351 resultados para HOORN, Jeanette


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The RT3 is a relatively new triaxial accelerometer that has replaced the TniTrac. The aim of this study was to validate the RT3 against doubly labeled water (DLW) in a free-living, mixed weight sample of adults. Total energy expenditure (TEE) was measured over a 15-day period using DLW Activity-related energy expenditure (AEE) was estimated by subtracting resting energy expenditure and thermic effect of feeding from TEE. The RT3 triaxial accelerometer was worn over 14 consecutive days. TEE and AEE were estimated using the RT3 proprietary equation. Thirty-six adults ages 18-56 years (56% women) with an average weight of 75.9 kg (SD = 14.8) completed all measurements. Compared to DLW the RT3 underestimated TEE by 539 kJ (4%) and AEE by 485 kJ (15%) on average. The RT3 provided a relatively accurate assessment of free-living activity-related energy expenditure at the group level and generally underestimated total and activity-related energy expenditure compared to DLW


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BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries. Sedentary screen-based activities such as video gaming are thought to displace active behaviors and are independently associated with obesity. Active video games, where players physically interact with images onscreen, may have utility as a novel intervention to increase physical activity and improve body composition in children. The aim of the Electronic Games to Aid Motivation to Exercise (eGAME) study is to determine the effects of an active video game intervention over 6 months on: body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, waist circumference, cardio-respiratory fitness, and physical activity levels in overweight children.

METHODS/DESIGN: Three hundred and thirty participants aged 10-14 years will be randomized to receive either an active video game upgrade package or to a control group (no intervention).

DISCUSSION: An overview of the eGAME study is presented, providing an example of a large, pragmatic randomized controlled trial in a community setting. Reflection is offered on key issues encountered during the course of the study. In particular, investigation into the feasibility of the proposed intervention, as well as robust testing of proposed study procedures is a critical step prior to implementation of a large-scale trial.


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ABSTRACT : This study sought to integrate perceived and built environmental and individual factors into the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model to better understand adolescents' physical activity.

METHODS: Participants (n = 110) aged 12 to 17 years (M = 14.6 +/- 1.55) were recruited from two large metropolitan high schools in Auckland, New Zealand, were included in the analysis. Participants completed measures of the revised TPB and the perceived environment. Individual factors such as ethnicity and level of deprivation were also collected. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) software was used to measure the physical environment (walkability, access to physical activity facilities). Physical activity was assessed using the ActiGraph accelerometer and the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A). Data from the various sources were combined to develop an integrated model integrated for statistical analysis using structural equation modeling.

RESULTS: The TPB model variables (intention and perceived behavioral control) explained 43% of the variance of PAQ-A. Unique and individual contributions were made by intention and PBC and home ownership of home equipment. The model explained 13% of time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity (Actigraph). Unique and individual contribution was made by intention.

CONCLUSION: Social cognitive variables were better predictors of both subjective and objective physical activity compared to perceived environmental and built environment factors. Implications of these findings are discussed.


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We have been collecting data on worldwide contact lens prescribing habits for almost 20 years. Over this time period, we have amassed prospective information about 315,000 contact lens fits in 59 countries. This article marks our 15th report in Contact Lens Spectrum and features a breakdown of more than 23,000 contact lens fits in 34 markets.As in previous years, our international network of coordinators distributed survey forms to eyecare practitioners in their market who then recorded generic information about the first 10 patients fit with contact lenses after receipt. Information is gathered about patient age and gender; whether the contact lenses are prescribed as a new fit or a refit; contact lens material, design, and replacement frequency; number of intended days per week of use; wearing modality; and care system. Contact lens fits are weighted to reflect the number of fits undertaken by each eyecare practitioner. The study data were entered and processed at the University of Manchester and at the University of Waterloo.


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The review began with a survey of recent issues of nine key English education journals widely recognised as influential within the field, and reflective of current practice and debates about future directions in Australia and internationally.Common areas of focus and concern were identified within this literature scan, including:• definitions of ‘English’ in current times, and their implications• the nature of literacy — which literacies?• English for students from multiple linguistic backgrounds, and how this might best beconceived and organised• text selection and related issues — canonicity, choice, genre, prescription, analytic frameworks etc.• digital texts and technologies• English as a vehicle for the discussion of themes, issues and social concerns• assessment — policies, practices and effects.This research formed a background against which subjects in the Queensland English subject group were examined.A close reading of the Queensland syllabuses under review, and the construction of an overview of the teaching, learning and assessment focuses followed the literature scan.English literature reviewSenior syllabus redevelopmentQueensland Curriculum & Assessment AuthorityPage 1 of 25February 2016The four syllabuses were mapped against each other for similarities and differences. Connections between these syllabuses and the Australian Curriculum, and Queensland F–10 curriculum were identified.Then, after gathering documentation, a close reading of similar syllabuses from Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, New York State, the International Baccalaureate (IB), and England’s A-levels was undertaken, and an overview of the teaching, learning and assessment focuses, the scope of learning, and how learning is organised and described within these syllabuses developed. In the course of this process, reflections on the relevance of these syllabuses from other jurisdictions for the Queensland syllabuses were noted.Finally, the Queensland English senior syllabuses were reviewed against six areas identified by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) as 21st century skills reflecting current educational trends.


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Discovering Hands (DH) es un proyecto que nace en Alemania en el 2006, liderado por el doctor Frank Hoffmann. El programa se desarrolla pensando en el importante problema de salud pública en el cual se ha convertido en el cáncer de mama, pues según la Organización Mundial de la Salud es el mayor causal de muerte en mujeres, tanto en países desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, y en Alemania esta enfermedad acaba con la vida de aproximadamente 18.000 mujeres cada año. (The Global Journal, 2014) DH entrena y capacita mujeres visualmente impedidas para detectar de manera temprana los signos de cáncer de mama, dado que estas poseen un sentido del tacto más desarrollado que el de una persona que no se encuentre limitada visualmente. Esto les permite localizar el cáncer de forma más rápida que un médico general ya que son capaces de identificar los tumores más pequeños, logrando así reducir notablemente los costos totales del tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Adicional a esto, el capacitar y preparar a mujeres con discapacidad visual para la detección temprana de cáncer de mama, incrementa la fuerza laboral del país, pues estas mujeres pasarían a ser parte de la población económicamente activa del mismo (PEA) y lograrían que las personas dejen de percibir esta condición como una discapacidad y por el contrario la vean como una ventaja. Después de unos años de prueba, el programa ha sido mejorado y extendido tanto en Alemania como en otros países (Austria), razón por la cual se realizó el estudio de factibilidad del proyecto en países como Colombia - donde se quiere llevar a cabo un proyecto piloto en la ciudad de Cali - México y Argentina. El presente trabajo se enfoca en Argentina, por medio del cual se busca proponer aportes para disminuir las causas de muertes originadas por esta enfermedad y los altos costos que estas le generan al sector de la salud de este país. Con el estudio se logró identificar la factibilidad de la implementación del modelo de negocio, evidenciando que Argentina cuenta con unas particularidades en su sistema de gobierno que pueden hacer que la puesta en práctica del proyecto sea más compleja que en otros países.