969 resultados para Flower-like structures


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The oxidation of lipids has long been a topic of interest in biological and food sciences, and the fundamental principles of non-enzymatic free radical attack on phospholipids are well established, although questions about detail of the mechanisms remain. The number of end products that are formed following the initiation of phospholipid peroxidation is large, and is continually growing as new structures of oxidized phospholipids are elucidated. Common products are phospholipids with esterified isoprostane-like structures and chain-shortened products containing hydroxy, carbonyl or carboxylic acid groups; the carbonyl-containing compounds are reactive and readily form adducts with proteins and other biomolecules. Phospholipids can also be attacked by reactive nitrogen and chlorine species, further expanding the range of products to nitrated and chlorinated phospholipids. Key to understanding the mechanisms of oxidation is the development of advanced and sensitive technologies that enable structural elucidation. Tandem mass spectrometry has proved invaluable in this respect and is generally the method of choice for structural work. A number of studies have investigated whether individual oxidized phospholipid products occur in vivo, and mass spectrometry techniques have been instrumental in detecting a variety of oxidation products in biological samples such as atherosclerotic plaque material, brain tissue, intestinal tissue and plasma, although relatively few have achieved an absolute quantitative analysis. The levels of oxidized phospholipids in vivo is a critical question, as there is now substantial evidence that many of these compounds are bioactive and could contribute to pathology. The challenges for the future will be to adopt lipidomic approaches to map the profile of oxidized phospholipid formation in different biological conditions, and relate this to their effects in vivo. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxidized phospholipids-their properties and interactions with proteins.


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Osteochondral tissue repair requires formation of vascularized bone and avascular cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells stimulate angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo but it is not known if these proangiogenic properties change as a result of chondrogenic or osteogenic differentiation. We investigated the angiogenic/antiangiogenic properties of equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eBMSCs) before and after differentiation in vitro. Conditioned media from chondrogenic and osteogenic cell pellets and undifferentiated cells was applied to endothelial tube formation assays using Matrigel™. Additionally, the cell secretome was analysed using LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry and screened for angiogenesis and neurogenesis-related factors using protein arrays. Endothelial tube-like formation was supported by conditioned media from undifferentiated eBMSCs. Conversely, chondrogenic and osteogenic conditioned media was antiangiogenic as shown by significantly decreased length of endothelial tube-like structures and degree of branching compared to controls. Undifferentiated cells produced higher levels of angiogenesis-related proteins compared to chondrogenic and osteogenic pellets. In summary, eBMSCs produce an array of angiogenesis-related proteins and support angiogenesis in vitro via a paracrine mechanism. However, when these cells are differentiated chondrogenically or osteogenically, they produce a soluble factor(s) that inhibits angiogenesis. With respect to osteochondral tissue engineering, this may be beneficial for avascular articular cartilage formation but unfavourable for bone formation where a vascularized tissue is desired. © Copyright 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Разработан и реализован алгоритм выявления фракталоподобных структур в ДНК- последовательностях. Фрактальность трактуется как самоподобие, основанное на свойстве симметрии или комплементарной симметрии. Локальные фракталы интересны своей способностью аккумулировать множественные палиндромно-шпилечные структуры с потенциально возможными регуляторными функциями. Выявлены реальные случаи проявления фрактальности в различных геномах: от вирусов до человека. Рассмотрена возможность использования фракталоподобных структур в качестве маркеров, различающих близкие классы последовательностей.


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We studied the role of photochemical and microbial processes in contributing to the transformation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from various plants that dominate the Florida Everglades. Plant-derived DOM leachate samples were exposed to photochemical and microbial degradation and the optical, chemical, and molecular weight characteristics measured over time. Optical parameters such as the synchronous fluorescence intensity between 270 and 290 nm (Fnpeak I), a strong indicator of protein and/or polyphenol content, decreased exponentially in all plant leachate samples, with microbial decay constants ranging from 21.0 d21 for seagrass to 20.11 d21 for mangrove (half-life [t1/2] 5 0.7–6.3 d). Similar decreases in polyphenol content and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration also occurred but were generally an order of magnitude lower or did not change significantly over time. The initial molecular weight composition was reflected in the rate of Fnpeak I decay and suggests that plantderived DOM with a large proportion of high molecular weight structures, such as seagrass derived DOM, contain high concentrations of easily microbially degradable proteinaceous components. For samples exposed to extended simulated solar radiation, polyphenol and Fnpeak I photochemical decay constants were on average 20.7 d21 (t1/2 1.0 d). Our data suggest that polyphenol structures of plant-derived DOM are particularly sensitive to photolysis, whereas high molecular weight protein-like structures are degraded primarily through physical–chemical and microbial processes. Furthermore, microbial and physical processes initiated the formation of recalcitrant, highly colored high molecular weight polymeric structures in mangrove-derived DOM. Thus, partial, biogeochemical transformation of plant-derived DOM from coastal areas is rapid and is likely to influence carbon and nutrient cycling, especially in areas dominated by seagrass and mangrove forests.


