1000 resultados para Gota D Água
The topical corneal application of antimitotic mitomycin-C (MMC) during refractive surgery is still characterized by a lack of standardization and considerable empirism. For this reason the creation of a system capable of reliable drug delivery represents a beneficial innovation for patients submitted to these procedures. Objective: Elaborate a new MMC delivery system during the transoperatory period of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) followed by patent application. Methods: The project consists of an in vitro experimental study to create an MMC (0.02%) release system. The drug was impregnated in sterile Whatman® 41 paper filter discs with a diameter of 8 mm. After drying, the discs were applied to antibiogram plates seeded with Staphylococcus epidermidis (American Type Culture Collection ATCC 12228), followed by the addition of a drop of sterile water. At the end of 1 minute, the discs were removed and the plates incubated for 48 hours at 35oC. Mean drop volume in the collyrium flasks was measured using analytical balance weighing. The inhibition halo (mm) was correlated with the MMC impregnated into the disc. After completion of the invention design a patent application was lodged at the National Institute of Industrial Property. Results: The correspondence between MMC-produced inhibition halos indicated that a dose of 16μg was ideal for impregnating into the discs. The mean drop volume obtained from the collyrium flasks was 37.7 μL. A minute after the application of one drop of balanced saline solution, the system released an adequate concentration for PRK surgery. Conclusion: A new MMC delivery system was created for transoperatory application in photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Publication of the patent application (number PI 0704739-8) gives the authors exclusive intellectual property rights. The study was sponsored by Ophthalmos Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (São Paulo-SP, Brazil) and received the indispensable scientific contribution of researchers from the fields of Pharmacy, Medicine, Biology, Statistics and Law, characterizing the work as multidisciplinary, in accordance with norms established by the Postgraduate Health Sciences Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
A Baía de Guanabara é um ambiente marinho-estuarino de grande relevância ecológica e sócio-econômica, e sujeita a uma ampla gama de impactos ambientais. O sedimento é o principal destino para a maioria das substâncias introduzidas nos corpos d'água, podendo fornecer uma medida integrada da qualidade ambiental, a qual pode ser avaliada por várias abordagens. Neste projeto, a qualidade de sedimentos da Baía de Guanabara foi por uma abordagem ecotoxicológica, por meio de testes de toxicidade aguda de sedimento integral, utilizando Tiburonella viscana, e testes de toxicidade crônica de água intersticial, elutriato e interface sedimento-água, utilizando embriões de Lytechinus variegatus. Os sedimentos foram coletados em 14 estações de amostragem. Nos testes crônicos houve efeitos significativos na maioria das amostras, enquanto os sedimentos coletados nas estações 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 e 15 apresentaram também toxicidade aguda. Houve grande concordância entre os resultados dos diferentes testes, e sua integração mostrou que os sedimentos analisados encontram-se inadequados à vida aquática, indicando degradação ambiental na baía da Guanabara. Nesse contexto, o controle das fontes poluidoras e o gerenciamento dos múltiplos usos da baía devem ser implementados, no sentido da melhora da qualidade ambiental.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A alface-d'água (Pistia stratiotes) é uma das principais entre as macrófitas aquáticas que causam problemas em corpos hídricos no Brasil e são consideradas como plantas daninhas. O presente trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de conhecer melhor a variabilidade genética dessa macrófita e relacionar essa variabilidade com a resposta à aplicação do herbicida glyphosate. Para isso, foram coletados indivíduos em 12 corpos hídricos em diferentes cidades do território nacional (Americana, Cambaratiba, Curitiba, Itapura, Jaboticabal, Lagoa Santa, Piraí, Rio Grande, Rubinéia, Salto Grande, Santa Gertrudes e Três Lagoas). Os acessos foram caracterizados pelo uso de marcadores RAPD (DNA Polimórfico Amplificado ao Acaso), que permitiram, com o auxílio de iniciadores aleatórios, a caracterização dos locos polimórficos identificados por uma matriz de ausência e presença de bandas. Utilizando essa matriz, a análise de agrupamento permitiu nítida classificação dos acessos em três grupos com diferenças genéticas entre eles. Um ensaio de controle químico, com plantas mantidas em vasos plásticos (5 L) e pulverizadas com o herbicida glyphosate nas concentrações de 0,0, 0,6, 1,2, 1,8 e 2,4 kg ha-1, identificou, utilizando avaliações aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após aplicação, que as duas maiores doses promoveram melhor efeito herbicida. Foi verificado também que os acessos de Curitiba e Cambaratiba apresentaram menor suscetibilidade ao herbicida glyphosate. Não houve correspondência entre a estrutura de grupos dos acessos pela análise multivariada de agrupamento com a técnica RAPD e a suscetibilidade da alface-d'água ao glyphosate.
