418 resultados para Esophagus.


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Three horses (age 17 - 23 years) were referred to the equine clinic of the University of Berne due to colic, fever, tachycardia and tachypnea. All horses showed pleural effusion. Clinical findings in 2 of the horses were highly suggestive of an intra-thoracic esophageal perforation. Severe septic pleuropneumonia without suspicion of an esophageal lesion was diagnosed in the 3rd horse. In addition, an 11 year old stallion was referred to the equine clinic for treatment of a presumptive large colon impaction. The horse was given laxatives after nasogastric intubation. Subsequent dramatic clinical deterioration and signs consistent with severe pleuropneumonia suggest that esophageal perforation had occurred when passing the nasogastric tube. All 4 horses were euthanized due to a poor prognosis. Esophageal perforation was diagnosed or confirmed post mortem in all cases. A hypertrophy of the tunica muscularis of the intra-thoracic esophagus was found in 3 of 4 horses.


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Introduction: Diagnosing arrhythmias by conventional Holter-ECG can be cumbersome because of artifacts, skin irritation and poor P-waves. In contrast, esophageal electrocardiography (eECG) is promising due to the anatomic relationship of the esophagus to the atria and its favorable bioelectric properties. Methods used: In an ambulant setting, we recorded eECGs from 10 volunteers with a novel, highly-miniaturized eECG recorder that is worn discretely behind the ear (1.5×1.8×5cm, 22grams). The device continuously records two eECG leads during 3 days with 500Hz sampling frequency and 24-bit resolution. Results: Mean ± SD recording time was 21.7±19.6 hours (max. 60 hours). Test persons were not limited in daily activities (e.g. eating, speaking) and only complained mild discomfort during probe insertion, which subsided later on. During 99.8% of time, the recorder acquired signals appropriate for further analysis. In unfiltered data, QRS complexes and P-waves were identifiable during >98% of time. P waves had higher amplitudes as compared to surface ECG (0.71 ± 0.42mV vs. 0.16 ± 0.03mV, p = 0.004). No complications occurred. Conclusion: Ambulatory eECG recording is safe, well tolerated and promising due to excellent P-wave detection, overcoming some limitations of conventional Holter ECG.


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PURPOSE: Neoadjuvant treatment is an accepted standard approach for treating locally advanced esophago-gastric adenocarcinomas. Despite a response of the primary tumor, a significant percentage dies from tumor recurrence. The aim of this retrospective exploratory study from two academic centers was to identify predictors of survival and recurrence in histopathologically responding patients. METHODS: Two hundred thirty one patients with adenocarcinomas (esophagus: n = 185, stomach: n = 46, cT3/4, cN0/+, cM0) treated with preoperative chemotherapy (n = 212) or chemoradiotherapy (n = 19) followed by resection achieved a histopathological response (regression 1a: no residual tumor (n = 58), and regression 1b < 10 % residual tumor (n = 173)). RESULTS: The estimated median overall survival was 92.4 months (5-year survival, 56.6 %) for all patients. For patients with regression 1a, median survival is not reached (5-year survival, 71.6 %) compared to patients with regression 1b with 75.3 months median (5-year survival, 52.2 %) (p = 0.031). Patients with a regression 1a had lymph node metastases in 19.0 versus 33.7 % in regression 1b. The ypT-category (p < 0.001), the M-category (p = 0.005), and the type of treatment (p = 0.04) were found to be independent prognostic factors in R0-resected patients. The recurrence rate was 31.7 % (n = 66) (local, 39.4 %; peritoneal carcinomatosis, 25.7 %; distant metastases, 50 %). Recurrence was predicted by female gender (p = 0.013), ypT-category (p = 0.007), and M-category (p = 0.003) in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: Response of the primary tumor does not guarantee recurrence-free long-term survival, but histopathological complete responders have better prognosis compared to partial responders. Established prognostic factors strongly influence the outcome, which could, in the future, be used for stratification of adjuvant treatment approaches. Increasing the rate of histopathological complete responders is a valid endpoint for future clinical trials investigating new drugs.


