950 resultados para Florestas tropicais
Agriculture is one of the most discussed topics currently in the conceptual field of sustainability. The debates are increasingly recurrent and put in question the model adopted from post-war, so-called green revolution, for its potential of degradation of natural resources. This type of Agriculture put Brazil at the top of the global agribusiness, where stands out in various sectors such as grain, meat, sugar and horticulture. Discussions are focused on aspects related to the use of agrochemicals, monoculture, conversion of native forest in extensive agricultural areas, among other points taken as deleterious to environmental balance. On the other hand, there is a model, called by family farming, which for many researchers, has attributes closer to the understanding of sustainable agriculture. In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the agricultural potential lies mainly on horticulture, where stands the agropolo AcuMossoró, as one of the greatest tropical fruit producing regions of Brazil, being melon, the major fruit produced. The cultivation of this vegetable was developed in the region in the late 1980s, from the investment of large agricultural enterprises, whose cultivation techniques were grounded by the green revolution. Currently, the melon cultivation is also developed in agroecosystems whose management is characterized by family participation, including small farmers of rural settlements created by Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA). In view of the inclusion of family farming in a field that recently was dominated by large agribusiness companies, some questions arise about the maintenance of attributes that characterise this type of family agriculture management. This research aimed to assess the sustainability of family agroecosystems in São Romão settlement in Mossoró-RN, cultivated with melon. The study was conducted by the Framework for Evaluation of Natural Resources Management Systems Incorporating Sustainability Indicators (MESMIS), in ten agroecosystems of the mentioned settlement. The data were obtained from semi-structured interviews and field observations, so that the answers, considerations and comments made by settlers, were widely used to cycle through the six steps of the MESMIS evaluation. As a result of the work, were determined seven critical points affecting sustainability, being: water resources, soils, reliance on external inputs, biodiversity, quality of life, family income and community organizing, from which was derived twenty-three indicators that sought to reflect the actual state of sustainability of the agroecosystems
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the first decades of 20th century the just instituted Brazilian Republic faced the challenge to modernize the country. Considering that the progress was associated with the exhaustion of the forest reserves and with climatic changes, two big issues were seen as fundamental: To Fight the Droughts and To Defend the Forests; headed by professionals who were dedicated to these ideals. This research starts from the premise that these were the main challenges enforced by nature to the Brazilian development; the general objective was delimited in the search to understand the meaning and the conception of the natural world by this group of professionals who faced the shock between modernizing the country and conserving its natural resources. Aiming to contribute with the construction of the Brazilian environmental history and to bring historical elements to the debate about the environment in the country, the author concentrates his attention to the analyses, the discussions and the actions that preceded the regulation on the use of natural resources and the implementation of the environmental legislation in Brazil, occurred in 1934. The investigation uses as methodological basis the theoretical directions of environmental history, using sources of data still little explored and valued. In such way, it is taken as starting point some published papers about this subject during the period between 1889 and 1934 in two technical magazines the Revista Brazil Ferro-Carril and the Revista do Club de Engenharia. National engineering played a basic role in this process while arguing, projecting and constructing the development. The formulated proposals, after being divulged, had fomented the interchange with other professionals and had favored the advance of ambient questions in Brazil, in the sense to preserve natural resources, to construct more harmonic relations between the society and the nature and to equate the development with the environment preservation
During the last years tropical forest has been a target of intense study especially due to its recent big scale destruction. Although a lot still needs to be explored, we start realizing how negative can the impact of our actions be for the ecosystem. Subsequently, the living community have been developing strategies to overcome this problem avoiding bottlenecks or even extinctions. Cooperative breeding (CB) has been recently pointed out as one of those strategies. CB is a breeding system where more than two individuals raise one brood. In most of the cases, extra individuals are offspring that delay their dispersal and independent breeding what allows them to help their parents raising their siblings in the subsequent breeding season. Such behavior is believed to be due, per example, to the lack of mates or breeding territories (ecological constraints hypothesis), a consequence of habitat fragmentation and/or disturbance. From this point, CB is easily promoted by a higher reproductive success of group vs pairs or single individuals. Accordingly, during this thesis I explore the early post-fledging survival of a cooperative breeding passerine, namely the impact of individual/habitat quality in its survival probability during the dependence period of the chicks. Our study species is the Cabanis’s greenbul (Phyllastrephus cabanisi), a medium-sized, brownish passerine, classified within the Pycnonotidae family. It is found over part of Central Africa in countries such as Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and Kenya, inhabiting primary and secondary forests, as well as woodland of various types up to 2700m of altitude. Previous studies have concluded that PC is a facultative cooperative breeder. This study was conducted in Taita Hills (TH) at the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAM), a chain of mountains running from Southeast