932 resultados para Heat Solar Energy


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El enriquecimiento del conocimiento sobre la Irradiancia Solar (IS) a nivel de superficie terrestre, así como su predicción, cobran gran interés para las Energías Renovables (ER) - Energía Solar (ES)-, y para distintas aplicaciones industriales o ecológicas. En el ámbito de las ER, el uso óptimo de la ES implica contar con datos de la IS en superficie que ayuden tanto, en la selección de emplazamientos para instalaciones de ES, como en su etapa de diseño (dimensionar la producción) y, finalmente, en su explotación. En este último caso, la observación y la predicción es útil para el mercado energético, la planificación y gestión de la energía (generadoras y operadoras del sistema eléctrico), especialmente en los nuevos contextos de las redes inteligentes de transporte. A pesar de la importancia estratégica de contar con datos de la IS, especialmente los observados por sensores de IS en superficie (los que mejor captan esta variable), estos no siempre están disponibles para los lugares de interés ni con la resolución espacial y temporal deseada. Esta limitación se une a la necesidad de disponer de predicciones a corto plazo de la IS que ayuden a la planificación y gestión de la energía. Se ha indagado y caracterizado las Redes de Estaciones Meteorológicas (REM) existentes en España que publican en internet sus observaciones, focalizando en la IS. Se han identificado 24 REM (16 gubernamentales y 8 redes voluntarios) que aglutinan 3492 estaciones, convirtiéndose éstas en las fuentes de datos meteorológicos utilizados en la tesis. Se han investigado cinco técnicas de estimación espacial de la IS en intervalos de 15 minutos para el territorio peninsular (3 técnicas geoestadísticas, una determinística y el método HelioSat2 basado en imágenes satelitales) con distintas configuraciones espaciales. Cuando el área de estudio tiene una adecuada densidad de observaciones, el mejor método identificado para estimar la IS es el Kriging con Regresión usando variables auxiliares -una de ellas la IS estimada a partir de imágenes satelitales-. De este modo es posible estimar espacialmente la IS más allá de los 25 km identificados en la bibliografía. En caso contrario, se corrobora la idoneidad de utilizar estimaciones a partir de sensores remotos cuando la densidad de observaciones no es adecuada. Se ha experimentado con el modelado de Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) para la predicción a corto plazo de la IS utilizando observaciones próximas (componentes espaciales) en sus entradas y, los resultados son prometedores. Así los niveles de errores disminuyen bajo las siguientes condiciones: (1) cuando el horizonte temporal de predicción es inferior o igual a 3 horas, las estaciones vecinas que se incluyen en el modelo deben encentrarse a una distancia máxima aproximada de 55 km. Esto permite concluir que las RNA son capaces de aprender cómo afectan las condiciones meteorológicas vecinas a la predicción de la IS. ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The enrichment of knowledge about the Solar Irradiance (SI) at Earth's surface and its prediction, have a high interest for Renewable Energy (RE) - Solar Energy (SE) - and for various industrial and environmental applications. In the field of the RE, the optimal use of the SE involves having SI surface to help in the selection of sites for facilities ES, in the design stage (sizing energy production), and finally on their production. In the latter case, the observation and prediction is useful for the market, planning and management of the energy (generators and electrical system operators), especially in new contexts of smart transport networks (smartgrid). Despite the strategic importance of SI data, especially those observed by sensors of SI at surface (the ones that best measure this environmental variable), these are not always available to the sights and the spatial and temporal resolution desired. This limitation is bound to the need for short-term predictions of the SI to help planning and energy management. It has been investigated and characterized existing Networks of Weather Stations (NWS) in Spain that share its observations online, focusing on SI. 24 NWS have been identified (16 government and 8 volunteer networks) that implies 3492 stations, turning it into the sources of meteorological data used in the thesis. We have investigated five technical of spatial estimation of SI in 15 minutes to the mainland (3 geostatistical techniques and HelioSat2 a deterministic method based on satellite images) with different spatial configurations. When the study area has an adequate density of observations we identified the best method to estimate the SI is the regression kriging with auxiliary variables (one of them is the SI estimated from satellite images. Thus it is possible to spatially estimate the SI beyond the 25 km identified in the literature. Otherwise, when the density of observations is inadequate the appropriateness is using the estimates values from remote sensing. It has been experimented with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) modeling for predicting the short-term future of the SI using observations from neighbor’s weather stations (spatial components) in their inputs, and the results are promising. The error levels decrease under the following conditions: (1) when the prediction horizon is less or equal than 3 hours the best models are the ones that include data from the neighboring stations (at a maximum distance of 55 km). It is concluded that the ANN is able to learn how weather conditions affect neighboring prediction of IS at such Spatio-temporal horizons.