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The microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is the major biological sink of the greenhouse gas methane in marine sediments (doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0213-8_44) and serves as an important control for emission of methane into the hydrosphere. The AOM metabolic process is assumed to be a reversal of methanogenesis coupled to the reduction of sulfate to sulfide involving methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) as syntrophic partners which were describes amongst others in Boetius et al. (2000; doi:10.1038/35036572). In this study, 16S rRNA-based methods were used to investigate the distribution and biomass of archaea in samples from sediments above outcropping methane hydrate at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia margin off Oregon) and (ii) massive microbial mats enclosing carbonate reefs (Crimea area, Black Sea). Sediment samples from Hydrate Ridge were obtained during R/V SONNE cruises SO143-2 in August 1999 and SO148-1 in August 2000 at the crest of southern Hydrate Ridge at the Cascadia convergent margin off the coast of Oregon. The second study area is located in the Black Sea and represents a field in which there is active seepage of free gas on the slope of the northwestern Crimea area. Here, a field of conspicuous microbial reefs forming chimney-like structures was discovered at a water depth of 230 m in anoxic waters. The microbial mats were sampled by using the manned submersible JAGO during the R/V Prof. LOGACHEV cruise in July 2001. At Hydrate Ridge the surface sediments were dominated by aggregates consisting of ANME-2 and members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus branch (DSS) (ANME-2/DSS aggregates), which accounted for >90% of the total cell biomass. The numbers of ANME-1 cells increased strongly with depth; these cells accounted 1% of all single cells at the surface and more than 30% of all single cells (5% of the total cells) in 7- to 10-cm sediment horizons that were directly above layers of gas hydrate. In the Black Sea microbial mats ANME-1 accounted for about 50% of all cells. ANME-2/DSS aggregates occurred in microenvironments within the mat but accounted for only 1% of the total cells. FISH probes for the ANME-2a and ANME-2c subclusters were designed based on a comparative 16S rRNA analysis. In Hydrate Ridge sediments ANME-2a/DSS and ANME-2c/DSS aggregates differed significantly in morphology and abundance. The relative abundance values for these subgroups were remarkably different at Beggiatoa sites (80% ANME-2a, 20% ANME-2c) and Calyptogena sites (20% ANME-2a, 80% ANME-2c), indicating that there was preferential selection of the groups in the two habitats.


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The cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa is one of the few species able to build reef-like structures and a 3-dimensional coral framework in the deep oceans. Furthermore, deep cold-water coral bioherms may be among the first marine ecosystems to be affected by ocean acidification. Colonies of L. pertusa were collected during a cruise in 2006 to cold-water coral bioherms of the Mingulay reef complex (Hebrides, North Atlantic). Shortly after sample collection onboard these corals were labelled with calcium-45. The same experimental approach was used to assess calcification rates and how those changed due to reduced pH during a cruise to the Skagerrak (North Sea) in 2007. The highest calcification rates were found in youngest polyps with up to 1% d-1 new skeletal growth and average rates of 0.11±0.02% d-1±S.E.). Lowering pH by 0.15 and 0.3 units relative to the ambient level resulted in calcification being reduced by 30 and 56%. Lower pH reduced calcification more in fast growing, young polyps (59% reduction) than in older polyps (40% reduction). Thus skeletal growth of young and fast calcifying corallites suffered more from ocean acidification. Nevertheless, L. pertusa exhibited positive net calcification (as measured by 45Ca incorporation) even at an aragonite saturation state below 1.


