988 resultados para Hamsun, Knut, 1859-1952.
[ES] Se observa que la asimetría en talla no es determinante en las interacciones agresivas que tienen lugar entre machos de Poecilia reticulata, aunque éstos se muestra más agresivos cuando los contendientes son de talla similar. Por otro lado, el contexto ambiental condiciona la agresividad desplegada, de modo que la posibilidad de contacto directo entre contendientes incrementa la agresividad. Al contrario, cuando el riesgo de predación es muy elevado la agresividad disminuye. La presencia de una hembra en el contexto de interacción no influye en el nivel de agresividad de los machos.
The dissertation aims to explore the several forms in which the activity of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) developed on the project and the realisation of the Eranos Conferences, founded in 1933 by Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (1881-1962). The dissertation, in particular, focuses on the first twenty-year period (1933-1952) that determined the fundamental aspects and shaped the peculiar configuration of the Eranos Conferences as a “research laboratory” on the universal characteristics of the religious phenomenon. The dissertation contains the following chapters: 1) Aspects of C.G. Jung’s intellectual contribution to the religious hermeneutics proposed in the Eranos Conferences; 2) C.G. Jung’s conferences at Eranos: a historical examination; 3) C.G. Jung and the Eranos Archive for Research in Symbolism; 4) C.G. Jung and the hidden history of Eranos; 5) C.G. Jung’s commentary on Opicinus de Canistris’s Codex Palatinus Latinus 1993: fragments of a lost and rediscovered Eranos seminar.
La definizione di «scrittura dell’interpretazione» comprime in una sola locuzione la descrizione dell’oggetto principale del nostro studio, ovvero il problema della trascrizione musicale, descritta, non tanto come un determinato genere musicale, quanto come una ragione di osmosi e interferenze tra il fatto compositivo e quello interpretativo. Ad una traversata di quel territorio ci si appresta incentrando la trattazione intorno alla figura e all’opera del giovane compositore e direttore Bruno Maderna, autore di diverse trascrizioni della cosiddetta musica antica (dall’Odhecaton A, Monteverdi, Viadana, Frescobaldi, Legrenzi, ed altri ancora). Attraverso gli esempi presentati si intende mostrare come l’approccio maderniano alla trascrizione musicale si giustifichi a partire dalla sua stessa teoria e pratica dell’interpretazione musicale, più che in base a concetti forti definiti sul versante della scrittura, quali ad esempio quelli di analisi e parodia. Pari attenzione si offre al contesto storico degli anni in cui egli gravita, opera e si afferma come musicista (1946-1952 circa), dedicando ampio spazio alle figure di Gian Francesco Malipiero, Angelo Ephrikian e Luigi Nono, autori a loro volta di trascrizioni e revisioni di opere del Cinquecento, del Seicento e del Settecento. Intorno ai loro rapporti viene fornita una documentazione significativa, in buona parte inedita o poco conosciuta dagli studiosi, resa disponibile grazie alle ricerche d’archivio di cui si avvantaggia la nostra trattazione.
This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.
Wie kaum ein anderer hat Philipp Auerbach die Anfänge der Wiedergutmachung in Westdeutschland nach 1945 geprägt. Durch seine zahlreichen Funktionen im Staatsdienst und in Organisationen ehemaliger Verfolgter gelang es ihm, 'Wiedergutmachung' an den Opfern des Nationalsozialismus in einem sehr weiten Sinn zu betreiben. Seine eigenwillige Vorstellung davon, wie Rückerstattung, Entschädigung, Entnazifizierung und öffentliches Gedenken miteinander verbunden werden sollten, trug ihm jedoch heftige Gegnerschaft ein. 1952 wurde er in einem hochpolitischen Prozess verurteilt und nahm sich unmittelbar danach das Leben. Auerbachs Korrespondenz und weitere persönliche Unterlagen aus den Jahren 1946-1951 sind jetzt im Bayerischen Hauptstaatsarchiv zugänglich. Ergänzend können seit kurzem im Staatsarchiv München die Verfahrensakten zum Strafprozess von 1952 eingesehen werden. Beide Archivalienkomplexe zusammen bieten ausgezeichnete Einblicke in die frühe Wiedergutmachungspraxis in Bayern. Sichtbar werden vor allem die vielfältigen Interessenkonflikte, die bei der Entschädigung, der Rückerstattung und der Sühne von NS-Verbrechen auftraten.
von [Josef] Aub
In recent decades, extremely hazardous windstorms have caused enormous losses to buildings, infrastructure and forests in Switzerland. This has increased societal and scientific interest in the intensity and frequency of historical high-impact storms. However, high-resolution wind data and damage statistics mostly span recent decades only. For this study, we collected quantitative (e.g., volumes of windfall timber, losses relating to buildings) and descriptive (e.g., forestry or insurance reports) information on the impact of historical windstorms. To define windstorm severity, normalized and declustered quantitative data were processed by extreme value statistics. Descriptive information was classified using a conceptual guideline. Validation with independent damage information, as well as comparison with wind measurements and a reanalysis, indicates that the most hazardous winter storms are captured, while too few moderate windstorms are detected. Strong storms in the wind measurements and reanalysis are thus added to the catalog. The final catalog encompasses approximately 240 high-impact windstorms in Switzerland since 1859. It features three robust severity classes and contains eight extreme windstorms. Evidence of high winter storm activity in the early and late 20th century compared to the mid-20th century in both damage and wind data indicates a co-variability of hazard and related damage on decadal timescales.