764 resultados para Film Aesthetics
Catalytic properties of copper thin films deposited in small channels and cavities were tested using Raman microscopy and mass spectroscopy (MS) techniques, mainly. The catalytic surface conditions were addressed visually and chemically by optical microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. The experimental conditions of present work induced copper oxidation; eventually a number of carbon species and graphite remained on the catalytic surface. Quartz crystal microbalance and mass spectroscopy data support both adsorption and catalysis phenomena. MS showed CO2 formation during n-hexane heating process but not to 2-propanol, probably due to redox reactions. XPS of copper surface present in the cavity after catalysis tests detected Cu2O and a range of possible carbon species. The adsorption and catalytic performance of copper films deposited in cavities and microchannels were quite similar. A simple miniaturized device for microanalysis was proposed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel biosensor for glucose was prepared by adsorption of 1,1`-bis(4-carboxybenzyl)-4,4`-bipyridinium di-bromide compound (H(2)BpybcBr(2)) onto the surface of a nanocrystalline TiO(2) film deposited onto FTO glasses, which was used as a platform to assemble the enzyme glucose oxidase to the electrode surface. The H(2)BpybcBr(2)/TiO(2)/FTO modified electrode was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence image, cyclic voltammograms and spectroelectrochemical measurements. The immobilization of GOD on functionalized TiO(2) film led to stable amperometric biosensing for glucose with a linear range from 153 mu mol L(-1) to 1.30 mmol L(-1) and a detection limit of 51 mu mol L(-1). The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (K(m)) was estimated to be 3.76 mmol L(-1), which suggested a high enzyme-substrate affinity. The maximum electrode sensitivity was 1.25 mu A mmol L(-1). The study proved that the combination of viologen mediators with TiO(2) film retains the electrocatalytic activity of the enzyme, and also enhances the electron transfer process, and hence regenerating the enzyme in the reaction with glucose. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Flow injection analysis (FIA) using a carbon film sensor for amperometric detection was explored for ambroxol analysis in pharmaceutical formulations. The specially designed flow cell designed in the lab generated sharp and reproducible current peaks, with a wide linear dynamic range from 5 x 10(-7) to 3.5 x 10(-4) mol L-1, in 0.1 mol L-1 sulfuric acid electrolyte, as well as high sensitivity, 0.110 A mol(-1) L cm(-2) at the optimized flow rate. A detection limit of 7.6 x 10(-8) mol L-1 and a sampling frequency of 50 determinations per hour were achieved, employing injected volumes of 100 mu L and a flow rate of 2.0 mL min(-1). The repeatability, expressed as R.S.D. for successive and alternated injections of 6.0 x 10(-6) and 6.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 ambroxol solutions, was 3.0 and 1.5%, respectively, without any noticeable memory effect between injections. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of ambroxol in pharmaceutical samples and the results obtained were compared with UV spectrophotometric and acid-base titrimetric methods. Good agreement between the results utilizing the three methods and the labeled values was achieved, corroborating the good performance of the proposed electrochemical methodology for ambroxol analysis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The nature of the protective film formed by benzotriazole (BTAH) on the surface of the 90/10 CuNi alloy in deaerated 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4 solution containing Fe(III) ions as oxidant was investigated by weight-loss, calorimetric measurements, and by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The SERS measurements show that the protective film is composed by the [Cu(I)BTA](n), polymeric complex and that the BTAH molecules are also adsorbed on the electrode surface. A modification of the BET isotherm for adsorption of gases ill solids is proposed to describe the experimental results obtained from weight-loss experiments that suggest an adsorption in multilayers. Electrochemical studies of copper and nickel in 0.5 mol L-1 H2SO4 in presence and absence of BTAH have also been made as an aid to interpret the results. The calculated adsorption free energy of the cuprous benzotriazolate on the surface of the alloy is in accordance with the value for pure copper. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in feedback mode was employed to characterise the reactivity and microscopic peculiarities of bismuth and bismuth/lead alloys plated onto gold disk substrates in 0.1 molL(-1) NaOH solutions. Methyl viologen was used as redox mediator, while a platinum microelectrode was employed as the SECM tip. The metal films were electrodeposited ex situ from NaOH solutions containing either bismuth ions only or both bismuth and lead ions. Approach curves and SECM images indicated that the metal films were conductive and locally reactive with oxygen to provide Bi(3+) and Pb(2+) ions. The occurrence of the latter chemical reactions was verified by local anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at the substrate solution interface by using a mercury-coated platinum SECM tip. The latter types of measurements allowed also verifying that lead was not uniformly distributed onto the bismuth film electrode substrate. These findings were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy images. The surface heterogeneity produced during the metal deposition process, however, did not affect the analytical performance of the bismuth coated gold electrode in anodic stripping voltammetry for the determination of lead in alkaline media, even in aerated aqueous solutions. Under the latter conditions, stripping peak currents proportional to lead concentration with a satisfactory reproducibility (within 5% RSD) were obtained.
