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Tämä diplomityö käsittelee kahden sotilaallisen koalition yhteentoimivuuden haasteita ja toteutusta kaupallisintyökaluin. Työ pohjautuu kahteen todelliseen, palvelusuuntautunutta arkkitehtuurisuunnittelua (SOA) hyödyntäneeseen integraatioprojektiin jotka on toteutettu Suomen IBM:n Palveluyksikössä vuosina 2006 - 2007. Työn tavoitteena on ollut tutkia sotilaallisten koalitioiden järjestelmä - ja tiedonvaihtoyhteentoimivuuden menetelmiä, näkökulmia ja teknistä toteutusta kaupallisin ohjelmistotuottein ja yhteistä tietomallia käyttäen. Lisäksi esitetään puolustustoimialan erityispiirteet tietojärjestelmätoimittajien ohjelmistokehitys - prosesseihin liittyen. Tätä varten tutkittiin koalitioiden käyttöön tarkoitettuja olemassa olevia ohjelmistoarkkitehtuureja ja yhteentoimivuusmalleja sekä sovitettiin niitä SOA - arkkitehtuuriajatteluun. Työn teoreettisena pohjana käytettiin organisatorisen ja teknisen yhteentoimivuuden kuvaavaa Layers of Coalition Interoperability (LCI) - mallia, minkä jälkeen mallin teknistä osiota käytettiin pohjana SOA - palveluihin perustuvan esimerkkijärjestelmän kehittämiseen kahden kuvitteellisen koalition tiedonvaihtoa varten. Työn keskeisinä tuloksina on syntynyt suunnitelma koalitioiden taustajärjestelmien yhdistämisestä dynaamisten SOA- palveluiden avulla yhteiseen JC3IEDM - tietomalliin. Tämä tietomalli vuorostaan antaa mahdollisuuden järjestelmän laajentamiseen esimerkiksi avustusjärjestöjen, poliisivoimien ja terveydenhuollon organisaatioiden tarpeisiin.
The increasing number of trials testing management strategies for luminal Crohn's disease (CD) has not fitted all the gaps in our knowledge and thus, in clinical. practice, many decisions for CD patients have to be taken without the benefit of high-quality evidence. Methods: A multidisciplinary European expert panel used the RAND Appropriateness Method to develop and rate explicit criteria for the management of individual patients with active, steroid-dependent (ST-D) and steroid-refractory (ST-R) CD. Results: Overall., 296 indications pertaining to mild-to-moderate, severe, ST-D, and ST-R CD were rated. In anti-TNF naive patients, budesonide and prednisone were found to be appropriate for mild-moderate CD, and infliximab (IFX) was appropriate when these had previously failed or had not been tolerated. In patients with a prior successful treatment by IFX, this drug, with or without co-administration of a thiopurine analog, was favoured. Other anti-TNFs were appropriate in the presence of intolerance or resistance to IFX. High-dose steroids, IFX or adlimumab were appropriate in severe active CD. For the 105 indications for ST-D or ST-R disease, the panel considered the thiopurine analogs, methotrexate, IFX, adalimumab, and surgery for limited resection, to be appropriate, depending on the outcome of prior therapies. Anti-TNFs were generally considered appropriate in ST-R. Conclusion: Steroids, including budesonide for mild-to-moderate CD, remain the first-line therapy for active luminal CD. Anti-TNFs, in particular IFX as shown by the amount of available evidence, remain the second-line therapy for most indications. Thiopurine analogs, methotrexate and anti-TNFs are favoured in ST-D patients and ST-R patients. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this thesis, the sorption and elastic properties of the cation-exchange resins were studied to explain the liquid chromatographic separation of carbohydrates. Na+, Ca2+ and La3+ form strong poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) (SCE) as well as Na+ and Ca2+ form weak acrylic (WCE) cation-exchange resins at different cross-link densities were treated within this work. The focus was on the effects of water-alcohol mixtures, mostly aqueous ethanol, and that of the carbohydrates. The carbohydrates examined were rhamnose, xylose, glucose, fructose, arabinose, sucrose, xylitol and sorbitol. In addition to linear chromatographic conditions, non-linear conditions more typical for industrial applications were studied. Both experimental and modeling aspectswere covered. The aqueous alcohol sorption on the cation-exchangers were experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. The sorption model includes elastic parameters, which were obtained from sorption data combined with elasticity measurements. As hydrophilic materials cation-exchangers are water selective and shrink when an organic solvent is added. At a certain deswelling degree the elastic resins go through glass transition and become as glass-like material. Theincreasing cross-link level and the valence of the counterion decrease the sorption of solvent components in the water-rich solutions. The cross-linkage or thecounterions have less effect on the water selectivity than the resin type or the used alcohol. The amount of water sorbed is higher in the WCE resin and, moreover, the WCE resin is more water selective than the corresponding SCE resin. Theincreased aliphatic part of lower alcohols tend to increase the water selectivity, i.e. the resins are more water selective in 2-propanol than in ethanol solutions. Both the sorption behavior of carbohydrates and the sorption differences between carbohydrates are considerably affected by the eluent composition and theresin characteristics. The carbohydrate sorption was experimentally examined and modeled. In all cases, sorption and moreover the separation of carbohydrates are dominated by three