853 resultados para Health systems,Radiopharmaceuticals
Objective: To determine what, how, for whom, why, and in what circumstances educational interventions to improve the delivery of nutrition care by doctors and other healthcare professionals work?
Design: Realist synthesis following a published protocol and reported following Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis: Evolving Standards (RAMESES) guidelines. A multidisciplinary team searched Medline, CINAHL, ERIC, EMBASE, PsyINFO, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Science Direct for published and unpublished (grey) literature. The team identified studies with varied designs; appraised their ability to answer the review question; identified relationships between contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes (CMOs); and entered them into a spreadsheet configured for the purpose. The final synthesis identified commonalities across CMO configurations.
Results: Over half of the 46 studies from which we extracted data originated from the US. Interventions that improved the delivery of nutrition care improved skills and attitudes rather than just knowledge; provided opportunities for superiors to model nutrition care; removed barriers to nutrition care in health systems; provided participants with local, practically relevant tools and messages; and incorporated non-traditional, innovative teaching strategies. Operating in contexts where student and qualified healthcare professionals provided nutrition care in both developed and developing countries, these interventions yielded health outcomes by triggering a range of mechanisms, which included: feeling competent; feeling confident and comfortable; having greater self-efficacy; being less inhibited by barriers in healthcare systems; and feeling that nutrition care was accepted and recognised.
Conclusion: These findings show how important it is to move education for nutrition care beyond the simple acquisition of knowledge. They show how educational interventions embedded within systems of healthcare can improve patients’ health by helping health students and professionals to appreciate the importance of delivering nutrition care and feel competent to deliver it.
Résumé : Problématique : Le trouble de la personnalité limite (TPL) est une condition psychiatrique touchant environ 1 % de la population et 20 % de la clientèle recevant des services en psychiatrie (Gunderson et Links, 2008). L’un des domaines du fonctionnement dans la vie quotidienne le plus touché chez cette population est le travail (Gunderson et al., 2011; Larivière et al., 2010; Zanarini et al., 2012). À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a décrit de façon approfondie la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL. Objectif : L’objectif général de cette étude vise à identifier et à décrire les obstacles, les facilitateurs de même que les solutions possibles de la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs intervenants. Méthodologie : Une étude de cas multiples a été utilisée (Yin, 2009). Neuf cas ont été étudiés selon trois contextes socioprofessionnels de la participation au travail : A. Réintégration (personne en invalidité), B. Retour (personne en absence maladie) et C. Maintien au travail. Pour chacun des contextes, trois dyades incluant une personne avec un TPL (âgée de 18 à 55 ans) et son intervenant soutenant la participation au travail ont été interviewées. Résultats: Les résultats qualitatifs (n = 18) ont démontré que la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL est influencée par des facteurs individuels (p. ex., la réaction face à la pression et aux relations de travail, la régulation émotionnelle) ainsi que des facteurs liés aux acteurs et procédures des systèmes de l’assurance, organisationnel et de la santé (p. ex., la collaboration et la communication entre les acteurs, l’alliance de travail entre les acteurs et la personne présentant un TPL, les mesures d’accommodement et de soutien naturel dans le milieu de travail). Conclusions et implication clinique : Cette étude met en lumière le défi important et spécifique que représente la participation au travail pour les personnes présentant un TPL. Elle implique des facteurs personnels et environnementaux qui doivent être considérés par tous les acteurs impliqués (les utilisateurs de services, les professionnels de la santé, les assureurs et les employeurs). Les programmes de réadaptation au travail actuels devraient être bonifiés et coordonnés adéquatement avec les thérapies spécialisées afin d’aborder de manière optimale les enjeux liés à la participation au travail des personnes présentant un TPL.