977 resultados para Growth-Factor-Beta


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Avaliaram-se o efeito do IGF-I na maturação in vitro (MIV) (experimento I) e no desenvolvimento embrionário (DE) (experimento II) de oócitos bovinos fecundados in vitro, quanto às taxas de clivagem (TC), de blastocistos (TB) e de eclosão (TE). Para MIV, complexos cumulus-oócitos imaturos foram cultivados em meio TCM-199 suplementado com HEPES, bicarbonato e piruvato de sódio, aditivos, soro fetal bovino (meio B-199) e gonadotrofinas 14U/ml de PMSG e 7U/ml de hCG). Para o desenvolvimento embrionário, os oócitos/zigotos foram cultivados em meio B-199 com células epiteliais do oviduto bovino em suspensão sob óleo de silicone. As condições de cultivo in vitro para ambos os experimentos seguiram os tratamentos: 1- meio B-199 + 200 ng/ml IGF-I; 2- B-199 + 100 ng/ml IGF-I; 3- B-199 + 50 ng/ml IGF-I; 4- B-199 + 10 ng/ml IGF-I; 5- B-199 + 0 ng/ml IGF-I. Todas as culturas foram realizadas a 38,5° C em atmosfera com 5% de CO2 e os dados foram analisados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No experimento I, não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto às TC, TB e TE, quando o meio de MIV foi suplementado com IGF-I. No experimento II, a adição de IGF-I ao meio de DE resultou em aumento na TC (P<0,05) mas não influenciou a TB e a TE. A adição de 200 ng/ml de IGF-I ao meio DE melhorou a TC (71,1%) quando comparada com a TC dos grupos de 100 ng/ml de IGF-I (57,6%) ou controle (56,7%), entretanto não houve diferença quando comparada com a dos grupos de 50 ng/ml (69,4%) ou 10 ng/ml (73,1%) de IGF-I. Não houve efeito benéfico na adição de 10 a 200 ng/ml de IGF-I nos meios de MIV e de DE com relação ao desenvolvimento de embriões produzidos a partir de oócitos maturados e fecundados in vitro.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar um marcador bioquímico de folículos bovinos com diâmetro maior do que 10 mm, o qual poderia ser utilizado para identificar folículos dominantes nesta espécie. Líquido folicular era aspirado de folículos com diâmetros menores do que 5 mm, entre 5 e 10 mm e maiores do que 10 mm, provenientes de ovários de 37 fêmeas bovinas abatidas. Após aspiração, o líquido folicular (LF) era acondicionado em ependorfs etiquetados e congelados. Os padrões eletroforéticos em SDS-PAGE das proteínas do LF foram determinados e verificou-se que os folículos com diâmetro maior do que 10 mm apresentaram um polipeptídeo com PM entre 39 e 43 KDa identificado como a proteína ligante de IGF-3 (IGFBP-3), o qual não foi observado em folículos com diâmetro menor do que 5 mm e entre 5 e 10 mm. Este estudo sugere que este polipeptídeo possa ser utilizado como marcador bioquímico de folículos maiores do que 10 mm.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Genomic imprinting is defined as a gamete of origin-specific epigenetic modification of DNA leading to differential gene expression in the zygote. Several imprinted genes have been identified and some of them are associated with tumor development. We investigated the expression and the imprinting status of IGF2 and H19 genes in 47 uterine leiomyomas. Using allelic transcription assay, we detected the expression of the IGF2 gene in 10 of a total of 15 informative cases. No loss of imprinting, as determined by the finding of biallelic expression, was detected in any case. The expression of H19 gene was detected in 10 of 20 informative cases and the imprinting pattern was also maintained in all of them. Our data suggest that alterations in IGF2 and H19 genes expression by loss of imprinting do not occur in uterine leiomyomas. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study aimed to estimate the number of CD8(+) T and natural killer (NK) infiltrating cells and the expression of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta1) in chemically induced neoplasms in an initiation-promotion bioassay for carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were treated with N-nitrosodiethylamine, N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine, dihydroxy-di-N-propylnitrosamine, and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine for 4 weeks. Two groups were subsequently exposed through diet to phenobarbital (0.05%) or 2-acetylaminofluorene (0.01%) for 25 weeks. An untreated group was used as a control. Immune cells and cytokines were immunohistochemically evaluated in neoplasms and in surrounding normal tissues at the liver, kidneys, lung, and small and large intestines. When compared to the respective normal tissues, an increased number of NK cells was verified infiltrating the colon, lung, and kidney neoplasms, while the number of CD8+ T cells decreased in the intestine and lung neoplasms. Expression of IL-10 was found mainly in kidney tumors. TGF-beta1 was expressed mainly in the liver and kidneys tumors. The results indicate that the differential occurrence of immune cells between neoplastic and normal tissues could be dependent upon tumor microenvironment.