phenomena: partition, ligand exchange and size exclusion. The sorption of hydrophilic carbohydrates increases when alcohol is added into the eluent or when carbohydrate is able to form coordination complexes with the counterions, especially with multivalent counterions. Decreasing polarity of the eluent enhances the complex stability. Size exclusion effect is more prominent when the resin becomes tighter or carbohydrate size increases. On the other hand,the elution volumes between different sized carbohydrates decreases with the decreasing polarity of the eluent. The chromatographic separation of carbohydrateswas modeled, using rhamnose and xylose as target molecules. The thermodynamic sorption model was successfully implemented in the rate-based column model. The experimental chromatographic data were fitted by using only one adjustable parameter. In addition to the fitted data also simulated data were generated and utilized in explaining the effect of the eluent composition and of the resin characteristics on the carbohydrate separation.
Simulation is a useful tool in cardiac SPECT to assess quantification algorithms. However, simple equation-based models are limited in their ability to simulate realistic heart motion and perfusion. We present a numerical dynamic model of the left ventricle, which allows us to simulate normal and anomalous cardiac cycles, as well as perfusion defects. Bicubic splines were fitted to a number of control points to represent endocardial and epicardial surfaces of the left ventricle. A transformation from each point on the surface to a template of activity was made to represent the myocardial perfusion. Geometry-based and patient-based simulations were performed to illustrate this model. Geometry-based simulations modeled ~1! a normal patient, ~2! a well-perfused patient with abnormal regional function, ~3! an ischaemic patient with abnormal regional function, and ~4! a patient study including tracer kinetics. Patient-based simulation consisted of a left ventricle including a realistic shape and motion obtained from a magnetic resonance study. We conclude that this model has the potential to study the influence of several physical parameters and the left ventricle contraction in myocardial perfusion SPECT and gated-SPECT studies.
Leaf area measurements are required in several agronomical studies. Usually, there is an interest for measurement methods that are simple, quick and that will not destroy the leaf. The objectives of this work were to evaluate leaf area (y), length (l) and width (w) of 20 half-sibling progenies of custard apple tree (Annona squamosa L.), and to fit regression equations of the type y = a + bx, where x = l.w, that will allow y to be estimated based on l and w. The experiment was conducted as random blocks with five replicates and four plants per plot. Five mature leaves were randomly collected from each plant. Leaf area was measured with an automatic measuring device and leaf dimensions were determined with a ruler. All values of b were different from zero. Differences occurred only in 11% of the 190 possible comparison pairs between progenies, with regard to the estimates of b. No differences were observed between progenies with respect to leaf length, width and area. In view of this fact, the equation y = 0.72 x (R² = 0.77) was fitted for all progenies.
Background: During the last part of the 1990s the chance of surviving breast cancer increased. Changes in survival functions reflect a mixture of effects. Both, the introduction of adjuvant treatments and early screening with mammography played a role in the decline in mortality. Evaluating the contribution of these interventions using mathematical models requires survival functions before and after their introduction. Furthermore, required survival functions may be different by age groups and are related to disease stage at diagnosis. Sometimes detailed information is not available, as was the case for the region of Catalonia (Spain). Then one may derive the functions using information from other geographical areas. This work presents the methodology used to estimate age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions from scarce Catalan survival data by adapting the age- and stage-specific US functions. Methods: Cubic splines were used to smooth data and obtain continuous hazard rate functions. After, we fitted a Poisson model to derive hazard ratios. The model included time as a covariate. Then the hazard ratios were applied to US survival functions detailed by age and stage to obtain Catalan estimations. Results: We started estimating the hazard ratios for Catalonia versus the USA before and after the introduction of screening. The hazard ratios were then multiplied by the age- and stage-specific breast cancer hazard rates from the USA to obtain the Catalan hazard rates. We also compared breast cancer survival in Catalonia and the USA in two time periods, before cancer control interventions (USA 1975–79, Catalonia 1980–89) and after (USA and Catalonia 1990–2001). Survival in Catalonia in the 1980–89 period was worse than in the USA during 1975–79, but the differences disappeared in 1990–2001. Conclusion: Our results suggest that access to better treatments and quality of care contributed to large improvements in survival in Catalonia. On the other hand, we obtained detailed breast cancer survival functions that will be used for modeling the effect of screening and adjuvant treatments in Catalonia.