Electrochemical decolourisation of Reactive Orange 16 was carried out in an electrochemical flow-cell, using as working electrodes a Pt thin film deposited on a Ti substrate (Pt/Ti) prepared by the Pechini method and a pure platinum (Pt) foil. Using the Pt/Ti electrodes better results for dye decolourisation were obtained under milder conditions than those used for pure Pt. For the Pt electrode, colour removal of 93 % (lambda = 493 nm) was obtained after 60 min, at 2.2 V vs. RHE, using 0.017 mol L(-1) NaCl + 0.5 mol L(-1) H(2)SO(4) solution. For the Pt/Ti electrode there was better colour removal, 98%, than for the Pt electrode. Moreover, we used 0.017 mol L(-1) NaCl solution and the applied potential was 1.8 V. Under this condition after 15 min of electrolysis, more than 80% of colour was removed. The rate reaction constant, assuming a first order reaction, was 0.024 min(-1) and 0.069 min(-1), for Pt and Pt/Ti electrodes, respectively.
A copper phthalocyanine/multiwalled carbon nanotube film-modified glassy carbon electrode has been used for the determination of the herbicide glyphosate (Gly) at -50 mV vs. SCE by electrochemical oxidation using differential pulse voltamtnetry (DPV). Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that Gly is adsorbed on the metallic centre of the copper phthalocyanine molecule, with formation of Gly-copper ion complexes. An analytical method was developed using DPV in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution, without any pretreatment steps: Gly was determined in the concentration range of 0.83-9.90 mu mol L(-1), with detection limit 12.2 nmol L(-1) (2.02 mu g L(-1))
The kinetics and the thermodynamics of electrochemical intercalation of lithium into CeO(2)-TiO(2) films prepared by the sol-gel process were studied by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) as function of the depth of lithium intercalation. The open-circuit-potential versus x in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) curve consists of two straight lines with different slopes, one in the range of 0.03 <= x <= 0.09 and the other of 0.09 < x <= 0.15. The standard Gibbs energy for lithium intercalation Delta G(1)(0) was 6kJ/mol for x = 0.09 in Li(x)(CeO(2)-TiO(2)) at room temperature. The chemical diffusion coefficient value, D(Li+), of lithium intercalation into thin film oxide was 2.14.10(-11) cm(2)/s at x = 0.15, and the value of the component diffusion coefficient D(Li+),(k) was about one order of magnitude lower than the coefficient of chemical diffusion.
Freestanding castor oil-based polyurethane (PU) film was obtained using spin-coating method. The effect of polyol content was analysed by means of thermally stimulated depolarisation current and AC dielectric measurements techniques. Two relaxation peaks were observed in the temperature range of -40 to 60 degrees C for PU with different polyol contents. The presence of polyol excess provides a shift to lower temperature of the a relaxation and the decrease in the activation energy of the transition in this region might be attributed to the plasticising effect of the polyol. The peak at higher temperature is due to the Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars relaxation, which also shifts in the low temperature direction as the polyol content is increased.
I det här arbetet har jag undersökt hur man kan använda en skönlitterär roman och en underhållningsfilm i ämnesintegrerad undervisning i syfte att uppnå målen i svenska och historia på gymnasiet. Som underlag för mitt arbete har jag använt Steven Spielbergs Schindler´s list och Jan Guillous Vägen till Jerusalem. Min undersökning bygger på en tolkning av styrdokumentens intentioner, samt svensk- och historielärares åsikter om mediernas användbarhet i ämnesintegrerad undervisning. Undersökningen visade att lärare uppfattade filmens och romanens integrationsmöjligheter som mycket väl användbara i syfte att uppnå kursmålen, vilka i sin tur tydligt uttryckte en gemensam nämnare mellan svenska och historia, det vill säga som identitetsskapande. Vidare återfanns förenande element så som en historisk dimension, en kritisk medvetenhet och språket som medium för kommunikation. Genom olika former av diskussioner, analyser och fördjupningsarbeten kan eleven, med utgångspunkt i filmen Schindler´s list och romanen Vägen till Jerusalem uppnå flera av kursmålen för svenska och historia A och B på gymnasienivå.
