897 resultados para Evolutionary transitions
We present results from both, calorimetric and dilatometric studies of the isothermal ordering process taking place in a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy after quenches from Tq temperatures ranging from 350 K to 1200 K. The dissipated energy and the length variations of the system are obtained during the process. The change of these quantities in the whole process have been compared with the difference [MATH] between Ms, measured after the relaxation and Ms measured just after the quench. We obtain that these three quantities present, as a function of Tq, the same qualitative behaviour. These changes are then associated with changes of the L21 ordering after the quench in the system. The relaxational process does not follow a single exponential decay. Instead, a continuous slowing down is observed. A relaxation time [MATH] has been defined to characterize the relaxation rate. We show that [MATH] depends on both the annealing and the quenching (Tq [MATH] 800 K) temperatures through an Arrhenius law.
This paper presents a simple and fast solution to the problem of finding the time variations of the forces that keep the object equilibrium when a finger is removed from a three contact point grasp or a finger is added to a two contact point grasp, assuming the existence of an external perturbation force (that can be the object weight itself). The procedure returns force set points for the control system of a manipulator device in a regrasping action. The approach was implemented and a numerical example is included in the paper to illustrate how it works.
In this thesis, different genetic tools are used to investigate both natural variation and speciation in the Ficedula flycatcher system: pied (Ficedula hypoleuca) and collared (F. albicollis) flycatchers. The molecular evolution of a gene involved in postnatal body growth, GH, has shown high degree of conservation at the mature protein between birds and mammals, whereas the variation observed in its signal peptide seems to be adaptive in pied flycatcher (I & II). Speciation is the process by which reproductive barriers to gene flow evolve between populations, and understanding the mechanisms involved in pre- and post-zygotic isolation have been investigated in Ficedula flycatchers. The Z chromosome have been suggested to be the hotspot for genes involved in speciation, thus sequencing of 13 Z-linked coding genes from the two species in allopatry and sympatry have been conducted (III). Surprisingly, the majority of Z-linked genes seemed to be highly conserved, suggesting instead a potential involvement of regulatory regions. Previous studies have shown that genes involved in hybrid fitness, female preferences and male plumage colouration are sex-linked. Hence, three pigmentation genes have been investigated: MC1R, AGRP, and TYRP1. Of these three genes, TYRP1 was identified as a strong candidate to be associated with black-brown plumage variation in sympatric populations, and hence is a strong candidate for a gene contributing to pre-zygotic isolation (IV). In sympatric areas, where pied and collared flycatchers have overlapping breeding areas, hybridization sometimes occurs leading to the production of unfit hybrids. By using a proteomic approach a novel expression pattern in hybrids was revealed compared to the parental species (V) and differentially expressed proteins subsequently identified by sequence similarity (VI). In conclusion, the Z chromosome appears to play an important role in flycatcher speciation, but probably not at the coding level. In addition the novel expression patterns might give new insights into the maladaptive hybrids.
Question Can we predict where forest regrowth caused by abandonment of agricultural activities is likely to occur? Can we assess how it may conflict with grassland diversity hotspots? Location Western Swiss Alps (4003210m a.s.l.). Methods We used statistical models to predict the location of land abandonment by farmers that is followed by forest regrowth in semi-natural grasslands of the Western Swiss Alps. Six modelling methods (GAM, GBM, GLM, RF, MDA, MARS) allowing binomial distribution were tested on two successive transitions occurring between three time periods. Models were calibrated using data on land-use change occurring between 1979 and 1992 as response, and environmental, accessibility and socio-economic variables as predictors, and these were validated for their capacity to predict the changes observed from 1992 to 2004. Projected probabilities of land-use change from an ensemble forecast of the six models were combined with a model of plant species richness based on a field inventory, allowing identification of critical grassland areas for the preservation of biodiversity. Results Models calibrated over the first land-use transition period predicted the second transition with reasonable accuracy. Forest regrowth occurs where cultivation costs are high and yield potential is low, i.e. on steeper slopes and at higher elevations. Overlaying species richness with land-use change predictions, we identified priority areas for the management and conservation of biodiversity at intermediate elevations. Conclusions Combining land-use change and biodiversity projections, we propose applied management measures for targeted/identified locations to limit the loss of biodiversity that could otherwise occur through loss of open habitats. The same approach could be applied to other types of land-use changes occurring in other ecosystems.
Phylogenetic trees representing the evolutionary relationships of homologous genes are the entry point for many evolutionary analyses. For instance, the use of a phylogenetic tree can aid in the inference of orthology and paralogy relationships, and in the detection of relevant evolutionary events such as gene family expansions and contractions, horizontal gene transfer, recombination or incomplete lineage sorting. Similarly, given the plurality of evolutionary histories among genes encoded in a given genome, there is a need for the combined analysis of genome-wide collections of phylogenetic trees (phylomes). Here, we introduce a new release of PhylomeDB (http://phylomedb.org), a public repository of phylomes. Currently, PhylomeDB hosts 120 public phylomes, comprising >1.5 million maximum likelihood trees and multiple sequence alignments. In the current release, phylogenetic trees are annotated with taxonomic, protein-domain arrangement, functional and evolutionary information. PhylomeDB is also a major source for phylogeny-based predictions of orthology and paralogy, covering >10 million proteins across 1059 sequenced species. Here we describe newly implemented PhylomeDB features, and discuss a benchmark of the orthology predictions provided by the database, the impact of proteome updates and the use of the phylome approach in the analysis of newly sequenced genomes and transcriptomes.
