849 resultados para High strain rate response
The improvement of exercise capacity due to exercise training in heart failure has been associated with peripheral adaptation, but the contribution of cardiac responses is less clear. We sought the extent to which the improvement of functional capacity in patients undergoing exercise training for heart failure was related to myocardial performance. Thirty-seven patients (35 men, age 64 +/- 11) with symptomatic heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction
The first derivative of pressure over time (dP/dt) is a marker of left ventricular (LV) systolic function that can be assessed during cardiac catheterization and echocardiography. Radial artery dP/dt (Radial-dP/dt) has been proposed as a possible marker of LV systolic function (Nichols & O’Rourke, McDonald’s Blood Flow in Arteries) and we sought to test this hypothesis. Methods:We compared simultaneously recorded RadialdP/ dt (by high-fidelity tonometry) with LV-dP/dt (by highfidelity catheter and echocardiography parameters analogous to LV-dP/dt) in patients without aortic valve disease. In study 1, beat to beat Radial-dP/dt and LV-dP/dt were recorded at rest and during supine exercise in 12 males (aged 61±12 years) undergoing cardiac catheterization. In study 2, 2D-echocardiography and Radial-dP/dt were recorded in 59 patients (43 men; aged 64±10 years) at baseline and peak dobutamine-induced stress. Three measures at the basal septum were taken as being analogous to LV-dP/dt: (1) peak systolic strain rate, (2) strain rate (SR-dP/dt), and (3) tissue velocity during isovolumic contraction. Results: Study 1; there was a significant difference between resting LV-dP/dt (1461±383 mmHg/s) and Radial-dP/dt (1182±319 mmHg/s; P < 0.001), and a poor, but statistically significant, correlation between the variables (R2 = 0.006; P < 0.001) due to the high number of data points compared (n = 681). Similar results were observed during exercise. Study 2; there was a moderate association between baseline Radial-dP/dt and SRdP/ dt (R2 =−0.17; P < 0.01), but no significant relationship between Radial-dP/dt and all other echocardiographic measures analogous to LV-dP/dt at rest or peak stress (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The radial pressurewaveform is not a reliable marker of LV contractility.
Task classification is introduced as a method for the evaluation of monitoring behaviour in different task situations. On the basis of an analysis of different monitoring tasks, a task classification system comprising four task 'dimensions' is proposed. The perceptual speed and flexibility of closure categories, which are identified with signal discrimination type, comprise the principal dimension in this taxonomy, the others being sense modality, the time course of events, and source complexity. It is also proposed that decision theory provides the most complete method for the analysis of performance in monitoring tasks. Several different aspects of decision theory in relation to monitoring behaviour are described. A method is also outlined whereby both accuracy and latency measures of performance may be analysed within the same decision theory framework. Eight experiments and an organizational study are reported. The results show that a distinction can be made between the perceptual efficiency (sensitivity) of a monitor and his criterial level of response, and that in most monitoring situations, there is no decrement in efficiency over the work period, but an increase in the strictness of the response criterion. The range of tasks exhibiting either or both of these performance trends can be specified within the task classification system. In particular, it is shown that a sensitivity decrement is only obtained for 'speed' tasks with a high stimulation rate. A distinctive feature of 'speed' tasks is that target detection requires the discrimination of a change in a stimulus relative to preceding stimuli, whereas in 'closure' tasks, the information required for the discrimination of targets is presented at the same point In time. In the final study, the specification of tasks yielding sensitivity decrements is shown to be consistent with a task classification analysis of the monitoring literature. It is also demonstrated that the signal type dimension has a major influence on the consistency of individual differences in performance in different tasks. The results provide an empirical validation for the 'speed' and 'closure' categories, and suggest that individual differences are not completely task specific but are dependent on the demands common to different tasks. Task classification is therefore shovn to enable improved generalizations to be made of the factors affecting 1) performance trends over time, and 2) the consistencv of performance in different tasks. A decision theory analysis of response latencies is shown to support the view that criterion shifts are obtained in some tasks, while sensitivity shifts are obtained in others. The results of a psychophysiological study also suggest that evoked potential latency measures may provide temporal correlates of criterion shifts in monitoring tasks. Among other results, the finding that the latencies of negative responses do not increase over time is taken to invalidate arousal-based theories of performance trends over a work period. An interpretation in terms of expectancy, however, provides a more reliable explanation of criterion shifts. Although the mechanisms underlying the sensitivity decrement are not completely clear, the results rule out 'unitary' theories such as observing response and coupling theory. It is suggested that an interpretation in terms of the memory data limitations on information processing provides the most parsimonious explanation of all the results in the literature relating to sensitivity decrement. Task classification therefore enables the refinement and selection of theories of monitoring behaviour in terms of their reliability in generalizing predictions to a wide range of tasks. It is thus concluded that task classification and decision theory provide a reliable basis for the assessment and analysis of monitoring behaviour in different task situations.
