921 resultados para Figuras de estilo


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB


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This study was aimed to analyze a procedure that makes the description of pictures in printed text from a book that promotes accessibility for blind people. In addition, the study was aimed to analyze the reformulations suggested by the judges and the index of agreement between researcher and judges. The descriptions were submitted to judges to evaluate the content of the material. The results were obtained through the analysis of two assessments: 1) agreement rate ‒ between the researcher and judges A and B, and between judge A and judge B and 2) analysis of the suggested reformulation. In quantitative terms, the results indicated that the material described achieved a high reliability. In qualitative terms, the reliability achieved represents the quality of the material offered, with well structured descriptions where writing meaning is equivalent to image information, fulfilling the purpose to present in printed text the elements represented in the pictures, effectively conveying their meaning.


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Introdução: As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DANTS) são um grupo de enfermidades cujo processo de instalação no organismo geralmente se inicia com alterações, a prevenção dessas afecções tem sido um grande desafio para a saúde pública. As principais DANTS são: câncer, doenças do coração (angina e infarto do miocárdio), doenças do pulmão (como enfisema, bronquite e asma), doenças da circulação como acidente vascular cerebral e hipertensão arterial, doenças metabólicas como diabetes, hipercolesterolemia, a obesidade, relacionadas com condições de vida (como o estresse, depressão e ansiedade). Existem inúmeros Fatores de Risco (FR) relacionados a estes tipos de doenças, cuja remoção, ou atenuação, pode contribuir para o declínio da mortalidade.Objetivo: Associar comportamentos e conhecimentos de FR para doenças e agravos não transmissíveis de mulheres praticantes de AF através do projeto Saúde Ativa Rio Claro, este visa desenvolver e difundir práticas de intervenção cientificamente orientadas que incorporem a AF como parte integrante de um hábito de vida saudável para todas as pessoas. Metodologia: Participaram do estudo 100 mulheres, com idade média de 57,7((± 13,1), foram aplicados dois questionários, sendo o primeiro sobre conhecimento de FR para DANTS e o segundo avaliou comportamentos relacionados ao estilo de vida: nível de AF, consumo de álcool, dieta, taxa de colesterol, nível de estresse, tabagismo.Resultados e Discussão: Não houve associação entre conhecimento e comportamento, o conhecimento isoladamente não foi suficiente para promover modificações no comportamento das pessoas. A analise estatística utilizada foi o Qui Quadrado (x²) de 1 grau de liberdade e com nível de significância de p= 0,05. Conclusão: Um grupo de pessoas pode conhecer os benefícios de um comportamento e não ter tempo ou recursos suficientes...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon


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The aim of this work is the analysis of some figures of speech, which is based on the existence of a nature of metaphorical process. The research starts from the hypothesis that these figures form themselves by this process. The study is based on the reading of the chapter “Figuras de linguagem”, which is in the work Lições de gramática de usos do português (NEVES, in the press), in which are given lessons about figures of speech, using literary texts and suggesting a metaphorical base for the general sustenance of the analyses. From these lessons, that had already directed groupings and analyses in Seves (2009), a reanalysis was done according to a theoretical orientation which basis is cognitivist, what contribute to this idea about the origin of the figurative processes. The bases of the theoretical orientation, in this sense, are: the conceptual metaphor theory (LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 1980), which considers metaphor as a cognitive (mental) process; and the current of the systematic metaphor (CAMERON, 2005 apud SARDINHA, 2007) that defends the attention to the recurring use of metaphor in real language, before doing assertions about the mind’s functioning. The analyses indicated these conclusions: a) the theory of the conceptual metaphor can be considered efficient for the foundation of the analyses, what implies a minimization of the metonymic component in the exam of these figures; b) and in the basis of the majority of the founded figures it is evident the nature of a metaphorical process


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This paper aims at observing a particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style in the pair of works Viva o Povo Brasileiro and An Invincible Memory. Our investigation has its theoretical starting point based on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; Camargo, 2005, 2007), and works on cultural domains (Nida, 1945; Aubert, 1981, 2006). The results showed that great part of cultural marks may be classified as the material, social, and ideological cultural domains, which reflects the context of the source text. It was also possible to observe that normalization features tends to reveal conscious or unconscious use of fluency strategies by the self-translator, making the translated text easier to read.