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Nervous system disorders are associated with cognitive and motor deficits, and are responsible for the highest disability rates and global burden of disease. Their recovery paths are vulnerable and dependent on the effective combination of plastic brain tissue properties, with complex, lengthy and expensive neurorehabilitation programs. This work explores two lines of research, envisioning sustainable solutions to improve treatment of cognitive and motor deficits. Both projects were developed in parallel and shared a new sensible approach, where low-cost technologies were integrated with common clinical operative procedures. The aim was to achieve more intensive treatments under specialized monitoring, improve clinical decision-making and increase access to healthcare. The first project (articles I – III) concerned the development and evaluation of a web-based cognitive training platform (COGWEB), suitable for intensive use, either at home or at institutions, and across a wide spectrum of ages and diseases that impair cognitive functioning. It was tested for usability in a memory clinic setting and implemented in a collaborative network, comprising 41 centers and 60 professionals. An adherence and intensity study revealed a compliance of 82.8% at six months and an average of six hours/week of continued online cognitive training activities. The second project (articles IV – VI) was designed to create and validate an intelligent rehabilitation device to administer proprioceptive stimuli on the hemiparetic side of stroke patients while performing ambulatory movement characterization (SWORD). Targeted vibratory stimulation was found to be well tolerated and an automatic motor characterization system retrieved results comparable to the first items of the Wolf Motor Function Test. The global system was tested in a randomized placebo controlled trial to assess its impact on a common motor rehabilitation task in a relevant clinical environment (early post-stroke). The number of correct movements on a hand-to-mouth task was increased by an average of 7.2/minute while the probability to perform an error decreased from 1:3 to 1:9. Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity are shifting to more neuroscience driven approaches. Simultaneously, their final utility for patients and society is largely dependent on the development of more effective technologies that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge produced during the process. The results attained through this work represent a step forward in that direction. Their impact on the quality of rehabilitation services and public health is discussed according to clinical, technological and organizational perspectives. Such a process of thinking and oriented speculation has led to the debate of subsequent hypotheses, already being explored in novel research paths.
Los usuarios reales y potenciales del sistemas de salud en Colombia, encuentran en el camino de acceso a los servicios múltiples barreras, debido a las diferentes carencias que éste sistema presenta. Para apoyar las necesidades del usuario en éste tema de acceso, se constituyó en el año 2006 la Fundación RASA, quien ofrece de manera gratuita, a la comunidad en general, mecanismos de exigibilidad, acceso y protección de sus derechos en temas de salud. Este trabajo de grado, pretende dar un valor agregado diseñando una herramienta modular que facilite la implementación del banco de proyectos, con el fin de mejorar sus procesos y sea referencia para otras entidades dedicadas a velar por el bienestar de los individuos, en virtud de su objeto social orientado a la protección de derechos en temas de salud, además se realiza con el fin de Optar por el Título de Especialista en Alta Gerencia de la Universidad de Medellín. Con el fin de entender las necesidades de La Fundación RASA, será primordial conocer y tener un manejo adecuado de la teoría de la organización; teniendo clara su vertiente descriptiva que sugiere lo que se debe hacer para mejorar varios aspectos de la empresa, en éste caso la necesidad de diseñar un Banco de Proyectos. El trabajo se ha estructurado de la siguiente manera: Referente Teórico, Contextualización De La Fundación Rasa, Diseño De Una Herramienta Modular (Introducción, Objetivos, Recursos, Metodología y procedimientos, Evaluación y Monitoreo, Responsable de proceso, Presupuesto Estructural), Conclusiones y Recomendaciones.