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The breadth of material found in surgical pathology services in African countries differs from the common spectrum of "the West". We report our experience of a voluntary work in the pathology departments of Blantyre and Lilongwe, Malawi. During a 6-week period, 405 cases (378 histology and 27 cytology cases) were processed. The vast majority showed significant pathological findings (n = 369; 91.1 %): 175 cases (47.4 %) were non-tumoral conditions with predominance of inflammatory lesions, e.g., schistosomiasis (n = 11) and tuberculosis (n = 11). There were 39 (10.6 %) benign tumors or tumor-like lesions. Intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix uteri dominated among premalignant conditions (n = 15; 4.1 %). The large group of malignancies (n = 140; 37.9 %) comprised 11 pediatric tumors (e.g., rhabdomyosarcoma, small blue round cell tumors) and 129 adult tumors. Among women (n = 76), squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the cervix uteri predominated (n = 25; 32.9 %), followed by breast carcinomas (n = 12; 15.8 %) and esophageal SCC (n = 9; 11.8 %). Males (n = 53) most often showed SCC of the esophagus (n = 9; 17.0 %) and of the urinary bladder (n = 7; 13.2 %). Lymphomas (n = 7) and Kaposi's sarcomas (n = 6) were less frequent. Differences compared to the western world include the character of the conditions in general, the spectrum of inflammatory lesions, and the young age of adult tumor patients (median 45 years; range 18-87 years). Providing pathology service in a low-resource country may be handicapped by lack of personnel, inadequate material resources, or insufficient infrastructure. Rotating volunteers offer a bridge for capacity building of both personnel and the local medical service; in addition, the volunteer's horizons are broadened professionally and personally.


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In clinical diagnostics, it is of outmost importance to correctly identify the source of a metastatic tumor, especially if no apparent primary tumor is present. Tissue-based proteomics might allow correct tumor classification. As a result, we performed MALDI imaging to generate proteomic signatures for different tumors. These signatures were used to classify common cancer types. At first, a cohort comprised of tissue samples from six adenocarcinoma entities located at different organ sites (esophagus, breast, colon, liver, stomach, thyroid gland, n = 171) was classified using two algorithms for a training and test set. For the test set, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest yielded overall accuracies of 82.74 and 81.18%, respectively. Then, colon cancer liver metastasis samples (n = 19) were introduced into the classification. The liver metastasis samples could be discriminated with high accuracy from primary tumors of colon cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Additionally, colon cancer liver metastasis samples could be successfully classified by using colon cancer primary tumor samples for the training of the classifier. These findings demonstrate that MALDI imaging-derived proteomic classifiers can discriminate between different tumor types at different organ sites and in the same site.


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Early in the 1990s, several case series described adults suffering from dysphagia and children with refractory reflux symptoms, both accompanied by an eosinophil-predominant infiltration, thereby conclusively distinguishing it from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) was recognized as its own entity in the adult and in the pediatric literature. In the last decade, evidence has accumulated that EoE represents a T-helper (Th)2-type inflammatory disease. Remodeling of the esophagus is a hallmark of EoE, leading to esophageal dysfunction and bolus impaction. Familial occurrence and disease association with single-nucleotide polymorphisms underscore the influence of genetics in this disease. Eosinophilic esophagitis may affect individuals at any age, although the clinical presentation is highly age dependent. There is a significant allergic bias in the EoE population, with the majority of patients having concurrent allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, and/or a history of atopy. One noteworthy difference is that in children, EoE seems to be primarily a food antigen-driven disease, whereas in adults, mainly aeroallergen sensitization has been observed. Treatment modalities for EoE include the 3Ds: drugs, diet, and dilation. The crucial question of whether adult and pediatric EoE are different phenotypes of one single entity or whether we are confronted with two different diseases is still open. Here, we review similarities and differences between EoE in adults and children.


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Experiments using animal models are the most common way to learn microsurgery. This expertise is necessary for liver research, microsurgical reconstruction of the esophagus by free jejunum or reconstruction of the hepatic artery during reimplantation from living donors. The goal of this prospective study is to assess the reliability of an invertebrate model for microsurgical training.


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The aim of this study was to develop a standardized procedure for examination of the canine abdomen using endoscopic ultrasound and to describe the organs and structures that could be identified transgastrically. The abdomen of four healthy dogs and two cadavers were examined with endoscopic ultrasound. Five anatomic landmarks were used for standardized imaging of the cranial abdomen. These were the portal vein, splenic head and body, duodenum, left kidney, and aorta. High-resolution images of the following organs and structures could be made: distal esophagus, gastric wall from the cardia to the pylorus, liver, caudal vena cava, hepatic lymph nodes, liver hilus, and associated vessels, trifurcation of the celiac artery as well as the path of its branches and the left pancreatic limb and body. Structures that were more difficult to image were the distal duodenum and right pancreatic limb, the entire jejunum, ileum, and cecum as well as the tail of the spleen. Endoscopic ultrasound allowed excellent visualization of the gastric wall and regional structures without interference with gas artefacts. Centrally located organs such as the pancreas could be well examined transgastrically with endoscopic ultrasound without interference by overlying intestinal segments as is common with transabdominal ultrasound.


