935 resultados para Hedge and Offer


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The use of diversity as a strategic advantage contributes to the success of an organization. The organizations that employ a diverse workforce benefit from the varied perspectives and value that diverse employees offer. The organizations that leverage those employee perspectives can gain a competitive advantage. For many organizations, employee diversity is underutilized. The research of this capstone evaluates the various benefits of diversity strategies. It then compares those with results from a diversity survey and interviews with HR professionals. Ultimately, this capstone concludes that additional research at the employee level and additional quantitative measurement are needed to highlight the ways in which a diversity strategy can increase a company's bottom line and offer a strategic advantage.


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This paper notebook contains undated and unattributed handwritten summaries and notes from published texts on world history, religion, and natural history, and was presumably kept by William Sever. The first page notes the death of poet Alexander Pope in 1744, constituting the latest date referenced in the notebook. The entries are typically short and offer condensed information on subjects including the histories of England, Japan and Siam; early Christian history; and natural religion.


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The upcoming 21-22 May Eastern Partnership (EaP) Riga Summit will take place against the backdrop of the new geopolitical reality in the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood, in the aftermath of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine. Given the extremely complex geopolitical context, the importance of the Summit and the message it delivers to the partner countries – particularly to Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, which have made European integration their foreign policy goal – cannot be underestimated. The Summit needs to send a strong, unambiguous signal reconfirming the EU’s commitment to the EaP, and offer a clear roadmap for the future. If the Summit turns out to be a non-event, with an empty declaration, it risks being perceived as rewarding the bullying policies of Russia.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a highly complex pathogen which, despite modern prophylactic regimens, continues to affect a high proportion of thoracic organ transplant recipients. The symptomatic manifestations of CMV infection are compounded by adverse indirect effects induced by the multiple immunomodulatory actions of CMV. These include a higher risk of acute rejection, cardiac allograft vasculopathy after heart transplantation, and potentially bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome in lung transplant recipients, with a greater propensity for opportunistic secondary infections. Prophylaxis for CMV using antiviral agents (typically oral valganciclovir or intravenous ganciclovir) is now almost universal, at least in high-risk transplants (D+/R-). Even with extended prophylactic regimens, however, challenges remain. The CMV events can still occur despite antiviral prophylaxis, including late-onset infection or recurrent disease, and patients with ganciclovir-resistant CMV infection or who are intolerant to antiviral therapy require alternative strategies. The CMV immunoglobulin (CMVIG) and antiviral agents have complementary modes of action. High-titer CMVIG preparations provide passive CMV-specific immunity but also exert complex immunomodulatory properties which augment the antiviral effect of antiviral agents and offer the potential to suppress the indirect effects of CMV infection. This supplement discusses the available data concerning the immunological and clinical effects of CMVIG after heart or lung transplantation


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The Illinois Department of Human Services Bureau of Child Care and Development seeks to provide low-income Illinois families with multiple affordable options for quality child care and early education and offer children the opportunity to grow, learn and be cared for in safe nurturing settings that are culturally and developmentally appropriate. Through the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), the Bureau provides child care assistance to more than 190,000 children whose parents work or attend school.