Three models of flow resistance (a Keulegan-type logarithmic law and two models developed for large-scale roughness conditions: the full logarithmic law and a model based on an inflectional velocity profile) were calibrated, validated and compared using an extensive database (N = 1,533) from rivers and flumes, representative of a wide hydraulic and geomorphologic range in the field of gravel-bed and mountain channels. It is preferable to apply the model based on an inflectional velocity profile in the relative submergence (y/d90) interval between 0.5 and 15, while the full logarithmic law is preferable for values below 0.5. For high relative submergence, above 15, either the logarithmic law or the full logarithmic law can be applied. The models fitted to the coarser percentiles are preferable to those fitted to the median diameter, owing to the higher explanatory power achieved by setting a model, the smaller difference in the goodness-of-fit between the different models and the lower influence of the origin of the data (river or flume).
Se han calibrado, validado y comparado tres modelos de resistencia al flujo de contorno granular: un modelo potencial y otros dos modelos desarrollados para condiciones de alta rugosidad relativa (uno basado en una modificación de la ley logarítmica de Prandtl-von Karman y otro fundamentado en un perfil de velocidad configurado en dos zonas: una uniforme en las proximidades de los elementos de rugosidad y otra superior que sigue una distribución logarítmica). Se ha empleado para ello un numeroso conjunto de 1.533 datos tomados en ríos y en canales de laboratorio, representativo de un amplio intervalo hidráulico y geomorfológico en el ámbito de ríos de grava y de montaña. Han resultado preferibles las ecuaciones ajustadas con los percentiles granulométricos mayores (d90 o d84) que las ajustadas con el diámetro mediano (d50), debido a la mayor capacidad explicativa alcanzada dado un modelo, la menor diferencia en la bondad de ajuste entre los diferentes modelos y la menor influencia del origen de los datos (río o canal de laboratorio). Las ecuaciones ajustadas de acuerdo con los modelos en donde se contemplan condiciones de alta rugosidad relativa presentan predicciones similares, exceptuando el intervalo macrorrugoso (y/d90 < 1), en el que es preferible la correspondiente al modelo fundamentado en el perfil de velocidad configurado en dos zonas. Se recomienda restringir la aplicación de la ecuación ajustada con arreglo a la ley potencial al intervalo de y/d90 comprendido entre uno y veinte, puesto que fuera de dicho intervalo tiende a infraestimar notablemente la resistencia al flujo.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to statistically model the relative increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) per year older in Data collection on Adverse events of anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) and to compare this with the relative increased risk of CVD per year older in general population risk equations. METHODS: We analysed three endpoints: myocardial infarction (MI), coronary heart disease (CHD: MI or invasive coronary procedure) and CVD (CHD or stroke). We fitted a number of parametric age effects, adjusting for known risk factors and antiretroviral therapy (ART) use. The best-fitting age effect was determined using the Akaike information criterion. We compared the ageing effect from D:A:D with that from the general population risk equations: the Framingham Heart Study, CUORE and ASSIGN risk scores. RESULTS: A total of 24 323 men were included in analyses. Crude MI, CHD and CVD event rates per 1000 person-years increased from 2.29, 3.11 and 3.65 in those aged 40-45 years to 6.53, 11.91 and 15.89 in those aged 60-65 years, respectively. The best-fitting models included inverse age for MI and age + age(2) for CHD and CVD. In D:A:D there was a slowly accelerating increased risk of CHD and CVD per year older, which appeared to be only modest yet was consistently raised compared with the risk in the general population. The relative risk of MI with age was not different between D:A:D and the general population. CONCLUSIONS: We found only limited evidence of accelerating increased risk of CVD with age in D:A:D compared with the general population. The absolute risk of CVD associated with HIV infection remains uncertain.
