946 resultados para Heat-shock Proteins


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Des variations importantes du surenroulement de l’ADN peuvent être générées durant la phase d’élongation de la transcription selon le modèle du « twin supercoiled domain ». Selon ce modèle, le déplacement du complexe de transcription génère du surenroulement positif à l’avant, et du surenroulement négatif à l’arrière de l’ARN polymérase. Le rôle essentiel de la topoisomérase I chez Escherichia coli est de prévenir l’accumulation de ce surenroulement négatif générée durant la transcription. En absence de topoisomérase I, l’accumulation de ce surenroulement négatif favorise la formation de R-loops qui ont pour conséquence d’inhiber la croissance bactérienne. Les R-loops sont des hybrides ARN-ADN qui se forment entre l’ARN nouvellement synthétisé et le simple brin d’ADN complémentaire. Dans les cellules déficientes en topoisomérase I, des mutations compensatoires s’accumulent dans les gènes qui codent pour la gyrase, réduisant le niveau de surenroulement négatif du chromosome et favorisant la croissance. Une des ces mutations est une gyrase thermosensible qui s’exprime à 37 °C. La RNase HI, une enzyme qui dégrade la partie ARN d’un R-loop, peut aussi restaurer la croissance en absence de topoisomérase I lorsqu’elle est produite en très grande quantité par rapport à sa concentration physiologique. En présence de topoisomérase I, des R-loops peuvent aussi se former lorsque la RNase HI est inactive. Dans ces souches mutantes, les R-loops induisent la réponse SOS et la réplication constitutive de l’ADN (cSDR). Dans notre étude, nous montrons comment les R-loops formés en absence de topoisomérase I ou RNase HI peuvent affecter négativement la croissance des cellules. Lorsque la topoisomérase I est inactivée, l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif conduit à la formation de nombreux R-loops, ce qui déclenche la dégradation de l’ARN synthétisé. Issus de la dégradation de l’ARNm de pleine longueur, des ARNm incomplets et traductibles s’accumulent et causent l’inhibition de la synthèse protéique et de la croissance. Le processus par lequel l’ARN est dégradé n’est pas encore complètement élucidé, mais nos résultats soutiennent fortement que la RNase HI présente en concentration physiologique est responsable de ce phénotype. Chose importante, la RNase E qui est l’endoribonuclease majeure de la cellule n’est pas impliquée dans ce processus, et la dégradation de l’ARN survient avant son action. Nous montrons aussi qu’une corrélation parfaite existe entre la concentration de RNase HI, l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif et l’inhibition de la croissance bactérienne. Lorsque la RNase HI est en excès, l’accumulation de surenroulement négatif est inhibée et la croissance n’est pas affectée. L’inverse se produit Lorsque la RNase HI est en concentration physiologique. En limitant l’accumulation d’hypersurenroulement négatif, la surproduction de la RNase HI prévient alors la dégradation de l’ARN et permet la croissance. Quand la RNase HI est inactivée en présence de topoisomérase I, les R-loops réduisent le niveau d’expression de nombreux gènes, incluant des gènes de résistance aux stress comme rpoH et grpE. Cette inhibition de l’expression génique n’est pas accompagnée de la dégradation de l’ARN contrairement à ce qui se produit en absence de topoisomérase I. Dans le mutant déficient en RNase HI, la diminution de l’expression génique réduit la concentration cellulaire de différentes protéines, ce qui altère négativement le taux de croissance et affecte dramatiquement la survie des cellules exposées aux stress de hautes températures et oxydatifs. Une inactivation de RecA, le facteur essentiel qui déclenche la réponse SOS et le cSDR, ne restaure pas l’expression génique. Ceci démontre que la réponse SOS et le cSDR ne sont pas impliqués dans l’inhibition de l’expression génique en absence de RNase HI. La croissance bactérienne qui est inhibée en absence de topoisomérase I, reprend lorsque l’excès de surenroulement négatif est éliminé. En absence de RNase HI et de topoisomérase I, le surenroulement négatif est très relaxé. Il semble que la réponse cellulaire suite à la formation de R-loops, soit la relaxation du surenroulement négatif. Selon le même principe, des mutations compensatoires dans la gyrase apparaissent en absence de topoisomérase I et réduisent l’accumulation de surenroulement négatif. Ceci supporte fortement l’idée que le surenroulement négatif joue un rôle primordial dans la formation de R-loop. La régulation du surenroulement négatif de l’ADN est donc une tâche essentielle pour la cellule. Elle favorise notamment l’expression génique optimale durant la croissance et l’exposition aux stress, en limitant la formation de R-loops. La topoisomérase I et la RNase HI jouent un rôle important et complémentaire dans ce processus.