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Selections from the writings, in English translation by Hedge and others, with biographical and critical sketch of each author.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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We live in the era of post-genomics, a term that was, until recently, inappropriate when considering the blood flukes of humans because of the relative lack of knowledge of the schistosome genome. The position has, however, changed dramatically following the recent publication of two landmark papers on transcriptome analysis of Schistosoma japonicum and Schistosoma mansoni. In a quantum leap, both studies report on the identification of many novel genes and genes not previously known from schistosomes. The datasets provide new insights into the biology of the schistosomes and offer an opportunity for identification of potential antischistosome vaccine candidates and drug targets. Remarkable recent progress has also been achieved in genomic sequencing, and completed genomes for both species can be expected shortly.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo observar o casamento inter-religioso. O encontro de duas culturas religiosas pode e, provavelmente, constituirá fonte de conflito. Os conflitos emergentes podem ocorrer, não por uma visão diferente de mundo, mas essencialmente porque o outro, por ser diferente, ameaça a identidade do indivíduo. Frente à ameaça, é necessário fortalecer a própria identidade. A partir de entrevistas com seis casais em casamentos inter-religiosos, mais especificamente, entre cristãos e judeus, e com filhos com idade entre zero e cinco anos e entre quatorze e vinte e quatro anos de idade, residentes em São Paulo, Capital, pretendi analisar como os casais lidam com os desafios que surgem quando um cônjuge pertence a uma tradição religiosa diferente da do outro. Dentre os desafios, está o de lidar com a educação religiosa ou a formação espiritual de seus filhos. Utilizando-se como referencial a Terapia Sistêmica Familiar, principalmente o trabalho de Paul Watzlawick sobre a comunicação e o de Murray Bowen sobre o funcionamento humano dentro dos sistemas familiares, além de outros referenciais auxiliares para trabalhar a questão intercultural no casamento, pretendi discutir as implicações para a práxis religiosa e oferecer contribuições à clínica psicológica e às ciências da religião. A psicologia necessita repensar sua prática, deixando o preconceito em relação à religião de lado e incluindo essa em seus estudos, de modo a aproximar o discurso e a prática do terapeuta, uma vez que pode tomar consciência de seus próprios valores religiosos quando buscar compreender a religião e a espiritualidade de sua clientela. Por sua vez, as instituições religiosas necessitam refletir sobre sua práxis, de modo a alcançar as famílias que se encontram na periferia das religiões. Famílias que solicitam uma orientação, uma formação religiosa, mas que, sendo inter-religiosas, necessitam ser reconhecidas e respeitadas como tal. Portanto, as igrejas precisam abrir-se, deixar de olhar para dentro de si mesmas e servir ao mundo, mesmo que parte desse mundo nunca venha a se tornar formalmente membro da comunidade.(AU)


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O objetivo principal dessa pesquisa é analisar os processos de comunicação mercadológica que utilizam os celulares como plataforma de divulgação. É intenção da pesquisa conhecer as práticas de mobile marketing realizadas no Brasil e a forma como os conteúdos desenvolvidos para celulares são utilizados na divulgação empresarial. As características dos jovens consumidores conectados, com destaque para a desenvoltura com que transitam nas novas mídias, e as formas como as empresas se comunicam com esses consumidores também fazem parte dos temas abordados neste estudo. Entrevistas em profundidade com profissionais da área foram utilizadas como metodologia para essa pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, e os levantamentos bibliográfico e documental serviram como base para a análise das entrevistas. A pesquisa observou que no universo da comunicação móvel é fundamental desenvolver campanhas que proporcionem experiência com as marcas e ofereçam conteúdos relevantes aos consumidores. Contudo, alguns entraves tecnológicos não permitem que, até o presente momento, essas ações sejam expandidas para todos os consumidores brasileiros que possuem um celular.