Plantas aquáticas, especialmente macrófitas, tornam-se sério problema em hidrelétricas, afetando a múltipla utilização dos corpos d'água, incluindo produção de peixes e atividades de pesca, perdas d'água por evapotranspiração, esportes aquáticos, canoagem, irrigação e produção de energia nas usinas hidrelétricas. Com o objetivo de analisar o potencial de uso do carfentrazone-ethyl no controle das principais plantas daninhas aquáticas no Brasil, foi instalado um experimento em vasos com água. Utilizaram-se os seguintes tratamentos herbicidas (g i.a. ha-1): carfentrazone-ethyl a 15, 30 e 60; glyphosate a 4.536; 2,4-D a 4.690; imazapyr a 1.250; e uma testemunha sem herbicida. Esses tratamentos foram testados nas seguintes espécies: Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia auriculata, Pistia stratiotes, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Brachiaria arrecta, Hydrocotyle umbellata, Typha sp. e Echinochloa polystachya. As avaliações foram efetuadas aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após os tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que o carfentrazone-ethyl foi eficiente no controle de E. crassipes (maior dose) e P. stratiotes (duas maiores doses), com efeito supressivo sobre S. auriculata. Foi observado que nas outras plantas daninhas estudadas não houve eficiência de controle.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study to aimed investigate the community of ectoparasites associated with birds in the Mata do Olho D água, in the municipality of Macaíba, Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, its structure and the ambiental and hosts influential variables on it, and to verify microhabitats preferences by species of chewing lice and feather mites. We examined 172 individuals belonging to 38 species of Passeriformes and non-Passeriformes. 12 new geographic records are reported and 11 host-parasite associations not yet known for chewing lice and feather mites species. Significant relationship was found between the abundance of chewing lice and the variables total length (r = 0.29, p <0.05) and exposed culmen (r = 0.38, p <0.05) of the hosts. A principal component (PC1) accounted for 90.1% of the hosts morphological variation was significantly influential on the abundance of chewing lice (p <0.05), indicating that the morphological characteristics of the hosts may be positively influencing the abundance of these ectoparasites. Significantly higher frequency of individuals with high loads of chewing lice was detected during the dry period (x ² = 8.5, p <0.05), corroborating studies that propose that birds of arid environments suffer as much pressure as those of parasitic humid environments. Analyses of null models of co-occurrence and niche overlap showed a high degree of structure in the feather mites and chewing lice assemblies, when compared with other groups, and preferences in the use of microhabitats by taxa identified. These results corroborate ecological theories in host-parasite systems, contribute to the knowledge of ectoparasites associated with neotropical birds, and the need for experimental studies, as well as further deepening the biology of these arthropods
The demographic growth press environments that are more susceptible to perturbations, like riparian areas, without knowing about the effects of replacing these natural environments by different land uses on soil quality and, consequently, on watershed. The study of soil quality has evolved as an important tool for soil sustainable management of this component of the biosphere that affects aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems functions. Thus, physical and chemical soil proprieties were measured to assess soil quality under different land uses (agricultural, pasture, urban, industrial and natural vegetation,) in the riparian zone of Extremoz Lake, an important human water source, evaluating whether the soil offers potential risk to water pollution. Data were subjected to descriptive statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed negative changes in soil quality such as alkalinization and increase in P, Pb, Mn and Zn contents in most anthropized areas. The sandy texture and low organic matter content in all soils showed the fragility of the soil to erosion and leaching of elements in excess to water bodies, evidencing that this soils has potential to diffuse contaminants. Conservative management of soil is necessary to provide an adequate ecological state in riparian zones of the Extremoz Lake, thus allowing controlling and buffering diffuse sources of pollution to this important water supply source
Many prey organisms change their phenotype to reduce the predation risk. However, such changes are associated with trade-offs, and can have negative effects on prey growth or reproduction. Understand how preys assess the predation risk is essential to evaluate the adaptive value of predator-induced phenotypic and its ecological consequences. In this study, we performed a mesocosm experiment to test: i) if growth and stoichiometry of Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles is altered in response to giant water bug presence (Belostoma spp.); ii) if these responses depend on tadpoles density in environment. Here, we show that tadpoles growth and stoichiometry are not changed by predator presence, neither in low nor in high densities. Our results suggest that tadpoles exposed to predation risk regulate their physiology to preserve the elemental stoichiometric homeostase of their body and excretion. Further, point out to need for future studies that elucidate under what conditions growth and stoichiometry are changed in response to predation risk
