988 resultados para Growth-rate


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We consider the problem of characterizing the minimum average delay, or equivalently the minimum average queue length, of message symbols randomly arriving to the transmitter queue of a point-to-point link which dynamically selects a (n, k) block code from a given collection. The system is modeled by a discrete time queue with an IID batch arrival process and batch service. We obtain a lower bound on the minimum average queue length, which is the optimal value for a linear program, using only the mean (λ) and variance (σ2) of the batch arrivals. For a finite collection of (n, k) codes the minimum achievable average queue length is shown to be Θ(1/ε) as ε ↓ 0 where ε is the difference between the maximum code rate and λ. We obtain a sufficient condition for code rate selection policies to achieve this optimal growth rate. A simple family of policies that use only one block code each as well as two other heuristic policies are shown to be weakly optimal in the sense of achieving the 1/ε growth rate. An appropriate selection from the family of policies that use only one block code each is also shown to achieve the optimal coefficient σ2/2 of the 1/ε growth rate. We compare the performance of the heuristic policies with the minimum achievable average queue length and the lower bound numerically. For a countable collection of (n, k) codes, the optimal average queue length is shown to be Ω(1/ε). We illustrate the selectivity among policies of the growth rate optimality criterion for both finite and countable collections of (n, k) block codes.


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This paper presents a theoretical model for studying the effects of shrinkage induced flow on the growth rate of binary alloy dendrites. An equivalent undercooling of the melt is defined in terms of ratio of the phase densities to represent the change in dendrite growth rate due to variation in solutal and thermal transport resulting from shrinkage induced flow. Subsequently, results for dendrite growth rate predicted by the equivalent undercooling model is compared with the corresponding predictions obtained using an enthalpy based numerical method for dendrite growth with shrinkage. The agreement is found to be good. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Diffusion couple experiments are conducted to study phase evolutions in the Co-rich part of the Co-Ni-Ta phase diagram. This helps to examine the available phase diagram and propose a correction on the stability of the Co2Ta phase based on the compositional measurements and X-ray analysis. The growth rate of this phase decreases with an increase in Ni content. The same is reflected on the estimated integrated interdiffusion coefficients of the components in this phase. The possible reasons for this change are discussed based on the discussions of defects, crystal structure and the driving forces for diffusion. Diffusion rate of Co in the Co2Ta phase at the Co-rich composition is higher because of more number of Co-Co bonds present compared to that of Ta-Ta bonds and the presence of Co antisites for the deviation from the stoichiometry. The decrease in the diffusion coefficients because of Ni addition indicates that Ni preferably replaces Co antisites to decrease the diffusion rate. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic study of Gold catalyzed growth of Ge nanoneedles by PECVD at low temperatures (<400 degrees C) is presented. Morphology, growth rate and aspect ratio of the needles are studied as a function of power, gas flow rate and chamber pressure. Nanoneedles were grown at pre-defined positions with catalytic particles obtained by e-Beam Lithography and lift off. This opens up the possibility of using Ge Nano needles in photovoltaic, nanoelectronics and nanosensor device applications.


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Understanding the growth behavior of microorganisms using modeling and optimization techniques is an active area of research in the fields of biochemical engineering and systems biology. In this paper, we propose a general modeling framework, based on Monad model, to model the growth of microorganisms. Utilizing the general framework, we formulate an optimal control problem with the objective of maximizing a long-term cellular goal and solve it analytically under various constraints for the growth of microorganisms in a two substrate batch environment. We investigate the relation between long term and short term cellular goals and show that the objective of maximizing cellular concentration at a fixed final time is equivalent to maximization of instantaneous growth rate. We then establish the mathematical connection between the generalized framework and optimal and cybernetic modeling frameworks and derive generalized governing dynamic equations for optimal and cybernetic models. We finally illustrate the influence of various constraints in the cybernetic modeling framework on the optimal growth behavior of microorganisms by solving several dynamic optimization problems using genetic algorithms. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The growth of Nb3Sn by bronze technique on single crystals and deformed Nb is studied. The grain boundary diffusion-controlled growth rate is found to be higher for Nb-(0 1 3) than Nb-(0 1 1) because of smaller grain size of Nb3Sn. The difference in grain size is explained with the help of surface energies leading to different nucleation barrier. Significantly finer grains and higher growth rate of the product phase is found for rolled Nb because of available defects acting as potential nucleation sites.