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Control of protein synthesis is a key step in the regulation of gene expression during apoptosis and the heat shock response. Under such conditions, cap-dependent translation is impaired and Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)-dependent translation plays a major role in mammalian cells. Although the role of IRES-dependent translation during apoptosis has been mainly studied in mammals, its role in the translation of Drosophila apoptotic genes has not been yet studied. The observation that the Drosophila mutant embryos for the cap-binding protein, the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E, exhibits increased apoptosis in correlation with up-regulated proapoptotic gene reaper (rpr) transcription constitutes the first evidence for the existence of a cap-independent mechanism for the translation of Drosophila proapoptotic genes. The mechanism of translation of rpr and other proapoptotic genes was investigated in this work. We found that the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA drives translation in an IRES-dependent manner. It promotes the translation of reporter RNAs in vitro either in the absence of cap, in the presence of cap competitors, or in extracts derived from heat shocked and eIF4E mutant embryos and in vivo in cells transfected with reporters bearing a non functional cap structure, indicating that cap recognition is not required in rpr mRNA for translation. We also show that rpr mRNA 5 UTR exhibits a high degree of similarity with that of Drosophila heat shock protein 70 mRNA (hsp70), an antagonist of apoptosis, and that both are able to conduct IRES-mediated translation. The proapoptotic genes head involution defective (hid) and grim, but not sickle, also display IRES activity. Studies of mRNA association to polysomes in embryos indicate that both rpr, hsp70, hid and grim endogenous mRNAs are recruited to polysomes in embryos in which apoptosis or thermal stress was induced. We conclude that hsp70 and, on the other hand, rpr, hid and grim which are antagonizing factors during apoptosis, use a similar mechanism for protein synthesis. The outcome for the cell would thus depend on which protein is translated under a given stress condition. Factors involved in the differential translation driven by these IRES could play an important role. For this purpose, we undertook the identification of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes assembled onto the 5 UTR of rpr mRNA. We established a tobramycin-affinity-selection protocol that allows the purification of specific RNP that can be further analyzed by mass spectrometry. Several RNA binding proteins were identified as part of the rpr 5 UTR RNP complex, some of which have been related to IRES activity. The involvement of one of them, the La antigen, in the translation of rpr mRNA, was established by RNA-crosslinking experiments using recombinant protein and rpr 5 UTR and by the analysis of the translation efficiency of reporter mRNAs in Drosophila cells after knock down of the endogenous La by RNAi experiments. Several uncharacterized proteins were also identified, suggesting that they might play a role during translation, during the assembly of the translational machinery or in the priming of the mRNA before ribosome recognition. Our data provide evidence for the involvement of La antigen in the translation of rpr mRNA and set a protocol for purification of tagged-RNA-protein complexes from cytoplasmic extracts. To further understand the mechanisms of translation initiation in Drosophila, we analyzed the role of eIF4B on cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. We showed that eIF4B is mostly involved in cap-, but not IRES-dependent translation as it happens in mammals.


