461 resultados para Hamed, Amir


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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank EPSRC (EP/ K018345/1) and Royal Society-NSFC International Exchange Scheme for providing financial support to this research.


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Fungal pathogens perceive and respond to molecules from the plant, triggering pathogenic development. Transduction of these signals may use heterotrimeric G proteins, and it is thought that protein phosphorylation cascades are also important. We have isolated a mitogen-activated protein kinase homolog from the corn pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus to test its role as a component of the transduction pathways. The new gene, CHK1, has a deduced amino acid sequence 90% identical to Pmk1 of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea and 59% identical to Fus3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A series of chk1 deletion mutants has poorly developed aerial hyphae, autolysis, and no conidia. No pseudothecia are formed when a cross between two Δchk1 mutants is attempted. The ability of Δchk1 mutants to infect corn plants is reduced severely. The growth pattern of hyphae on a glass surface is strikingly altered from that of the wild type, forming coils or loops, but no appressoria. This set of phenotypes overlaps only partially with that of pmk1 mutants, the homologous gene of the rice blast fungus. In particular, sexual and asexual sporulation both require Chk1 function in Cochliobolus heterostrophus, in contrast to Pmk1, but perhaps more similar to yeast, where Fus3 transmits the mating signal. Chk1 is required for efficient colonization of leaf tissue, which can be compared with filamentous invasive growth of yeast, modulated through another closely related mitogen-activated protein kinase, Kss1. Ubiquitous signaling elements thus are used in diverse ways in different plant pathogens, perhaps the result of coevolution of the transducers and their targets.


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Revealing the layout of cortical maps is important both for understanding the processes involved in their development and for uncovering the mechanisms underlying neural computation. The typical organization of orientation maps in the cat visual cortex is radial; complete orientation cycles are mapped around orientation singularities. In contrast, long linear zones of orientation representation have been detected in the primary visual cortex of the tree shrew. In this study, we searched for the existence of long linear sequences and wide linear zones within orientation preference maps of the cat visual cortex. Optical imaging based on intrinsic signals was used. Long linear sequences and wide linear zones of preferred orientation were occasionally detected along the border between areas 17 and 18, as well as within area 18. Adjacent zones of distinct radial and linear organizations were observed across area 18 of a single hemisphere. However, radial and linear organizations were not necessarily segregated; long (7.5 mm) linear sequences of preferred orientation were found embedded within a typical pinwheel-like organization of orientation. We conclude that, although the radial organization is dominant, perfectly linear organization may develop and perform the processing related to orientation in the cat visual cortex.


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Timelapse video microscopy has been used to record the motility and dynamic interactions between an H-2Db-restricted murine cytotoxic T lymphocyte clone (F5) and Db-transfected L929 mouse fibroblasts (LDb) presenting normal or variant antigenic peptides from human influenza nucleoprotein. F5 cells will kill LDb target cells presenting specific antigen (peptide NP68: ASNENMDAM) after “browsing” their surfaces for between 8 min and many hours. Cell death is characterized by abrupt cellular rounding followed by zeiosis (vigorous “boiling” of the cytoplasm and blebbing of the plasma membrane) for 10–20 min, with subsequent cessation of all activity. Departure of cytotoxic T lymphocytes from unkilled target cells is rare, whereas serial killing is sometimes observed. In the absence of antigenic peptide, cytotoxic T lymphocytes browse target cells for much shorter periods, and readily leave to encounter other targets, while never causing target cell death. Two variant antigenic peptides, differing in nonamer position 7 or 8, also act as antigens, albeit with lower efficiency. A third variant peptide NP34 (ASNENMETM), which differs from NP68 in both positions and yet still binds Db, does not stimulate F5 cytotoxicity. Nevertheless, timelapse video analysis shows that NP34 leads to a significant modification of cell behavior, by up-regulating F5–LDb adhesive interactions. These data extend recent studies showing that partial agonists may elicit a subset of the T cell responses associated with full antigen stimulation, by demonstrating that TCR interaction with variant peptide antigens can trigger target cell adhesion and surface exploration without activating the signaling pathway that results in cytotoxicity.