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Lateral appendages often show allometric growth with a specific growth polarity along the proximo-distal axis. Studies on leaf growth in model plants have identified a basipetal growth direction with the highest growth rate at the proximal end and progressively lower rates toward the distal end. Although the molecular mechanisms governing such a growth pattern have been studied recently, variation in leaf growth polarity and, therefore, its evolutionary origin remain unknown. By surveying 75 eudicot species, here we report that leaf growth polarity is divergent. Leaf growth in the proximo-distal axis is polar, with more growth arising from either the proximal or the distal end; dispersed with no apparent polarity; or bidirectional, with more growth contributed by the central region and less growth at either end. We further demonstrate that the expression gradient of the miR396-GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR module strongly correlates with the polarity of leaf growth. Altering the endogenous pattern of miR396 expression in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana leaves only partially modified the spatial pattern of cell expansion, suggesting that the diverse growth polarities might have evolved via concerted changes in multiple gene regulatory networks.


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A strong influence of Ni content on the diffusion-controlled growth of the (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn and (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 phases by coupling different Cu(Ni) alloys with Sn in the solid state is reported. The continuous increase in the thickness ratio of (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 to (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn with the Ni content is explained by combined kinetic and thermodynamic arguments as follows: (i) The integrated interdiffusion coefficient does not change for the (Cu,Ni)(3)Sn phase up to 2.5 at.% Ni and decreases drastically for 5 at.% Ni. On the other hand, there is a continuous increase in the integrated interdiffusion coefficient for (Cu,Ni)(6)Sn-5 as a function of increasing Ni content. (ii) With the increase in Ni content, driving forces for the diffusion of components increase for both components in both phases but at different rates. However, the magnitude of these changes alone is not large enough to explain the high difference in the observed growth rate of the product phases because of Ni addition. (iv) Kirkendall marker experiments indicate that the Cu6Sn5 phase grows by diffusion of both Cu and Sn in the binary case. However, when Ni is added, the growth is by diffusion of Sn only. (v) Also, the observed grain refinement in the Cu6Sn5 phase with the addition of Ni suggests that the grain boundary diffusion of Sn may have an important role in the observed changes in the growth rate.


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Diffusion controlled growth rate of V3Ga in the Cu(Ga)/V system changes dramatically because of a small change in Ga content in Cu(Ga). One atomic percent increase from 15 to 16 leads to more than double the product phase layer thickness and a decrease in activation energy from 255 to 142 kJ/mol. Kirkendall marker experiment indicates that V3Ga grows because of diffusion of Ga. Role of different factors influencing the diffusion rate of Ga and high growth rate of V3Ga are discussed. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The alarmone (p)ppGpp regulates transcription, translation, replication, virulence, lipid synthesis, antibiotic sensitivity, biofilm formation, and other functions in bacteria. Signaling nucleotide cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) regulates biofilm formation, motility, virulence, the cell cycle, and other functions. In Mycobacterium smegmatis, both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are synthesized and degraded by bifunctional proteins Rel(Msm) and DcpA, encoded by rel(Msm) and dcpA genes, respectively. We have previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA knockout strains are antibiotic resistant and defective in biofilm formation, show altered cell surface properties, and have reduced levels of glycopeptidolipids and polar lipids in their cell wall (K. R. Gupta, S. Kasetty, and D. Chatterji, Appl Environ Microbiol 81:2571-2578, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/AEM.03999-14). In this work, we have explored the phenotypes that are affected by both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP in mycobacteria. We have shown that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed to maintain the proper growth rate under stress conditions such as carbon deprivation and cold shock. Scanning electron microscopy showed that low levels of these second messengers result in elongated cells, while high levels reduce the cell length and embed the cells in a biofilm-like matrix. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that the elongated Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA cells are multinucleate, while transmission electron microscopy showed that the elongated cells are multiseptate. Gene expression analysis also showed that genes belonging to functional categories such as virulence, detoxification, lipid metabolism, and cell-wall-related processes were differentially expressed. Our results suggests that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP affect some common phenotypes in M. smegmatis, thus raising a possibility of cross talk between these two second messengers in mycobacteria. IMPORTANCE Our work has expanded the horizon of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP signaling in Gram-positive bacteria. We have come across a novel observation that M. smegmatis needs (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP for cold tolerance. We had previously shown that the Delta rel(Msm) and Delta dcpA strains are defective in biofilm formation. In this work, the overproduction of (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP encased M. smegmatis in a biofilm-like matrix, which shows that both (p) ppGpp and c-di-GMP are needed for biofilm formation. The regulation of cell length and cell division by (p) ppGpp was known in mycobacteria, but our work shows that c-di-GMP also affects the cell size and cell division in mycobacteria. This is perhaps the first report of c-di-GMP regulating cell division in mycobacteria.


