948 resultados para Foreground Segmentation
The increasing use of video editing software has resulted in a necessity for faster and more efficient editing tools. Here, we propose a lightweight high-quality video indexing tool that is suitable for video editing software.
The increasing use of video editing software requires faster and more efficient editing tools. As a first step, these tools perform a temporal segmentation in shots that allows a later building of indexes describing the video content. Here, we propose a novel real-time high-quality shot detection strategy, suitable for the last generation of video editing software requiring both low computational cost and high quality results. While abrupt transitions are detected through a very fast pixel-based analysis, gradual transitions are obtained from an efficient edge-based analysis. Both analyses are reinforced with a motion analysis that helps to detect and discard false detections. This motion analysis is carried out exclusively over a reduced set of candidate transitions, thus maintaining the computational requirements demanded by new applications to fulfill user needs.
The laplacian pyramid is a well-known technique for image processing in which local operators of many scales, but identical shape, serve as the basis functions. The required properties to the pyramidal filter produce a family of filters, which is unipara metrical in the case of the classical problem, when the length of the filter is 5. We pay attention to gaussian and fractal behaviour of these basis functions (or filters), and we determine the gaussian and fractal ranges in the case of single parameter ?. These fractal filters loose less energy in every step of the laplacian pyramid, and we apply this property to get threshold values for segmenting soil images, and then evaluate their porosity. Also, we evaluate our results by comparing them with the Otsu algorithm threshold values, and conclude that our algorithm produce reliable test results.
The aim of this paper is to develop a probabilistic modeling framework for the segmentation of structures of interest from a collection of atlases. Given a subset of registered atlases into the target image for a particular Region of Interest (ROI), a statistical model of appearance and shape is computed for fusing the labels. Segmentations are obtained by minimizing an energy function associated with the proposed model, using a graph-cut technique. We test different label fusion methods on publicly available MR images of human brains.
In the last decade, Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has been accepted as an effective method for processing high spatial resolution multiband images. This image analysis method is an approach that starts with the segmentation of the image. Image segmentation in general is a procedure to partition an image into homogenous groups (segments). In practice, visual interpretation is often used to assess the quality of segmentation and the analysis relies on the experience of an analyst. In an effort to address the issue, in this study, we evaluate several seed selection strategies for an automatic image segmentation methodology based on a seeded region growing-merging approach. In order to evaluate the segmentation quality, segments were subjected to spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I index and intra-segment variance analysis. We apply the algorithm to image segmentation using an aerial multiband image.
Radar track segmentation with cubic splines for collision risk models in high density terminal areas
This paper presents a method to segment airplane radar tracks in high density terminal areas where the air traffic follows trajectories with several changes in heading, speed and altitude. The radar tracks are modelled with different types of segments, straight lines, cubic spline function and shape preserving cubic function. The longitudinal, lateral and vertical deviations are calculated for terminal manoeuvring area scenarios. The most promising model of the radar tracks resulted from a mixed interpolation using straight lines for linear segments and spline cubic functions for curved segments. A sensitivity analysis is used to optimise the size of the window for the segmentation process.
