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Este trabajo constituye una revisión de la influencia de las variables individuales y contextuales sobre las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se describió el concepto de discapacidad desde una perspectiva social, en donde se concibió la discapacidad como un aspecto relacional en vez de una característica individual. Por otra parte se describieron las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, los tipos y sus consecuencias, teniendo en cuenta las percepciones, creencias, emociones, información sobre discapacidad y variables sociodemográficas las cuales tienen un papel significativo en la formación y mantenimiento de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad. Adicionalmente se presentaron algunas de las estrategias de intervención que tiene como propósito mejorar las actitudes, aspecto que puede ayudar o contribuir a la aceptación de las personas con discapacidad. Finalmente, el presente trabajo muestra la necesidad de continuar el estudio de las actitudes hacia la discapacidad, y el mejorar las intervenciones basadas en los hallazgos presentados.


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The “Grupo de Estudios en Sistemas Tradicionales de Salud” from the School of Medicine of Universidad del Rosario, in agreement with the “Instituto de Etnobiología”, has designed a training course for a new health agent (the community health manager) meant to consider in its curriculum the difficulties, deficiencies and successes of the Primary Health Care Program. In particular, we have attended OMS suggestions in terms of adequate training of local leaders who should look for self-responsibility and selfdetermination in health care coverage. This training proposal is meant to take into account diverse cultures and traditions in order to offer health care models able to consider cultural particularities, epidemiological profiles, and contextual possibilities, with an intercultural point of view. Hence, the training course’s objective is to offer working tools so that community leaders be able to value and promote traditional health knowledge and practices; seek for food security by means of recovery of traditional productive systems or adaptation of appropriate technologies; environment conservation; use of medicinal plants especially in self-care, and stimulation of community and institutional health promotion activities. Preliminary evaluation suggests that this new health agent will be able to set bridges between communities and health care offers available, always looking for healthy ways of life, culturally and environmentally friendly.


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Los asentamientos indígenas y los habitantes de zonas rurales presentan un elevado riesgo de padecertuberculosis. Las estrategias de promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad debenacompañarse de los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas (CAP) que las comunidades tienen sobreesta temática. Objetivo: describir los CAP sobre tuberculosis y su asociación con algunos aspectossociodemográficos de habitantes de zonas rurales e indígenas de Córdoba (Colombia) en 2012 yevaluar la validez y confiabilidad de la escala CAP. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo transversalen 300 individuos, 100 indígenas zenúes y 200 campesinos. Los datos se recolectaron de fuenteprimaria y los análisis se realizaron con medidas de resumen, frecuencia y estadística no paramétricaen SPSS 20. Resultados: los CAP presentaron buena fiabilidad y validez de apariencia, contenido yconstructo. En conocimientos, un 76% mostró un grado satisfactorio; en las actitudes, un 77% fueinsatisfactorio y un 48% presentó buenas prácticas. No se halló asociación estadística de los CAPcon el sexo ni con las creencias religiosas; en la etnia se encontraron diferencias estadísticamentesignificativas en los conocimientos y las prácticas; la edad demostró asociación estadística con losconocimientos y la escolaridad evidenció asociación con las prácticas. Conclusión: se observó unadecuado conocimiento sobre tuberculosis, en tanto que las actitudes y las prácticas fueron insatisfactorias;los principales factores asociados con los CAP fueron etnia, edad y escolaridad.


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En este estudio se realizó una encuesta con el fin de evidenciar el conocimiento y la práctica de la Educación Sexual en adolescentes que acudieron al servicio de consulta externa de Medicina General en dos Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud (IPS) de la ciudad de Bogotá, una de régimen contributivo y otra de régimen subsidiado. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, a 100 adolescentes, mujeres y hombres, a través de la aplicación de un instrumento prediseñado con un contenido de 17 preguntas donde se indagó acerca de: planificación familiar, conducta sexual, educación sexual, embarazo adolescente y conductas de riesgo en adolescentes. En relación al régimen de aseguramiento en salud que tenían los adolescentes, las diferencias encontradas en sus respuestas fueron a nivel de: educación sexual recibida, acceso a los servicios de planificación familiar de las Empresas Promotoras de Salud (EPS), presencia de embarazo adolescente y consumo de alcohol asociado a la práctica de relaciones sexuales. Tras el análisis de la información obtenida con la aplicación de la encuesta, se concluye que es indispensable crear en las instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Bogotá, una nueva herramienta metodológica a través de la cual se realice promoción de la salud y refuerzo de prácticas protectoras en educación sexual para adolescentes, pues persiste desconocimiento de la misma.