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Aquesta tesi es centra en la caracterització funcional d'una proteïna de xoc de calor de baix pes molecular (Small Heat Shock Protein - sHSP) de classe I de surera pel que fa a la seva capacitat per protegir les cèl·lules de l'estrès i per estabilitzar les membranes. Les sHsps són proteïnes que s'expressen en condicions d'estrès cel·lular. Encara que certs aspectes funcionals de les sHsps són ben coneguts, el nostre treball aporta informacions noves sobre el paper de les diferents regions de la proteïna, especialment de la regió N-terminal. L'objectiu concret d'aquest treball és determinar la funció termoprotectora de QsHsp17.4-CI, una sHsp de classe I oobtinguda a partir de les cèl·lules de fel·lema d'alzina surera, en un model bacterià i analitzar la importància de les diferents regions de la proteïna en aquesta funció. Amb aquesta finalitat s'han dissenyat dues proteïnes parcials derivades de QsHsp17.4-CI: una a la que li falta la regió N-terminal (C105) i una altra amb pràcticament tot el domini -cristal·lí deleccionat (N61), i una tercera, derivada de QsHs10-CI, a la que li falta la meitat del domini -cristal·lí (Hsp10). També s'estudia la possible capacitat estabilitzadora de membranes i la capacitat de modificar l'expressió d'altres Hsps quan s'expressa de forma heteròloga. Els nostres resultats demostren que l'expressió de QsHsp17.4-CI protegeix a les cèl·lules d'E.coli de l'estrès tèrmic alhora que la regió N-terminal i la regió consens II del domini -cristal·lí són imprescindibles per aquesta funció de protecció. En relació a un possible paper en les membranes, els estudis de localització subcel·lular mostren que QsHsp17.4-CI colocalitza amb la fracció membranes i que la regió N-terminal de la proteïna és responsable d'aquesta colocalització. No s'ha pogut demostrar, però, que la localització amb la membrana estigui associada a un efecte protector d'aquesta: en cap cas la sobrexpressió de les proteïnes modifica la composició d'àcids grassos i només N61, que no té acció termoprotectora, altera l'estat fisico-químic de la membrana. En estudis d'expressió de novo en E.coli s'ha observat que, a diferència de les altres proteïnes heteròlogues, N61 activa l'expressió de la majoria de Hsps d'E.coli fent pensar en una possible relació entre l'estat físic de la membrana i l'activació de la resposta a l'estrès. En resum, en aquest treball hem provat la capacitat protectora de QsHsp17.4 i aportem noves dades sobre la importància de la regió N-terminal i la regió consens II del domini -cristal·lí en aquesta funció. Per altra banda, es suggereix que QsHsp17.4 podria interaccionar amb la membrana d'E.coli i que la regió N-terminal seria imprescindible per aquesta interacció. Finalment hem determinat que les proteïnes que provoquen variacions en l'estat de fluïdesa de la membrana poden activar la resposta al xoc de calor per part de la cèl·lula bacteriana.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae forms nitrogen-fixing nodules on several legumes, including pea (Pisum sativum) and vetch (Vicia cracca), and has been widely used as a model to study nodule biochemistry. To understand the complex biochemical and developmental changes undergone by R. leguminosarum bv. viciae during bacteroid development, microarray experiments were first performed with cultured bacteria grown on a variety of carbon substrates (glucose, pyruvate, succinate, inositol, acetate, and acetoacetate) and then compared to bacteroids. Bacteroid metabolism is essentially that of dicarboxylate-grown cells (i.e., induction of dicarboxylate transport, gluconeogenesis and alanine synthesis, and repression of sugar utilization). The decarboxylating arm of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is highly induced, as is gamma-aminobutyrate metabolism, particularly in bacteroids from early (7-day) nodules. To investigate bacteroid development, gene expression in bacteroids was analyzed at 7, 15, and 21 days postinoculation of peas. This revealed that bacterial rRNA isolated from pea, but not vetch, is extensively processed in mature bacteroids. In early development (7 days), there were large changes in the expression of regulators, exported and cell surface molecules, multidrug exporters, and heat and cold shock proteins. fix genes were induced early but continued to increase in mature bacteroids, while nif genes were induced strongly in older bacteroids. Mutation of 37 genes that were strongly upregulated in mature bacteroids revealed that none were essential for nitrogen fixation. However, screening of 3,072 mini-Tn5 mutants on peas revealed previously uncharacterized genes essential for nitrogen fixation. These encoded a potential magnesium transporter, an AAA domain protein, and proteins involved in cytochrome synthesis.