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Os pregos na erva (1962), the first book by Maria Gabriela Llansol, presents us several textures and pictures that break the dividing lines of both textual and imaging spaces due to the figurative compositional process that stands within the literary universe, coloring it with words. The short stories found in this book are based on minimum action that silences the voices of the characters, expanding some other composition, a new course, not in the order of the narrative continuum, but of the textual one. The three short stories to be analyzed (“Intróito”, “A casa às avessas” e “A manhã morta”) are highlighted due to the meaningful incidence of poetic colors that set representation and the motionless universe of narrative on the move, due to the dialogue established with painting, especially with the pictures by Amadeo Modigliani (“Young Brunette”) and Picasso (“Child holding a dove”). Thus, the lines of writing and the geometric ones of painting cross with each other and draft triangles and circles, being responsible for figures that go beyond figurative language and, by doing so, making the suggested images of textuality’s “fulgor” stronger.


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This work consists of a semiotic analysis of the animation motion picture The Lion King (1994), by the Walt Disney Animation Studios, describing its intertextual relation with Hamlet, by Shakespeare, considering Disney’s individuality, its style. In order to study style in texts, we use discursive semiotics theory, highlighting Discini’s work (2013) and the concept of discursive settings. Hence, a deep discussion about The Lion King’s style, compared to the Shakespeare’s play, is established. The movie, once a syncretic text, requires advanced studies on Expression Plane, its plastic, musical and verbal/phonic aspects. We find these studies in the work of José Luiz Fiorin (2009), Lúcia Teixeira (2009), Ana Claúdia de Oliveira (2009), Jean-Marie Floch (2009) and Antônio Vicente Pietroforte (2008). We note how a syncretic text makes the discursive settings more complex by assembling plastic and sonorous materials in semissimbolic relation. Once defined The Lion King’s style, we analyze the way it justifies the intense popularity of this kind of animation features. Finally, it is important to understand how Disney uses in its style not only discursive settings, but also passional settings, revealing its own way to stir emotions on the spectator


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El ilustrador francés Jacques Callot (1592-1635) representó personajes de la Commedia dell’Arte en su obra Balli di Sfessania (1616-1620), compuesta por 24 figuras. Esas imágenes se caracterizan por mostrar personajes en movimiento, teniendo al fondo escenas de la realidad italiana. El romántico alemán E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822) insirió en sus cuentos y romances muchos elementos que remiten a las obras tanto de otros escritores como de pintores y músicos. Callot fue visitado por por Hoffmann en varias de sus publicaciones, entre ellas el cuento “Princesa Brambilla” (1821),que posee ocho imágenes directamente elaboradas a partir del modelo de Callot en Balli di Sfessania. Esas imágenes, sin embargo, no representan meras “ilustraciones” con respecto a la historia. Mucho más que ello, las imágenes demuestran como Hoffmann interpretaba las figuras de Callot y, como ellas sintetizaron la relación del escritor con Italia ( país que siempre deseó, pero nunca logró visitarlo) y con el arte pictórica.