La tomografía axial computerizada (TAC) es la modalidad de imagen médica preferente para el estudio de enfermedades pulmonares y el análisis de su vasculatura. La segmentación general de vasos en pulmón ha sido abordada en profundidad a lo largo de los últimos años por la comunidad científica que trabaja en el campo de procesamiento de imagen; sin embargo, la diferenciación entre irrigaciones arterial y venosa es aún un problema abierto. De hecho, la separación automática de arterias y venas está considerado como uno de los grandes retos futuros del procesamiento de imágenes biomédicas. La segmentación arteria-vena (AV) permitiría el estudio de ambas irrigaciones por separado, lo cual tendría importantes consecuencias en diferentes escenarios médicos y múltiples enfermedades pulmonares o estados patológicos. Características como la densidad, geometría, topología y tamaño de los vasos sanguíneos podrían ser analizados en enfermedades que conllevan remodelación de la vasculatura pulmonar, haciendo incluso posible el descubrimiento de nuevos biomarcadores específicos que aún hoy en dípermanecen ocultos. Esta diferenciación entre arterias y venas también podría ayudar a la mejora y el desarrollo de métodos de procesamiento de las distintas estructuras pulmonares. Sin embargo, el estudio del efecto de las enfermedades en los árboles arterial y venoso ha sido inviable hasta ahora a pesar de su indudable utilidad. La extrema complejidad de los árboles vasculares del pulmón hace inabordable una separación manual de ambas estructuras en un tiempo realista, fomentando aún más la necesidad de diseñar herramientas automáticas o semiautomáticas para tal objetivo. Pero la ausencia de casos correctamente segmentados y etiquetados conlleva múltiples limitaciones en el desarrollo de sistemas de separación AV, en los cuales son necesarias imágenes de referencia tanto para entrenar como para validar los algoritmos. Por ello, el diseño de imágenes sintéticas de TAC pulmonar podría superar estas dificultades ofreciendo la posibilidad de acceso a una base de datos de casos pseudoreales bajo un entorno restringido y controlado donde cada parte de la imagen (incluyendo arterias y venas) está unívocamente diferenciada. En esta Tesis Doctoral abordamos ambos problemas, los cuales están fuertemente interrelacionados. Primero se describe el diseño de una estrategia para generar, automáticamente, fantomas computacionales de TAC de pulmón en humanos. Partiendo de conocimientos a priori, tanto biológicos como de características de imagen de CT, acerca de la topología y relación entre las distintas estructuras pulmonares, el sistema desarrollado es capaz de generar vías aéreas, arterias y venas pulmonares sintéticas usando métodos de crecimiento iterativo, que posteriormente se unen para formar un pulmón simulado con características realistas. Estos casos sintéticos, junto a imágenes reales de TAC sin contraste, han sido usados en el desarrollo de un método completamente automático de segmentación/separación AV. La estrategia comprende una primera extracción genérica de vasos pulmonares usando partículas espacio-escala, y una posterior clasificación AV de tales partículas mediante el uso de Graph-Cuts (GC) basados en la similitud con arteria o vena (obtenida con algoritmos de aprendizaje automático) y la inclusión de información de conectividad entre partículas. La validación de los fantomas pulmonares se ha llevado a cabo mediante inspección visual y medidas cuantitativas relacionadas con las distribuciones de intensidad, dispersión de estructuras y relación entre arterias y vías aéreas, los cuales muestran una buena correspondencia entre los pulmones reales y los generados sintéticamente. La evaluación del algoritmo de segmentación AV está basada en distintas estrategias de comprobación de la exactitud en la clasificación de vasos, las cuales revelan una adecuada diferenciación entre arterias y venas tanto en los casos reales como en los sintéticos, abriendo así un amplio abanico de posibilidades en el estudio clínico de enfermedades cardiopulmonares y en el desarrollo de metodologías y nuevos algoritmos para el análisis de imágenes pulmonares. ABSTRACT Computed tomography (CT) is the reference image modality for the study of lung diseases and pulmonary vasculature. Lung vessel segmentation has been widely explored by the biomedical image processing community, however, differentiation of arterial from venous irrigations is still an open problem. Indeed, automatic separation of arterial and venous trees has been considered during last years as one of the main future challenges in the field. Artery-Vein (AV) segmentation would be useful in different medical scenarios and multiple pulmonary diseases or pathological states, allowing the study of arterial and venous irrigations separately. Features such as density, geometry, topology and size of vessels could be analyzed in diseases that imply vasculature remodeling, making even possible the discovery of new specific biomarkers that remain hidden nowadays. Differentiation between arteries and veins could also enhance or improve methods processing pulmonary structures. Nevertheless, AV segmentation has been unfeasible until now in clinical routine despite its objective usefulness. The huge complexity of pulmonary vascular trees makes a manual segmentation of both structures unfeasible in realistic time, encouraging the design of automatic or semiautomatic tools to perform the task. However, this lack of proper labeled cases seriously limits in the development of AV segmentation systems, where reference standards are necessary in both algorithm training and validation stages. For that reason, the design of synthetic CT images of the lung could overcome these difficulties by providing a database of pseudorealistic cases in a constrained and controlled scenario where each part of the image (including arteries and veins) is differentiated unequivocally. In this Ph.D. Thesis we address both interrelated problems. First, the design of a complete framework to automatically generate computational CT phantoms of the human lung is described. Starting from biological and imagebased knowledge about the topology and relationships between structures, the system is able to generate synthetic pulmonary arteries, veins, and airways using iterative growth methods that can be merged into a final simulated lung with realistic features. These synthetic cases, together with labeled real CT datasets, have been used as reference for the development of a fully automatic pulmonary AV segmentation/separation method. The approach comprises a vessel extraction stage using scale-space particles and their posterior artery-vein classification using Graph-Cuts (GC) based on arterial/venous similarity scores obtained with a Machine Learning (ML) pre-classification step and particle connectivity information. Validation of pulmonary phantoms from visual examination and quantitative measurements of intensity distributions, dispersion of structures and relationships between pulmonary air and blood flow systems, show good correspondence between real and synthetic lungs. The evaluation of the Artery-Vein (AV) segmentation algorithm, based on different strategies to assess the accuracy of vessel particles classification, reveal accurate differentiation between arteries and vein in both real and synthetic cases that open a huge range of possibilities in the clinical study of cardiopulmonary diseases and the development of methodological approaches for the analysis of pulmonary images.