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Background: The incidence of cardiovascular diseases increases after menopause, and soy consumption is suggested to inhibit disease development. Objective: The objective was to identify biomarkers of response to a dietary supplementation with an isoflavone extract in postmenopausal women by proteome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Design: The study with healthy postmenopausal woman was performed in a placebo-controlled sequential design. Peripheral mononuclear blood cells were collected from 10 volunteers after 8 wk of receiving daily 2 placebo cereal bars and after a subsequent 8 wk of intervention with 2 cereal bars each providing 25 mg of isoflavones. The proteome of the cells was visualized after 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and peptide mass fingerprinting served to identify proteins that by the intervention displayed altered protein concentrations. Results: Twenty-nine proteins were identified that showed significantly altered expression in the mononuclear blood cells under the soy-isoflavone intervention, including a variety of proteins involved in an antiinflammatory response. Heat shock protein 70 or a lymphocyte-specific protein phosphatase and proteins that promote increased fibrinolysis, such as a-enolase, were found at increased intensities, whereas those that mediate adhesion, migration, and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, such as galectin-1, were found at reduced intensities after soy extract consumption. Conclusion: Protcome analysis identified in vivo markers that respond to a dietary intervention with isoflavone-enriched soy extract in postmenopausal women. The nature of the proteins identified suggests that soy isoflavones may increase the anti inflammatory response in blood mononuclear cells that might contribute to the atherosclerosis-preventive activities of a soy-rich diet.


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There are several advantages of using metabolic labeling in quantitative proteomics. The early pooling of samples compared to post-labeling methods eliminates errors from different sample processing, protein extraction and enzymatic digestion. Metabolic labeling is also highly efficient and relatively inexpensive compared to commercial labeling reagents. However, methods for multiplexed quantitation in the MS-domain (or ‘non-isobaric’ methods), suffer from signal dilution at higher degrees of multiplexing, as the MS/MS signal for peptide identification is lower given the same amount of peptide loaded onto the column or injected into the mass spectrometer. This may partly be overcome by mixing the samples at non-uniform ratios, for instance by increasing the fraction of unlabeled proteins. We have developed an algorithm for arbitrary degrees of nonisobaric multiplexing for relative protein abundance measurements. We have used metabolic labeling with different levels of 15N, but the algorithm is in principle applicable to any isotope or combination of isotopes. Ion trap mass spectrometers are fast and suitable for LC-MS/MS and peptide identification. However, they cannot resolve overlapping isotopic envelopes from different peptides, which makes them less suitable for MS-based quantitation. Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry is less suitable for LC-MS/MS, but provides the resolving power required to resolve overlapping isotopic envelopes. We therefore combined ion trap LC-MS/MS for peptide identification with FTICR LC-MS for quantitation using chromatographic alignment. We applied the method in a heat shock study in a plant model system (A. thaliana) and compared the results with gene expression data from similar experiments in literature.