PURPOSE: Proper delineation of ocular anatomy in 3-dimensional (3D) imaging is a big challenge, particularly when developing treatment plans for ocular diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presently used in clinical practice for diagnosis confirmation and treatment planning for treatment of retinoblastoma in infants, where it serves as a source of information, complementary to the fundus or ultrasonographic imaging. Here we present a framework to fully automatically segment the eye anatomy for MRI based on 3D active shape models (ASM), and we validate the results and present a proof of concept to automatically segment pathological eyes. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Manual and automatic segmentation were performed in 24 images of healthy children's eyes (3.29 ± 2.15 years of age). Imaging was performed using a 3-T MRI scanner. The ASM consists of the lens, the vitreous humor, the sclera, and the cornea. The model was fitted by first automatically detecting the position of the eye center, the lens, and the optic nerve, and then aligning the model and fitting it to the patient. We validated our segmentation method by using a leave-one-out cross-validation. The segmentation results were evaluated by measuring the overlap, using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the mean distance error. RESULTS: We obtained a DSC of 94.90 ± 2.12% for the sclera and the cornea, 94.72 ± 1.89% for the vitreous humor, and 85.16 ± 4.91% for the lens. The mean distance error was 0.26 ± 0.09 mm. The entire process took 14 seconds on average per eye. CONCLUSION: We provide a reliable and accurate tool that enables clinicians to automatically segment the sclera, the cornea, the vitreous humor, and the lens, using MRI. We additionally present a proof of concept for fully automatically segmenting eye pathology. This tool reduces the time needed for eye shape delineation and thus can help clinicians when planning eye treatment and confirming the extent of the tumor.
Työssä esisuunniteltiin Kemira Pigments Oy:lle uusi titanyylisulfaatin elektrolyyttinen pelkistyslaitos. Suurin syy uuden laitoksen suunnitteluun oli nykyisen laitoksen aiheuttamat korkeat H2SO4-pitoisuudet pelkistyslaitoksen läheisyydessä. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään elektrolyysilaitteiston suunnitteluun liittyviä seikkoja ja esitellään titanyylisulfaatin elektrolyyttiseen pelkistykseen liittyvää tutkimustietoa. Ennen uuden laitoksen suunnittelua suoritettiin nykyisellä pelkistyslaitoksella koeajoja, joiden tarkoituksena oli antaa lähtötiedot uuden laitoksen suunnittelulle. Koeajot osoittivat mm., että pelkistys on edullisinta suorittaa alhaisella virrantiheydellä n. 300…400 A/m2 ja vesilaimennuksen avulla anolyytin H2SO4-pitoisuus saadaan säädettyä tasolle, jossa titaani ei saostu. Kärynpoistoyhteisiin asennettujen pesuvesisuuttimien avulla saatiin titaanin saostuminen kärynpoistokanaviin estettyä. Uudesta titanyylisulfaatin elektrolyyttisestä pelkistyslaitoksesta laadittiin mm. seuraavat dokumentit: prosessin virtauskaavio ja ainevirtakenttä, PI-kaavio, layout-kuvat laitoksesta ja sen sijoituksesta sekä rakennepiirros elektrolyysialtaasta. Hankkeelle tehtiin kustannusarvio tarkkuudella ±20 %, jonka loppusummaksi saatiin 1 489 000 €. Laitoksen vuotuisten käyttökustannuksien arvioitiin olevan n. 105 000 €. Investoinnista aiheutuvien vuotuisten annuiteettikustannusten arvioitiin olevan n. 237 000 € 16,3 % korolla.