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Both a real time optical interferometric experiment and a numerical simulation of two-dimension non-steady state model were employed to study the growth process of aqueous sodium chlorate crystals. The parameters such as solution concentration distribution, crystal dimensions, growth rate and velocity field were obtained by both experiment and numerical simulation. The influence of earth gravity during crystal growth process was analyzed. A reasonable theory model corresponding to the present experiment is advanced. The thickness of concentration boundary layer was investigated especially. The results from the experiment and numerical simulation match well.


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Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes were grown at temperatures as low as 120degreesC by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. A systematic study of the temperature dependence of the growth rate and the structure of the as-grown nanotubes is presented using a C2H2/NH3 system and nickel as the catalyst. The activation energy for the growth rate was found to be 0.23 eV, much less than for thermal chemical vapor deposition (1.2-1.5 eV). This suggests growth occurs by surface diffusion of carbon on nickel. The result could allow direct growth of nanotubes onto low-temperature substrates like plastics, and facilitate the integration in sensitive nanoelectronic devices. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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An optical diagnostic system consisting of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer with the phase shift device and an image processor has been developed for the study of the kinetics of the crystal growing process. The dissolution and crystallization process of NaClO3 crystal has been investigated. The concentration distributions around a growing and dissolving crystal have been obtained by using phase-shift of four-steps theory for the interpretation of the interferograms. The convection (a plume flow) has been visualized and analyzed in the process of the crystal growth. The experiment demonstrates that the buoyancy convection dominates the growth rate of the crystal growing face on the ground-based experiment.


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The lysozyme crystals were made by batch crystallization method and the distribution of aggregate in solution were measured by dynamic light scattering. The results showed that the dimension of aggregate increased with the increase of the concentration of lysozyme and NaCl, lysozyme molecules aggregated gradually in solution and finally arrived at balance each other. The higher the concentrations of lysozyme and NaCl were, the faster the growth rate of (I 10) face was. The growth rates of lysozyme crystal were obtained by a Zeiss microscope, and the effective surface energy (a) of growing steps were calculated about 4.01 X 10(-8) J.cm(-2) according to the model of multiple two-dimensional nucleation mechanism.


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Single crystal gallium nitride (GaN) is an important technological material used primarily for the manufacture of blue light lasers. An important area of contemporary research is developing a viable growth technique. The ammonothermal technique is an important candidate among many others with promise of commercially viable growth rates and material quality. The GaN growth rates are a complicated function of dissolution kinetics, transport by thermal convection and crystallization kinetics. A complete modeling effort for the growth would involve modeling each of these phenomena and also the coupling between these. As a first step, the crystallization and dissolution kinetics were idealized and the growth rates as determined purely by transport were investigated. The growth rates thus obtained were termed ‘transport determined growth rates’ and in principle are the maximum growth rates that can be obtained for a given configuration of the system. Using this concept, a parametric study was conducted primarily on the geometric and the thermal boundary conditions of the system to optimize the ‘transport determined growth rate’ and determine conditions when transport might be a bottleneck.