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A spontaneous high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)-tolerant mutant of Listeria monocytogenes ScottA, named AK01, was isolated previously. This mutant was immotile and showed increased resistance to heat, acid and H2O2 compared with the wild type (wt) (Karatzas, K.A.G. and Bennik, M.H.J. 2002 Appl Environ Microbiol 68: 3183–3189). In this study, we conclusively linked the increased HHP and stress tolerance of strain AK01 to a single codon deletion in ctsR (class three stress gene repressor) in a region encoding a highly conserved glycine repeat. CtsR negatively regulates the expression of the clp genes, including clpP, clpE and the clpC operon (encompassing ctsR itself), which belong to the class III heat shock genes. Allelic replacement of the ctsR gene in the wt background with the mutant ctsR gene, designated ctsRΔGly, rendered mutants with phenotypes and protein expression profiles identical to those of strain AK01. The expression levels of CtsR, ClpC and ClpP proteins were significantly higher in ctsRΔGly mutants than in the wt strain, indicative of the CtsRΔGly protein being inactive. Further evidence that the CtsRΔGly protein lacks its repressor function came from the finding that the Clp proteins in the mutant were not further induced upon heat shock, and that HHP tolerance of a ctsR deletion strain was as high as that of a ctsRΔGly mutant. The high HHP tolerance possibly results from the increased expression of the clp genes in the absence of (active) CtsR repressor. Importantly, the strains expressing CtsRΔGly show significantly attenuated virulence compared with the wt strain; however, no indication of disregulation of PrfA in the mutant strains was found. Our data highlight an important regulatory role of the glycine-rich region of CtsR in stress resistance and virulence.


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The animal gastrointestinal tract houses a large microbial community, the gut microbiota, that confers many benefits to its host, such as protection from pathogens and provision of essential metabolites. Metagenomic approaches have defined the chicken fecal microbiota in other studies, but here, we wished to assess the correlation between the metagenome and the bacterial proteome in order to better understand the healthy chicken gut microbiota. Here, we performed high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons and metaproteomics analysis of fecal samples to determine microbial gut composition and protein expression. 16 rRNA gene sequencing analysis identified Clostridiales, Bacteroidaceae, and Lactobacillaceae species as the most abundant species in the gut. For metaproteomics analysis, peptides were generated by using the Fasp method and subsequently fractionated by strong anion exchanges. Metaproteomics analysis identified 3,673 proteins. Among the most frequently identified proteins, 380 proteins belonged to Lactobacillus spp., 155 belonged to Clostridium spp., and 66 belonged to Streptococcus spp. The most frequently identified proteins were heat shock chaperones, including 349 GroEL proteins, from many bacterial species, whereas the most abundant enzymes were pyruvate kinases, as judged by the number of peptides identified per protein (spectral counting). Gene ontology and KEGG pathway analyses revealed the functions and locations of the identified proteins. The findings of both metaproteomics and 16S rRNA sequencing analyses are discussed.


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The human ROCO proteins are a family of multi-domain proteins sharing a conserved ROC-COR supra-domain. The family has four members: leu- cine-rich repeat kinase 1 (LRRK1), leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2), death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) and malignant fibrous histiocy- toma amplified sequences with leucine-rich tandem repeats 1 (MASL1). Previous studies of LRRK1/2 and DAPK1 have shown that the ROC (Ras of complex proteins) domain can bind and hydrolyse GTP, but the cellular consequences of this activity are still unclear. Here, the first biochemical characterization of MASL1 and the impact of GTP binding on MASL1 complex formation are reported. The results demonstrate that MASL1, similar to other ROCO proteins, can bind guanosine nucleotides via its ROC domain. Furthermore, MASL1 exists in two distinct cellular com- plexes associated with heat shock protein 60, and the formation of a low molecular weight pool of MASL1 is modulated by GTP binding. Finally, loss of GTP enhances MASL1 toxicity in cells. Taken together, these data point to a central role for the ROC/GTPase domain of MASL1 in the reg- ulation of its cellular function.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a key role in embryonic stem cell (ESC) proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation However, the function of specific PKC Isoenzymes have yet to be determined Of the PKCs expressed in undifferentiated ESCs, beta IPKC was the only isoenzyme abundantly expressed in the nuclei To investigate the role of beta IPKC in these cells, we employed a phosphoproteomics strategy and used two classical (cPKC) peptide modulators and one beta IPKC-specific inhibitor peptide We identified 13 nuclear proteins that are direct or indirect beta IPKC substrates in undifferentiated ESCs These proteins are known to be involved in regulating transcription, splicing, and chromatin remodeling during proliferation and differentiation Inhibiting beta IPKC had no effect on DNA synthesis in undifferentiated ESCs However, upon differentiation many cells seized to express beta IPKC and beta IPKC was frequently found in the cytoplasm Taken together, our results suggest that beta IPKC takes part in the processes that maintain ESCs in their undifferentiated state


