Scattering characteristics of multilayer fluoride coatings for 193 nm deposited by ion beam sputtering and the related interfacial roughnesses are investigated. Quarter- and half-wave stacks of MgF2 and LaF3 with increasing thickness are deposited onto CaF2 and fused silica and are systematically characterized. Roughness measurements carried out by atomic force microscopy reveal the evolution of the power spectral densities of the interfaces with coating thickness. Backward-scattering measurements are presented, and the results are compared with theoretical predictions that use different models for the statistical correlation of interfacial roughnesses.
BACKGROUND:: The frequently prescribed antidementia drug galantamine is extensively metabolized by the enzymes cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 and CYP3A and is a substrate of the P-glycoprotein. We aimed to study the relationship between genetic variants influencing the activity of these enzymes and transporters with galantamine steady state plasma concentrations. METHODS:: In this naturalistic cross-sectional study, 27 older patients treated with galantamine were included. The patients were genotyped for common polymorphisms in CYP2D6, CYP3A4/5, POR, and ABCB1, and galantamine steady state plasma concentrations were determined. RESULTS:: The CYP2D6 genotype seemed to be an important determinant of galantamine pharmacokinetics, with CYP2D6 poor metabolizers presenting 45% and 61% higher dose-adjusted galantamine plasma concentrations than heterozygous and homozygous CYP2D6 extensive metabolizers (median 2.9 versus 2.0 ng/mL·mg, P = 0.025, and 1.8 ng/mL·mg, P = 0.004), respectively. CONCLUSIONS:: The CYP2D6 genotype significantly influenced galantamine plasma concentrations. The influence of CYP2D6 polymorphisms on the treatment efficacy and tolerability should be further investigated.
Steady-state blood concentrations of (R)- methadone (i.e., the active form), (S)-methadone, and (R,S)-methadone were measured before and after introduction of paroxetine 20 mg/day during a mean period of 12 days in 10 addict patients in methadone maintenance treatment. Eight patients were genotyped as CYP2D6 homozygous extensive metabolizers (EMs) and two patients as poor metabolizers (PMs). Paroxetine significantly increased concentrations of both enantiomers of methadone in the whole group (mean increase for (R)-methadone +/- SD, 26 +/- 32%; range, -14% to +83%, p = 0.032; for (S)-methadone, 49 +/- 51%; range, -29% to +137%, p = 0.028; for (R,S)-methadone, 35 +/- 41%; range, -20% to +112%, p = 0.032) and in the group of eight EMs (mean increase, 32%, p = 0.036; 53%, p = 0.028; and 42%, p = 0.036, for (R)-methadone, (S)-methadone, and (R,S)-methadone, respectively). On the other hand, in the two PMs, (S)-methadone but not (R)-methadone concentrations were increased by paroxetine (mean increases of 36% and 3%, respectively). Paroxetine is a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor, and these results confirm previous studies showing an involvement of CYP2D6 in methadone metabolism with a stereoselectivity toward the (R)-enantiomer. Because paroxetine is a mild inhibitor of CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4, increase of (S)-methadone concentrations in both EMs and PMs could be mediated by inhibition of any of these isozymes.
BACKGROUND: The continuous spread of penicillin-resistant pneumococci represents a permanent threat in the treatment of pneumococcal infections, especially when strains show additional resistance to quinolones. The main objective of this study was to determine a treatment modality impeding the emergence of quinolone resistance. RESULTS: Exposure of a penicillin-resistant pneumococcus to increasing concentrations of trovafloxacin or ciprofloxacin selected for mutants resistant to these drugs. In the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of vancomycin, development of trovafloxacin-resistance and high-level ciprofloxacin-resistance were prevented. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the risk of quinolone-resistance in pneumococci, the observation might be of clinical importance.
The nucleoid-associated proteins Hha and YdgT repress the expression of the toxin α-hemolysin. An Escherichia coli mutant lacking these proteins overexpresses the toxin α-hemolysin encoded in the multicopy recombinant plasmid pANN202-312R. Unexpectedly, we could observe that this mutant generated clones that no further produced hemolysin (Hly-). Generation of Hly- clones was dependent upon the presence in the culture medium of the antibiotic kanamycin (km), a marker of the hha allele (hha::Tn5). Detailed analysis of different Hly- clones evidenced that recombination between partial IS91 sequences that flank the hly operon had occurred. A fluctuation test evidenced that the presence of km in the culture medium was underlying the generation of these clones. A decrease of the km concentration from 25 mg/l to 12.5 mg/l abolished the appearance of Hly- derivatives. We considered as a working hypothesis that, when producing high levels of the toxin (combination of the hha ydgT mutations with the presence of the multicopy hemolytic plasmid pANN202-312R), the concentration of km of 25 mg/l resulted subinhibitory and stimulated the recombination between adjacent IS91 flanking sequences. To further test this hypothesis, we analyzed the effect of subinhibitory km concentrations in the wild type E. coli strain MG1655 harboring the parental low copy number plasmid pHly152. At a km concentration of 5 mg/l, subinhibitory for strain MG1655 (pHly152), generation of Hly- clones could be readily detected. Similar results were also obtained when, instead of km, ampicillin was used. IS91 is flanking several virulence determinants in different enteric bacterial pathogenic strains from E. coli and Shigella. The results presented here evidence that stress generated by exposure to subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations may result in rearrangements of the bacterial genome. Whereas some of these rearrangements may be deleterious, others may generate genotypes with increased virulence, which may resume infection.