Tässä työssä on tutkittu ammoniakin ja hiilidioksidin erottamista adsorptio prosessilla ja suunniteltiin paineen muunteluun perustuvan adsorptioprosessin (PSA) käyttöä. Työn tarkoituksena oli laskea adsorptioon perustuvan prosessin kannattavuus melamiinitehtaan poistokaasujen erotuksessa. Tätä varten työssä suunniteltiin tehdasmitta-kaavainen prosessi ja arvioitiin sen kannattavuus. Työssä mitattiin adsorptiotasapainot, joiden perusteella sovitettiin sopiva kokeellinen adsorptioisotermi. Adsorptioisotermi lisättiin simulointiohjelmaan, jonka avulla suunniteltiin kaksi vaihtoehtoista pilot laitteistoa kaasujen erottamiseksi. Toisella pilot laitteistolla saadaan mitattua vain läpäisykäyrät, mutta paremmalla versiolla saadaan myös tietoa erotettujen komponenttien puhtaudesta. Suunnittelun tärkeimpiä lähtökohtia on molempien komponenttien mahdollisimman korkea puhtaus ja talteenottoaste. Täysimittakaavainen tehdas suunniteltiin simulointiohjelmiston avulla kahdelle eri kapasiteetille ja arvioitiin niiden kustannukset ja kannattavuus. Adsorptioprosessit osoittautuivat kannattaviksi kaasuseoksen erottamisessa kummassakin tapauksessa
Material and methods. Methylone was administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats intravenously (10 mg/kg) and orally (15 and 30 mg/kg). Plasma concentrations and metabolites were characterized by LC/MS and LC-MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Locomotor activity was monitored for 180-240 min. Results. Oral administration of methylone induced a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity in rats. The plasma concentrations after i.v. administration were described by a two-compartment model with distribution and terminal elimination phases of α = 1.95 h− 1 and β = 0.72 h− 1. For oral administration, peak methylone concentrations were achieved between 0.5 and 1 h and fitted to a flip-flop model. Absolute bioavailability was about 80% and the percentage of methylone protein binding was of 30%. A relationship between methylone brain levels and free plasma concentration yielded a ratio of 1.42 ± 0.06, indicating access to the central nervous system. We have identified four Phase I metabolites after oral administration. The major metabolic routes are N-demethylation, aliphatic hydroxylation and O-methylation of a demethylenate intermediate. Discussion. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of methylone showed a correlation between plasma concentrations and enhancement of the locomotor activity. A contribution of metabolites in the activity of methylone after oral administration is suggested. Present results will be helpful to understand the time course of the effects of this drug of abuse in humans.
ASTRAL-R score predicts non-recanalisation after intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke.
Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) as treatment in acute ischaemic strokes may be insufficient to achieve recanalisation in certain patients. Predicting probability of non-recanalisation after IVT may have the potential to influence patient selection to more aggressive management strategies. We aimed at deriving and internally validating a predictive score for post-thrombolytic non-recanalisation, using clinical and radiological variables. In thrombolysis registries from four Swiss academic stroke centres (Lausanne, Bern, Basel and Geneva), patients were selected with large arterial occlusion on acute imaging and with repeated arterial assessment at 24 hours. Based on a logistic regression analysis, an integer-based score for each covariate of the fitted multivariate model was generated. Performance of integer-based predictive model was assessed by bootstrapping available data and cross validation (delete-d method). In 599 thrombolysed strokes, five variables were identified as independent predictors of absence of recanalisation: Acute glucose > 7 mmol/l (A), significant extracranial vessel STenosis (ST), decreased Range of visual fields (R), large Arterial occlusion (A) and decreased Level of consciousness (L). All variables were weighted 1, except for (L) which obtained 2 points based on β-coefficients on the logistic scale. ASTRAL-R scores 0, 3 and 6 corresponded to non-recanalisation probabilities of 18, 44 and 74 % respectively. Predictive ability showed AUC of 0.66 (95 %CI, 0.61-0.70) when using bootstrap and 0.66 (0.63-0.68) when using delete-d cross validation. In conclusion, the 5-item ASTRAL-R score moderately predicts non-recanalisation at 24 hours in thrombolysed ischaemic strokes. If its performance can be confirmed by external validation and its clinical usefulness can be proven, the score may influence patient selection for more aggressive revascularisation strategies in routine clinical practice.
Material and methods. Methylone was administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats intravenously (10 mg/kg) and orally (15 and 30 mg/kg). Plasma concentrations and metabolites were characterized by LC/MS and LC-MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Locomotor activity was monitored for 180-240 min. Results. Oral administration of methylone induced a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity in rats. The plasma concentrations after i.v. administration were described by a two-compartment model with distribution and terminal elimination phases of α = 1.95 h− 1 and β = 0.72 h− 1. For oral administration, peak methylone concentrations were achieved between 0.5 and 1 h and fitted to a flip-flop model. Absolute bioavailability was about 80% and the percentage of methylone protein binding was of 30%. A relationship between methylone brain levels and free plasma concentration yielded a ratio of 1.42 ± 0.06, indicating access to the central nervous system. We have identified four Phase I metabolites after oral administration. The major metabolic routes are N-demethylation, aliphatic hydroxylation and O-methylation of a demethylenate intermediate. Discussion. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of methylone showed a correlation between plasma concentrations and enhancement of the locomotor activity. A contribution of metabolites in the activity of methylone after oral administration is suggested. Present results will be helpful to understand the time course of the effects of this drug of abuse in humans.