Min utgångspunkt i denna uppsats var könsroller i film. Utifrån detta skapade jag mitt syfte som var att undersöka hur valda kvinnliga karaktärer i huvudrollen i tre svenska ungdomsfilmer skildrades, samt analysera huruvida skildringarna av karaktärerna bevarar eller bryter mot etablerade könsroller utifrån aktuell forskning. ¨Mina frågeställningar var:•Vilka utmärkande könsrollsmönster går att utröna i de valda karaktärernas agerande/handlande gentemot andra?•Vilken reaktion bemöts de valda karaktärerna med, utifrån detta agerade/handlande?•Vilka budskap landar filmen i, när det gäller huvudrollsinnehavarnas inordning eller revoltering utifrån de etablerade könsroller?De tre karaktärerna som jag valde att analysera var Sofie i Hipp Hipp Hora, Emma i Fjorton Suger och Ida i Sandor /slash/ Ida. Jag skapade ett analysverktyg bestående utav några nyckelkategorier kring könsroller. Utifrån dessa kategorier kunde jag analysera hur karaktärernas agerande gentemot andra bemöttes, och om karaktärerna bröt eller bevarade etablerade könsrollerna utifrån aktuell forskning. Mitt resultat visar karaktärerna vågar bryta emot de etablerade könsrollerna. Filmerna förmedlar även en bild utav unga smala vackra blonda tjejer som är tuffa och vågar gå sina egna vägar trots att det inte alltid är den lätta eller den rätta vägen.
Användningen av ljud skiljer sig åt mellan de olika filmgenrerna skräck, komedi, action och drama. Det finns vissa ljud som används oftare för att förstärka de känslor, som filmmakarna vill att vi ska uppleva i samband med vad vi ser i filmen. I denna uppsats analyseras ljudet i ett antal nyckelscener i vissa filmer. För att ta ut dessa nyckelscener användes Hollywoodmallen för hur man skriver film, såsom den beskrivs av Viki King. Genom att jämföra resultaten, även genom diagram, har jag upptäckt att metalljud från vapen och liknande, gör oss rädda. Syrsors knirpande tyder på mörker och ensamhet, och vattenljud som regn kan göra oss nedstämda eller oroliga. Detta är tre typiska ljud i filmgenren skräck. Fågelkvitter får oss gärna på bra humör. Ljud från andra människor som pratar innebär att vi inte är ensamma. Dessa ljud används ofta i komedier och dramafilmer. Actionfilmer är mer anpassningsbara och använder ljud som kan passa i olika genrer, så länge det tyder på att något händer.
Foric, Armin - Musikens betydelse för film – En undersökning om musikens inverkan i film (Högskolan Dalarna 2009) är en uppsats som syftar till att försöka förstå hur bakgrundsmusik påverkar film. Genom att använda sig av ett och samma klipp men med olika bakgrundsmusik vill jag försöka förstå hur musik påverkar uppfattningen av en film. Syftet är också att jämföra min och Rasmus Wedins uppsats som heter ”Ljudet är halva upplevelsen... Minst!” (Högskolan Dalarna 2006) på de punkter där våra frågor matchar varandra.Den viktiga huvudfrågan är:– Hur påverkas uppfattningen av en film genom musik?Sekundära frågeställningar: – Hur viktig är bakgrundsmusiken för uppfattningen om en films handling? – Hur tolkar man filmens handling beroende på vad för musik man hör, eller inte hör? – Hur tolkar åskådaren karaktärens roll i filmen beroende på vad för musik de hör? – Hur påverkar antalet film/vecka den tolkning man har? – Hur påverkar en favorit genre uppfattningen åskådaren har?Jag valde att musiklägga de två första minuterna från filmen ”Under ytan finns havet” producerad av elever på högskolan dalarna i tre olika versioner. Jag valde att först musiklägga en version i drama, den andra i komedi och den tredje i skräck utförande, därefter gjorde jag en tittarundersökning med frågor på enkäter som försökspersonerna fick svara på.Efter att ha samlat in material och sammanställt frågorna så blir mina frågeställningar besvarade. Vi kan tydligt se hur musiken påverkar en film på alla sätt, och inte bara upplevelsen
This essay is about film music and how people react in a study where the music and picture comes from two different genres that both has unique conventions, of how the “standard” music ought to be composed. The purpose of this essay is mainly to try and get an understanding of film music’s importance in the movies dramatic structure, and how people react when the conventions of music is broken and two genres are combined into one.The questions that are to be answered in this essay are: *how could music as a tool change the character of a film? *How does the participants, of this inquire, experience the film depending on what music they hear? *And what is it that the participants think that the music brings to the movies narration?The method of this survey is based on a number of participants that have responded on questions of how they experienced the movie, both with music and without. This study has shown that when music and picture, which comes from different genres, interact with each other it tends to create comical features and a sense of that the music has an advantage in terms of the genre that people feel that the film has.