O aguapé (Eichhornia crassipes) é uma das mais importantes macrófitas aquáticas que colonizam reservatórios e corpos hídricos nas regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo, causando uma série de interferências no uso múltiplo da água e do corpo hídrico e no controle de vetores de doenças humanas. Para evitar prejuízos econômicos, sociais, estéticos e ao meio ambiente, essas plantas são controladas por vários métodos, incluindo o controle químico com o uso de herbicidas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do herbicida diquat no controle dessa macrófita aquática, foram instalados dois ensaios em casa de vegetação. No primeiro, foram comparadas duas formulações (Reward® e Reglone®) aplicadas em dois horários (diurno e noturno) e em quatro doses (0,1, 0,2, 0,3 e 0,4 kg ha-1), num esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 4, com seis repetições. Os resultados mostraram que a formulação Reward® foi mais eficiente no controle dessa macrófita, agindo mais rapidamente, sobretudo em menores doses, e que as aplicações realizadas no período noturno apresentavam melhor desempenho no controle em relação às realizadas no período diurno. Assim, um segundo ensaio foi realizado utilizando apenas a formulação Reward®, comparando a aplicação no período noturno e no diurno e as doses de 0,1, 0,2, 0,3 e 0,4 kg ha-1, obedecendo a um esquema fatorial 2 x 4. As plantas de aguapé foram cultivadas em caixas-d'água, e o delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, considerando a posição das caixas dentro da casa de vegetação. Os resultados confirmaram que o diquat é eficiente no controle do aguapé, principalmente nas doses de 0,3 e 0,4 kg ha¹ em aplicações noturnas. Doses baixas e aplicações diurnas não impediram intensas rebrotas das plantas afetadas.
The present work has as aim to analyze the reorganization process of the rural education in Jardim de Piranhas-RN, on the context of the education policies, in particular of the period of 1999-2006, having as reference the transformations in the political, cultural and socio-economic setting in the national, regional and local level, above all from the decade of 1990. The studies carried out in diverse sources made possible to understand from the context in which they had developed the education policies, in particular, that one directed for the rural way, as well as the mediation of this with the education reorganization in the local scope. Besides these research procedures, we carry out interviews - semi-structuralized - with managers and teachers, and we analyze documents from the produced ones in national level to those local ones. From the viewpoint theoretician-methodological, we focus the national discussion that comes developing under a new ideological political configuration and, being entitled by the Field Education, understood as a policy directed to education specifities in this sector and consolidated in the Operational Guidelines for the Basic Education in the Field Schools (CNE/MEC/2002). As particularity of this object in Jardim de Piranhas-RN, we emphasize events occurred that had marked the rural education reorganization in that city, especially from the creation of the Rural Education named Center Teacher Maria Edite Batista. Studies make possible to realize that until the Center creation, the schools functioned in rather precarious infrastructure and physical conditions, that is, without electric energy and water supplying, as well as the lack of school snack and the management structure. There was not a project or specific pedagogical accompaniment for the sector. Moreover, the teachers worked predominantly with several grade classes and still they fulfilled the manager functions, caretakers, and cook- in some cases as school secretary. However, exactly with the creation of the Rural Education Center, the education municipal system did not become capable to overcome problems as of the evasion and school failure, as well as decreasing the work overload of teachers, neither to give greater consistency to the pedagogical project of the field schools in that city
O Z. joazeiro é uma espécie florestal de grande importância socioeconômica para a Região Nordeste do Brasil e apresenta dificuldades na germinação das unidades de dispersão, causada pela impermeabilidade à água. Este estudo avaliou tratamentos pré-germinativos de superação de dormência de unidades de dispersão de Z. joazeiro. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, em Areia, PB, Brasil. Os tratamentos consistiram em: testemunha (unidades de dispersão intactas), escarificação mecânica com lixa d'água, imersão em água, à temperatura ambiente, por 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 h, imersão em água à temperatura de 70 ºC, por 3 min, e imersão em ácido sulfúrico concentrado por 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 min. As variáveis avaliadas foram porcentagem de emergência, primeira contagem e velocidade de emergência, comprimento e massa seca de plantas. Os tratamentos que propiciaram máxima emergência de plântulas de Z. joazeiro foram imersão de unidades de dispersão em água fria por 48 h, imersão em água a 70 ºC por 3 min e escarificação manual com lixa, por superar a dureza tegumentar das unidades de dispersão dessa espécie.