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Este documento presenta los resultados del componente cuantitativo de la evaluación del Programa de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN). Para identificar el efecto, la estrategia empírica explota la variación en la implementación del componente pedagógico del PESCC entre los colegios y la variación en el componente de fortalecimiento institucional del programa a nivel departamental. El principal hallazgo de este trabajo es que el PESCC mejora las prácticas docentes de planeación y los conocimientos de los estudiantes en servicios en salud sexual y reproductiva y en derechos humanos sexuales y reproductivos. No hay efectos significativos en otros índices de Conocimientos, Actitudes o Prácticas (CAP) de profesores o estudiantes.


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Successful innovation diffusion process may well take the form of knowledge transfer process. Therefore, the primary objectives of this paper include: first, to evaluate the interrelations between transfer of knowledge and diffusion of innovation; and second to develop a model to establish a connection between the two. This has been achieved using a four-step approach. The first step of the approach is to assess and discuss the theories relating to knowledge transfer (KT) and innovation diffusion (ID). The second step focuses on developing basic models for KT and ID, based on the key theories surrounding these areas. A considerable amount of literature has been written on the association between knowledge management and innovation, the respective fields of KT and ID. The next step, therefore, explores the relationship between innovation and knowledge management in order to identify the connections between the latter, i.e. KT and ID. Finally, step four proposes and develops an integrated model for KT and ID. As the developed model suggests the sub-processes of knowledge transfer can be connected to the innovation diffusion process in several instances as discussed and illustrated in the paper.


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The paper analyses the impact of a priori determinants of biosecurity behaviour of farmers in Great Britain. We use a dataset collected through a stratified telephone survey of 900 cattle and sheep farmers in Great Britain (400 in England and a further 250 in Wales and Scotland respectively) which took place between 25 March 2010 and 18 June 2010. The survey was stratified by farm type, farm size and region. To test the influence of a priori determinants on biosecurity behaviour we used a behavioural economics method, structural equation modelling (SEM) with observed and latent variables. SEM is a statistical technique for testing and estimating causal relationships amongst variables, some of which may be latent using a combination of statistical data and qualitative causal assumptions. Thirteen latent variables were identified and extracted, expressing the behaviour and the underlying determining factors. The variables were: experience, economic factors, organic certification of farm, membership in a cattle/sheep health scheme, perceived usefulness of biosecurity information sources, knowledge about biosecurity measures, perceived importance of specific biosecurity strategies, perceived effect (on farm business in the past five years) of welfare/health regulation, perceived effect of severe outbreaks of animal diseases, attitudes towards livestock biosecurity, attitudes towards animal welfare, influence on decision to apply biosecurity measures and biosecurity behaviour. The SEM model applied on the Great Britain sample has an adequate fit according to the measures of absolute, incremental and parsimonious fit. The results suggest that farmers’ perceived importance of specific biosecurity strategies, organic certification of farm, knowledge about biosecurity measures, attitudes towards animal welfare, perceived usefulness of biosecurity information sources, perceived effect on business during the past five years of severe outbreaks of animal diseases, membership in a cattle/sheep health scheme, attitudes towards livestock biosecurity, influence on decision to apply biosecurity measures, experience and economic factors are significantly influencing behaviour (overall explaining 64% of the variance in behaviour).