The development of more realistic constitutive models for granular media, such as sand, requires ingredients which take into account the internal micro-mechanical response to deformation. Unfortunately, at present, very little is known about these mechanisms and therefore it is instructive to find out more about the internal nature of granular samples by conducting suitable tests. In contrast to physical testing the method of investigation used in this study employs the Distinct Element Method. This is a computer based, iterative, time-dependent technique that allows the deformation of granular assemblies to be numerically simulated. By making assumptions regarding contact stiffnesses each individual contact force can be measured and by resolution particle centroid forces can be calculated. Then by dividing particle forces by their respective mass, particle centroid velocities and displacements are obtained by numerical integration. The Distinct Element Method is incorporated into a computer program 'Ball'. This program is effectively a numerical apparatus which forms a logical housing for this method and allows data input and output, and also provides testing control. By using this numerical apparatus tests have been carried out on disc assemblies and many new interesting observations regarding the micromechanical behaviour are revealed. In order to relate the observed microscopic mechanisms of deformation to the flow of the granular system two separate approaches have been used. Firstly a constitutive model has been developed which describes the yield function, flow rule and translation rule for regular assemblies of spheres and discs when subjected to coaxial deformation. Secondly statistical analyses have been carried out using data which was extracted from the simulation tests. These analyses define and quantify granular structure and then show how the force and velocity distributions use the structure to produce the corresponding stress and strain-rate tensors.
We show, using nonlinearity management, that the optimal performance in high-bit-rate dispersion-managed fiber systems with hybrid amplification is achieved for a specific amplifier spacing that is different from the asymptotically vanishing length corresponding to ideally distributed amplification [Opt. Lett. 15, 1064 (1990)]. In particular, we prove the existence of a nontrivial optimal span length for 40-Gbit/s wavelength-division transmission systems with Raman-erbium-doped fiber amplification. Optimal amplifier lengths are obtained for several dispersion maps based on commonly used transmission fibers. © 2005 Optical Society of America.
In the temperature range 200-400 degree C the Ni-base superalloy, N901, develops marked dynamic strain ageing effects in its tensile behavior. These include inverse strain rate sensitivity, especially in UTS values, strongly serrated stress-strain curves and a heavily sheared failure mode at the higher test-temperatures. As for steels these effects seem to be due to interactions between the dislocations and the interstitial carbon atoms present. The results of tensile and fatigue threshold tests carried out between 20 degree C and 420 degree C are reported and the fatigue behavior is discussed in terms of the effects of surface roughness induced closure, temperature and strain aging interactions.
Background: Monocytes are implicated in the initiation and progression of the atherosclerotic plaque contributing to plaque instability and rupture. Little is known about the role of the three phenotypically and functionally different monocyte subpopulations in determining ventricular remodelling following ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Mon1 are the ‘classical’ monocytes with inflammatory action, whilst Mon3 are considered reparative with fibroblast deposition ability. The function of the newly described Mon2 subset is yet to be fully described. Method: STEMI patients (n=196, mean age 62±13 years; 72% male) treated with percutaneous revascularization were recruited within the first 24 h post-infarction. Peripheral blood monocyte subpopulations were enumerated and characterised using flow cytometry after staining for CD14, CD16 and CCR2. Phenotypically, monocyte subpopulations are defined as: CD14++CD16-CCR2+ (Mon1), CD14++CD16+CCR2+ (Mon2) and CD14+CD16++CCR2- (Mon3) cells. Transthoracic 2D echocardiography was performed within 7 days and at 6 months post infarct to assess ventricular volumes, mass, systolic, and diastolic functions as well as strain and strain rate. Results: Using linear regression analysis higher counts for Mon1, and lower counts for Mon2 and Mon3 were significantly associated with the baseline left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) within 7 days post infarct (table 1). At 6 months post STEMI lower counts of Mon2 remained positively associated with a decrease in LVEF at completion of remodelling (p=0.002). Conclusion: Peripheral monocytes of all three subsets correlate with LVEF after a myocardial infarction. High counts of the inflammatory Mon1 are associated with the reduced baseline ejection fraction post infarction. After remodelling, the convalescent ejection fraction was independently predicted by monocyte subpopulation 2. As lower counts depicted negative ventricular remodelling, this suggests a possible myofibroblast deposition and angiogenesis role for the newly described intermediate monocyte subpopulation Mon2 as opposed to the previously anticipated inflammatory role.