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Nodular thyroid disease is a common problem. We present clinical guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules, multinodular goiters and thyroid cysts for use by primary physicians. In the initial evaluation ultrasonography of the thyroid and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is recommended. FNAB has become the cornerstone in the evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules, cysts and dominant nodules within multinodular goiters. If the procedure is done properly, it should have a false-negative rate of less than 5% and a false-positive rate of not more than 1%. Thyroid radionuclide scans are less frequently used in the initial evaluation of a nodular goiter. Surgery is the primary therapy for patients with nodular thyroid disease. Other available treatment options are radioiodine and TSH-suppression with thyroxine. The main indications for surgery in euthyroid patients with thyroid nodule or with nontoxic multinodular goiter are recently documented or suspected malignancy, compression of the trachea and esophagus, significant growth of the nodule, recurrence of a cyst after aspiration, neck discomfort and cosmetic concern.


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Twenty-four-hour multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH (MII-pH) esophageal monitoring detects both acid and nonacid gastroesophageal reflux episodes. The MII-pH catheter contains six impedance segments placed 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, and 17 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). A pH electrode at 5 cm above the LES identifies the type of reflux, i.e. acid or nonacid. Patients with acid and nonacid reflux exhibit typical and atypical symptoms often within 5 min following a reflux episode. The aim of this study is to compare the timing of symptoms after reflux episodes in patients with acid and nonacid reflux. Methods include a review of 70 MII-pH tracings (42 females, mean age 40, range 18-85 years) either on (50 points) or off (20 points) acid suppression therapy. Typical (heartburn, regurgitation) and atypical (cough) symptoms with acid or nonacid reflux episodes detected by impedance were analyzed. Symptoms were considered positive with acid reflux if there was a pH drop to <4, plus an MII detected a reflux episode and with nonacid reflux if pH remained >4 and MII detected a reflux episode. The timing of the symptom after each reflux episode was recorded. Symptom perception occurred significantly sooner after acid versus nonacid reflux (P < 0.05). Acid reflux episodes are more likely to be perceived in the first 2 min following the reflux episode. Patients with acid reflux are likely to perceive symptoms earlier, and symptoms with acid and nonacid reflux may be produced by different mechanisms.


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BACKGROUND: Gastroesophageal reflux is implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma and chronic cough. To date most studies have focused on acid reflux measured by pH below the upper esophageal sphincter (UES). The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cough and reflux through the UES into the pharynx. METHODS: Thirty-seven patients with asthma (19) and chronic cough (18) were recruited from the respiratory clinic. Reflux was monitored using a combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH probe by detecting (1) bolus reflux episodes within the esophagus and in the pharynx and (2) acidic reflux episodes within the esophagus and in the pharynx. All acid suppressive therapy was stopped for at least 7 days before the study. Demonstration of cough being linked to reflux was achieved using the symptom association probability (SAP). This was calculated using a 2-minute association window between symptoms and bolus entry into the esophagus. SAP was considered positive if >95%. RESULTS: A positive SAP for cough was noted in 7/26 patients reporting symptoms on the day of monitoring. Compared with SAP-negative patients, SAP-positive patients had both a greater number [median (interquartile range), 5(2 to 8) vs. 2(0 to 4), P<0.05] and a higher proportion of reflux episodes crossing the UES into the pharynx [25%(14% to 28%) vs. 7% (2% to 14%), P<0.02]. There was no difference in the number of reflux episodes or acid exposure time in the distal esophagus between SAP-positive and SAP-negative patients. Only 1% to 2% of episodes were detected by the pharyngeal pH sensor. CONCLUSIONS: Impedance detected pharyngeal reflux episodes are important factors in symptom production in cough patients.