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Social constructionism offers valuable insights into the study of social problems for example, poverty, homelessness, crime and delinquency, including how social phenomena 'become' social problems, through social processes of interaction and interpretation. The social construction of child maltreatment has recently emerged as a site of scholarly inquiry and critique. This paper explores through three case studies how 'responsibility for child maltreatment' is constructed in child protection practice, with a specific focus on how 'responsibility' may also be gendered. In particular, how is gender associated with responsibility, such that the identity-pair, 'responsible mothers, invisible men', is a highly likely outcome as claimed in feminist literature? What other assumptions about 'identities of risk' or 'dangerousness' articulate with patriarchy and influence how responsibility is constructed? The case studies explore normally invisible processes by which social categories become 'fact', 'knowledge' and 'truth'. Furthermore, the social construction of 'responsibility for child maltreatment' is extended by a reflexive analysis of my own constructionist practices, as researcher/writer in claims making. The analysis offers an insight into the dynamic and dialectical relationship between professional and organisational knowledge and practice, allowing for a critique of knowledge itself, the basis for the claims made and possible alternative ways of knowing.


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Aims and objectives. The aim of the study was to determine how graduate nurses use protocols in their medication management activities. The objectives were to: examine the extent of adherence to various protocols in relation to medication activities and determine how the ward environment impacts on graduate nurses' use of protocols to manage patients' medications.
Background. Protocols help newly qualified nurses integrate new knowledge into practice and promote effective decision-making
Design. A descriptive prospective qualitative design was used.
Methods. Twelve graduate nurses involved in direct patient care in medical, surgical and specialty wards of a metropolitan teaching hospital participated in the study. Participant observations were conducted with the graduate nurses during a two-hour period when medications were being administered to patients. In-depth interviews were conducted with each nurse immediately after observations and demographic data were collected on participating nurses and patients in their care, including all medications prescribed. Protocols associated with medication management activities for the clinical settings were also transcribed.
Results. Six themes were evident from the data: availability and use of protocols, scrutinizing patients' identity before medication administration, double-checking certain medications before administration, writing incident reports, following specific policies and timing the administration of medications.
Conclusion. Graduate nurses adhered to protocols if they were perceived not to impede with other nursing activities. Participants were also more likely to follow protocols if they felt encouraged to make their own decisions and if there was a decreased likelihood that disciplinary action would be involved.
Relevance to clinical practice. Experienced health professionals should encourage graduate nurses to comply with medication protocols and to make clinically reasoned decisions about medication activities. By providing peer support and acting as role models, experienced health professionals can also demonstrate to graduate nurses how effective protocol use is an important component of quality patient care.


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Low dose spiral computed tomography (CT) is a sensitive screening tool for lung cancer that is currently being evaluated in both non-randomised studies and randomised controlled trials.
We conducted a quantitative decision analysis using a Markov model to determine whether, in the Australian setting, offering spiral CT screening for lung cancer to high risk individuals would be cost-effective compared with current practice. This exploratory analysis was undertaken predominantly from the perspective of the government as third-party funder. In the base-case analysis, the costs and health outcomes (life-years saved and quality-adjusted life years) were calculated in a hypothetical cohort of 10,000 male current smokers for two alternatives: (1) screen for lung cancer with annual CT for 5 years starting at age 60 year and treat those diagnosed with cancer or (2) no screening and treat only those who present with symptomatic cancer.
For male smokers aged 60–64 years, with an annual incidence of lung cancer of 552 per 100,000, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was $57,325 per life-year saved and $105,090 per QALY saved. For females aged 60–64 years with the same annual incidence of lung cancer, the cost-effectiveness ratio was $51,001 per life-year saved and $88,583 per QALY saved. The model was used to examine the relationship between efficacy in terms of the expected reduction in lung cancer mortality at 7 years and cost-effectiveness. In the base-case analysis lung cancer mortality was reduced by 27% and all cause mortality by 2.1%. Changes in the estimated proportion of stage I cancers detected by screening had the greatest impact on the efficacy of the intervention and the cost-effectiveness. The results were also sensitive to assumptions about the test performance characteristics of CT scanning, the proportion of lung cancer cases overdiagnosed by screening, intervention rates for benign disease, the discount rate, the cost of CT, the quality of life in individuals with early stage screen-detected cancer and disutility associated with false positive diagnoses. Given current knowledge and practice, even under favourable assumptions, reductions in lung cancer mortality of less than 20% are unlikely to be cost-effective, using a value of $50,000 per life-year saved as the threshold to define a “cost-effective” intervention.
The most feasible scenario under which CT screening for lung cancer could be cost-effective would be if very high-risk individuals are targeted and screening is either highly effective or CT screening costs fall substantially.