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El trabajo que ha dado lugar a esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la invesitagación en células solares de banda intermedia (IBSCs, por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata de un nuevo concepto de célula solar que ofrece la posibilidad de alcanzar altas eficiencias de conversión fotovoltaica. Hasta ahora, se han demostrado de manera experimental los fundamentos de operación de las IBSCs; sin embargo, esto tan sólo has sido posible en condicines de baja temperatura. El concepto de banda intermedia (IB, por sus siglas en inglés) exige que haya desacoplamiento térmico entre la IB y las bandas de valencia y conducción (VB and CB, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés). Los materiales de IB actuales presentan un acoplamiento térmico demasiado fuerte entre la IB y una de las otras dos bandas, lo cual impide el correcto funcionamiento de las IBSCs a temperatura ambiente. En el caso particular de las IBSCs fabricadas con puntos cuánticos (QDs, por sus siglas en inglés) de InAs/GaAs - a día de hoy, la tecnología de IBSC más estudiada - , se produce un rápido intercambio de portadores entre la IB y la CB, por dos motivos: (1) una banda prohibida estrecha (< 0.2 eV) entre la IB y la CB, E^, y (2) la existencia de niveles electrónicos entre ellas. El motivo (1) implica, a su vez, que la máxima eficiencia alcanzable en estos dispositivos es inferior al límite teórico de la IBSC ideal, en la cual E^ = 0.71 eV. En este contexto, nuestro trabajo se centra en el estudio de IBSCs de alto gap (o banda prohibida) fabricadsas con QDs, o lo que es lo mismo, QD-IBSCs de alto gap. Hemos fabricado e investigado experimentalmente los primeros prototipos de QD-IBSC en los que se utiliza AlGaAs o InGaP para albergar QDs de InAs. En ellos demostramos une distribución de gaps mejorada con respecto al caso de InAs/GaAs. En concreto, hemos medido valores de E^ mayores que 0.4 eV. En los prototipos de InAs/AlGaAs, este incremento de E^ viene acompaado de un incremento, en más de 100 meV, de la energía de activación del escape térmico. Además, nuestros dispositivos de InAs/AlGaAs demuestran conversión a la alza de tensión; es decir, la producción de una tensión de circuito abierto mayor que la energía de los fotones (dividida por la carga del electrón) de un haz monocromático incidente, así como la preservación del voltaje a temperaura ambiente bajo iluminación de luz blanca concentrada. Asimismo, analizamos el potencial para detección infrarroja de los materiales de IB. Presentamos un nuevo concepto de fotodetector de infrarrojos, basado en la IB, que hemos llamado: fotodetector de infrarrojos activado ópticamente (OTIP, por sus siglas en inglés). Nuestro novedoso dispositivo se basa en un nuevo pricipio físico que permite que la detección de luz infrarroja sea conmutable (ON y OFF) mediante iluminación externa. Hemos fabricado un OTIP basado en QDs de InAs/AlGaAs con el que demostramos fotodetección, bajo incidencia normal, en el rango 2-6/xm, activada ópticamente por un diodoe emisor de luz de 590 nm. El estudio teórico del mecanismo de detección asistido por la IB en el OTIP nos lleva a poner en cuestión la asunción de quasi-niveles de Fermi planos en la zona de carga del espacio de una célula solar. Apoyados por simuaciones a nivel de dispositivo, demostramos y explicamos por qué esta asunción no es válida en condiciones de corto-circuito e iluminación. También llevamos a cabo estudios experimentales en QD-IBSCs de InAs/AlGaAs con la finalidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre algunos aspectos de estos dispositivos que no han sido tratados aun. En particular, analizamos el impacto que tiene el uso de capas de disminución de campo (FDLs, por sus siglas en inglés), demostrando su eficiencia para evitar el escape por túnel de portadores desde el QD al material anfitrión. Analizamos la relación existente entre el escape por túnel y la preservación del voltaje, y proponemos las medidas de eficiencia cuántica en función de la tensión como una herramienta útil para evaluar la limitación del voltaje relacionada con el túnel en QD-IBSCs. Además, realizamos medidas de luminiscencia en función de la temperatura en muestras de InAs/GaAs y verificamos que los resltados obtenidos están en coherencia con la separación de los quasi-niveles de Fermi de la IB y la CB a baja temperatura. Con objeto de contribuir a la capacidad de fabricación y caracterización del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), hemos