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Background Correctly diagnosing basal cell carcinoma (BCC) clinical type is crucial for the therapeutic management. A systematic description of the variability of all reported BCC dermoscopic features according to clinical type and anatomic location is lacking. Objectives To describe the dermoscopic variability of BCC according to clinical type and anatomic location and to test the hypothesis of a clinical/dermoscopic continuum across superficial BCCs (sBCCs) with increasing palpability. Methods Clinical/dermoscopic images of nodular BCCs (nBCCs) and sBCCs with different degrees of palpability were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of dermoscopic criteria including degree of pigmentation, BCC-associated patterns, diverse vascular patterns, melanocytic patterns and polarized light patterns. Results We examined 501 histopathologically proven BCCs (66.9% sBCCs; 33.1% nBCCs), mainly located on trunk (46.7%; mostly sBCCs) and face (30.5%; mostly nBCCs). Short fine telangiectasias, leaf-like areas, spoke-wheel areas, small erosions and concentric structures were significantly associated with sBCC, whereas arborizing telangiectasias, blue-white veil-like structures, white shiny areas and rainbow pattern with nBCCs. Short fine telangiectasia, spoke-wheel areas and small erosions were independently associated with trunk location, whereas arborizing telangiectasias with facial location. Scalp BCCs had significantly more pigmentation and melanocytic criteria than BCCs located elsewhere. Multiple clinical/dermoscopic parameters displayed a significant linear trend across increasingly palpable sBCCs. Conclusions Particular dermoscopic criteria are independently associated with clinical type and anatomic location of BCC. Heavily pigmented, scalp BCCs are the most challenging to diagnose. A clinical/dermoscopic continuum across increasingly palpable sBCCs was detected and could be potentially important for the non-surgical management of the disease.


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The aim of the present work was to study the morphology and structure of the nanoparticles produced by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica. Ultrashort laser pulses of 1030 nm wavelength and 550 fs duration were tightly focused by a high numerical aperture microscope objective at the surface of fused silica samples while scanning the sample in relation to the stationary laser beam. Laser tracks were created with pulse energies in the range 5-100 mu J, resulting in ablation debris of different morphologies. The debris were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy for their morphology and crystal structure in relation to the incident laser pulse energy. Ejected particles with sizes ranging from a few nanometers to a few microns were found. Their morphologies can be broadly classified into three categories: very fine round nanoparticles with diameters lower than 20 nm, nanoparticles with intermediate sizes between 50 and 200 nm, and big irregular particles with typical size between 0.5 and 1.5 mu m. The fine nanoparticles of the first category are predominantly observed at higher pulse energies and tend to aggregate to form web-like and arborescent-like structures. The nanoparticles with intermediate sizes are observed for all pulse energies used and may appear isolated or aggregated in clusters. Finally, the larger irregular particles of the third category are observed for all energies and appear normally isolated.