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This paper describes the development and validation of bicultural clinical indicators that measure achievement of mental health nursing practice standards in New Zealand (ANZMCHN, 1995, Standards of practice for mental health nursing in New Zealand. ANZCMHN, Greenacres). A four-stage research design was utilised including focus groups, Delphi surveys, a pilot, and a national field study, with mental health nurses and consumers as participants. During the national field study, consumer files (n=327) from 11 District Health Boards, and registered nurses (n=422) completed an attitude questionnaire regarding the regularity of specific nursing and service activities. Results revealed a variation in the mean occurrence of the clinical indicators in consumer case notes of 18.5–89.9%. Five factors with good internal consistency, encompassing domains of mental health nursing required for best practice, were derived from analysis of the questionnaire. This study presents a research framework for developing culturally and clinically valid, reliable measures of clinical practice.


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This article presents an analysis of workplace health programme discourses within an international information technology company. Discourse refers to a system of statements that share a common force and coherence and which are socially constitutive. The representation of entities such as workplace health can be subject to competition between discourses. A critical discourse analysis was undertaken on semi-structured interviews, participant observation and workplace health programme documents. Two competing discourses were identified: health as safety and health as lifestyle. Each discourse is described and shown to both implicitly and explicitly define health within this particular workplace. Lifestyle discourse encouraged moves towards linking of the employees' working and private lives while safety discourse defined health in the relationship between workers and their physical environment. Competition between discourses both constricts and opens spaces for alternative understandings of health in the workplace. The implications of this competition for workplace health policy and practice are discussed.


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Men's health literacy and its bearing on health-related attitudes and behaviour are curiously absent from discussions on health literacy and men's health. This is perhaps understandable given the lack of a theoretical understanding and empirical evidence. In this article, we review and comment on the published literature addressing health literacy and men's health literacy. We define 'health literacy', note a silent discourse on gender in the international debate on health literacy and identify gaps addressing men's health literacy. We also raise issues for research priorities and the practical development and implementation of evidence-based policies and programs aimed at improving men's health.


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This thesis examines the menopausal experiences of a non-clinical sample of lesbians living in Australia. Research on menopause to date has largely been conducted from a medicalised and heterosexual perspective: thus lesbians’ experiences remain unknown and invisible. Using a qualitative feminist multiple method research methodology combining content analysis and questionnaire/interview research, two hundred questionnaires were posted upon request to self-identified lesbians living in every Australian state and territory. Follow up in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty lesbians. Responses were grouped into four major themes: body image, sex and sexuality, hormone replacement therapy and health services and homophobia. The findings show that lesbians at menopause face some different and additional issues from those experienced by heterosexual midlife women. For many of the study participants, commonly discussed concerns at menopause such as weight gain and other physical signs of ageing, decreased fertility, lack of libido, sexual difficulties and hormone replacement therapy were of little relevance and importance. Lesbians in this study frequently raised other issues such as the universal assumption of heterosexuality and homophobia experienced when interacting with health professionals, which led to less than satisfactory health care and reinforced feelings of invisibility. In the Conclusion I argue that the study participants' views and experiences challenge negative, stereotypical views of both lesbians and menopause. The data thus add a new dimension to the presently narrow, heterosexist and medicalised view of women at midlife and contribute new knowledge to the body of literature on menopause. This thesis is a first important step in recording the experiences of lesbians regarding menopause in Australia. I include recommendations for further research in the area of lesbian health and improved practice, and discuss old and new obstacles lesbians face in a heteropatriarchal society in which lesbians continue to be invisible.


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The research consisted of narrative writing and reflective practice to promote the construction of new understandings between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Australia. The research findings propose exemplars of knowledge and practice and approaches to learning that are community centred, immersed in social practices and which include systematic narrative formation.