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O presente estudo teve como seu objetivo geral investigar o modelo didático-pedagógico que vem sendo utilizado no ensino jurídico brasileiro, ressaltando a necessidade da busca pela formação integral do futuro operador do Direito, conforme preceitua a Resolução CNE/CES n°09/04. De modo especial, procurou investigar como a utilização do cinema pode ser compreendida como recurso para possibilitar a interação das disciplinas da área jurídica com a de outras áreas do conhecimento, incluindo arte e estética na formação do discente de Direito, visando uma maior eficácia do exercício operacional da inteligência, ampliação de visão de mundo e exercício do pensamento crítico. Os caminhos percorridos nesta pesquisa incluíram um estudo teórico sobre o histórico e os problemas do ensino jurídico no Brasil, discutindo-se as características pedagógicas dos cursos de Direito, bem como as inovações trazidas pelo MEC no que tange à adequação dos currículos e da pedagogia para alcançar o ensino humanístico, de acordo com a realidade dinâmica da sociedade globalizada. Nesta esteira, a pesquisa visou problematizar como o cinema, considerando-o como veículo instrucional, pode ser utilizado como metodologia inter e transdisciplinar nos cursos de Direito. Elaborou-se, também, uma investigação de campo que pretendeu, por meio de questionário estruturado, obter as opiniões de alunos sobre uma experiência de docência na disciplina de Direito Internacional Público onde se utiliza, de forma regular, trechos de produções cinematográficas como elementos contextualizadores de saberes na área lecionada. A pesquisa evidenciou que são poucos os professores de direito que se utilizam do cinema em suas aulas, embora todos os alunos pesquisados entendam ser esta uma prática extremamente válida e dialógica, que os leva à ampliação de conhecimento de mundo e ao pensamento crítico.


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In recent times, some authors have argued that Host Country National (HCN) categorization of expatriate co-workers plays a major role in expatriate adjustment. Previous studies have argued that HCN categorization of expatriates maybe be based on gender, or national origin. In this study, using data from 331 HCNs in the U.K., we find that HCN expectations of foreigners may play a big role in categorization. Further, we find that categorization leads to lower levels of support offered by HCNs, which can affect expatriate adjustment. We discuss implications and offer suggestions for future research.


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This study was designed to investigate host country national (HCN) categorization of female expatriates, in two samples-U.S. and India. Two hundred and twenty-two HCNs (104 in the U.S. and 118 in India) participated in the study. Consistent with prior research [e.g., Tung, R. L. (1998). American expatriates abroad: From neophytes to cosmopolitans. Journal of World Business, 33: 125-140], we found that female expatriates from the U.S. were not discriminated against. Indeed, we found that female expatriates from the U.S. were preferred by Indian HCNs, as co-workers, significantly more than male expatriates from the U.S. We discuss implications for organizations and offer suggestions for future research. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Causal mapping can help managers to think through the causal influence between issues, enabling them to base a decision on a more structured consideration. Even in regular meetings, learning and the integration of knowledge from diverse stakeholders can benefit from causal mapping. Four causal mapping meetings with management teams are analysed to assess how managers thought causally about their environment when strategy-making. We found that although managers can use other views to expand their environmental knowledge, some prefer to use familiar information rather than less familiar information. Despite this preference, many managers thought systemically about a raft of related issues. We discuss our findings in the context of regular meetings and offer improvements to the facilitation of group causal mapping.


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Over the last 30 years, the field of problem structuring methods (PSMs) has been pioneered by a handful of 'gurus'—the most visible of whom have contributed other viewpoints to this special issue. As this generation slowly retires, it is opportune to survey the field and their legacy. We focus on the progress the community has made up to 2000, as work that started afterwards is ongoing and its impact on the field will probably only become apparent in 5–10 years time. We believe that up to 2000, research into PSMs was stagnating. We believe that this was partly due to a lack of new researchers penetrating what we call the 'grass-roots community'—the community which takes an active role in developing the theory and application of problem structuring. Evidence for this stagnation (or lack of development) is that, in 2000, many PSMs still relied heavily on the same basic methods proposed by the originators nearly 30 years earlier—perhaps only supporting those methods with computer software as a sign of development. Furthermore, no new methods had been integrated into the literature which suggests that revolutionary development, at least by academics, has stalled. We are pleased to suggest that from papers in this double special issue on PSMs this trend seems over because new authors report new PSMs and extend existing PSMs in new directions. Despite these recent developments of the methods, it is important to examine why this apparent stagnation took place. In the following sections, we identify and elaborate a number of reasons for it. We also consider the trends, challenges and opportunities that the PSM community will continue to face. Our aim is to evaluate the pre-2000 PSM community to encourage its revolutionary development post-2006 and offer directions for the long term sustainability of the field.