982 resultados para GnRH-agonist


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Administration of noradrenaline inhibited the induction of hepatic trytophan pyrrolase by Cortisol but not by tryptophan. The selective inhibition of pyrrolase was specific to noradrenaline, whereas adrenaline and rat growth hormone also inhibited tyrosine aminotransferase. None of those three hormones had any effect on the incorporation of [32P]-orthophosphate into RNA, stimulated by cortisol. Other biogenic amines, polypeptide hormones and steroid analogues were not inhibitory to the induction of tryptophan pyrrolase by cortisol. The α-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine, potentiated the noradrenaline inhibition whereas Image -threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine, its precursor, together with pargyline had no effect on the induction process of pyrrolase. These results support the view that noradrenaline exerts its inhibitory action at the cell membrane via the α-receptor, and is not mediated directly by an intracellular mechanism.


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Abstract Background Pubertal timing is a strongly heritable trait, but no single puberty gene has been identified. Thus, the genetic background of idiopathic central precocious puberty (ICPP) is poorly understood. Overall, the genetic modulation of pubertal onset most likely arises from the additive effect of multiple genes, but also monogenic causes of ICPP probably exist, as cases of familial ICPP have been reported. Mutations in KISS1 and KISSR, coding for kisspeptin and its receptor, involved in GnRH secretion and puberty onset, have been suggested causative for monogenic ICPP. Variation in LIN28B was associated with timing of puberty in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. LIN28B is a human ortholog of the gene that controls, through microRNAs, developmental timing in C. elegans. In addition, Lin28a transgenic mice manifest the puberty phenotypes identified in the human GWAS. Thus, both LIN28B and LIN28A may have a role in pubertal development and are good candidate genes for monogenic ICPP. Methods Thirty girls with ICPP were included in the study. ICPP was defined by pubertal onset before 8 yrs of age, and a pubertal LH response to GnRH testing. The coding regions of LIN28B, LIN28A, KISS1, and KISS1R were sequenced. The missense change in LIN28B was also screened in 132 control subjects. Results No rare variants were detected in KISS1 or KISS1R in the 30 subjects with ICPP. In LIN28B, one missense change, His199Arg, was found in one subject with ICPP. However, this variant was also detected in one of the 132 controls. No variation in LIN28A was found. Conclusions We did not find any evidence that mutations in LIN28B or LIN28A would underlie ICPP. In addition, we confirmed that mutations in KISS1 and KISS1R are not a common cause for ICPP.


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Eighteen corpora striata from normal human foetal brains ranging in gestational age from 16 to 40 weeks and five from post natal brains ranging from 23 days to 42 years were analysed for the ontogeny of dopamine receptors using [3H]spiperone as the ligand and 10 mM dopamine hydrochloride was used in blanks. Spiperone binding sites were characterized in a 40-week-old foetal brain to be dopamine receptors by the following criteria: (1) It was localized in a crude mitochondrial pellet that included synaptosomes; (2) binding was saturable at 0.8 nM concentration; (3) dopaminergic antagonists spiperone, haloperidol, pimozide, trifluperazine and chlorpromazine competed for the binding with IC50 values in the range of 0.3–14 nM while agonists—apomorphine and dopamine gave IC50 values of 2.5 and 10 μM, respectively suggesting a D2 type receptor.Epinephrine and norepinephrine inhibited the binding much less efficiently while mianserin at 10 μM and serotonin at 1 mM concentration did not inhibit the binding. Bimolecular association and dissociation rate constants for the reversible binding were 5.7 × 108 M−1 min−1 and 5.0 × 10−2 min−1, respectively. Equilibrium dissociation constant was 87 pM and the KD obtained by saturation binding was 73 pM.During the foetal age 16 to 40 weeks, the receptor concentration remained in the range of 38–60 fmol/mg protein or 570–1080 fmol/g striatum but it increased two-fold postnatally reaching a maximum at 5 years Significantly, at lower foetal ages (16–24 weeks) the [3H]spiperone binding sites exhibited a heterogeneity with a high (KD, 13–85 pM) and a low (KD, 1.2–4.6 nM) affinity component, the former accounting for 13–24% of the total binding sites. This heterogeneity persisted even when sulpiride was used as a displacer. The number of high affinity sites increased from 16 weeks to 24 weeks and after 28 weeks of gestation, all the binding sites showed only a single high affinity.GTP decreased the agonist affinity as observed by dopamine competition of [3H]spiperone binding in 20-week-old foetal striata and at all subsequent ages. GTP increased IC50 values of dopamine 2 to 4.5 fold and Hill coefficients were also increased becoming closer to one suggesting that the dopamine receptor was susceptible to regulation from foetal life onwards.