Due to the increasing demand for high power and reliable miniaturized energy storage devices, the development of micro-supercapacitors or electrochemical micro-capacitors have attracted much attention in recent years. This dissertation investigates several strategies to develop on-chip micro-supercapacitors with high power and energy density. Micro-supercapacitors based on interdigitated carbon micro-electrode arrays are fabricated through carbon microelectromechanical systems (C-MEMS) technique which is based on carbonization of patterned photoresist. To improve the capacitive behavior, electrochemical activation is performed on carbon micro-electrode arrays. The developed micro-supercapacitors show specific capacitances as high as 75 mFcm-2 at a scan rate of 5 mVs -1 after electrochemical activation for 30 minutes. The capacitance loss is less than 13% after 1000 cyclic voltammetry (CV) cycles. These results indicate that electrochemically activated C-MEMS micro-electrode arrays are promising candidates for on-chip electrochemical micro-capacitor applications. The energy density of micro-supercapacitors was further improved by conformal coating of polypyrrole (PPy) on C-MEMS structures. In these types of micro-devices the three dimensional (3D) carbon microstructures serve as current collectors for high energy density PPy electrodes. The electrochemical characterizations of these micro-supercapacitors show that they can deliver a specific capacitance of about 162.07 mFcm-2 and a specific power of 1.62mWcm -2 at a 20 mVs-1 scan rate. Addressing the need for high power micro-supercapacitors, the application of graphene as electrode materials for micro-supercapacitor was also investigated. The present study suggests a novel method to fabricate graphene-based micro-supercapacitors with thin film or in-plane interdigital electrodes. The fabricated micro-supercapacitors show exceptional frequency response and power handling performance and could effectively charge and discharge at rates as high as 50 Vs-1. CV measurements show that the specific capacitance of the micro-supercapacitor based on reduced graphene oxide and carbon nanotube composites is 6.1 mFcm -2 at scan rate of 0.01Vs-1. At a very high scan rate of 50 Vs-1, a specific capacitance of 2.8 mFcm-2 (stack capacitance of 3.1 Fcm-3) is recorded. This unprecedented performance can potentially broaden the future applications of micro-supercapacitors.
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex is an extensively studied cluster of genes with immunoregulatory function. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of infecting individuals with weakened immune systems, and is associated with a high mortality rate. Previous genetic studies of the HLA region have found correlations between bacterial infection and its effect on regulating HLA gene expressions to establish their infection. This project analyzes the expression of classical HLA loci (A, B, C, DR, DQ, DP) in human B cells and macrophage cells during the infection of virulent strains of P. aeruginosa. Cells were cultured and infected with different virulent live, and heat-killed strains of P. aeruginosa for different time periods. The mRNA was extracted and converted into cDNA followed by real-time quantitative PCR and data analysis. The Western Blot technique was used to identify the targeted protein’s cell surface expression. Infection with P. aeruginosa was found to inhibit the expression of HLA proteins. The PA14 strain inhibited expression of all targeted genes in all experiments. Infections with PA01 and PA103 showed different patterns depending on the incubation time and the targeted gene. These differences suggest that the three strains use various mechanisms to inhibit HLA protein expression.
Purpose: There are two goals of this study. The first goal of this study is to investigate the feasibility of using classic textural feature extraction in radiotherapy response assessment among a unique cohort of early stage breast cancer patients who received the single-dose preoperative radiotherapy. The second goal of this study is to investigate the clinical feasibility of using classic texture features as potential biomarkers which are supplementary to regional apparent diffusion coefficient in gynecological cancer radiotherapy response assessment.