Nos últimos anos com a evolução dos sistemas de saúde tem-se verificado uma melhoria na qualidade dos serviços médicos prestados, conduzindo a uma esperança média de vida mais longa. Muitas patologias, apesar de patentes, são tratadas e/ou controladas de modo a permitir que a população possa adquirir um estilo de vida normal. As doenças cardiovasculares com o seu carácter multidimensional, têm consequências graves para o cidadão comum, para a sociedade e para o sistema de saúde, o que determina que sejam encaradas como um dos mais importantes problemas de saúde pública, problema este que urge minorar. Dentro das doenças cardiovasculares, a cardiopatia isquémica tem um significado relevante, uma vez que, engloba condições que necessitam de cuidados médicos especiais, em situações de emergência, como o enfarte agudo do miocárdio e a angina de peito (estável e instável). O médico dentista deve estar atento ao doente com cardiopatia isquémica, tendo em conta os cuidados especiais em consultório dentário que o mesmo necessita. A recolha de uma anamnese detalhada e história clínica atualizada, são fundamentais para o sucesso do tratamento dentário. O médico dentista deverá estar habilitado para atuar em situações de emergência e ter o consultório devidamente equipado, de forma a agir em conformidade com estes possíveis eventos.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicine chart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasks involved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment. Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process by introducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction of the Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and calls for security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at Embedded Systems Laboratory, A° bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive stateof- the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
The traditional process of filling the medicine trays and dispensing the medicines to the patients in the hospitals is manually done by reading the printed paper medicinechart. This process can be very strenuous and error-prone, given the number of sub-tasksinvolved in the entire workflow and the dynamic nature of the work environment.Therefore, efforts are being made to digitalise the medication dispensation process byintroducing a mobile application called Smart Dosing application. The introduction ofthe Smart Dosing application into hospital workflow raises security concerns and callsfor security requirement analysis. This thesis is written as a part of the smart medication management project at EmbeddedSystems Laboratory, A˚bo Akademi University. The project aims at digitising the medicine dispensation process by integrating information from various health systems, and making them available through the Smart Dosing application. This application is intended to be used on a tablet computer which will be incorporated on the medicine tray. The smart medication management system include the medicine tray, the tablet device, and the medicine cups with the cup holders. Introducing the Smart Dosing application should not interfere with the existing process carried out by the nurses, and it should result in minimum modifications to the tray design and the workflow. The re-designing of the tray would include integrating the device running the application into the tray in a manner that the users find it convenient and make less errors while using it. The main objective of this thesis is to enhance the security of the hospital medicine dispensation process by ensuring the security of the Smart Dosing application at various levels. The methods used for writing this thesis was to analyse how the tray design, and the application user interface design can help prevent errors and what secure technology choices have to be made before starting the development of the next prototype of the Smart Dosing application. The thesis first understands the context of the use of the application, the end-users and their needs, and the errors made in everyday medication dispensation workflow by continuous discussions with the nursing researchers. The thesis then gains insight to the vulnerabilities, threats and risks of using mobile application in hospital medication dispensation process. The resulting list of security requirements was made by analysing the previously built prototype of the Smart Dosing application, continuous interactive discussions with the nursing researchers, and an exhaustive state-of-the-art study on security risks of using mobile applications in hospital context. The thesis also uses Octave Allegro method to make the readers understand the likelihood and impact of threats, and what steps should be taken to prevent or fix them. The security requirements obtained, as a result, are a starting point for the developers of the next iteration of the prototype for the Smart Dosing application.
The World Health Organization aims to eradicate wild poliovirus worldwide by the end of 2018. Cameroon and Nigeria, neighboring countries, have been affected by the terrorist and militant activities of the Islamist sect Boko Haram. Impacted regions are mainly the far North of Cameroon and Northern Nigeria. Targets of Boko Haram aggression in these zones include violence against polio workers, disruption of polio immunization campaigns, with consequent reduced access to health care and immunization. In addition to this significant problem, Northern Nigeria has historically seen rejection of polio virus vaccine initiatives. It remains to know how health systems can continue operations against polio in areas where Boko Haram operates. If appropriate measures are not urgently taken, it will be not possible to meet the 2018 goal of polio virus eradication. The response should include specialized immunization activities in conflict zones, will engagement of leaders. Countries should also explore immunization activities by soldiers and military personnel.
