375 resultados para Globus toolkit
Evaluating quality of palliative day services is essential for assessing care across diverse settings, and for monitoring quality improvement approaches.
To develop a set of quality indicators for assessment of all aspects (structure, process and outcome) of care in palliative day services.
Using a modified version of the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method (Fitch et al., 2001), a multidisciplinary panel of 16 experts independently completed a survey rating the appropriateness of 182 potential quality indicators previously identified during a systematic evidence review. Panel members then attended a one day, face-to-face meeting where indicators were discussed and subsequently re-rated. Panel members were also asked to rate the feasibility and necessity of measuring each indicator.
71 indicators classified as inappropriate during the survey were removed based on median appropriateness ratings and level of agreement. Following the panel discussions, a further 60 were removed based on appropriateness and feasibility ratings, level of agreement and assessment of necessity. Themes identified during the panel discussion and findings of the evidence review were used to translate the remaining 51 indicators into a final set of 27.
The final indicator set included information on rationale and supporting evidence, methods of assessment, risk adjustment, and recommended performance levels. Further implementation work will test the suitability of this ‘toolkit’ for measurement and benchmarking. The final indicator set provides the basis for standardised assessment of quality across services, including care delivered in community and primary care settings.
• Fitch K, Bernstein SJ, Aguilar MD, et al. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method User’s Manual. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; 2001. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1269
Products and services explicitly intended to influence users’ behaviour are increasingly being proposed to reduce environmental impact and for other areas of social benefit. Designing such interventions often involves adopting and adapting principles from other contexts where behaviour change has been studied. The ‘design pattern’ form, used in software engineering and HCI, and originally developed in architecture, offers benefits for this transposition process. This article introduces the Design with Intent toolkit, an idea generation method using a design pattern form to help designers address sustainable behaviour problems. The article also reports on exploratory workshops in which participants used the toolkit to generate concepts for redesigning everyday products—kettles, curtains, printers and bathroom sinks/taps—to reduce the environmental impact of use. The concepts are discussed, along with observations of how the toolkit was used by participants, suggesting usability improvements to incorporate in future versions.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
This paper compares three alternative numerical algorithms applied to a nonlinear metal cutting problem. One algorithm is based on an explicit method and the other two are implicit. Domain decomposition (DD) is used to break the original domain into subdomains, each containing a properly connected, well-formulated and continuous subproblem. The serial version of the explicit algorithm is implemented in FORTRAN and its parallel version uses MPI (Message Passing Interface) calls. One implicit algorithm is implemented by coupling the state-of-the-art PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) software with in-house software in order to solve the subproblems. The second implicit algorithm is implemented completely within PETSc. PETSc uses MPI as the underlying communication library. Finally, a 2D example is used to test the algorithms and various comparisons are made.
One of the core tasks of the virtual-manufacturing environment is to characterise the transformation of the state of material during each of the unit processes. This transformation in shape, material properties, etc. can only be reliably achieved through the use of models in a simulation context. Unfortunately, many manufacturing processes involve the material being treated in both the liquid and solid state, the trans-formation of which may be achieved by heat transfer and/or electro-magnetic fields. The computational modelling of such processes, involving the interactions amongst various interacting phenomena, is a consider-able challenge. However, it must be addressed effectively if Virtual Manufacturing Environments are to become a reality! This contribution focuses upon one attempt to develop such a multi-physics computational toolkit. The approach uses a single discretisation procedure and provides for direct interaction amongst the component phenomena. The need to exploit parallel high performance hardware is addressed so that simulation elapsed times can be brought within the realms of practicality. Examples of Multiphysics modelling in relation to shape casting, and solder joint formation reinforce the motivation for this work.