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Chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) is the first clear embryonic signal during early pregnancy in primates. CG has close structural and functional similarities to pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) which is regulated by gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH). To study the regulatory mechanism of CG secretion in primate embryos, we examined the production and timing of secretion of GnRH in peri-implantation embryos of the rhesus monkey. In-vivo fertilized/developed morulae and early blastocysts, recovered from non-superovulated, naturally-bred rhesus monkeys by non-surgical uterine flushing, were cultured in vitro to hatched, attached and post-attached blastocyst stages using a well-established culture system. We measured GnRH and CG in media samples from cultured embryos with a sensitive radioimmunoassay and bioassay, respectively. The secretion of GnRH (pg/ml; mean +/- SEM) by embryos (n = 20) commenced from low levels (0.32 +/- 0.05) during the pre-hatching blastocyst stage to 0.70 +/- 0.08 at 6-12 days and 1.30 +/- 0.23 at greater than or equal to 13 days of hatched blastocyst attachment and proliferation of trophoblast cells. GnRH concentrations in culture media obtained from embryos (n = 5) that failed to hatch and attach were mostly undetectable (less than or equal to 0.1). Samples that did not contain detectable GnRH failed to show detectable CG. Immunocytochemical studies, using a specific monoclonal anti-GnRH antibody (HU4H) as well as polyclonal antisera (LR-1), revealed that immunopositive GnRH cells were localized in pre-hatching blastocysts (n = 4), in blastocysts (n = 2) after 5-10 days of attachment and in monolayer cultures (n = 4) of well-established embryonic trophoblast cells. GnRH positive staining was seen only in cytotrophoblasts but not in syncytiotrophoblasts. Similarly, cytotrophoblast, but not syncytiotrophoblast, cells of the rhesus placenta were immunopositive. In controls, either in the absence of antibody or in the presence of antibody pre-absorbed with GnRH, these cells failed to show stain. These observations indicate, for the first time, that an immunoreactive GnRH is produced and secreted by blastocysts during the peri-attachment period and by embryo-derived cytotrophoblast cells in the rhesus monkey.


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Development of preimplantation embryos and blastocyst implantation are critical early events in the establishment of pregnancy. In primates, embryonic signals, secreted during the peri-implantation period, are believed to play a major role in the regulation of embryonic differentiation and implantation. However, only limited progress has been made in the molecular and functional characterization of embryonic signals, partly due to severe paucity of primate embryos and the lack of optimal culture conditions to obtain viable embryo development. Two embryonic (endocrine) secretions, i.e. chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) and gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) are being studied. This article reviews the current status of knowledge on the recovery and culture of embryos, their secretion of CG, GnRH and other potential endocrine signals and their regulation and physiological role(s) during the peri-implantation period in primates, including humans.


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Antipeptide and antiidiotypic antibodies to several receptors are known to mimic their respective ligands in transducing signals on binding their receptors. In our attempts to study gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor, antipeptide and antiidiotypic monoclonal antibodies specific to the receptor were established earlier. The antipeptide mAb F1G4 was to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the extracellular domain of human GnRH receptor and the antiidiotypic mAb 4D10C1 was to the idiotype of a GnRH specific mAb. Here we report the physiological effects of the two mAbs on binding the receptor, as investigated using in vitro cultures of(a) human term placental villi and (b) rat pituitaries. The mAb 4D10C1 exerted a dose-dependent release of human chorionic gonadonopin in cultures of human term placental villi as well as luteinising and follicle stimulating hormones in cultures of rat pituitaries.


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Introduction: Extensive studies have gone into understanding the differential role of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system in the context of various diseases. Receptor-ligand interactions are responsible for mediating cross-talk between the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, so as to effectively counter the pathogenic challenge. While TLRs remain the best studied innate immune receptor, many other receptor families are now coming to the fore for their role in various pathologies. Research has focused on the discovery of novel agonists and antagonists for these receptors as potential therapeutics. Areas covered: In this review, we present an overview of the recent advances in the discovery of drugs targeting important receptors such as G-protein coupled receptors, TRAIL-R, IL-1 beta receptor, PPARs, etc. All these receptors play a critical role in the modulation of the immune response. We focus on the recent paradigms applied for the generation of specific and effective therapeutics for these receptors and their status in clinical trials. Expert opinion: Non-specific activation by antagonist/agonist is a difficult problem to dodge. This demands innovation in ligand designing with the use of strategies such as allosterism and dual-specific ligands. Rigorous preclinical and clinical studies are required in transforming a compound to a therapeutic.