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Työssä selvitettiin sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien nykyteknologian taso. Selvitettäviä asioita olivat keskushermoston ja proteesin välisen hermokytkennän toteutustapa, sähkötoimisten käsiproteesien keskeiset tekniset ominaisuudet sekä käsiproteesin mekaaniset toteutustavat. Tutkimus suoritettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Työhön valittiin esimerkkejä kaupallisesti saatavilla olevista käsiproteeseista jotka löytyivät internetistä hakemalla kaikkein edisty-neintä käsiproteesia. Työstä rajattiin pois proteesin suora kytkeminen keskushermostoon. Liikeinformaation välitys aivoilta proteesille onnistuu mittaamalla lihassähkökäyrä erilaisilla ihon ja lihasten päälle, ihon alle lihaksien yhteyteen tai suoraan hermojen yhteyteen asete-tuilla elektrodeilla. Lihassähkökäyrän mittaamisessa ihon pinnalta on ongelmana sähkömag-neettinen säteily, hiki, joka muuttaa ihon impedanssia ja elektrodien meneminen pois paikal-taan. Ihon alle asetettavat elektrodit kapseloituvat, mikä heikentää niiden toimintaa ja nii-den ihon läpi kulkevat johdot voivat altistaa kohdan infektioille tai takertua johonkin. Her-moihin suorassa kosketuksissa olevat elektrodit aiheuttavat lisäksi hermopinteen. Kohden-netulla uudelleenhermotuksella voidaan hermosyyt johtaa lihaksiin, jolloin lihaksista saa-daan biologiset vahvistimet lihassähkökäyrää varten tai korvaavalle ihoalueelle, johon koh-distuva kosketus tuottaa tuntemuksen käteen kohdistuvasta kosketuksesta. Käden menet-tämisen myötä menetettävät hermo-ohjaustiedot voivat osittain korvautua aivojen mukau-tuvuuden ansiosta, mikä mahdollistaa tekokäden käyttämisen oppimisen samalla tavoin kuin polkupyörällä ajon. Hermotakaisinkytkentä mahdollistaa proteesin paremman hallin-nan. On mahdollista valmistaa keinoihoa johon kohdistuva paine saa aikaan muutoksen sen sähköisissä ominaisuuksissa, mitä voidaan sitten käyttää varsinaisen hermoärsytyksen luo-van laitteen, kuten tynkää ärsyttävän täryttimen, ohjaamisessa. On mahdollista valmistaa keinolihaksia joiden avulla nivelten liike voidaan toteuttaa luonnollisen kaltaisilla rakenteilla ja jotka ovat jopa kymmeniä kertoja voimakkaampia kuin aidot lihakset. Nykyteknologian avulla on mahdollista rakentaa käsiproteesi joka liikeradoiltaan, voimal-taan ja hermotakaisinkytkennän osalta vastaa lähes täydellisesti aitoa ihmiskättä. Haasteena on vielä kokeiluasteella oleva teknologian taso sekä korkea hinta.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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We report a multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy study of the structural changes along the thermal annealing pathway of a poly(furfuryl alcohol) (PFA) derived nanoporous carbon (NPC). The Raman spectra were deconvoluted utilizing G, D, D′, A and TPA bands. The appropriateness of these deconvolutions was confirmed via recovery of the correct dispersive behaviours of these bands. It is proposed that the ID/IG ratio is composed of two parts: one associated with the extent of graphitic crystallites (the Tuinstra–Koenig relationship), and a second related to the inter-defect distance. This model was used to successfully determine the variation of the in-plane size and intra-plane defect density along the annealing pathway. It is proposed that the NPC skeleton evolves along the annealing pathway in two stages: below 1600 °C it was dominated by a reduction of in-plane defects with a minor crystallite growth, and above this temperature growth of the crystallites accelerates as the in-plane defect density approaches zero. A significant amount of transpolyacetylene (TPA)-like structures was found to be remaining even at 2400 °C. These may be responsible for resistance to further graphitization of the PFA-based carbon at higher temperatures.


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Guided wave (GW) has been used for many years in non-destructive testing (NDT). There are various ways to generate the guided wave, including impact or impulse either manually or using devices. Although the method of impact or impulse is considered to be simple and practical in guided wave generation, it produces waves with broadband frequencies, which often make analysis much more difficult. The frequency bandwidth produced by manual impacts is usually at the low end, and is therefore justified when dealing with one dimensional wave propagation assumption in low strain integrity testing of cylindrical structures. Under such assumption if the velocity is known accurately, NDTs can produce reasonably good results for the condition assessment of the structure. However, for guided wave propagation in timber pole-like structures, it is rather complicated as timber is an orthotropic material and wave propagation in an orthotropic medium exhibits different characteristics from that in isotropic medium. It is possible to obtain solutions for guided wave propagation in orthotropic media for cylindrical structures, even though the orthotropic material greatly complicates GW propagation. In this paper, timber has been considered as a transversely isotropic (i.e. simplified orthotropic) material and a comparative study of GW propagation in a timber pole is conducted considering isotropic and transversely isotropic modelling. Phase velocity, group velocity and attenuation are the main parameters for this comparative study. Moreover, tractionfree situation and embedded geotechnical condition are also taken into consideration to evaluate the effect of boundary. Displacement profile, wave propagation pattern and power flow at particular frequency are utilized to determine different displacement components of longitudinal and flexural waves along and across the timber pole. Effect of temperature and moisture content (in terms of modulus of elasticity) in timber pole is also compared to show the variation in phase velocity.