L’élucidation de la position qu’occupent les projections sérotoninergique (5-HT), cholinergique (ACh) et dopaminergique (DA) du tronc cérébral dans l’organisation anatomofonctionelle du globus pallidus externe (GPe) et interne (GPi) au sein des ganglions de la base chez le primate est primordiale à la compréhension de ce système neuronal hautement complexe impliqué dans le contrôle du comportement moteur. Les travaux de recherche consolidés dans la présente thèse rapportent les résultats principalement obtenus chez le singe écureuil (Saimiri sciureus) à l’aide de marquages immunohistochimiques et de quantifications stéréologiques servant à évaluer la distribution régionale et les caractéristiques ultrastructurales des varicosités axonales 5-HT, ACh et DA observées dans le pallidum. Nos données ont permis l’éloboration d’un nouveau modèle du neurone pallidal en tenant compte de la hiérarchie et des caractéristiques neurochimiques de ses entrées synaptiques. Ainsi, l’analyse quantitative en microscopie optique révèle que le GPe et le GPi reçoivent des innervations 5-HT, ACh et DA de densités variables et distribuées de façon hétérogène. Plus particulièrement, le GPe est innervé par 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3 de tissu, 500 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 170 000 varicosités DA/mm3. En revanche, le GPi reçoit 600 000 varicosités 5-HT/mm3, 250 000 varicosités ACh/mm3 et 190 000 varicosités DA/mm3. De plus, la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA ciblent préférentiellement les secteurs correspondant aux territoires fonctionnels associatifs et limbiques du pallidum, suggérant un rôle de ces projections dans la planification du comportement moteur ainsi que dans la régulation de l’attention et de l’humeur. Nos analyses en microscopie électronique révèlent que très peu de ces varicosités axonales établissent un contact synaptique, puisque plus de 70% des varicosités 5-HT, ACh et DA sont complètement dépouvues de jonction synaptique. Ainsi, bien que la 5-HT, l’ACh et la DA seraient en mesure de moduler directement les neurones pallidaux grâce à la transmission synaptique, leur plus grande influence s’opérerait par la transmission volumique, permettant d’influencer à la fois les neurones pallidaux et leurs afférences, principalement du striatum et noyau subthalamique. L’ensemble de ces résultats indique que les projections 5-HT, ACh et DA du tronc cérébral agissent de concert avec les afférences plus robustes en provenance du striatum et du noyau subthalamique. Ces nouvelles données neuroanatomiques positionnent le tronc cérébral en tant qu’acteur important dans l’organisation anatomique et fonctionnelle du pallidum chez le primate et doivent être prises en considération dans l’élaboration de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques visant à contrer les processus neurodégénératifs qui affectent les ganglions de la base, tel que la maladie de Parkinson.
Changes in cellular calcium concentration control a wide range of physiological processes, from the subsecond release of synaptic neurotransmitters, to the regulation of gene expression over months or years. Calcium can also trigger cell death through both apoptosis and necrosis, and so the regulation of cellular calcium concentration must be tightly controlled through the concerted action of pumps, channels and buffers that transport calcium into and out of the cell cytoplasm. A hallmark of cellular calcium signalling is its spatiotemporal complexity: stimulation of cells by a hormone or neurotransmitter leads to oscillations in cytoplasmic calcium concentration that can vary markedly in time course, amplitude, frequency, and spatial range. In this chapter we review some of the biological roles of calcium, the experimental characterisation of complex dynamic changes in calcium concentration, and attempts to explain this complexity using computational models. We consider the "toolkit" of cellular proteins which influence calcium concentration, describe mechanistic models of key elements of the toolkit, and fit these into the framework of whole cell models of calcium oscillations and waves. Finally, we will touch on recent efforts to use stochastic modelling to elucidate elementary calcium signal events, and how these may evolve into global signals.
Purpose: Nurse ability to recognise patient arrhythmias could contribute to preventing in-hospital cardiac arrest. Research suggests that nurses and nursing students lack competence in electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two training strategies on nursing students’ acquisition of competence in ECG interpretation. Materials and methods: A controlled randomised trial with 98 nursing students. Divided in groups of 12–16, participants were randomly allocated to one of the following 3-h teaching intervention groups: 1) traditional instructor-led (TILG), and 2) flipped classroom (FCG). Participants’ competence in ECG interpretation was measured in terms of knowledge (%), skills (%) and self-efficacy (%) using a specifically designed and previously validated toolkit at pre-test and post-test. Two-way MANOVA explored the interaction effect between ‘teaching group’ and ‘time of assessment’ and its impact on participants’ competence. Within-group differences at pre-test and post-test were explored by carrying out paired t-tests. Between-group differences at pre- and post-test were examined by performing independent t-test analysis. Results: There was a statistically significant interaction effect between ‘teaching group’ and ‘time of assessment’ on participants’ competence in ECG interpretation (F(3,190) = 86.541, p = 0.001; Wilks’ Λ = 0.423). At pre-test, differences in knowledge (TILG = 35.12 ± 12.07; FCG = 35.66 ± 10.66), skills (TILG = 14.05 ± 10.37; FCG = 14.82 ± 14.14), self-efficacy (TILG = 46.22 ± 23.78; FCG = 40.01 ± 21.77) and all other variables were non-significant (p > 0.05). At post-test, knowledge (TILG = 55.12 ± 14.16; FCG = 94.2 ± 7.31), skills (TILG = 36.90 ± 16.45; FCG = 86.43 ± 14.32) and self-efficacy (TILG = 70.78 ± 14.55; FCG = 79.98 ± 10.35) had significantly improved, regardless of the training received (p < 0.05). Nonetheless, participants in the FCG scored significantly higher than participants in the TILG in knowledge, skills and self-efficacy (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Flipping the classroom for teaching ECG interpretation to nursing students may be more effective than using a traditional instructor-led approach in terms of immediate acquisition of competence in terms of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy. Further research on the effects of both teaching strategies on the retention of the competence will be undertaken.