One of the concerns of this century is with the handling and the final destination of urban solid waste (RSU), where depending on the form as they will be made use, they can cause diverse problems, they are of ambient or social order, being able to generate the loss of the quality of life and illnesses to the population, of direct or indirect form. The objective of the present work was to diagnosis the environmental partner situation of the Final Destination of the urban solid residues in the District of Guajiru, city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, standing out the partner-economic situation of the scavengers. The research was carried through in the period of March of 2008 the October of 2009, with a methodology developed through analyzes them of documents made available for the state ambient agency, the Air base of Christmas and managing agencies of the city. For collection of the date, it was used directly application of the questionnaire with 20 existing scavengers in points of destination of residues, evaluation of the old place of final destination through the use of the spread sheet of the IQR (Index of Quality of the Residues), developed for the CETESB, identification of the matter dump and photographic register. For effect of treatment of the data, a descriptive analysis with regard to the answers of the interviewed scavengers was carried through. The acquired date, Scale had been according to tabulated and analyzed in Excel 2003, where they had been generated graphical to observe the behavior of the data. The results show that of the twenty interviewed scavengers, 35% possess age between 20 and 30 years; 75% possess incomplete basic education; 60% inhabit in houses of waal or huts (cardboard or wood); 55% do not make use of system of water supply and system of sanitary exhaustion; with regard to income monthly for scavengers, 35% had presented income between R$ 200,00 and R$300,00 and 20% possess income above of R$ 500,00 for possessing another source of income; 80% of the interviewed ones, use some type of equipment of individual protection; In the year of 2009, confirming what it was informed by the State agency of Environment, during the field visit, we evidence that the city of Is Gonçalo do Amarante, currently, destines its residues in Sanitary landfill of São Region Metropolitan of Natal in the District of Massaranduba in the city of Ceará-Mirim, after some interventions of the State Public prosecution service. However, in the district of Guajiru some diggings still exist that today are used as final destination of RCD' s (Residues of Construction and Demolition) of the cities of Natal and São Gonçalo do Amarante, as well as private dumps that are used by scavengers that deviate the final destination (Sanitary landfill) of the residues of the great generators (supermarkets, shopping Center and hotels), with presence of urubus, generating a new ambient problem for the city and the aeroportuária security. Ahead of this scene, the study it suggests viable alternatives for the elimination of the private dumps and for the social situation of the escavengers, aiming at to improve its quality of life and 10 to minimize the ambient impacts caused by the inadequate destination of the solid waste in the community of Guajiru, São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, being able to contribute so that the public managers carry through action in the handling and the control of the final destination of the urban solid waste
The use of the maps obtained from remote sensing orbital images submitted to digital processing became fundamental to optimize conservation and monitoring actions of the coral reefs. However, the accuracy reached in the mapping of submerged areas is limited by variation of the water column that degrades the signal received by the orbital sensor and introduces errors in the final result of the classification. The limited capacity of the traditional methods based on conventional statistical techniques to solve the problems related to the inter-classes took the search of alternative strategies in the area of the Computational Intelligence. In this work an ensemble classifiers was built based on the combination of Support Vector Machines and Minimum Distance Classifier with the objective of classifying remotely sensed images of coral reefs ecosystem. The system is composed by three stages, through which the progressive refinement of the classification process happens. The patterns that received an ambiguous classification in a certain stage of the process were revalued in the subsequent stage. The prediction non ambiguous for all the data happened through the reduction or elimination of the false positive. The images were classified into five bottom-types: deep water; under-water corals; inter-tidal corals; algal and sandy bottom. The highest overall accuracy (89%) was obtained from SVM with polynomial kernel. The accuracy of the classified image was compared through the use of error matrix to the results obtained by the application of other classification methods based on a single classifier (neural network and the k-means algorithm). In the final, the comparison of results achieved demonstrated the potential of the ensemble classifiers as a tool of classification of images from submerged areas subject to the noise caused by atmospheric effects and the water column