997 resultados para Facteurs socio-culturels
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Media Digitais
A pesquisa tem como objectivo contribuir para a discussão do conceito de vulnerabilidade socio-territorial em países em desenvolvimento e dar contributos de análise espacial para a construção de um modelo geográfico de vulnerabilidade socio-territorial, tendo como estudo caso o município de Humpata-Angola. A metodologia recorreu a vários instrumentos, nomeadamente organização bibliográfica e documental, discussão do conceito de vulnerabilidade socio-territorial e outros complementares, recolha de informação diversa, através de levantamentos urbanísticos, realização de inquéritos aos chefes de famílias (usando indicadores de domínios social, económico e territorial) e de entrevistas aos governantes ou representantes da Administração Municipal. Foram tomadas as coordenadas dos equipamentos sociais (Saúde e Educação) e todos os dados recolhidos inseridos numa Geodatabase e, com recurso aos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (análise espacial), foi possível a construção de um modelo de vulnerabilidade socio-territorial para o município de Humpata. O modelo representa um contributo para o futuro ordenamento do município, permitindo uma melhor visão geográfica das áreas mais carenciadas e das áreas melhor equipadas, constituindo um instrumento de apoio a tomada de decisão em políticas públicas, procurando assegurar em simultâneo melhor distribuição dos recursos e beneficiação das condições de vida das comunidades.
ABSTRACT - Background: From a public health perspective, the study of socio-demographic factors related to physical activity is important in order to identify subgroups for intervention programs. Purpose: This study also aimed to identify the prevalence and the socio-demographic correlates related with the achievement of recommended physical activity levels. Methods: Using data from the European Social Survey round 6, physical activity and socio-demographic characteristics were collected from 39278 European adults (18271 men, 21006 women), aged 18-64 years, from 28 countries in 2012. Meeting physical activity guidelines was assessed using World Health Organization criteria. Results: 64.50% (63.36% men, 66.49% women) attained physical activity recommended levels. The likelihood of attaining physical activity recommendations was higher in age group of 55-64 years (men: OR=1.22, p<0.05; women: OR=1.66, p<0.001), among those who had completed high school (men: OR=1.28, p<0.01; women: OR=1.26, p<0.05), among those who lived in rural areas (men: OR=1.20, p<0.001; women: OR=1.10, p<0.05), and among those who had 3 or more people living at home (men: OR=1.40, p<0.001; women: OR=1.43, p<0.001). On the other hand, attaining physical activity recommendations was negatively associated with being unemployed (men: OR=0.70, p<0.001; women: OR=0.87, p<0.05), being a student (men: OR=0.56, p<0.001; women: OR=0.64, p<0.01), being a retired person (men: OR=0.86, p<0.05) and with having a higher household income (OR=0.80, p<0.001; women: OR=0.81, p<0.01). Conclusion: This research helped clarify that, as the promotion of physical activity is critical to sustain health and prevent disease, socio-demographic factors are important to consider when planning the increase of physical activity.
Patients with neurodisabilities require early management, continuing into adulthood. Thus, transition services were implemented in hospitals. To have a better support when they enter into adult life, it is useful to know the problems that they could face. The aim of this study is to evaluate their activities and to assess their insertion problems in the professional world. It is based on medical records of patients, aged 16 to 25 years, followed in the transition clinic of young adults in the Neurorehabilitation services of a tertiary centre. From 387 patients of the paediatric consultation, there are 267 patients (69%), included 224 with neurodevelopmental diseases and 43 with neuromuscular diseases. Nearly half of them (46.8%) were in a protected environment, 37.08% studied and 3.4% worked. Paradoxically, only 29.2% reported work problems. These results highlight the need to increase the integration of young adults with neuromotor disorders in the labor market.
Both individual socio-cultural determinants such as selected parental characteristics (migrant background, low educational level and workload) as well as the regional environment are related to childhood overweight and physical activity (PA). The purpose of the study was to compare the impact of distinct socio-cultural determinants such as the regional environment and selected parental characteristics on adiposity, PA and motor skills in preschool children. Forty preschools (N = 542 children) of two culturally different urban regions (German and French speaking part of Switzerland) participated in the study (Ballabeina Study). Outcome measures included adiposity (BMI and skinfold thickness), objectively measured sedentary activities and PA (accelerometers) and agility performance (obstacle course). Parental characteristics (migrant status, educational level and workload) were assessed by questionnaire. Children from the French speaking areas had higher adiposity, lower levels of total and of more intense PA, were more sedentary and less agile than children from the German speaking regions (percent differences for all outcome parameters except for BMI ≥10%; all p ≤ 0.04). Differences in skinfold thickness, sedentary activities and agility, but not in PA, were also found between children of Swiss and migrant parents, though they were ≤8% (p ≤ 0.02). While paternal workload had no effect, maternal workload and parental education resulted in differences in some PA measures and/or agility performance (percent differences in both: ≤9%, p ≤ 0.008), but not in adiposity or sedentary activities (p = NS). Regional differences in skinfold thickness, PA, sedentary activities and agility performance persisted after adjustment for parental socio-cultural characteristics, parental BMI and, where applicable, children's skinfolds (all p ≤ 0.01). The regional environment, especially the broader social environment, plays a prominent role in determining adiposity, PA and motor skills of young children and should be implicated in the prevention of obesity and promotion of PA in children. clinicaltrials.gov NCT00674544.