participado en la instalación y puesta en marcha de un reactor de epitaxia de haz molecular (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) y el desarrollo de un equipo de caracterización de foto y electroluminiscencia. Utilizando dicho reactor MBE, hemos crecido, y posteriormente caracterizado, la primera QD-IBSC enteramente fabricada en el IES-UPM. ABSTRACT The constituent work of this Thesis is framed in the research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). This concept offers the possibility of achieving devices with high photovoltaic-conversion efficiency. Up to now, the fundamentals of operation of IBSCs have been demonstrated experimentally; however, this has only been possible at low temperatures. The intermediate band (IB) concept demands thermal decoupling between the IB and the valence and conduction bands. Stateof- the-art IB materials exhibit a too strong thermal coupling between the IB and one of the other two bands, which prevents the proper operation of IBSCs at room temperature. In the particular case of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) IBSCs - as of today, the most widely studied IBSC technology - , there exist fast thermal carrier exchange between the IB and the conduction band (CB), for two reasons: (1) a narrow (< 0.2 eV) energy gap between the IB and the CB, EL, and (2) the existence of multiple electronic levels between them. Reason (1) also implies that maximum achievable efficiency is below the theoretical limit for the ideal IBSC, in which EL = 0.71 eV. In this context, our work focuses on the study of wide-bandgap QD-IBSCs. We have fabricated and experimentally investigated the first QD-IBSC prototypes in which AlGaAs or InGaP is the host material for the InAs QDs. We demonstrate an improved bandgap distribution, compared to the InAs/GaAs case, in our wide-bandgap devices. In particular, we have measured values of EL higher than 0.4 eV. In the case of the AlGaAs prototypes, the increase in EL comes with an increase of more than 100 meV of the activation energy of the thermal carrier escape. In addition, in our InAs/AlGaAs devices, we demonstrate voltage up-conversion; i. e., the production of an open-circuit voltage larger than the photon energy (divided by the electron charge) of the incident monochromatic beam, and the achievement of voltage preservation at room temperature under concentrated white-light illumination. We also analyze the potential of an IB material for infrared detection. We present a IB-based new concept of infrared photodetector that we have called the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). Our novel device is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. We have fabricated an OTIP based on InAs/AlGaAs QDs with which we demonstrate normal incidence photodetection in the 2-6 /xm range optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. The theoretical study of the IB-assisted detection mechanism in the OTIP leads us to questioning the assumption of flat quasi-Fermi levels in the space-charge region of a solar cell. Based on device simulations, we prove and explain why this assumption is not valid under short-circuit and illumination conditions. We perform new experimental studies on InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes in order to gain knowledge on yet unexplored aspects of the performance of these devices. Specifically, we analyze the impact of the use of field-damping layers, and demonstrate this technique to be efficient for avoiding tunnel carrier escape from the QDs to the host material. We analyze the relationship between tunnel escape and voltage preservation, and propose voltage-dependent quantum efficiency measurements as an useful technique for assessing the tunneling-related limitation to the voltage preservation of QD-IBSC prototypes. Moreover, we perform temperature-dependent luminescence studies on InAs/GaAs samples and verify that the results are consistent with a split of the quasi-Fermi levels for the CB and the IB at low temperature. In order to contribute to the fabrication and characterization capabilities of the Solar Energy Institute of the Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), we have participated in the installation and start-up of an molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reactor and the development of a photo and electroluminescence characterization set-up. Using the MBE reactor, we have manufactured and characterized the first QD-IBSC fully fabricated at the IES-UPM.