Kenya to the South of Tanzania. TH comprises an area of 430 ha and has been suffering intense deforestation reflecting 98% forest reduction over the last 200 years. Nowadays its forest is divided in fragments and our study was based in 5of those fragments. We access the post-fledging survival through radio-telemetry. The juvenile survey was done through the breeding females in which transmitters were placed with a leg-loop technique. Ptilochronology is consider to be the study of feather growth bars and has been used to study the nutritional state of a bird. This technique considers that the feather growth rate is positively proportional to the individual capability of ingesting food and to the food availability. This technique is therefore used to infer for individual/habitat quality. Survival was lowest during the first 5 days post-fledging representing 53.3%. During the next 15 days, risk of predation decreased with only 14.3% more deceased individuals. This represents a total of only 33% survived individuals in the end of the 50 days. Our results showed yet a significant positive relationship between flock size and post-fledging survival as well as between ptilochronology values and post-fledgling survival. In practice, these imply that on this population, as bigger the flock, as greater the post fledging survival and that good habitat quality or good BF quality, will lead to a higher juvenile survival rate. We believe that CB is therefore an adaptive behaviour to the lack of mates/breeding territory originated from the mass forest destruction and disturbance. Such results confirms the critical importance of habitat quality in the post-fledging survival and, for the first time, demonstrates how flock size influences the living probability of the juveniles and therefore how it impacts the (local) population dynamics of this species. In my opinion, future research should be focus in disentangle individual and habitat quality from each other and verify which relationship exist between them. Such study will allow us to understand which factor has a stronger influence in the post-fledging survival and therefore redirect our studies in that direction. In order to confirm the negative impact of human disturbance and forest fragmentation, it would be of major relevance to compare the reproductive strategies and reproductive success of populations living in intact forests and disturbed patches.
Considerando a multiplicidade dos impactos ambientais associados às albufeiras pretendeu-se verificar a disponibilidade da utilização, como recurso agrícola, dos sedimentos desenvolvidos sob clima tropical. Estudaram-se duas albufeiras, Três Marias e Tucuruí situadas no Brasil, cujos materiais depositados apresentam forte componente siltosa e argilosa. Possuindo valores de matéria orgânica considerados médios, as amostras têm valores de pH (H20) ácidos, elevados teores de Fe203 e Ah03 e baixa diversidade de minerais argilosos (apenas ilite e caulinite). Apesar das quantidades totais de fósforo serem significativas, os valores da forma disponível deste elemento não ultrapassam o 1%. Através da análise de clusters, correlações de Pearson e fraccionamento químico do fósforo inorgânico, concluiu-se que o elemento que influencia a retenção deste elemento nos sedimentos é o ferro. Embora com baixos teores de fósforo sob forma imediatamente disponível, os sedimentos apresentam boa qualidade para fins agrícolas pois, para diferentes variáveis, ultrapassam os valores médios dos solos minerais. ABSTRACT; considering the diversity of environmental impacts related to dam reservoirs, this study aims at verifying the suitability of sediments accumulated in tropical climates, as agricultural resource. We have studied two Brazilian reservoirs, Três Marias and Tucuruí, whose sediments were classified, respectively, as silty clay and clayey silt. The accumulated material has medium contents of organic matter, acid values of pH(H20), high contents of Fe203 and Al203, and low diversity of clay mineral groups (only illite and kaolinite). Although sediments have significant amounts of phosphorus, the available form of this element never exceeds 1%. Data on statistical analysis of clusters, Pearson correlations and chemical fractionation of inorganic phosphorus, indicates that phosphorus adsorption capacity of sediments is predominantly associated with Fe. Even considering the low levels of the readily available form of phosphorus, for most variables, sediments exceed medium values for mineral soils, making this material advantageous for plant nutrition.
As quantidades de lodo de esgoto a serem aplicadas a solos agrícolas são determinadas em função de diversos critérios. Um desses critérios considera a quantidade de nitrogênio inorgânico que o resíduo poderá gerar no solo, como nitrato, durante sua mineralização. A prática vigente atualmente no Brasil para definição de dosagens de lodo de esgoto a aplicar em solos agrícolas é determinada pelo CONAMA - Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente. Na Resolução 375, publicada em 2006 por esse órgão, recomenda-se a utilização do valor de 20% de disponibilização de N para lodos de esgoto que passem pelo tratamento anaeróbio. Esse valor, entretanto, baseia-se em dados obtidos para solos em climas temperados. Em solos tropicais, já se dispõe de dados de pesquisa, que preconizam índices de disponibilização de N superiores aos da atual legislação. Como o nitrato é altamente lixiviável no perfil do solo, se for gerado em quantidades superiores às absorvidas pelas plantas, torna-se um poluente potencial de águas subsuperficiais. Por essa razão, há necessidade de pesquisas com maior número de solos, dada a grande extensão do território brasileiro, visando-se o estabelecimento e validação de índices locais de disponibilização de N em solos tratados com lodos de esgoto. Porém, ainda não se dispõe de um protocolo específico para a determinação da fração de mineralização de compostos nitrogenados de lodos de esgoto utilizados na agricultura. Visando contribuir para isso, foi estabelecido neste trabalho um protocolo para a determinação da fração de mineralização de compostos de N presentes em lodos de esgoto, quando aplicados em solos agrícolas. Nele, são estabelecidas, passo a passo, as etapas para a estimativa desse índice, utilizando-se as metodologias usuais no Brasil em análises de solo e de resíduos. São apresentados ao final do protocolo resultados experimentais que mostram taxas de mineralização de nitrogênio superiores a estipulada na atual legislação.