Syndrome de stress scolaire chronique, le bumout de l'élève ou bumout scolaire suscite un intérêt grandissant mais ses déterminants sont encore peu connus. De plus, ce phénomène est rarement étudié chez les adolescents francophones et aucune recherche n'a encore été menée en Suisse. Par conséquent, au travers de ce travail de thèse, nous proposons d'étendre la recherche sur le bumout scolaire aux adolescents de Suisse francophone et d'apporter des précisions sur ses facteurs de risque ou de protection. Pour ce faire, nous avons mené deux recherches empiriques impliquant 861 adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans et scolarisés en Suisse francophone. Ces adolescents ont répondu à une série d'échelles évaluant notamment le burnout scolaire, le stress scolaire, le soutien social, la consommation de substances et le parcours scolaire. Les résultats montrent tout d'abord que l'inventaire de Burnout Scolaire, version française du School Burnout lnventory, est un outil fiable et valide. Ensuite, il apparaît que le burnout scolaire touche jusqu'à 24% des adolescents de Suisse francophone et que ce dernier se caractérise par une perte d'intérêt pour l'école, une grande remise en question du sens du travail scolaire ainsi qu'un sentiment élevé d'insuffisance à l'école. Il apparaît également que le stress scolaire lié au succès et à l'avenir scolaire augmente le risque de bumout alors que le soutien des parents et des enseignants le diminue. Par ailleurs, nous mettons en évidence que l'effet du soutien social sur le burnout scolaire est médiatisé par le stress scolaire, ce qui souligne d'autant plus le rôle protecteur du soutien social. Nos résultats montrent également que les niveaux de bumout scolaire varient en fonction, d'une part de certaines caractéristiques du contexte scolaire et d'autre part en fonction de la sévérité de la consommation de substances des adolescents. Enfin, les connaissances accumulées dans ce travail et leur mise en perspective dans un modèle d'intervention précoce permettent d'insister sur le rôle de l'école et des professionnels de l'école dans la prévention du burnout scolaire. -- Syndrome of chronic school stress, pupil 's bumout or school bumout is of growing interest. However, little is known about its determinants. Moreover, this phenomenon is rarely studied in French speaking adolescents and no research has yet been conducted in Switzerland. Therefore, through this thesis, we propose to extend the research on school bumout to Swiss French speaking adolescents and to clarify its risk and protective factors. To achieve this, we conducted two empirical research involving 861 adolescents aged 14 to 18 and enrolled in the French part of Switzerland. These adolescents were asked to answer a questionnaire about school bumout, academic stress, social support, substance use and schooling. Results first show, that the French version of the School Bumout Inventory is a reliable and valid tool. lt then appears that school bumout affects up to 24% of adolescents in the French speaking part of Switzerland and that this phenomenon is characterized by a loss of interest in school, a great challenge to the sense of school work and a high sense of insufissance school. lt also appears that stress related to school success and academic future increases the risk of bumout while parents and teachers support decreases it. Moreover, we highlight that the effect of social support on school bumout is mediated by school stress, which further underscores the protective role of social support. Our results also show that school bumout levels vary depending on characteristics of the school context and on the severity of substance use of adolecents. Finally, the knowledge accumulated in this work and putting it onto perspective within early intervention model enable to insist on the role of school and school professionals in the prevention of school bumout
Every year, a considerable number of clinical guidelines for the management of cardiovascular risk factors are issued. It may give the idea that this area is constantly evolving with regular changes for ambulatory clinical practice, including family medicine. Sometimes important differences between the various recommendations are observed. This led us to wonder about the evolution of recommendations for the management of diabetes, dyslipidemia and high blood pressure over time. This article presents a historical review of US and European recommendations between 1999 and 2014 to highlight what has actually changed.