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We report two antibodies, scFv 13B1 and MAb PD1.37, against the hinge regions of LHR and TSHR, respectively, which have similar epitopes but different effects on receptor function. While neither of them affected hormone binding, with marginal effects on hormone response, scFv 13B1 stimulated LHR in a dose-dependent manner, whereas MAb PD1.37 acted as an inverse agonist of TSHR. Moreover, PD1.37 could decrease the basal activity of hinge region CAMs, but had varied effects on those present in ECLs, whereas 13B1 was refractory to any CAMs in LHR. Using truncation mutants and peptide phage display, we compared the differential roles of the hinge region cysteine box-2/3 as well as the exoloops in the activation of these two homologus receptors. (C) 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The mechanism by which the hinge regions of glycoprotein hormone receptors couple hormone binding to activation of downstream effecters is not clearly understood. In the present study, agonistic (311.62) and antagonistic (311.87) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the TSH receptor extracellular domain were used to elucidate role of the hinge region in receptor activation. MAb 311.62 which identifies the LRR/Cb-2 junction (aa 265-275), increased the affinity of TSHR for the hormone while concomitantly decreasing its efficacy, whereas MAb 311.87 recognizing LRR 7-9 (aa 201-259) acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding. Binding of MAbs was sensitive to the conformational changes caused by the activating and inactivating mutations and exhibited differential effects on hormone binding and response of these mutants. By studying the effects of these MAbs on truncation and chimeric mutants of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), this study confirms the tethered inverse agonistic role played by the hinge region and maps the interactions between TSHR hinge region and exoloops responsible for maintenance of the receptor in its basal state. Mechanistic studies on the antibody-receptor interactions suggest that MAb 311.87 is an allosteric insurmountable antagonist and inhibits initiation of the hormone induced conformational changes in the hinge region, whereas MAb 311.62 acts as a partial agonist that recognizes a conformational epitope critical for coupling of hormone binding to receptor activation. The hinge region, probably in close proximity with the alpha-subunit in the hormone-receptor complex, acts as a tunable switch between hormone binding and receptor activation.


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The Staphylococcus aureus agr quorum-sensing system plays a major role in the transition from the persistent to the virulent phenotype. S. aureus agr type I to IV strains are characterized by mutations in the sensor domain of the histidine kinase AgrC and differences in the sequences of the secreted autoinducing peptides (AIP). Here we demonstrate that interactions between the cytosolic domain of AgrC (AgrC(Cyto)) and the response regulator domain of AgrA (AgrA(RR)) dictate the spontaneity of the cellular response to AIP stimuli. The crystal structure of AgrC(Cyto) provided a basis for a mechanistic model of AgrC-AgrA interactions. This model enabled an analysis of the biochemical and biophysical parameters of AgrC-AgrA interactions in the context of the conformational features of the AgrC-AgrA complex. This analysis revealed distinct sequence and conformational features that determine the affinity, specificity, and kinetics of the phosphotransfer reaction. This step, which governs the response time for transcriptional reengineering triggered by an AIP stimulus, is independent of the agr type and similar for agonist and antagonist stimuli. These experimental data could serve as a basis on which to validate simulations of the quorum-sensing response and for strategies that employ the agr quorum-sensing system to combat biofilm formation in S. aureus infections.