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The chronic ethanol intake influence on the gluthatione S-transferase (GST-P) and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) expression in remodeling/persistent preneoplastic lesions (PNLs) was evaluated in the resistant hepatocyte model. Male Wistar rats were allocated into five groups: G1, non-treated, fed water and chow ad libitum; G2, non-treated and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G3 group) and a maltodextrin (MD) solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G3, fed 5% ethanol in drinking water and chow ad libitum; G4, diethylnitrosamine (DEN, 200 mg/kg, body weight) plus 200 parts per million of 2-acetylaminofluorene (2-AAF) for 3 weeks and pair-fed chow (restricted to match that of G5 group) and an MD solution in tap water (matched ethanol-derived calories); G5, DEN/2-AAF treatment, fed ethanol 5% and chow ad libitum. All animals were subjected to 70% partial hepatectomy at week 3 and sacrificed at weeks 12 or 22, respectively. Liver samples were collected for histological analysis or immunohistochemical expression of GST-P, TGF-alpha and proliferating cell nuclear antigen or zymography for matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9. At the end of ethanol treatment, there was a significant increase in the percentage of liver area occupied by persistent GST-P-positive PNLs, the number of TGF-alpha-positive PNLs and the development of liver tumors in ethanol-fed and DEN/2-AAF-treated groups (G5 versus G4, P < 0.001). In addition, ethanol feeding led to a significant increase in cell proliferation mainly in remodeling and persistent PNLs with immunoreactivity for TGF-alpha at week 22 (P < 0.001). Gelatinase activities were not altered by ethanol treatment. The results demonstrated that ethanol enhances the selective growth of PNL with double expression of TGF-alpha and GST-P markers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the case of operated breast cancer (BC), prognostic markers help to determine if the patient needs additional treatment and predictive markers help the clinician to decide which treatment to use. Thus, a better knowledge of known predictive and prognostic markers and the identification of new markers, may improve the treatment of BC patients. The transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor (TGF-beta RII), a main receptor of transforming growth factor beta pathway, is a potential new prognostic marker. The aims of the present study were to investigate both the predictive and prognostic impact of TGF-beta RII in BC samples. TGF-beta RII protein expression was evaluated using immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray containing 110 TNM stage III BC samples obtained prior to doxorubicin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Our results demonstrate that TGF-beta RII did not predict the response to NAC. on the other hand, an association between TGF-beta RII-negative tumor and higher risk of metastasis to lungs and bones was verified. TGF-beta RII negativity was an independent prognostic factor for decreased disease-free and overall survival.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is evidence that several fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in growth and development of the corpus luteum (CL), but many FGFs have not been investigated in this tissue, including FGF10. The objective of this study was to determine if FGF10 and its receptor (FGFR2B) are expressed in the CL. Bovine CL were collected from an abattoir and classed as corpus hemorrhagica (stage 1), developing (stage 11), developed (stage 111), and regressed (stage IV) CL. Expression of FGF10 and FGFR2B mRNA was measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Both genes were expressed in bovine CL, and FGF10 expression did not differ between stages of CL development. FGF10 protein was localized to large and small luteal cells by immunohistochemistry. FGFR2B expression was approximately threefold higher in regressed compared to developing and developed CL (P < 0.05). To determine if FGF10 and FGFR2B expression is regulated during functional luteolysis, cattle were injected with PGF2 alpha and CL collected at 0, 0.5, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 64 hr thereafter (n = 5 CL/time point), and mRNA abundance was measured by real-time RT-PCR. FGF10 mRNA expression did not change during functional luteolysis, whereas FGFR2B mRNA abundance decreased significantly at 2, 4, and 12 hr after PGF2a, and returned to pretreatment levels for the period 24-64 hr post-PGF2 alpha. These data suggest a potential role for FGFR2B signaling during structural luteolysis in bovine CL.