Objective: Little is known about the extent of mental, neurological and substance-use (MNS) disorders re-hospitalization in South Africa. We examined the extent of one-year MNS re-hospitalization (MNS-R) in a rural South African primary health care facility (PHCF). Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of hospital administrative data from 10,525 adults discharged from a rural PHCF in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Chi-squared tests were utilized to describe MNS-R within one year of an index hospital admission in individuals with MNS, with a sub-analysis also being conducted to describe schizophrenia re-hospitalization (S-R). Results: The prevalence of MNS and schizophrenia recorded at an index hospitalization was 5% and 1%, respectively. A total of 44/67 (66%) individuals with a diagnosis of MNS at the index hospitalization were classified as having MNS-R during oneyear follow-up period. Half of those diagnosed with schizophrenia at the index hospitalization (6/12 patients) were classified as having S-R during one-year follow-up period. There was a significant association between re-hospitalization outcomes (MNS-R and S-R) and MNS (p<0.01) or schizophrenia diagnosis (p<0.01) at index baseline hospitalization. Conclusion: The extent of MNS-R and S-R remains relatively high in rural South Africa, and needs further health systems strengthening to prevent revolving door occurrences.
Part 20: Health and Care Networks
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
The elderly constitute a growing world population group, with more than 200 million people over 60 years of age. This fact has increased the detection of chronic-degenerative diseases, as well as the prescription and consumption of medicines. The elderly are particularly susceptible to adverse drug events or interactions with other drugs due to their physiological changes, genetic predisposition and environmental exposure. It becomes necessary to adapt the health systems with integral and multidisciplinary approaches suitable to this demographic change, as the knowledge about appropriate prescription, clinical pharmacology and medication use in the elderly has become essential. It has been shown that about two thirds of elderly patients receive inappropriate drug doses, and a substantial percentage of their hospital admissions are associated with potentially preventable toxic effects of drugs. To date, expert criteria, error detection tools and educational prescription plans have been developed by expert consensus for the safe use of drugs in the geriatric population. The objective of this study is a brief review of the principal physiological changes in an older adult, and summarize the contributions of the consensuses on prescription.
La Atención Primaria de la Salud y su visión holística van más allá del limitado modelo médico. Desde la conferencia internacional de Alma Ata hasta la actualidad han transcurrido 37 años y sigue siendo el mejor camino para reformar la salud, disminuir la morbilidad, aumentar la equidad y mejorar considerablemente la eficacia de los sistemas de salud. Aunque existen enormes progresos en la salud pública y algunos indicadores nacionales alentadores, es importante hacer énfasis en las actividades de prevención de la enfermedad y promoción de la salud, ya que según datos de la OMS, se podrían reducir en un 70% la carga de morbilidad a nivel mundial si es aplicada correctamente. Este artículo, recopila una revisión realizada en las principales bases de datos de bibliografía científica biomédica disponibles (Pub- Med, Lilacs, Scielo, EBSCO, SeCiMed), con el propósito de retomar, actualizar y fortalecer los conceptos, enfoques y avances que ha tenido la APS y ponerlos al alcance del actuales y futuros profesionales de la salud
Patient and public involvement has become an integral aspect of many developed health systems and is judged to be an essential driver for reform. However, little attention has been paid to the distinctions between patients and the public, and the views of patients are often seen to encompass those of the general public. Using an ideal-type approach, we analyse crucial distinctions between patient involvement and public involvement using examples from Sweden and England. We highlight that patients have sectional interests as health service users in contrast to citizens who engage as a public policy agent reflecting societal interests. Patients draw on experiential knowledge and focus on output legitimacy and performance accountability, aim at typical representativeness, and a direct responsiveness to individual needs and preferences. In contrast, the public contributes with collective perspectives generated from diversity, centres on input legitimacy achieved through statistical representativeness, democratic accountability and indirect responsiveness to general citizen preferences. Thus, using patients as proxies for the public fails to achieve intended goals and benefits of involvement. We conclude that understanding and measuring the impact of patient and public involvement can only develop with the application of a clearer comprehension of the differences.