1000 resultados para Geometria nella scuola primariaSoftware didatticoIntegrazione di Java e Mathematica
In this talk I presented the FLAG initiative, discussed the history of the project, its aim and scope. After completing the first review in 2010, we decided to extend the review to more quantities and to involve a larger group of people. I have illustrated the phase 2 of the project, its new structure and the schedule for the release of the next review.
K`4 decays are interesting for several reasons: They allow an accurate measurement of a combination of S-wave pp scattering lengths, one form factor of the decay is connected to the chiral anomaly and the decay is the best source for the determination of some low energy constants of ChPT. We present a dispersive approach to K`4 decays, which takes rescattering effects fully into account. Some fits to NA48/2 and E865 measurements and results of the matching to ChPT are shown.
In the recently proposed framework of hard pion chiral perturbation theory, the leading chiral logarithms are predicted to factorize with respect to the energy dependence in the chiral limit. We have scrutinized this assumption in the case of vector and scalar pion form factors FV;S(s) by means of standard chiral perturbation theory and dispersion relations. We show that this factorization property is valid for the elastic contribution to the dispersion integrals for FV;S(s) but it is violated starting at three loops when the inelastic four-pion contributions arise.
For many years a combined analysis of pionic hydrogen and deuterium atoms has been known as a good tool to extract information on the isovector and especially on the isoscalar s-wave pN scattering length. However, given the smallness of the isoscalar scattering length, the analysis becomes useful only if the pion–deuteron scattering length is controlled theoretically to a high accuracy comparable to the experimental precision. To achieve the required few-percent accuracy one needs theoretical control over all isospin-conserving three-body pNN !pNN operators up to one order before the contribution of the dominant unknown (N†N)2pp contact term. This term appears at next-to-next-to-leading order in Weinberg counting. In addition, one needs to include isospin-violating effects in both two-body (pN) and three-body (pNN) operators. In this talk we discuss the results of the recent analysis where these isospin-conserving and -violating effects have been carefully taken into account. Based on this analysis, we present the up-to-date values of the s-wave pN scattering lengths.
We present a coupled system of integral equations for the pp → ¯NN and ¯K K → ¯N N S-waves derived from Roy–Steiner equations for pion–nucleon scattering. We discuss the solution of the corresponding two-channel Muskhelishvili–Omnès problem and apply the results to a dispersive analysis of the scalar form factor of the nucleon fully including ¯KK intermediate states. In particular, we determine the corrections Ds and DD, which are needed for the extraction of the pion– nucleon s term from pN scattering, and show that the difference DD −Ds = (−1.8±0.2)MeV is insensitive to the input pN parameters.
In recent years, high-accuracy data for pionic hydrogen and deuterium have become the primary source of information on the pion–nucleon scattering lengths. Matching the experimental precision requires, in particular, the study of isospin-breaking corrections both in pion– nucleon and pion–deuteron scattering. We review the mechanisms that lead to the cancellation of potentially enhanced virtual-photon corrections in the pion–deuteron system, and discuss the subtleties regarding the definition of the pion–nucleon scattering lengths in the presence of electromagnetic interactions by comparing to nucleon–nucleon scattering. Based on the p±p channels we find for the virtual-photon-subtracted scattering lengths in the isospin basis a1/2/ g= (170.5±2.0) · 10−3M−1p and a3/2/ g= (−86.5±1.8) · 10−3M−1p .
We obtain a determination of the strong coupling as in quantum chromodynamics, by comparing perturbative calculations for the short-distance part of the static energy with lattice computations. Our result reads as (1.5GeV) = 0.326±0.019, and when evolved to the scale MZ (the Z-boson mass) it corresponds to as (MZ) = 0.1156+0.0021 −0.0022.
We study the phase diagram of the two-dimensional N = 1 Wess-Zumino model using Wilson fermions and the fermion loop formulation. We give a complete non-perturbative determination of the ground state structure in the continuum and infinite volume limit. We also present a determination of the particle spectrum in the supersymmetric phase, in the supersymmetry broken phase and across the supersymmetry breaking phase transition. In the supersymmetry broken phase we observe the emergence of the Goldstino particle.
This note is based on our recent results on QCD with varying number of flavors of fundamental fermions. Topics include unusual, strong dynamics in the preconformal, confining phase, the physics of the conformal window and the role of ab-initio lattice simulations in establishing our current knowledge of the phases of many flavor QCD.