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The interactions between three different protein antigens and dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) dispersed in aqueous solutions from probe sonication or adsorbed its one bilayer onto particles was comparatively investigated. The three model proteins were bovine serum albumin (BSA), purified 18 kDa/14 kDa antigens from Taenia crassiceps (18/14-Tcra) and a recombinant, heat-shock protein hsp-18 kDa from Mycobacterium leprae. Protein-DODAB complexes in water solution were characterized by dynamic light scattering for sizing and zeta-potential analysis. Cationic complexes (80-100 nm of mean hydrodynamic diameter) displayed sizes similar to those of DODAB bilayer fragments (BF) in aqueous solution and good colloid stability over a range of DODAB and protein concentrations. The amount of cationic lipid required for attaining zero of zeta-potential at a given protein amount depended on protein nature being smaller for 18 kDa/14 kDa antigens than for BSA. Mean diameters for DODAB/protein complexes increased, whereas zeta-potentials decreased with NaCl or protein concentration. In mice, weak IgG production but significant cellular immune responses were induced by the complexes in comparison to antigens alone or carried by aluminum hydroxide as shown from IgG in serum determined by ELISA, delayed type hypersensitivity reaction from footpad swelling tests and cytokines analysis. The novel cationic adjuvant/protein complexes revealed good colloid stability and potential for vaccine design at a reduced DODAB concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Human infection by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium affects more than 50 million people worldwide, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries. Cysticercosis which arises from larval encystation can be life threatening and difficult to treat. Here, we investigate for the first time the transcriptome of the clinically relevant cysticerci larval form. Results: Using Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) produced by the ORESTES method, a total of 1,520 high quality ESTs were generated from 20 ORESTES cDNA mini-libraries and its analysis revealed fragments of genes with promising applications including 51 ESTs matching antigens previously described in other species, as well as 113 sequences representing proteins with potential extracellular localization, with obvious applications for immune-diagnosis or vaccine development. Conclusion: The set of sequences described here will contribute to deciphering the expression profile of this important parasite and will be informative for the genome assembly and annotation, as well as for studies of intra- and inter-specific sequence variability. Genes of interest for developing new diagnostic and therapeutic tools are described and discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present study we have investigated the effects of heat acclimation on brain and hepatic Hsp70 protein levels and body temperature of broiler chickens in response to gradual heat stress. Two groups of broilers were raised up to 47 days of age under distinct temperature conditions: thermoneutral (TN, according to bird age) or hot environmental (HS, 31-33°C). At 46 days of age, the birds reared at high ambient temperature were transferred to thermoneutrality conditions. After 18 h, these birds and the birds reared at thermoneutral temperature were submitted to gradual heat stress in a climatic chamber so that environment temperature was increased from 28 to 40ºC at a rate of 2ºC/h. Colonic temperature was measured using a thermometer sensor probe at each two hours, and hepatic and brain tissues were collected immediately after slaughter in order to assess Hsp70 protein level by Western blotting analysis. The colonic temperatures of birds reared at high temperature increased steeply during the first 2 h of heat stress (1.06ºC/h) and more slowly thereafter (0.59ºC/h). Broilers reared at thermoneutral temperature showed a small increase in the first 4 h of heat stress (0.18ºC/h) and then colonic temperature increased sharply (0.72ºC/h). Nevertheless, both groups presented similar final colonic temperature by the end of the stress period. Hsp70 levels (ng Hsp70 µg total protein-1) did not change in the liver or brain of the birds reared at high temperature. on the other hand, both liver and brain Hsp70 levels increased significantly during heat stress in the animals reared at thermoneutrality, with a higher expression of this peptide in brain tissue.