Part 13: Virtual Reality and Simulation
Single-cell functional proteomics assays can connect genomic information to biological function through quantitative and multiplex protein measurements. Tools for single-cell proteomics have developed rapidly over the past 5 years and are providing unique opportunities. This thesis describes an emerging microfluidics-based toolkit for single cell functional proteomics, focusing on the development of the single cell barcode chips (SCBCs) with applications in fundamental and translational cancer research.
The microchip designed to simultaneously quantify a panel of secreted, cytoplasmic and membrane proteins from single cells will be discussed at the beginning, which is the prototype for subsequent proteomic microchips with more sophisticated design in preclinical cancer research or clinical applications. The SCBCs are a highly versatile and information rich tool for single-cell functional proteomics. They are based upon isolating individual cells, or defined number of cells, within microchambers, each of which is equipped with a large antibody microarray (the barcode), with between a few hundred to ten thousand microchambers included within a single microchip. Functional proteomics assays at single-cell resolution yield unique pieces of information that significantly shape the way of thinking on cancer research. An in-depth discussion about analysis and interpretation of the unique information such as functional protein fluctuations and protein-protein correlative interactions will follow.
The SCBC is a powerful tool to resolve the functional heterogeneity of cancer cells. It has the capacity to extract a comprehensive picture of the signal transduction network from single tumor cells and thus provides insight into the effect of targeted therapies on protein signaling networks. We will demonstrate this point through applying the SCBCs to investigate three isogenic cell lines of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM).
The cancer cell population is highly heterogeneous with high-amplitude fluctuation at the single cell level, which in turn grants the robustness of the entire population. The concept that a stable population existing in the presence of random fluctuations is reminiscent of many physical systems that are successfully understood using statistical physics. Thus, tools derived from that field can probably be applied to using fluctuations to determine the nature of signaling networks. In the second part of the thesis, we will focus on such a case to use thermodynamics-motivated principles to understand cancer cell hypoxia, where single cell proteomics assays coupled with a quantitative version of Le Chatelier's principle derived from statistical mechanics yield detailed and surprising predictions, which were found to be correct in both cell line and primary tumor model.
The third part of the thesis demonstrates the application of this technology in the preclinical cancer research to study the GBM cancer cell resistance to molecular targeted therapy. Physical approaches to anticipate therapy resistance and to identify effective therapy combinations will be discussed in detail. Our approach is based upon elucidating the signaling coordination within the phosphoprotein signaling pathways that are hyperactivated in human GBMs, and interrogating how that coordination responds to the perturbation of targeted inhibitor. Strongly coupled protein-protein interactions constitute most signaling cascades. A physical analogy of such a system is the strongly coupled atom-atom interactions in a crystal lattice. Similar to decomposing the atomic interactions into a series of independent normal vibrational modes, a simplified picture of signaling network coordination can also be achieved by diagonalizing protein-protein correlation or covariance matrices to decompose the pairwise correlative interactions into a set of distinct linear combinations of signaling proteins (i.e. independent signaling modes). By doing so, two independent signaling modes – one associated with mTOR signaling and a second associated with ERK/Src signaling have been resolved, which in turn allow us to anticipate resistance, and to design combination therapies that are effective, as well as identify those therapies and therapy combinations that will be ineffective. We validated our predictions in mouse tumor models and all predictions were borne out.