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The engineering of solar power applications, such as photovoltaic energy (PV) or thermal solar energy requires the knowledge of the solar resource available for the solar energy system. This solar resource is generally obtained from datasets, and is either measured by ground-stations, through the use of pyranometers, or by satellites. The solar irradiation data are generally not free, and their cost can be high, in particular if high temporal resolution is required, such as hourly data. In this work, we present an alternative method to provide free hourly global solar tilted irradiation data for the whole European territory through a web platform. The method that we have developed generates solar irradiation data from a combination of clear-sky simulations and weather conditions data. The results are publicly available for free through Soweda, a Web interface. To our knowledge, this is the first time that hourly solar irradiation data are made available online, in real-time, and for free, to the public. The accuracy of these data is not suitable for applications that require high data accuracy, but can be very useful for other applications that only require a rough estimate of solar irradiation.


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BIPV systems are small PV generation units spread out over the territory, and whose characteristics are very diverse. This makes difficult a cost-effective procedure for monitoring, fault detection, performance analyses, operation and maintenance. As a result, many problems affecting BIPV systems go undetected. In order to carry out effective automatic fault detection procedures, we need a performance indicator that is reliable and that can be applied on many PV systems at a very low cost. The existing approaches for analyzing the performance of PV systems are often based on the Performance Ratio (PR), whose accuracy depends on good solar irradiation data, which in turn can be very difficult to obtain or cost-prohibitive for the BIPV owner. We present an alternative fault detection procedure based on a performance indicator that can be constructed on the sole basis of the energy production data measured at the BIPV systems. This procedure does not require the input of operating conditions data, such as solar irradiation, air temperature, or wind speed. The performance indicator, called Performance to Peers (P2P), is constructed from spatial and temporal correlations between the energy output of neighboring and similar PV systems. This method was developed from the analysis of the energy production data of approximately 10,000 BIPV systems located in Europe. The results of our procedure are illustrated on the hourly, daily and monthly data monitored during one year at one BIPV system located in the South of Belgium. Our results confirm that it is possible to carry out automatic fault detection procedures without solar irradiation data. P2P proves to be more stable than PR most of the time, and thus constitutes a more reliable performance indicator for fault detection procedures. We also discuss the main limitations of this novel methodology, and we suggest several future lines of research that seem promising to improve on these procedures.


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This paper describes a complete modelling of the perimeter recombination of GaAs diodes which solves most unknowns and suppresses the limitations of previous models. Because of the three dimensional nature of the implemented model, it is able to simulate real devices. GaAs diodes on two epiwafers with different base doping levels, sizes and geometries, namely square and circular are manufactured. The validation of the model is achieved by fitting the experimental measurements of the dark IV curve of the manufactured GaAs diodes. A comprehensive 3-D description of the occurring phenomena affecting the perimeter recombination is supplied with the help of the model. Finally, the model is applied to concentrator GaAs solar cells to assess the impact of their doping level, size and geometry on the perimeter recombination.