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Breast cancer is a leading killer of women worldwide. Cyclodextrin-based estrogen receptor-targeting drug-delivery systems represent a promising direction in cancer therapy but have rarely been investigated. To seek new targeting therapies for membrane estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer, an estrogen-anchored cyclodextrin encapsulating a doxorubicin derivative Ada-DOX (CDE1-Ada-DOX) has been synthesized and evaluated in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. First, we synthesized estrone-conjugated cyclodextrin (CDE1), which formed the complex CDE1-Ada-DOX via molecular recognition with the derivative adamantane-doxorubicin (Ada-DOX) (Kd =1,617 M(-1)). The structure of the targeting vector CDE1 was fully characterized using (1)H- and (13)C-nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and electron microscopy. CDE1-Ada-DOX showed two-phase drug-release kinetics with much slower release than Ada-DOX. The fluorescence polarization analysis reveals that CDE1-Ada-DOX binds to recombinant human estrogen receptor α fragments with a Kd of 0.027 µM. Competition assay of the drug complex with estrogen ligands demonstrated that estrone and tamoxifen competed with CDE1-Ada-DOX for membrane estrogen receptor binding in MCF-7 cells. Intermolecular self-assembly of CDE1 molecules were observed, showing tail-in-bucket and wire-like structures confirmed by transmission electronic microscopy. CDE1-Ada-DOX had an unexpected lower drug uptake (when the host-guest ratio was >1) than non-targeting drugs in MCF-7 cells due to ensconced ligands in cyclodextrins cavities resulting from the intermolecular self-assembly. The uptake of CDE1-Ada-DOX was significantly increased when the host-guest ratio was adjusted to be less than half at the concentration of CDE1 over 5 µM due to the release of the estrone residues. CDE1 elicited rapid activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (p44/42 MAPK, Erk1/2) in minutes through phosphorylation of Thr202/Tyr204 in MCF-7 cells. These results demonstrate a targeted therapeutics delivery of CDE1-Ada-DOX to breast cancer cells in a controlled manner and that the drug vector CDE1 can potentially be employed as a molecular tool to differentiate nongenomic from genomic mechanism.


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Widespread stromatolites and other microbialite deposits characterize Lower Triassic marine successions worldwide. This study documents a stromatolite deposit, 1.1. m thick, from the upper Spathian (Lower Triassic) of the Susong area, South China. The stromatolite comprises distinct laminated domes in the basal part and columns at the upper part. Dark laminae are loosely spaced and interlayered with thicker light colored laminae. Diffusive dark colored laminae are composed of peloidal micrite that grade locally into microclotted structures, and yield copies of bacteria clump-like and coccoid-like spheroid aggregates. The former are characterized by cloudy, micrite nuclei rimmed by coarse-grained, euhedral sparry calcite crystals, while the latter are comprised of solid calcite crystal nuclei coated with rather thin micrite envelopes. The cloudy, micrite nuclei resemble bacteria clump-like structures observed in present-day travertine. Both the coccoid-like spheroids and bacteria clump-like structures are surrounded by coarse-grained euhedral calcite crystals, suggesting a similar accretion mechanism. Both spherical structures therefore could be crucial in the accretion of the Susong stromatolite. The laminated/microclotted structures are interpreted as the result of variation in timing of lithification relative to the timing of the decay of microbes. Micro-analysis also unravels the common occurrence of authigenic micro-quartz crystals in association with Fe-bearing illite clay minerals in the stromatolite columns. Their coalescing nature with each other, together with the associated pyrite grains, strongly support the formation of micro-quartz crystals from microbial reduction of an Fe-bearing smectite precursor by sulfate reducing bacteria. A comparison of the Susong stromatolite with its counterparts from the upper Lower Triassic strata in Dajiang, South China reveals many similarities in stromatolite microstructures, suggesting that a harsh, euxinic-anoxic environment resulting in the bloom of sulfate reducing bacteria most likely extended into the latest Spathian in South China.


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Extracellular pili-like structures (PLS) produced by cyanobacteria have been poorly explored. We have done detailed topographical and electrical characterisation of PLS in Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73120 using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM). TEM analysis showed that N. punctiforme produces two separate types of PLS differing in their length and diameter. The first type of PLS are 6-7.5 nm in diameter and 0.5-2 µm in length (short/thin PLS) while the second type of PLS are ~20-40 nm in diameter and more than 10 µm long (long/thick PLS). This is the first study to report long/thick PLS in N. punctiforme. Electrical characterisation of these two different PLS by CAFM showed that both are electrically conductive and can act as microbial nanowires. This is the first report to show two distinct PLS and also identifies microbial nanowires in N. punctiforme. This study paves the way for more detailed investigation of N. punctiforme nanowires and their potential role in cell physiology and symbiosis with plants.