BACKGROUND: LDL cholesterol has a causal role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Improved understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie the metabolism and regulation of LDL cholesterol might help to identify novel therapeutic targets. We therefore did a genome-wide association study of LDL-cholesterol concentrations. METHODS: We used genome-wide association data from up to 11,685 participants with measures of circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations across five studies, including data for 293 461 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with a minor allele frequency of 5% or more that passed our quality control criteria. We also used data from a second genome-wide array in up to 4337 participants from three of these five studies, with data for 290,140 SNPs. We did replication studies in two independent populations consisting of up to 4979 participants. Statistical approaches, including meta-analysis and linkage disequilibrium plots, were used to refine association signals; we analysed pooled data from all seven populations to determine the effect of each SNP on variations in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations. FINDINGS: In our initial scan, we found two SNPs (rs599839 [p=1.7x10(-15)] and rs4970834 [p=3.0x10(-11)]) that showed genome-wide statistical association with LDL cholesterol at chromosomal locus 1p13.3. The second genome screen found a third statistically associated SNP at the same locus (rs646776 [p=4.3x10(-9)]). Meta-analysis of data from all studies showed an association of SNPs rs599839 (combined p=1.2x10(-33)) and rs646776 (p=4.8x10(-20)) with LDL-cholesterol concentrations. SNPs rs599839 and rs646776 both explained around 1% of the variation in circulating LDL-cholesterol concentrations and were associated with about 15% of an SD change in LDL cholesterol per allele, assuming an SD of 1 mmol/L. INTERPRETATION: We found evidence for a novel locus for LDL cholesterol on chromosome 1p13.3. These results potentially provide insight into the biological mechanisms that underlie the regulation of LDL cholesterol and might help in the discovery of novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease.
Variability in response to atypical antipsychotic drugs is due to genetic and environmental factors. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms are implicated in the metabolism of drugs, while the P-glycoprotein transporter (P-gp), encoded by the ABCB1 gene, may influence both the blood and brain drug concentrations. This study aimed to identify the possible associations of CYP and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms with quetiapine and norquetiapine plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations and with response to treatment. Twenty-two patients with schizophrenia receiving 600 mg of quetiapine daily were genotyped for four CYP isoforms and ABCB1 polymorphisms. Quetiapine and norquetiapine peak plasma and CSF concentrations were measured after 4 weeks of treatment. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that ABCB1 3435C > T (rs1045642), 2677G > T (rs2032582) and 1236C > T (rs1128503) polymorphisms predicted plasma quetiapine concentrations, explaining 41% of the variability (p = 0.001). Furthermore, the ABCB1 polymorphisms predicted 48% (p = 0.024) of the variability of the Δ PANSS total score, with the non-carriers of the 3435TT showing higher changes in the score. These results suggest that ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms may be a predictive marker of quetiapine treatment in schizophrenia.
The effect of aging on steady-state plasma concentrations of citalopram (CIT) and desmethylcitalopram (DCIT) was investigated in 128 depressive patients treated with 10-80 mg/day CIT. They were separated into three groups, with age up to 64 years (mean age+/-S.D.: 47+/-12 years; n=48), between 65 and 79 years (72+/-1 years; n=57), and from 80 years or older (84+/-1 years; n=23). Body mass index (BMI), renal and hepatic functions were similar in the three groups. A large interindividual variability of plasma levels of CIT (16-fold) and DCIT (12-fold) was measured for a given dose. The mean plasma levels of CIT corrected for a 20 mg daily dose were 55% higher in the very elderly (>=80 years) patients (65+/-30 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 38% higher in the elderly (65-79 years) patients (58+/-24 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (42+/-17 ng/ml). DCIT mean plasma level was 38% higher (p<0.05) in the group of very elderly patients (22+/-10 ng/ml) when compared to the adult patients (16+/-9 ng/ml). As a consequence, the mean plasma concentration of CIT+DCIT was 48% higher in the very elderly patients (86+/-36 ng/ml; p<0.001) and 33% higher in the elderly patients (77+/-28 ng/ml; p<0.001) when compared to the adult patients (58+/-21 ng/ml). Age correlated significantly with CIT (r=0.43, p<0.001), DCIT (r=0.28, p<0.01), and CIT+DCIT plasma levels (r=0.44, p<0.001), and thus accounts for 18% of the variability of CIT plasma levels, with no influence of gender. The recommended dose reduction of CIT in elderly patients seems therefore justified.
Anthropogenic emissions of metals from sources such as smelters are an international problem, but there is limited published information on emissions from Australian smelters. The objective of this study was to investigate the regional distribution of heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Port Kembla, NSW, Australia, which comprises a copper smelter, steelworks and associated industries. Soil samples (n=25) were collected at the depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, air dried and sieved to < 2 mm. Aqua regia extractable amounts of As, Cr, Cu, Ph and Zn were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (lCP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Outliers were identified from background levels by statistical methods. Mean background levels at a depth of 0-5 cm were estimated at 3.2 mg/kg As, 12 mg/kg Cr, 49 mg/kg Cu, 20 mg/kg Ph and 42 mg/kg Zn. Outliers for elevated As and Cu values were mainly present within 4 km from the Port Kembla industrial complex, but high Ph at two sites and high Zn concentrations were found at six sites up to 23 km from Port Kembla. Chromium concentrations were not anomalous close to the industrial complex. There was no significant difference of metal concentrations at depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, except for Ph and Zn. Copper and As concentrations in the soils are probably related to the concentrations in the parent rock. From this investigation, the extent of the contamination emanating from the Port Kembla industrial complex is limited to 1-13 km, but most likely <4 km, depending on the element; the contamination at the greater distance may not originate from the industrial complex. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.