As florestas têm papel importante na captura e estocagem de carbono da atmosfera através do processo fotossintético. Partindo desta premissa, são vislumbradas muitas oportunidades de participação das florestas no mercado de créditos de carbono, seja através de projetos de conservação das formações florestais remanescentes, seja através de projetos de substituição de combustíveis fósseis por fontes renováveis a partir de reflorestamentos comerciais. Projetos de conservação têm encontrado maior receptividade nos mercados voluntário de crédito de carbono e mais recentemente através de mecanismos tais como REDD (Redução de Emissões por Desmatamento e Degradação) e de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais. Já os projetos que visam a substituição de combustíveis fósseis por produtos e resíduos de cadeias produtivas florestais têm encontrado mais oportunidades de comercialização de créditos de carbono através do MDL (Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo). Uma das atividades do projeto nacional em rede Florestas Energéticas, desenvolvidas na Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Jaguariúna-SP) é avaliar e sugerir oportunidades no mercado de carbono para as espécies florestais: Eucalyptus urophila S T Blake; Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth; Acacia mangium Willd e Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel. Através de consulta à literatura e aos especialistas sobre cada uma das espécies, foi elaborado um estudo técnico sobre a viabilidade de inserção dessas espécies florestais no mercado de carbono considerando-se os parâmetros técnicos necessários à elaboração de projetos florestais para o mercado de carbono. Como referência serão considerados os parâmetros requeridos pelas metodologias mais recentemente aprovadas pelo Conselho Executivo do MDL, relativas a projetos florestais. O objetivo primordial desse estudo é apontar as necessidades estratégicas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento visando a plena utilização dessas espécies como fontes de carvão vegetal com sustentabilidade econômica, social e ambiental.
In the first decades of 20th century the just instituted Brazilian Republic faced the challenge to modernize the country. Considering that the progress was associated with the exhaustion of the forest reserves and with climatic changes, two big issues were seen as fundamental: To Fight the Droughts and To Defend the Forests; headed by professionals who were dedicated to these ideals. This research starts from the premise that these were the main challenges enforced by nature to the Brazilian development; the general objective was delimited in the search to understand the meaning and the conception of the natural world by this group of professionals who faced the shock between modernizing the country and conserving its natural resources. Aiming to contribute with the construction of the Brazilian environmental history and to bring historical elements to the debate about the environment in the country, the author concentrates his attention to the analyses, the discussions and the actions that preceded the regulation on the use of natural resources and the implementation of the environmental legislation in Brazil, occurred in 1934. The investigation uses as methodological basis the theoretical directions of environmental history, using sources of data still little explored and valued. In such way, it is taken as starting point some published papers about this subject during the period between 1889 and 1934 in two technical magazines the Revista Brazil Ferro-Carril and the Revista do Club de Engenharia. National engineering played a basic role in this process while arguing, projecting and constructing the development. The formulated proposals, after being divulged, had fomented the interchange with other professionals and had favored the advance of ambient questions in Brazil, in the sense to preserve natural resources, to construct more harmonic relations between the society and the nature and to equate the development with the environment preservation
Avaliou-se a produtividade de doze leguminosas forrageiras, associadas ou nao a adubacao fosfatada. As doze especies selecionadas foram estabelecidas em parcelas de 6 m x 3 m, em fileiras espacadas de 0,60 m. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com parcelas divididas e tres repeticoes. As especies constituiram as parcelas, e a adubacao ( 0 e 60 kg/ha de P2O5) as subparcelas. As leguminosas Macrotillium sp CPATSA 80218 (BRA-004537) e Indigofera sp CPATSA 7620 (BRA-000701) apresentaram melhores resultados nos tres anos de estudo. A primeira apresentou produtividade de: 5.430 e 4.862 e a segunda 3.972 e 3.736 kg de materia seca/ha/ano, nas parcelas com e sem adubacao, respectivamente. Apesar de o nivel de P no solo ser baixo, as leguminoas apresentaram uma resposta de apenas 9,0% a adubacao fosfatada.