985 resultados para Henirich, Bernd
BACKGROUND: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an important cause of sudden death in young adults. On the basis of histopathological findings its pathogenesis may involve both a genetic origin and an inflammatory process. Bartonella henselae may cause endomyocarditis and was detected in myocardium from a young male who succumbed to sudden cardiac death. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that chronic infection with Bartonella henselae could contribute to the pathogenesis of ARVC. METHODS: We investigated sera from 49 patients with ARVC for IgG antibodies to Bartonella henselae. In this study, 58 Swiss blood donors tested by the same method served as controls. RESULTS: Six patients with ARVC (12%) had positive (>1:256) IgG titres in the immunofluorescence test with Bartonella henselae. In contrast, only 1 elevated titre was found in 58 controls (p < or = 0.05). Interestingly, all patients with increased titres had no familial occurrence of ARVC. CONCLUSIONS: Further studies in larger patient cohorts seem justified to investigate a possible causal link between chronic Bartonella henselae and ARVC, in particular its sporadic (nonfamilial) form.
Research in autophagy continues to accelerate,(1) and as a result many new scientists are entering the field. Accordingly, it is important to establish a standard set of criteria for monitoring macroautophagy in different organisms. Recent reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose.(2,3) There are many useful and convenient methods that can be used to monitor macroautophagy in yeast, but relatively few in other model systems, and there is much confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure macroautophagy in higher eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers of autophagosomes versus those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway; thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from fully functional autophagy that includes delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of the methods that can be used by investigators who are attempting to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as by reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that investigate these processes. This set of guidelines is not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to verify an autophagic response.
OBJECTIVES: Lymph node status is an important prognostic factor in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the vulva. Complete inguinofemoral lymph node dissection (ILND) is accompanied by a high morbidity. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) was established for less invasive lymph node (LN) staging. The aim of this study was to evaluate safety of SLNB in terms of accuracy and outcome in a clinical routine setting. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the data of patients who underwent SLNB and/or ILND for vulvar SCC in the years 1990-2007. Clinical follow-up was evaluated for histological nodal-negative patients with tumor stage T1 or T2. The false negative rate of SLNB was determined in patients who underwent both SLNB and ILND. RESULTS: Preoperative sentinel lymph node (SLN) visualization by scintigraphy was successful in 95% of all patients. SLNB was false negative in 1/45 inguinae (2.2%). All SLN were detected intraoperatively. During the follow-up period (median 24 months for SLNB and 111 months for ILND), no groin recurrences in initially nodal negative patients occurred (n=34, 59 inguinae). Transient lymph edema occurred in 7/18 patients after ILND (39%) and 2/16 patients (13%) after SLNB. No persistent edemas were found after SLNB and ILND. CONCLUSION: According to our experience SLNB is feasible and accurately predicts LN status of vulvar SCC under clinical routine conditions. SLNB in vulvar cancer seems to be a safe alternative to ILND in order to reduce morbidity of surgical treatment.
The monoclonal antibody anti-CD66 labeled with (99m)Tc is widely used as Scintimun((R)) granulocyte for bone marrow immunoscintigraphy. Further, recently performed clinical radioimmunotherapy studies with [(90)Y]Y-anti-CD66 proved to be suitable for the treatment of hematologic malignancies. Before radioimmunotherapy with [(90)Y]Y-anti-CD66, dosimetric estimations are required to minimize radiotoxicity and determine individual applicable activities. Planar imaging, using gamma-emitting radionuclides, is conventionally carried out to estimate the absorbed organ doses. In contrast, immuno-PET (positron emission tomography) enables the quantification of anti-CD66 accumulation and provides better spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, in this study, a semiautomated radiosynthesis of [(18)F] F-anti-CD66 was developed, using the (18)F-acylation agent, N-succinimidyl-4-[(18)F]fluorobenzoate ([(18)F]SFB). As a proof of concept, an intraindividual comparison between PET and conventional scintigraphy, using (18)F- and (99m)Tc-labeled anti-CD66 in 1 patient with high-risk leukemia, is presented. Both labeled antibodies displayed a similar distribution pattern with high preferential uptake in bone marrow. Urinary excretion of [(18)F] F-anti-CD66 was increased and bone marrow uptake reduced, in comparison to [(99m)Tc]Tc-anti-CD66. Nevertheless, PET-based dosimetry with [(18)F] F-anti-CD66 could provide additional information to support conventional scintigraphy. Moreover, [(18)F]F-anti-CD66 is ideally suited for bone marrow imaging using PET.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) confers an increased cardiovascular risk. In 14 otherwise healthy patients with PTSD and in 14 age- and gender-matched non-PTSD controls, we investigated whether the categorical diagnosis of PTSD and severity of PTSD symptom clusters (i.e. re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal, and overall score) would be associated with plasma concentrations of three markers of endothelial dysfunction [soluble tissue factor (sTF), von Willebrand factor (VWF), and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1]. Compared with controls, patients had significantly higher sTF; this difference became nonsignificant when controlling for psychological distress. VWF and sICAM-1 levels were not significantly different between patients and controls. In the entire sample virtually all PTSD symptom clusters correlated significantly and positively with sTF and VWF but not with sICAM-1. The correlation between symptoms of re-experiencing and sTF was significantly different between patients and controls. Controlling for symptoms of anxiety and depression (i.e. psychological distress) rendered most associations between PTSD symptom clusters and sTF nonsignificant, whereas controlling for age retained significance of associations with VWF. Posttraumatic stress showed a continuous relationship with sTF and VWF, with the former relationship being partly affected by psychological distress. This suggests one mechanism by which posttraumatic stress could contribute to atherosclerosis.