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With the final goal of integrating III-V materials on silicon substrates for tandem solar cells, the influence of the Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE) environment on the minority carrier properties of silicon wafers has been evaluated. These properties will essentially determine the photovoltaic performance of the bottom cell in a III-V-on-Si tandem solar cell. A comparison of the base minority carrier lifetimes obtained for different thermal processes carried out in a MOVPE reactor on Czochralski silicon wafers has been carried out. An important degradation of minority carrier lifetime during the surface preparation (i.e. H2 anneal) has been observed. Three different mechanisms have been proposed for explaining this behavior: 1) the introduction of extrinsic impurities coming from the reactor; 2) the activation of intrinsic lifetime killing impurities coming from the wafer itself; and finally, 3) the formation of crystal defects, which eventually become recombination centers. The effect of the emitter formation by phosphorus diffusion has also been evaluated. In this sense, it has been reported that lifetime can be recovered during the emitter formation either by the effect of the P on extracting impurities, or by the role of the atomic hydrogen on passivating the defects.


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Purpose Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants based on parabolic troughs utilize auxiliary fuels (usually natural gas) to facilitate start-up operations, avoid freezing of HTF and increase power output. This practice has a significant effect on the environmental performance of the technology. The aim of this paper is to quantify the sustainability of CSP and to analyse how this is affected by hybridisation with different natural gas (NG) inputs. Methods A complete Life Cycle (LC) inventory was gathered for a commercial wet-cooled 50 MWe CSP plant based on parabolic troughs. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental performance of the plant operating with different NG inputs (between 0 and 35% of gross electricity generation). ReCiPe Europe (H) was used as LCA methodology. CML 2 baseline 2000 World and ReCiPe Europe E were used for comparative purposes. Cumulative Energy Demands (CED) and Energy Payback Times (EPT) were also determined for each scenario. Results and discussion Operation of CSP using solar energy only produced the following environmental profile: climate change 26.6 kg CO2 eq/KWh, human toxicity 13.1 kg 1,4-DB eq/KWh, marine ecotoxicity 276 g 1,4-DB eq/KWh, natural land transformation 0.005 m2/KWh, eutrophication 10.1 g P eq/KWh, acidification 166 g SO2 eq/KWh. Most of these impacts are associated with extraction of raw materials and manufacturing of plant components. The utilization NG transformed the environmental profile of the technology, placing increasing weight on impacts related to its operation and maintenance. Significantly higher impacts were observed on categories like climate change (311 kg CO2 eq/MWh when using 35 % NG), natural land transformation, terrestrial acidification and fossil depletion. Despite its fossil nature, the use of NG had a beneficial effect on other impact categories (human and marine toxicity, freshwater eutrophication and natural land transformation) due to the higher electricity output achieved. The overall environmental performance of CSP significantly deteriorated with the use of NG (single score 3.52 pt in solar only operation compared to 36.1 pt when using 35 % NG). Other sustainability parameters like EPT and CED also increased substantially as a result of higher NG inputs. Quasilinear second-degree polynomial relationships were calculated between various environmental performance parameters and NG contributions. Conclusions Energy input from auxiliary NG determines the environmental profile of the CSP plant. Aggregated analysis shows a deleterious effect on the overall environmental performance of the technology as a result of NG utilization. This is due primarily to higher impacts on environmental categories like climate change, natural land transformation, fossil fuel depletion and terrestrial acidification. NG may be used in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner in combined cycle power plants, which achieve higher energy conversion efficiencies.


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In this work we report, for the first time at room temperature, experimental results that prove, simultaneously in the same device, the two main physical principles involved in the operation of intermediate band solar cells: (1) the production of sub-bandgap photocurrent by two optical transitions through the intermediate band; (2) the generation of an output voltage which is not limited by the photon energy absorption threshold. These principles, which had always required cryogenic temperatures to be evidenced all together, are now demonstrated at room temperature on an intermediate band solar cell based on InAs quantum dots with Al0.3Ga0.7As barriers.


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The performance of tandem stacks of Group III?V multijunction solar cells continues to improve rapidly, both through improved performance of the individual cells in the stack and throughi ncrease in the number of stacked cells. As the radiative efficiency of these individual cells increases, radiative coupling between the stacked cells becomes an increasingly important factor not only in cell design, but also in accurate efficiency measurement and in determining performance of cells and systems under varying spectral conditions in the field. Past modeling has concentrated on electroluminescent coupling between the cells, although photoluminescent coupling is shown to be important for cells operating near their maximum power point voltage or below or when junction defect recombination is significant. Extension of earlier models i sproposed to allow this non-negligible component of luminescent coupling to be included. Therefined model is validated by measurement of the closely related external emission from both single and double junction cells.