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Introdução: O Kung Fu é um sistema de luta desenvolvida na China por meio de observações dos movimentos dos animais, e principalmente da necessidade dos monges praticarem alguma atividade física. Poucos estudos têm verificado os benefícios do Kung Fu não só como uma arte marcial, mas também como uma opção de exercício físico para quem busca uma boa qualidade de vida e melhora na aptidão cardiovascular através da filosofia de buscar a cada dia o extremo, a perfeição e o equilíbrio. Objetivo: Verificar a influência do treinamento de 12 semanas de Kung Fu estilo garra de águia em praticantes iniciantes adultos na capacidade cardiorrespiratória. Metodologia: Participaram do presente estudo 21 estudantes com idade entre 18 e 25 anos, divididos em grupo controle (n=10) e grupo treinamento (n=11). O grupo treinamento foi submetido a 12 semanas de treino e o grupo controle constituído por participantes que não praticavam atividade física de forma regular e que mantiveram sua rotina de vida normal. O protocolo de esteira rolante do teste de VO2 máximo foi utilizado antes e após 12 semanas. As aulas ocorreram duas vezes por semana na UNESP e tiveram duração de uma hora e meia cada aula, sendo dividida em quatro partes: aquecimento, condicionamento físico, alongamento e técnica. Para análise estatística, os dados foram separados de acordo com grupo e gênero. Devido à natureza paramétrica dos dados, foi realizada análise anova fatorial e adotado um p≤0,05. Todas as análises foram realizadas no programa estatístico SPSS. Resultados: O grupo controle apresentou os seguintes valores de Vo2pico: Masculino (n=6) - pré 38,8±8,0mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 38,5±7,6mL.kg−1.min−1; Feminino (n=4) - pré 37,5±4,2mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 38,0±4,1mL.kg−1.min−1. O grupo treinamento apresentou: Masculino (n=7) - pré 55,4±3,0mL.kg−1.min−1 e pós 55,3±3,7mL.kg−1.min−1; Feminino (n=4) - pré...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The increase of elderly population in Brazil and all around the world shows the need of reviewing the health cares in order to get a better quality of life. Objective: To evaluate lifestyle and health care of elderly participants of UNATI, Franca, SP. Methods: Sixty elderlies answered a questions about socio-economic issues, health care, food consumption habits and lifestyle, after, they were submitted to anthropometric and laboratory tests. Results: There was a prevalence of women (85%), aged between 60-69 years old (60%), up to high school (60%), retired (65%), income up to 5 minimum wage (73.4%). Most seniors assessed medical care (65%) were in use of long-term medicines (78.3%), they reported to control blood pressure (80%) and to not smoke (100%). About 71.7% people believed to have a healthy diet, 97% took meals at home, 85% chose and prepared their own food, 65% had 5-6 meals/day, 63% drank 1L of water/day, 90% had bowel function and 43.3% practices a regular physical activity. Only 13.3% have done hormone replacement therapy, 18.3% take dietary supplements and 21.7% drink alcoholic drinks. The participants presented a BMI of 27.49 ± 4.5kg/m², prevalence of overweight and eutrophy, which values decreased with age. Leg circumference (LC) (36.27 ± 3.84 cm), Arm circumference (AC) (31.39 ± 4.08 cm) and triceps skinfolds (TS) (20.58±7.54mm) values were suit in most cases (96.7, 85 and 83.3%, respectively). Serum total cholesterol values were 198.53 ± 35.2mg/dL, 55% were considered optimum. About 63.3% and 68.3% of the elderlies, respectively, presented a high density lipoproteins (HDL) (53.58± 10.9mg/dL) and triglycerides (TG) (143.97 ± 92.37mg/dL) according to the recommendation and 51.7% of the elderlies had normal glycemia, 38.3% had risk and 10% showed high blood glucose, indicating diabetes. Conclusion: Many elderlies had body mass index (BMI) above normal, indicating overweight or obesity, but the participants can be considered healthy because of AC, LC and TS values, diet habits, health care and lifestyle.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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This survey attempted to find out whether or not the management styles adopted by schools can be associated with teacher stress. The study considered 175 teachers working with 1st‑to 4th grades in twelve public schools. The instruments first identified the leadership style predominant in the schools, then sought to identify the presence of stress in the teachers. Although stress was present in the majority of the teachers, an association with specific management styles could not be confirmed. This can be linked to the fact that the stress was already present in the teachers and did not allow the identification of additional influence by the schools’ leadership style