Detecting the action of selection in natural populations can be achieved using the QST-FST comparison that relies on the estimation of FST with neutral markers, and QST using quantitative traits potentially under selection. QST higher than FST suggests the action of directional selection and thus potential local adaptation. In this article, we apply the QST-FST comparison to four populations of the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Radix balthica located in a floodplain habitat. In contrast to most studies published so far, we did not detect evidence of directional selection for local optima for any of the traits we measured: QST calculated using three different methods was never higher than FST. A strong inbreeding depression was also detected, indicating that outcrossing is probably predominant over selfing in the studied populations. Our results suggest that in this floodplain habitat, local adaptation of R. balthica populations may be hindered by genetic drift, and possibly altered by uneven gene flow linked to flood frequency.
An alternative relation to Pareto-dominance relation is proposed. The new relation is based on ranking a set of solutions according to each separate objective and an aggregation function to calculate a scalar fitness value for each solution. The relation is called as ranking-dominance and it tries to tackle the curse of dimensionality commonly observedin evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Ranking-dominance can beused to sort a set of solutions even for a large number of objectives when Pareto-dominance relation cannot distinguish solutions from one another anymore. This permits search to advance even with a large number of objectives. It is also shown that ranking-dominance does not violate Pareto-dominance. Results indicate that selection based on ranking-dominance is able to advance search towards the Pareto-front in some cases, where selection based on Pareto-dominance stagnates. However, in some cases it is also possible that search does not proceed into direction of Pareto-front because the ranking-dominance relation permits deterioration of individual objectives. Results also show that when the number of objectives increases, selection based on just Pareto-dominance without diversity maintenance is able to advance search better than with diversity maintenance. Therefore, diversity maintenance is connive at the curse of dimensionality.
Consistent inter-individual variation in behaviour over time and across contexts has been reported for a wide variety of animals, a phenomenon commonly referred to as personality. As behavioural patterns develop inside families, rearing conditions could have lasting effects on the expression of adult personality. In species with parental care, conflicts among family members impose selection on parental and offspring behaviour through co-adaptation. Here, we argue that the interplay between the evolution of personality traits (i.e. boldness, exploration, activity, aggressiveness and sociability) expressed outside the family context and the specialized behaviours expressed inside families (i.e. offspring begging behaviour and parental response to offspring solicitations) can have important evolutionary consequences. Personality differences among parents may relate to the typically observed variation in the way they respond to offspring demand, and dependent offspring may already express personality differences which may relate to the way they communicate with their parents and siblings. However, there has been little research on how personality relates to parental and offspring behaviours. Future research should thus focus on how and why personality may be related to the specialized parent and offspring behaviour that evolved as adaptations to family life.
This article draws on empirical material to reflect on what drives rapid change in flood risk management practice, reflecting wider interest in the way that scientific practices make risk landscapes and a specific focus on extreme events as drivers of rapid change. Such events are commonly referred to as a form of creative destruction, ones that reveal both the composition of socioenvironmental assemblages and provide a creative opportunity to remake those assemblages in alternate ways, therefore rapidly changing policy and practice. Drawing on wider thinking in complexity theory, we argue that what happens between events might be as, if not more, important than the events themselves. We use two empirical examples concerned with flood risk management practice: a rapid shift in the dominant technologies used to map flood risk in the United Kingdom and an experimental approach to public participation tested in two different locations, with dramatically different consequences. Both show that the state of the socioenvironmental assemblage in which the events take place matters as much as the magnitude of the events themselves. The periods between rapid changes are not simply periods of discursive consolidation but involve the ongoing mutation of such assemblages, which could either sensitize or desensitize them to rapid change. Understanding these intervening periods matters as much as the events themselves. If events matter, it is because of the ways in which they might bring into sharp focus the coding or framing of a socioenvironmental assemblage in policy or scientific practice irrespective of whether or not those events evolve the assemblage in subtle or more radical ways.