Los medios sociales han revolucionado la manera en la que los consumidores se relacionan entre sí y con las marcas. Las opiniones publicadas en dichos medios tienen un poder de influencia en las decisiones de compra tan importante como las campañas de publicidad. En consecuencia, los profesionales del marketing cada vez dedican mayores esfuerzos e inversión a la obtención de indicadores que permitan medir el estado de salud de las marcas a partir de los contenidos digitales generados por sus consumidores. Dada la naturaleza no estructurada de los contenidos publicados en los medios sociales, la tecnología usada para procesar dichos contenidos ha menudo implementa técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial, tales como algoritmos de procesamiento de lenguaje natural, aprendizaje automático y análisis semántico. Esta tesis, contribuye al estado de la cuestión, con un modelo que permite estructurar e integrar la información publicada en medios sociales, y una serie de técnicas cuyos objetivos son la identificación de consumidores, así como la segmentación psicográfica y sociodemográfica de los mismos. La técnica de identificación de consumidores se basa en la huella digital de los dispositivos que utilizan para navegar por la Web y es tolerante a los cambios que se producen con frecuencia en dicha huella digital. Las técnicas de segmentación psicográfica descritas obtienen la posición en el embudo de compra de los consumidores y permiten clasificar las opiniones en función de una serie de atributos de marketing. Finalmente, las técnicas de segmentación sociodemográfica permiten obtener el lugar de residencia y el género de los consumidores. ABSTRACT Social media has revolutionised the way in which consumers relate to each other and with brands. The opinions published in social media have a power of influencing purchase decisions as important as advertising campaigns. Consequently, marketers are increasing efforts and investments for obtaining indicators to measure brand health from the digital content generated by consumers. Given the unstructured nature of social media contents, the technology used for processing such contents often implements Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as natural language processing, machine learning and semantic analysis algorithms. This thesis contributes to the State of the Art, with a model for structuring and integrating the information posted on social media, and a number of techniques whose objectives are the identification of consumers, as well as their socio-demographic and psychographic segmentation. The consumer identification technique is based on the fingerprint of the devices they use to surf the Web and is tolerant to the changes that occur frequently in such fingerprint. The psychographic profiling techniques described infer the position of consumer in the purchase funnel, and allow to classify the opinions based on a series of marketing attributes. Finally, the socio-demographic profiling techniques allow to obtain the residence and gender of consumers.
Automatic segmentation using univariate and multivariate techniques provides more objective and efficient segmentations of the river systems (Alber & Piégay, 2011) and can be complementary to the expert criteria traditionally used (Brenden et al., 2008) INTEREST: A powerful tool to objectively segment the continuity of rivers, which is required for diagnosing problems associated to human impacts OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potentiality of univariate and multivariate methods in the assessment of river adjustments produced by flow regulation
Chelicerates constitute a basic arthropod group with fossil representatives from as early as the Cambrian period. Embryonic development and the subdivision of the segmented body region into a prosoma and an opisthosoma are very similar in all extant chelicerates. The mode of head segmentation, however, has long been controversial. Although all other arthropod groups show a subdivision of the head region into six segments, the chelicerates are thought to have the first antennal segment missing. To examine this problem on a molecular level, we have compared the expression pattern of Hox genes in the spider Cupiennius salei with the pattern known from insects. Surprisingly, we find that the anterior expression borders of the Hox genes are in the same register and the same relative segmental position as in Drosophila. This contradicts the view that the homologue of the first antennal segment is absent in the spider. Instead, our data suggest that the cheliceral segment is homologous to the first antennal segment and the pedipalpal segment is homologous to the second antennal (or intercalary) segment in arthropods. Our finding implies that chelicerates, myriapods, crustaceans, and insects share a single mode of head segmentation, reinforcing the argument for a monophyletic origin of the arthropods.