In the last part, some preliminary results about the clinical translation of single-cell proteomics chips will be presented. The successful demonstration of our work on human-derived xenografts provides the rationale to extend our current work into the clinic. It will enable us to interrogate GBM tumor samples in a way that could potentially yield a straightforward, rapid interpretation so that we can give therapeutic guidance to the attending physicians within a clinical relevant time scale. The technical challenges of the clinical translation will be presented and our solutions to address the challenges will be discussed as well. A clinical case study will then follow, where some preliminary data collected from a pediatric GBM patient bearing an EGFR amplified tumor will be presented to demonstrate the general protocol and the workflow of the proposed clinical studies.
O princípio do posicionamento por GNSS baseia-se, resumidamente, na resolução de um problema matemático que envolve a observação das distâncias do utilizador a um conjunto de satélites com coordenadas conhecidas. A posição resultante pode ser calculada em modo absoluto ou relativo. O posicionamento absoluto necessita apenas de um recetor para a determinação da posição. Por sua vez, o posicionamento relativo implica a utilização de estações de referência e envolve a utilização de mais recetores para além do pertencente ao próprio utilizador. Assim, os métodos mais utilizados na determinação da posição de uma plataforma móvel, com exatidão na ordem dos centímetros, baseiam-se neste último tipo de posicionamento. Contudo, têm a desvantagem de estarem dependentes de estações de referência, com um alcance limitado, e requerem observações simultâneas dos mesmos satélites por parte da estação e do recetor. Neste sentido foi desenvolvida uma nova metodologia de posicionamento GNSS em modo absoluto, através da modelação ou remoção dos erros associados a cada componente das equações de observação, da utilização de efemérides precisas e correções aos relógios dos satélites. Este método de posicionamento tem a designação Precise Point Positioning (PPP) e permite manter uma elevada exatidão, equivalente à dos sistemas de posicionamento relativo. Neste trabalho, após um estudo aprofundado do tema, foi desenvolvida uma aplicação PPP, de índole académica, com recurso à biblioteca de classes C++ do GPS Toolkit, que permite determinar a posição e velocidade do recetor em modo cinemático e em tempo real. Esta aplicação foi ensaiada utilizando dados de observação de uma estação estática (processados em modo cinemático) e de uma estação em movimento instalada no NRP Auriga. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma exatidão para a posição na ordem decimétrica e para a velocidade na ordem do cm/s.
Esta tesis tiene dos objetivos, el primero es responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo las personas con discapacidad pueden ser incluidos en los gimnasios regulares de la ciudad de Medellín y mediante la práctica de la actividad física aumentar su calidad de vida? -- El segundo objetivo es la aplicación de un proceso de diseño construido a partir de 3 metodologías: HCD Toolkit de IDEO, metodología de diseño y desarrollo de nuevos productos de Ulrich y Eppinger y las técnicas de ingeniería inversa y desarrollo de nuevos productos de Kevin otto y Kristin Wood, cuyo diferenciador es la ubicación de la usabilidad y la innovación social como eje transversal durante el proceso de diseño -- Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se diseñó una investigación aplicada y explicativa, en la que tuvieron participación medios documentales, de campo y de experimentación como libros, entrevistas, hallazgos guiados por la comunidad de personas con discapacidad en el gimnasio VIVO de la Universidad EAFIT y pruebas de uso de los productos diseñados con el usuario real en el contexto real; adicionalmente, esta tesis fue desarrollada bajo la modalidad de investigación cualitativa de acción en la que se tuvo contacto constante con la población y caso de estudio “población con discapacidad en gimnasios de la ciudad de Medellín” durante toda su ejecución, sin embargo, para efectos de la etapa de desarrollo de producto fue necesario aplicar la modalidad cuantitativa, por lo tanto tiene un carácter mixto -- Se realizó una investigación sobre las dificultades y necesidades que tenían las personas con discapacidad para acceder a un gimnasio regular, esto por medio de una validación en la que se llevó a dichos usuarios al gimnasio VIVO de la Universidad EAFIT donde luego del análisis del ejercicio de validación se identificó la necesidad de diseñar un kit de objetos de interacción que permitiera a las personas con discapacidad, usar los objetos de los gimnasios regulares, específicamente para la población con dificultades para agarrar como cuadripléjicos y artríticos; y para usuarios de sillas de ruedas con dificultades de equilibrio a la hora de interactuar con algunas de las