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The calculation of the energy spectrum and absorption coefficients of quantum dot nanostructured intermediate band solar cells using the Empiric K·P Hamiltonian method and its agreement with experimental data are summarized. The well established Luttinger Kohn Hamiltonian modified by Pikus and Bir for strained material, such as quantum dot arrays, is presented using a simplified strain field that allows for square band offsets. The energy spectrum and absorption coefficients are calculated with this new Hamiltonian. With the approximations made the energy spectrum results to be exactly the same but the absorption coefficient fits experiments less accurately. The computer time using the latter Hamiltonian is much longer than the former one.


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Nos países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil, a secagem de produtos agrícolas com uso de secador solar representa uma alternativa promissora de baixo custo, reduzindo perdas e agregando valor aos produtos. Porém, devido à natureza periódica da radiação solar e das condições do tempo, nem sempre é viável sua utilização. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi a modelagem de um sistema auxiliar de armazenagem de energia térmica (SAET) em um secador solar, cuja finalidade é armazenar energia durante o dia para ser utilizada conforme necessário. Com base em registros de temperatura e umidade relativa, ambas do ar, de um secador solar, foi feito um estudo da termodinâmica dos processos envolvidos, a fim de propor meios para o dimensionamento do SAET. Foram explorados a estimativa do fluxo de massa de ar no secador, a modelagem da temperatura em função da radiação, e o dimensionamento para diferentes modos de operação do SAET, considerando o sistema ideal. Este dimensionamento tratou tanto do caso de fornecimento contínuo de fluxo de água preaquecida, como de uso de automação para controlar o fluxo. A estimativa de fluxo de ar no secador se aproximou de valores típicos encontrados na literatura. O dimensionamento do sistema, embora considerado ideal, mostra que a utilização do SAET melhora o desempenho do secador, servindo como parâmetro para melhor compreender o comportamento das variáveis durante seu funcionamento.


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Recent federal incentives and increased demand for home photovoltaic and small wind electrical systems highlights the need for consistent zoning ordinances and guidance materials for Northglenn residents. This Capstone Project assesses perceived impacts related to renewable energy systems, like noise, safety, aesthetics, and environmental considerations, and provides a model ordinance intended to mitigate these issues. It was concluded a model ordinance would ease and stimulate additions of alternative energy systems in Northglenn. Additionally, this research concluded development of public information could stimulate homeowners into positive decisions. The project also identifies potential financial and environmental benefits of installing such systems in an effort to promote sustainable and clean energy production within the city.


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As energy costs increase in Colorado more homeowners will need renewable energies to provide electricity, heating and cooling for their homes. Renewable energy technology and energy efficient measures have been available for decades but Homeowner Associations (HOA) has not permitted this technology into communities primarily because of aesthetics. In April 2008, House Bill 1270 was signed into law that gives homeowners the right to make their homes more energy efficient and install renewable energy generation devices. The purpose of this capstone is to enable HOAs with information on available technology and design guideline options that can be integrated into communities and thus encourage, instead of hinder, the use of renewable energy and energy efficient measures.


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This paper defines a sustainable energy plan to provide the basis for renewable energy initiatives that will increase energy security, reduce negative economic impacts and provide a cleaner environment. The hotel, agriculture, transportation, construction, utility, government and private sectors will play pivotal roles in achieving targets and will see significant gains. Government policies, educational campaigns and financial incentives will be required to facilitate and encourage renewable energy development and entrepreneurship. Utilization of solar energy, energy conservation measures and the use of efficient and alternative fuel vehicles by the commercial/industrial and private sectors will be crucial in meeting targets. The utility company will be charged with developing large scale renewable energy applications and with improving efficiency of the electrical system.