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The three-dimensional structures of the inactive protein precursors (zymogens) of the serine, cysteine, aspartic, and metalloprotease classes of proteolytic enzymes are known. Comparisons of these structures with those of the mature, active proteases reveal that, in general, the preformed, active conformations of the residues involved in catalysis are rendered sterically inaccessible to substrates by the residues of the zymogens’ N-terminal extensions or prosegments. The prosegments interact in nonsubstrate-like fashions with the residues of the active sites in most of the cases. The gastric aspartic proteases have a well-characterized zymogen conversion pathway. Structures of human progastricsin, the inactive intermediate 2, and active human pepsin are known and have been used to define the conversion pathway. The structure of the zymogen precursor of plasmepsin II, the malarial aspartic protease, shows a new twist on the mode of inactivation used by the gastric zymogens. The prosegment of proplasmepsin disrupts the active conformation of the two catalytic aspartic acid residues by inducing a major reorientation of the two domains of the mature protease. The picornaviral 2A and 3C proteases have a chymotrypsin-like tertiary structure but with a cysteine nucleophile. These enzymes cleave themselves from the viral polyprotein in cis (intramolecular cleavage) and carry out trans cleavages of other scissile peptides important for the virus life cycle. Although the structure of the precursor viral polyprotein is unknown, it probably resembles the organization of the proenzymes of the bacterial serine proteases, subtilisin, and α-lytic protease. Cleavage of the prosegment is known to occur in cis for these precursor molecules.


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Gold nanoparticles supported on a polyacrylamide containing a phosphinite ligand have been synthesized and characterized using different techniques such as TEM, SEM, EDX, XPS, and solid UV analyses. The new material was successfully applied as a heterogeneous catalyst for the three-component A3 coupling of amines, aldehydes, and alkynes to give propargylamines. Reactions are performed in neat water at 80 °C with only 0.05 mol% catalyst loading. The heterogeneous catalyst is recyclable during seven consecutive runs with small decrease in activity.


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The high concentration of the banking sector is a cross-border phenomenon that has high impact on local and global economies. This paper's main goal is to analyze the factors that impact concentration in the banking systems around the globe. The innovation of this paper is that we combined economic, "economic environment", and culture variables as explanatory variables for this analysis. We found among other things that regulation in the banking system is helpful in order to keep it competitive. We also found that when the society has more individual values rather than collective ones, its banking sector is less concentrated. In the second part of the paper we focused on the Israeli case, showing that although recent indicators of the Israeli banking system indicate a higher level of concentration and lower level of competition, it seems that the recent trend is moving toward less concentration and higher competition.


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The Israeli economy has been subjected to a continuous flow of terror since its creation. The focus of our study is how terrorism's impacts the level of production of the high-tech sector. The two main objectives and novelties of the paper are: First our paper can be a major contribution to as yet a new subfield in applied microeconomics attempting to measure the impact of terror on economic issues like FDI and Industry output in general and that focused on the High-Tech industries. Second our research is designed to help us understand the impact of terror news, especially on U.S citizens' reactions to terror in Israel. Our terror variable isn't how many bodies or but how many negative articles regarding terror there are in leading American news paper. We focus on the volatility clustering of terror information arrivals in major US financial papers and its impact on high-tech production and FDI to Israel.


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This paper used cross country data in order to identify the variables that determine the inequality and poverty within countries. The main result is that culture differences have a significant role in the explanation of inequality and poverty differences between countries. Other interesting results are that globalization above a certain level contributes to inequality and poverty, and that inequality and poverty have an inverse U relation in relation to literacy.


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In this study, the relationship between the country's level of literacy and its national culture will be explored. Cultural differences effect the way that people think and react. Culture is "the value shared amongst distinctive social groups and classes" (Soley and Pandya 2003, 206). House, et al. (2004, 57) define culture as "shared motives, values, beliefs, identities, and interpretations or meanings of significant events that result from common experiences of members of collectives and are transmitted across age generations." Dutch anthropologist Geert Hofstede (1991) considers culture to be "the collective programming of the mind. Culture is a stem of collectively held values" (Hofstede 1981, p. 240).


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While many studies of franchising have examined the organizational antecedents of internationalization, few have examined how differences among markets lead to this internationalization. Studies linking environmental factors to the companies' decision to internationalize showed that various political, social and economic factors either attract or repel international franchising investment. We build on these studies' selected variables to understand the similarities and differences among international franchising markets. Using these variables, our results show that countries divide into eight clusters with similar international franchising market characteristics. A discussion of each cluster follows with implications for franchising research.