Transient segmentation in the hindbrain is a fundamental morphogenetic phenomenon in the vertebrate embryo, and the restricted expression of subsets of Hox genes in the developing rhombomeric units and their derivatives is linked with regional specification. Here we show that patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain involves the direct upregulation of the chicken and pufferfish group 2 paralogous genes, Hoxb-2 and Hoxa-2, in rhombomeres 3 and 5 (r3 and r5) by the zinc finger gene Krox-20. We identified evolutionarily conserved r3/r5 enhancers that contain high affinity Krox-20. binding sites capable of mediating transactivation by Krox-20. In addition to conservation of binding sites critical for Krox-20 activity in the chicken Hoxa-2 and pufferfish Hoxb-2 genes, the r3/r5 enhancers are also characterized by the presence of a number of identical motifs likely to be involved in cooperative interactions with Krox-20 during the process of hindbrain patterning in vertebrates.
Theories of image segmentation suggest that the human visual system may use two distinct processes to segregate figure from background: a local process that uses local feature contrasts to mark borders of coherent regions and a global process that groups similar features over a larger spatial scale. We performed psychophysical experiments to determine whether and to what extent the global similarity process contributes to image segmentation by motion and color. Our results show that for color, as well as for motion, segmentation occurs first by an integrative process on a coarse spatial scale, demonstrating that for both modalities the global process is faster than one based on local feature contrasts. Segmentation by motion builds up over time, whereas segmentation by color does not, indicating a fundamental difference between the modalities. Our data suggest that segmentation by motion proceeds first via a cooperative linking over space of local motion signals, generating almost immediate perceptual coherence even of physically incoherent signals. This global segmentation process occurs faster than the detection of absolute motion, providing further evidence for the existence of two motion processes with distinct dynamic properties.
Serotonin, first described as a neurotransmitter in invertebrates, has been investigated mostly for its functions in the mature central nervous system of higher vertebrates. Serotonin receptor diversity has been described in the mammalian brain and in insects. We report the isolation of a cDNA coding for a Drosophila melanogaster serotonin receptor that displays a sequence, a gene organization, and pharmacological properties typical of the mammalian 5-HT2 serotonin receptor subtype. Its mRNA can be detected in the adult fly; moreover, a high level of expression occurs at 3 hr of Drosophila embryogenesis. This early embryonic expression is surprisingly organized in a seven-stripe pattern that appears at the cellular blastoderm stage. In addition, this pattern is in phase with that of the even-parasegment-expressed pair-rule gene fushi-tarazu and is similarly modified by mutations affecting segmentation genes. Simultaneously with this pair-rule expression, the complete machinery of serotonin synthesis is present and leads to a peak of ligand concomitant with a peak of 5-HT2-specific receptor sites in blastoderm embryos.
In the advent of Customer Relationship Management, a more accurate profile of the consumer is needed. The objective of this paper is to show the usefulness of knowing consumer’s complete utility function through his/her marginal utilities. This approach allows one to form groups of individuals with similar preferences (as traditional segmentation methods do) and to treat them individually (which represents an advance). The empirical application is carried out, on a sample of 2,127 individuals, in the context of tourism, where the customer relationship management philosophy is gaining more and more relevance.
We present new tools for the segmentation and analysis of musical scores in the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment. A modular object-oriented framework enables the creation of segmentations on score objects and the implementation of automatic or semi-automatic analysis processes. The analyses can be performed and displayed thanks to customizable classes and callbacks. Concrete examples are given, in particular with the implementation of a semi-automatic harmonic analysis system and a framework for rhythmic transcription.