Methods and Materials: For the breast cancer study, 15 patients with early stage breast cancer were enrolled in this retrospective study. Each patient received a single-fraction radiation treatment, and DWI and DCE-MRI scans were conducted before and after the radiotherapy. DWI scans were acquired using a spin-echo EPI sequence with diffusion weighting factors of b = 0 and b = 500 mm2/s, and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were calculated. DCE-MRI scans were acquired using a T1-weighted 3D SPGR sequence with a temporal resolution of about 1 minute. The contrast agent (CA) was intravenously injected with a 0.1 mmol/kg bodyweight dose at 2 ml/s. Two parameters, volume transfer constant (Ktrans) and kep were analyzed using the two-compartment Tofts pharmacokinetic model. For pharmacokinetic parametric maps and ADC maps, 33 textural features were generated from the clinical target volume (CTV) in a 3D fashion using the classic gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCOM) and gray level run length matrix (GLRLM). Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to determine the significance of each texture feature’s change after the radiotherapy. The significance was set to 0.05 with Bonferroni correction.
For the gynecological cancer study, 12 female patients with gynecologic cancer treated with fractionated external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) combined with high dose rate (HDR) intracavitary brachytherapy were studied. Each patient first received EBRT treatment followed by five fractions of HDR treatment. Before EBRT and before each fraction of brachytherapy, Diffusion Weighted MRI (DWI-MRI) and CT scans were acquired. DWI scans were acquired in sagittal plane utilizing a spin-echo echo-planar imaging sequence with weighting factors of b = 500 s/mm2 and b = 1000 s/mm2, one set of images of b = 0 s/mm2 were also acquired. ADC maps were calculated using linear least-square fitting method. Distributed diffusion coefficient (DDC) maps and stretching parameter α were calculated. For ADC and DDC maps, 33 classic texture features were generated utilizing the classic gray level run length matrix (GLRLM) and gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCOM) from high-risk clinical target volume (HR-CTV). Wilcoxon signed-rank statistics test was applied to determine the significance of each feature’s numerical value change after radiotherapy. Significance level was set to 0.05 with multi-comparison correction if applicable.
Results: For the breast cancer study, regarding ADC maps calculated from DWI-MRI, 24 out of 33 CTV features changed significantly after the radiotherapy. For DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic parameters, all 33 CTV features of Ktrans and 33 features of kep changed significantly.
For the gynecological cancer study, regarding ADC maps, 28 out of 33 HR-CTV texture features showed significant changes after the EBRT treatment. 28 out of 33 HR-CTV texture features indicated significant changes after HDR treatments. The texture features that indicated significant changes after HDR treatments are the same as those after EBRT treatment. 28 out of 33 HR-CTV texture features showed significant changes after whole radiotherapy treatment process. The texture features that indicated significant changes for the whole treatment process are the same as those after HDR treatments.
Conclusion: Initial results indicate that certain classic texture features are sensitive to radiation-induced changes. Classic texture features with significant numerical changes can be used in monitoring radiotherapy effect. This might suggest that certain texture features might be used as biomarkers which are supplementary to ADC and DDC for assessment of radiotherapy response in breast cancer and gynecological cancer.
Cancer is amongst the leading causes of death worldwide and the number one cause in the developed world. Every year there are close to 10 million cancer related deaths and this corresponds to hundreds of millions of euro in health care costs and lost productivity, placing a substantial drain on the economy. The efficacy of traditional treatment modalities for cancer therapy, such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy has plateaued, and while they are undoubtedly effective at prolonging patient lifespan, there is a high rate of adverse side effects and fatal reoccurrence. Currently, there is a huge amount of interest in the areas of cancer immunosurveillance and cancer immuno-editing, which explain some of the complex interactions between the host immune system and cancer. If left unchecked, cancerous malignancies have the ability to generate an immunosuppressive microenvironment, effectively shielding themselves from elimination and promoting tumour growth and progression. To overcome this, the potential of the immune system must be harnessed and the work undertaken in this thesis sought to contribute to this goal. Focus was placed on using novel therapies, combining tumour ablation with immune-modulating antibodies to maximise tumour elimination in an immune dependent manner, to overcome immunosuppression and promote immune activation. Chapter 2 focuses on the use of ECT as a method of tumour ablation and its effects on the immune system. ECT proved to be effective at inhibiting the tumour growth both in vitro and in vivo, and conferred significant survival advantages in both small and large animal models. More importantly, ECT proved to cause tumour death in an immune dependent manner, displaying the hallmarks of Immunogenic Cell Death, increases in immune cell infiltration and generating tumour-specific immune responses. Chapter 3 focuses on combining ECT with immune checkpoint blockade inhibitors; anti- CTLA-4 and anti-PD-1. Both combinations proved to be effective at inhibiting both primary and distal tumour growth, indicating the generation of tumour specific immune responses and prolonged animal survival. In addition, the treatments caused increases in the levels of certain intra-tumoural immune cell subsets and modulated the cytokine profile of treated animals in a way that was favourable overall. Chapter 4 focuses on the combining ECT with an anti-iCOS agonist antibody, capable of causing immune co-stimulation. This novel combinational therapy proved to be the most effective by far, with a high cure rate achieved across a number of different in vivo tumour models. Total regression was seen in both primary and distal tumours, as well as spontaneous metastases, with the tumour specific immune response generated conferring total protection to animals on tumour rechallenge. Overall the data presented here adds further insight into the area of cancer immunotherapy with some of the novel combinational therapies demonstrating substantial clinic potential.