máquinas -- El proceso de diseño aplicado para dicho desarrollo fue construido mediante la mezcla de tres metodologías diferentes mencionadas anteriormente y teniendo en cuenta la aplicación de la usabilidad y la innovación social como eje transversal del mismo proceso de creación -- Finalmente, se diseñó un freno para sillas de ruedas el cual evita que estas derriben al usuario hacia atrás cuando hace fuerza y un elemento tipo guante que reemplaza el agarre y la pinza gruesa de la mano; con estos objetos se logró que la mayoría de personas con dificultades para agarrar objetos o manijas puedan acceder a los gimnasios regulares y realizar una amplia serie de ejercicios con los que pueden aumentar la funcionalidad de su cuerpo y por tanto su calidad de vida
Les métaheuristiques sont très utilisées dans le domaine de l'optimisation discrète. Elles permettent d’obtenir une solution de bonne qualité en un temps raisonnable, pour des problèmes qui sont de grande taille, complexes, et difficiles à résoudre. Souvent, les métaheuristiques ont beaucoup de paramètres que l’utilisateur doit ajuster manuellement pour un problème donné. L'objectif d'une métaheuristique adaptative est de permettre l'ajustement automatique de certains paramètres par la méthode, en se basant sur l’instance à résoudre. La métaheuristique adaptative, en utilisant les connaissances préalables dans la compréhension du problème, des notions de l'apprentissage machine et des domaines associés, crée une méthode plus générale et automatique pour résoudre des problèmes. L’optimisation globale des complexes miniers vise à établir les mouvements des matériaux dans les mines et les flux de traitement afin de maximiser la valeur économique du système. Souvent, en raison du grand nombre de variables entières dans le modèle, de la présence de contraintes complexes et de contraintes non-linéaires, il devient prohibitif de résoudre ces modèles en utilisant les optimiseurs disponibles dans l’industrie. Par conséquent, les métaheuristiques sont souvent utilisées pour l’optimisation de complexes miniers. Ce mémoire améliore un procédé de recuit simulé développé par Goodfellow & Dimitrakopoulos (2016) pour l’optimisation stochastique des complexes miniers stochastiques. La méthode développée par les auteurs nécessite beaucoup de paramètres pour fonctionner. Un de ceux-ci est de savoir comment la méthode de recuit simulé cherche dans le voisinage local de solutions. Ce mémoire implémente une méthode adaptative de recherche dans le voisinage pour améliorer la qualité d'une solution. Les résultats numériques montrent une augmentation jusqu'à 10% de la valeur de la fonction économique.
Over the last decade advances and innovations from Silicon Photonics technology were observed in the telecommunications and computing industries. This technology which employs Silicon as an optical medium, relies on current CMOS micro-electronics fabrication processes to enable medium scale integration of many nano-photonic devices to produce photonic integrated circuitry. However, other fields of research such as optical sensor processing can benefit from silicon photonics technology, specially in sensors where the physical measurement is wavelength encoded. In this research work, we present a design and application of a thermally tuned silicon photonic device as an optical sensor interrogator. The main device is a micro-ring resonator filter of 10 $\mu m$ of diameter. A photonic design toolkit was developed based on open source software from the research community. With those tools it was possible to estimate the resonance and spectral characteristics of the filter. From the obtained design parameters, a 7.8 x 3.8 mm optical chip was fabricated using standard micro-photonics techniques. In order to tune a ring resonance, Nichrome micro-heaters were fabricated on top of the device. Some fabricated devices were systematically characterized and their tuning response were determined. From measurements, a ring resonator with a free-spectral-range of 18.4 nm and with a bandwidth of 0.14 nm was obtained. Using just 5 mA it was possible to tune the device resonance up to 3 nm. In order to apply our device as a sensor interrogator in this research, a model of wavelength estimation using time interval between peaks measurement technique was developed and simulations were carried out to assess its performance. To test the technique, an experiment using a Fiber Bragg grating optical sensor was set, and estimations of the wavelength shift of this sensor due to axial strains yield an error within 22 pm compared to measurements from spectrum analyzer. Results from this study implies that signals from FBG sensors can be processed with good accuracy using a micro-ring device with the advantage of ts compact size, scalability and versatility. Additionally, the system also has additional applications such as processing optical wavelength shifts from integrated photonic sensors and to be able to track resonances from laser sources.