948 resultados para Hotel – Resorts
verso: (Third from right on balcony: Carrie Ducharme, later Mrs. John A. Cochran, mother of W. D. Cohran. Iron Mountain
Walker Tavern barn erected 1854
verso: Louie Larsen said this was Nick Waal's Market for as long as he can remember. After the market quit Aug Redman had a cigar factory in the building. Later he added a pool room to the cigar factory. Harold (Capt.) Edwardsen tore it down about in the 1930's and built a summer cottage up north from the material. The market was adjacent [to] the Northern Hotel on the south.
Top Row: Kanaga, Embs, Patrick, Garrels, Miller, Drysdale,
Middle Row: McLove, Weeks, Longman, Yost, Graham, Fitzpatrick, Curtis, Norcross
Front Row: Casey(?), Rheinschild, Rumney, Workman, Pierce, Stuart, Clement