Previous studies about the strength of the lithosphere in the Iberia centre fail to resolve the depth of earthquakes because of the rheological uncertainties. Therefore, new contributions are considered (the crustal structure from a density model) and several parameters (tectonic regime, mantle rheology, strain rate) are checked in this paper to properly examine the role of lithospheric strength in the intraplate seismicity and the Cenozoic evolution. The strength distribution with depth, the integrated strength, the effective elastic thickness and the seismogenic thickness have been calculated by a finite element modelling of the lithosphere across the Central System mountain range and the bordering Duero and Madrid sedimentary basins. Only a dry mantle under strike-slip/extension and a strain rate of 10-15 s-1, or under extension and 10-16 s-1, causes a strong lithosphere. The integrated strength and the elastic thickness are lower in the mountain chain than in the basins. These anisotropies have been maintained since the Cenozoic and determine the mountain uplift and the biharmonic folding of the Iberian lithosphere during the Alpine deformations. The seismogenic thickness bounds the seismic activity in the upper–middle crust, and the decreasing crustal strength from the Duero Basin towards the Madrid Basin is related to a parallel increase in Plio–Quaternary deformations and seismicity. However, elasto–plastic modelling shows that current African–Eurasian convergence is resolved elastically or ductilely, which accounts for the low seismicity recorded in this region.
This paper highlights for the first time a full comprehension of the deformation procedure during the injection stretch blow moulding (ISBM) process of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) containers, namely thin-walled rigid bottles. The processes required to form PET bottles are complicated and extensive; any development in understanding the nature of material deformation can potentially improve the bottle optimisation process. Removing the bottle mould and performing free-stretch-blow (FSB) experiments revealed insight into the bottle forming characteristics at various preform temperatures and blowing rates. Process outputs cavity pressure and stretch-rod force were recorded using at instrumented stretch-rod and preform surface strain mapping was determined using a combination of a unique patterning procedure and high speed stereoscopic digital image correlation. The unprecedented experimental analysis reveals that the deformation behaviour varies considerably with contrasting process input parameters. Investigation into the effect on deformation mode, strain rate and final bottle shape provide a basis for full understanding of the process optimisation and therefore how the process inputs may aid development of the preferred optimised container.