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RATIONALE: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is considered a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of ILD. OBJECTIVES: To characterize GER (acid and nonacid) in patients with SSc with and without ILD. METHODS: Patients with SSc underwent pulmonary high-resolution computer tomography (HRCT) scan and 24-hour impedance-pH monitoring off-proton pump inhibitor therapy. The presence of pulmonary fibrosis was assessed using validated HRCT-scores. Reflux monitoring parameters included number of acid and nonacid reflux episodes, proximal migration of the refluxate, and distal esophageal acid exposure. Unless otherwise specified, data are presented as median (25th-75th percentile). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Forty consecutive patients with SSc (35 female; mean age, 53 yr; range, 24-71; 15 patients with diffuse and 25 with limited SSc) were investigated; 18 (45%) patients with SSc had pulmonary fibrosis (HRCT score >or= 7). Patients with SSc with ILD had higher (P < 0.01) esophageal acid exposure (10.3 [7.5-15] vs. 5.2 [1.5-11]), higher (P < 0.01) number of acid (41 [31-58] vs. 19 [10-23]) and nonacid (25 [20-35] vs. 17 [11-19]) reflux episodes, and higher (P < 0.01) number of reflux episodes reaching the proximal esophagus (42.5 [31-54] vs. 15 [8-22]) compared with patients with SSc with normal HRCT scores. Pulmonary fibrosis scores (HRCT score) correlated well with the number of reflux episodes in the distal (r(2) = 0.637) and proximal (r(2) = 0.644) esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with SSc with ILD have more severe reflux (i.e., more reflux episodes and more reflux reaching the proximal esophagus). Whether or not the development of ILD in patients with SSc can be prevented by reflux-reducing treatments needs to be investigated.


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BACKGROUND: This multicenter phase II study investigated the efficacy and feasibility of preoperative induction chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation and surgery in patients with esophageal carcinoma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with locally advanced resectable squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma of the esophagus received induction chemotherapy with cisplatin 75 mg/m(2) and docetaxel (Taxotere) 75 mg/m(2) on days 1 and 22, followed by radiotherapy of 45 Gy (25 x 1.8 Gy) and concurrent chemotherapy comprising cisplatin 25 mg/m(2) and docetaxel 20 mg/m(2) weekly for 5 weeks, followed by surgery. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients were enrolled at eleven centers and 57 underwent surgery. R0 resection was achieved in 52 patients. Fifteen patients showed complete, 16 patients nearly complete and 26 patients poor pathological remission. Median overall survival was 36.5 months and median event-free survival was 22.8 months. Squamous cell carcinoma and good pathologically documented response were associated with longer survival. Eighty-two percent of all included patients completed neoadjuvant therapy and survived for 30 days after surgery. Dysphagia and mucositis grade 3/4 were infrequent (<9%) during chemoradiation. Five patients (9%) died due to surgical complications. CONCLUSIONS: This neoadjuvant, taxane-containing regimen was efficacious and feasible in patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer in a multicenter, community-based setting and represents a suitable backbone for further investigation.


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GOALS OF WORK: In patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer, only those responding to the treatment ultimately benefit from preoperative chemoradiation. We investigated whether changes in subjective dysphagia or eating restrictions after two cycles of induction chemotherapy can predict histopathological tumor response observed after chemoradiation. In addition, we examined general long-term quality of life (QoL) and, in particular, eating restrictions after esophagectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients with resectable, locally advanced squamous cell- or adenocarcinoma of the esophagus were treated with two cycles of chemotherapy followed by chemoradiation and surgery. They were asked to complete the EORTC oesophageal-specific QoL module (EORTC QLQ-OES24), and linear analogue self-assessment QoL indicators, before and during neoadjuvant therapy and quarterly until 1 year postoperatively. A median change of at least eight points was considered as clinically meaningful. MAIN RESULTS: Clinically meaningful improvements in the median scores for dysphagia and eating restrictions were found during induction chemotherapy. These improvements were not associated with a histopathological response observed after chemoradiation, but enhanced treatment compliance. Postoperatively, dysphagia scores remained low at 1 year, while eating restrictions persisted more frequently in patients with extended transthoracic resection compared to those with limited transhiatal resection. CONCLUSIONS: The improvement of dysphagia and eating restrictions after induction chemotherapy did not predict tumor response observed after chemoradiation. One year after esophagectomy, dysphagia was a minor problem, and global QoL was rather good. Eating restrictions persisted depending on the surgical technique used.


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A 28-week-old sheep was presented at the animal hospital because of chronic emaciation, anemia and slight diarrhea. Due to poor general condition and bad prognosis the animal was euthanized and submitted for postmortem investigation. Multiple erosions and ulcerations were found in the dorsal region of the tongue, the pharynx, the hard palate, in the esophagus and the ruminal pillars. Histologically, these lesions consisted of necrosuppurative inflammation. The animal was tested positive for pestivirus antigen both by immunohistochemical and by virological examination (cell culture, antigen capture ELISA and RT-PCR). A non-cytopathic Border Disease Virus was identified, and sequencing revealed a virus belonging to the BDV-3 cluster. Based on the macroscopical, histological, immunohistological and virological results this case was diagnosed as Border Disease with mucosal lesions. This is the first report of such a case in Switzerland.