Sexual reproduction is nearly universal in eukaryotes and genetic determination of sex prevails among animals. The astonishing diversity of sex-determining systems and sex chromosomes is yet bewildering. Some taxonomic groups possess conserved and dimorphic sex chromosomes, involving a functional copy (e.g. mammals' X, birds' Z) and a degenerated copy (mammals' Y, birds' W), implying that sex- chromosomes are expected to decay. In contrast, others like amphibians, reptiles and fishes yet maintained undifferentiated sex chromosomes. Why such different evolutionary trajectories? In this thesis, we empirically test and characterize the main hypotheses proposed to prevent the genetic decay of sex chromosomes, namely occasional X-Y recombination and frequent sex-chromosome transitions, using the Palearctic radiation of Hyla tree frogs as a model system. We take a phylogeographic and phylogenetic approach to relate sex-chromosome recombination, differentiation, and transitions in a spatial and temporal framework. By reconstructing the recent evolutionary history of the widespread European tree frog H. arborea, we showed that sex chromosomes can recombine in males, preventing their differentiation, a situation that potentially evolves rapidly. At the scale of the entire radiation, X-Y recombination combines with frequent transitions to prevent sex-chromosome degeneration in Hyla: we traced several turnovers of sex-determining system within the last 10My. These rapid changes seem less random than usually assumed: we gathered evidences that one chromosome pair is a sex expert, carrying genes with key role in animal sex determination, and which probably specialized through frequent reuse as a sex chromosome in Hyla and other amphibians. Finally, we took advantage of secondary contact zones between closely-related Hyla lineages to evaluate the consequences of sex chromosome homomorphy on the genetics of speciation. In comparison with other systems, the evolution of sex chromosomes in Hyla emphasized the existence of consistent evolutionary patterns within the chaotic diversity of flexibility of cold-blooded vertebrates' sex-determining systems, and provides insights into the evolution of recombination. Beyond sex-chromosome evolution, this work also significantly contributed to speciation, phylogeography and applied conservation research. -- La reproduction sexuée est quasi-universelle chez les eucaryotes et le sexe est le plus souvent déterminé génétiquement au sein du règne animal. L'incroyable diversité des systèmes de reproduction et des chromosomes sexuels est particulièrement étonnante. Certains groupes taxonomiques possèdent des chromosomes sexuels dimorphiques et très conservés, avec une copie entièrement fonctionnelle (ex : le X des mammifères, le Z des oiseaux) et une copie dégénérée (ex : le Y des mammifères, le W des oiseaux), suggérant que les chromosomes sexuels sont voués à se détériorer. Cependant les chromosomes sexuels d'autres groupes tels que les amphibiens, les reptiles et les poissons sont pour la plupart indifférenciés. Comment expliquer des trajectoires évolutives si différentes? Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons étudié empiriquement les processus évolutifs pouvant maintenir les chromosomes sexuels intacts, à savoir la recombinaison X-Y occasionnel ainsi que les substitutions fréquentes de chromosomes sexuels, en utilisant les rainettes Paléarctiques du genre Hyla comme modèle d'étude. Nous avons adopté une approche phylogéographique et phylogénétique pour appréhender les événements de recombinaison, de différenciation et de transitions de chromosomes sexuels dans un contexte spatio-temporel. En retraçant l'histoire évolutive récente de la rainette verte H. arborea, nous avons mis en évidence que les chromosomes sexuels pouvaient recombiner chez les mâles, empêchant ainsi leur différenciation, et que ce processus avait le potentiel d'évoluer très rapidement. A l'échelle plus globale de la radiation, il apparait que les phénomènes de recombinaison X-Y soient également accompagnés de substitutions de chromosomes sexuels, et participent de concert au maintien de chromosomes sexuels intacts dans les populations: le système de détermination du sexe des rainettes a changé plusieurs fois au cours des 10 derniers millions d'années. Ces transitions fréquentes ne semblent pas aléatoires: nous avons identifié une paire de chromosomes qui présente des caractéristiques présageant d'une spécialisation dans le déterminisme du sexe (notamment car elle possède des gènes importants pour cette fonction), et qui a été réutilisée plusieurs fois comme tel chez les rainettes ainsi que d'autres amphibiens. Enfin, nous avons étudié l'hybridation entre différentes espèces dans leurs zones de contact, afin d'évaluer si l'absence de différenciation entre X et Y jouaient un rôle dans les processus génétiques de spéciation. Outre son intérêt pour la compréhension de l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels, ce travail contribue de manière significative à d'autres domaines de recherche tels que la spéciation, la phylogéographie, ainsi que la biologie de la conservation.
Gene flow (defined as allele exchange between populations) and gene flux (defined as allele exchange during meiosis in heterokaryotypic females) are important factors decreasing genetic differentiation between populations and inversions. Many chromosomal inversions are under strong selection and their role in recombination reduction enhances the maintenance of their genetic distinctness. Here we analyze levels and patterns of nucleotide diversity, selection and demographic history, using 37 individuals of Drosophila subobscura from Mount Parnes (Greece) and Barcelona (Spain). Our sampling focused on two frequent O-chromosome arrangements that differ by two overlapping inversions (OST and O3+4), which are differentially adapted to the environment as observed by their opposing latitudinal clines in inversion frequencies. The six analyzed genes (Pif1A, Abi, Sqd, Yrt, Atpa and Fmr1) were selected for their location across the O-chromosome and their implication in thermal adaptation. Despite the extensive gene flux detected outside the inverted region, significant genetic differentiation between both arrangements was found inside it. However, high levels of gene flow were detected for all six genes when comparing the same arrangement among populations. These results suggest that the adaptive value of inversions is maintained, regardless of the lack of genetic differentiation within arrangements from different populations, and thus favors the Local Adaptation hypothesis over the Coadapted Genome hypothesis as the basis of the selection acting on inversions in these populations.