Les populations caractérisées par des fluctuations cycliques ont fasciné et continuent de générer un grand intérêt chez la communauté scientifique en raison de la complexité des facteurs de régulation qui en sont responsables. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été proposées pour expliquer ces fluctuations cycliques mais aucun consensus n’a encore été atteint malgré près de 100 ans de recherche. La disponibilité de la nourriture et les effets sociaux (e.g. interactions compétitives) ont été proposés comme facteurs responsables de cycles de certaines espèces. Toutefois, la prédation est probablement le facteur le plus susceptible de causer des fluctuations cycliques chez les populations fauniques en raison de son effet dépendant de la densité avec délai. Un tandem circulaire de raréfaction et densification des prédateurs et des proies par des effets directs (i.e. mortalités) seraient à l’origine des cycles d’abondance. De plus, de récentes études montrent que les effets indirects (comme le stress) de la prédation pourraient être aussi importants que les effets directs pour générer les fluctuations cycliques. Cette thèse vise à identifier les effets directs et indirects de la prédation qui affectent la population de lemmings bruns de l’Île Bylot, Nunavut, caractérisée par des cycles d’abondance de 3-4 ans. Pour ce faire, nous avons d’abord comparé la plausibilité de l’hypothèse de la limitation par nourriture vis-à-vis l’hypothèse de la prédation en déterminant la chronologie saisonnière des cycles des lemmings. Ensuite, nous avons construit en 2012-2013 une clôture de 9 ha coiffée d’un filet anti-prédateur aviaire dans lequel nous avons piégé les lemmings de 2013 à 2015. Une deuxième grille de trappage sans clôture a été utilisée à des fins de comparaisons. Ces deux grilles étaient actives dès 2008, ce qui nous a permis d’avoir un contrôle pré-expérimental pour les données démographiques (effets directs). En 2014 et 2015, nous avons récolté les fèces des lemmings dans les deux grilles de trappage afin de quantifier les métabolites d’hormones de stress. Une validation de la mesure des métabolites fécales des glucocorticoïdes (i.e. hormones de stress) a été menée afin de mesurer le stress des lemmings de façon non-invasive. Les résultats sont clairs : (1) le déclin des lemmings se produit à la fin de l’été alors que les prédateurs sont au plus fort de leur abondance et pas à la fin de l’hiver, supportant ainsi l’hypothèse de la limitation par la prédation. Nos résultats suggèrent aussi (2) que les lemmings à l’intérieur de la clôture avaient une survie plus élevée qu’à l’extérieur, favorisant ainsi une croissance plus forte de la population. Ensuite, (3) les lemmings ont montré des niveaux de stress plus faibles sans prédation sans toutefois que cela ait un impact sur leur reproduction. À la lumière des résultats de cette thèse et en les comparant avec deux autres études ayant aussi réduit expérimentalement l’abondance des prédateurs dans la toundra arctique, nous pouvons conclure que la prédation est la force trophique dominante de régulation de l’abondance des lemmings. Cette étude montre également que le stress induit par la prédation est insuffisant pour avoir un impact sur la dynamique des lemmings en été, soit pendant la saison où la prédation est maximale. Il est possible que cette absence d’effet soit une réponse adaptative des lemmings pour maintenir une reproduction élevée face à une prédation élevée, et ainsi maximiser leur aptitude phénotypique.
The objective of this dissertation is to explore a more accurate and versatile approach to investigating the neutralization of spores suffered from ultrafast heating and biocide based stresses, and further to explore and understand novel methods to supply ultrafast heating and biocides through nanostructured energetic materials A surface heating method was developed to apply accurate (± 25 ˚C), high heating rate thermal energy (200 - 800 ˚C, ~103 - ~105 ˚C/s). Uniform attachment of bacterial spores was achieved electrophoretically onto fine wires in liquids, which could be quantitatively detached into suspension for spore enumeration. The spore inactivation increased with temperature and heating rate, and fit a sigmoid response. The neutralization mechanisms of peak temperature and heating rate were correlated to the DNA damage at ~104 ˚C/s, and to the coat rupture by ultrafast vapor pressurization inside spores at ~105 ˚C/s. Humidity was found to have a synergistic effect of rapid heating and chlorine gas to neutralization efficiency. The primary neutralization mechanism of Cl2 and rapid heat is proposed to be chlorine reacting with the spore surface. The stress-kill correlation above provides guidance to explore new biocidal thermites, and to probe mechanisms. Results show that nano-Al/K2S2O8 released more gas at a lower temperature and generated a higher maximum pressure than the other nano-Al/oxysalts. Given that this thermite formulation generates the similar amount of SO2 as O2, it can be considered as a potential candidate for use in energetic biocidal applications. The reaction mechanisms of persulfate and other oxysalts containing thermites can be divided into two groups, with the reactive thermites (e.g. Al/K2S2O8) that generate ~10× higher of pressure and ~10× shorter of burn time ignited via a solid-gas Al/O2 reaction, while the less reactive thermites (e.g. Al/K2SO4) following a condensed phase Al/O reaction mechanism. These different ignition mechanisms were further re-evaluated by investigating the roles of free and bound oxygen. A constant critical reaction rate for ignition was found which is independent to ignition temperature, heating rate and free vs. bound oxygen.