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La integración de energía solar fotovoltaica en edificios es una estrategia energética y medioambiental acreditada con un futuro muy prometedor. Para su promoción, tan importantes son los incentivos económicos, el desarrollo legislativo y las mejoras tecnológicas, como la investigación en nuevas herramientas de simulación y análisis que sirvan de apoyo en el diseño de nuevas estrategias energéticas y medioambientales. La tesis pretende contribuir en esta labor de difusión, planteándose cómo incide la radiación solar sobre los entornos urbanos, con la finalidad de generar un procedimiento que obtenga el potencial de integración de energía solar fotovoltaica en fachadas. Se trabajará para lograr un método simplificado de simulación y cálculo de la energía producida en base a sistema de información geográfica (SIG), con la capacidad de generar mapas solares que muestren el potencial de integración arquitectónica fotovoltaica sobre fachadas a partir de la cartografía catastral. El nombre asignado para este método es AdaptaSolar. Con este objetivo se ha desarrollado la presente tesis que se estructura en seis capítulos, más las conclusiones y anexos, con los que se pretende definir y desarrollar el tema de tesis planteado. El primer capítulo, realiza una visión general sobre la integración arquitectónica de los sistemas fotovoltaicos, junto con el planteamiento y objetivos de la tesis. El segundo capítulo, plasma una revisión profunda sobre del estado actual de los temas relacionados con el planteamiento y objeto de esta tesis: estimación de la radiación solar, estimación de la radiación solar sobre fachadas y estudio del potencial de integración arquitectónica fotovoltaica en fachadas. El capítulo tres, de carácter teórico, recoge un análisis general sobre la energía solar fotovoltaica, desde el efecto fotovoltaico hasta las aplicaciones e instalación, sin perder de vista los objetivos generales marcados en la tesis. Destaca, sobre todo, la catalogación de las tecnologías fotovoltaicas más prometedoras, además, de la recopilación y análisis de los factores más importantes que influyen en la captación fotovoltaica. El capítulo cuatro, también de carácter teórico, profundiza en el modo en el que la radiación solar incide sobre la superficie terrestre, analizando la naturaleza de la radiación solar y la geometría del sistema solar. Destaca el exhaustivo análisis de los principales métodos de cálculo para la estimación de la radiación solar sobre superficies horizontales e inclinadas, especialmente, la recopilación de modelos numéricos para la estimación de la irradiación difusa. El capítulo cinco, desarrolla el concepto de integración fotovoltaica en edificios, sus principales características y las ventajas que reporta. Además, realiza un análisis muy interesante sobre la situación actual de la integración fotovoltaica en edificios en España. Por último, incluye una selección de los proyectos más relevantes de integración arquitectónica. El capítulo seis, desarrolla el método planteado para la evaluación de la adaptabilidad de energía solar fotovoltaica en entonos urbanos, objeto de la tesis. Siendo éste, por tanto, el capítulo más experimental y significativo de la misma. Este capítulo está dividido en seis subapartados, siendo los dos primeros la introducción y el modelo geométrico planteado para el desarrollo del método. Los tres siguientes apartados, muestra el desarrollo del método en tres fases consecutivas: estimación de la insolación, la radiación y el potencial de integración de sistemas fotovoltaicos sobre fachada. En cada uno de estos apartados, se realiza la correspondiente validación y análisis de resultados, mediante la generación de una serie de gráficas que muestran el comportamiento anual del sol sobre las fachadas y el efecto adverso del sombreado entre edificios. El sexto apartado de este capítulo, detalla los pasos seguidos para efectuar la implementación del método experimental en el SIG, desde la preparación y obtención de los datos cartográficos de partida, hasta el desarrollo y ejecución del algoritmo principal. Además se muestran los resultados obtenidos para un área urbana concreta de la ciudad de Madrid. Por último, el capítulo siete recoge las conclusiones más importantes del trabajo y propone una serie de líneas de investigación futuras que se consideran relevantes para la continuidad del método planteado en la tesis.