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Immune responses during fungal infections are predominately mediated by 5/15-lipoxygenases (LO)-or cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-catalysed bioactive eicosanoid metabolites like leukotrienes, lipoxins and prostaglandins. Although few host mediators of fungi-triggered eicosanoid production have been established, the molecular mechanism of expression and regulation of 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2 are not well-defined. Here, we demonstrate that, macrophages infected with representative fungi Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus or Aspergillus fumigatus or those treated with Curdlan, a selective agonist of pattern recognition receptor for fungi Dectin-1, displays increased expression of 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2. Interestingly, Dectin-1-responsive Syk pathway activates mTOR-sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling cascade to stimulate the expression of these lipid metabolizing enzymes. Loss-of-function analysis of the identified intermediaries indicates that while Syk-mTOR-SHH pathway-induced 5-LO and 15-LO suppressed the Dectin-l-responsive pro-inflammatory signature cytokines like TNE-alpha, IL-1 beta and IL-12, Syk-mTOR-SHH-induced COX-2 positively regulated these cytokines. Dectin-1-stimulated IL-6, however, is dependent on 5-LO, 15-LO and COX-2 activity. Together, the current study establishes Dectin-1-arbitrated host mediators that direct the differential regulation of immune responses during fungal infections and thus are potential candidates of therapeutic intervention. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo fue realizado en el municipio de Condega, departamento de Estelí, bajo condiciones de trópico seco y durante la época de verano. El objetivo fu e evaluar la efectividad de la reutilización del dispositivo CIDR (Dispositivo Intravaginal Liberador de Progesterona) bajo un método modificado de aplicación que incluyó el uso de GnRH y PGF2a,sobre la inducción del celo y ovulación en vacas en anestro postparto. Las variables evaluadas fueron: La efectividad sobre: presentación de celo, ovulación, porcentaje de preñez al reutilizar 3 veces el dispositivo. El grupo control consistió en un grupo de 10 animales escogidos al azar y en anestro post parto, bajo condiciones de manejo y alimentación similar, a los grupo tratado con CIDRSYNCH, los que fueron divididos en 3 subgrupos de 10 animales cada uno que igualmente estuvieron bajo condiciones de manejo y alimentación iguales a las del grupo control. En total se emplearon 40 vacas en anestro postparto. Para el análisis estadístico se azarizó bajo un DCA, y se aplicó la prueba de Chi2 modificado por valores porcentuales. Los resultados obtenidos fueron los siguientes: El 100% (30 vacas) de los animales tratados con CIDR por primera, segunda y tercera vez presentaron celo y ovulación. En cuanto al porcentaje de preñez el comportamiento fue de un 40% al utilizar el CIDR por primera y segunda vez, en tanto a la tercera utilización bajo a un 20% similar al obtenido en el grupo control sin tratamiento hormonal. Usualmente el dispositivo CIDR se utiliza una sola vez y en animales cíclicos según prospecto, sin embargo la reutilización puede ser efectiva con lo que el costo de su aplicación se reduce haciendo más accesible el método para el uso del pequeño y mediano productor.


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Background/Aims: In diabetic ventricular myocytes, transient outward potassium current (I-to) amplitude is severely reduced because of the impaired catecholamine release that characterizes diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Sympathetic nervous system exhibits a trophic effect on I-to since incubation of myocytes with noradrenaline restores current amplitude via beta-adrenoceptor (beta AR) stimulation. Here, we investigate the intracellular signalling pathway though which incubation of diabetic cardiomyocytes with the beta AR agonist isoproterenol recovers I-to amplitude to normal values. Methods: Experiments were performed in ventricular myocytes isolated from streptozotocin-diabetic rats. I-to current was recorded by using the patch-clamp technique. Kv4 channel expression was determined by immunofluorescence. Protein-protein interaction was determined by coimmunoprecipitation. Results: Stimulation of beta AR activates first a G alpha s protein, adenylyl cyclase and Protein Kinase A. PKA-phosphorylated receptor then switches to the G alpha i protein. This leads to the activation of the beta AR-Kinase-1 and further receptor phosphorylation and arrestin dependent internalization. The internalized receptor-arrestin complex recruits and activates cSrc and the MAPK cascade, where Ras, c-Raf1 and finally ERK1/2 mediate the increase in Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 protein abundance in the plasma membrane. Conclusion: beta(2)AR stimulation activates a G alpha s and G alpha i protein dependent pathway where the ERK1/2 modulates the Ito current amplitude and the density of the Kv4.2 and Kv4.2 channels in the plasma membrane upon sympathetic stimulation in diabetic heart.


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Sphingolipids are essential components of cell membranes, and many of them regulate vital cell functions. In particular, ceramide plays crucial roles in cell signaling processes. Two major actions of ceramides are the promotion of cell cycle arrest and the induction of apoptosis. Phosphorylation of ceramide produces ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P), which has opposite effects to ceramide. C1P is mitogenic and has prosurvival properties. In addition, C1P is an important mediator of inflammatory responses, an action that takes place through stimulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2, and the subsequent release of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin formation. All of the former actions are thought to be mediated by intracellularly generated C1P. However, the recent observation that C1P stimulates macrophage chemotaxis implicates specific plasma membrane receptors that are coupled to Gi proteins. Hence, it can be concluded that C1P has dual actions in cells, as it can act as an intracellular second messenger to promote cell survival, or as an extracellular receptor agonist to stimulate cell migration.