV (a = 11.0793(3) angstrom, c = 8.8246(3) angstrom, Z = 2, and space group P42nm), of which the last three are coordination polymers. A hybrid open-framework sulfite-sulfate of the composition [C2H10N2][Nd(SO3)(SO4)(H2O)](2), V (a = 9.0880(3) angstrom, b = 6.9429(2) angstrom, c = 13.0805(5) A, beta = 91.551(2)degrees, Z = 2, and space group P2(1)/c), with a layered structure containing metal-oxygen-metal bonds has also been described.