998 resultados para Escrita Significação (Filosofia)
Kirjoitus perustuu puheenvuoroon Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunnan järjestämänä Unescon Maailman tiedepäivänä 10.11.2005.
Reseña de: Entre la pluma y la pared: una historia de la cultura escrita en los Siglos de Oro. Castillo Gómez, Antonio. Madrid: Akal, 2006; 303 p.: il.; 22 cm. (Akal Universitaria. Historia Moderna; 248)
En este artÃculo nos centraremos en el Atlántico y las relaciones en clave cultural (de ida y vuelta) entre América y Europa. Analizaremos los estudios que se han ocuÂpado de la cultura escrita, la historiografÃa sobre la correspondencia, la circulación de los textos y las redes de distribución de liÂbros en las relaciones atlánticas, donde la comunicación estaba sujeta a un ritmo proÂpio de contacto y transferencia. La mirada en torno a los fenómenos atlánticos supone romper ciertas barreras, admitir la mezcla y lo diverso, no centrarse únicamente en las interpretaciones institucionales y jurÃdicas, ya que la norma se fija, pero su transgresión se da de manera habitual en las relaciones atlánticas.
El mestre ignorant és, per definició, la condició d"impossibilitat de la pedagogia. Potser no de tota, però sà de la pedagogia, almenys tal com l"hem entès fins ara (suposant que es pugui entendre absolutament d"una altra manera sense estar parlant ja d"una altra cosa). És per això que, com a mà xim, només en els seus marges hi podria tenir lloc una proposta com la que glossaré aquÃ. Una proposta que, bo i partint de les idees de Joseph Jacotot (1770-1840), planteja la contingència del mestre, és a dir, que a l"hora d"aprendre uns continguts fa prescindible la figura d"algú que els expliqui. En altres paraules, fa que aquells que volen aprendre alguna cosa no hagin de dependre d"un mestre que ho hagi après abans, ni del mestre que va ensenyar aquell mestre, i aixà successivament, trencant d"aquesta manera el cercle de la transmissió pedagògica - almenys pel que fa al procés instructiu. Tanmateix, això és només la punta de l"iceberg i més avall hi aprofundirem. Però fem ara una mirada enrere, tot just quan se li van presentar a Jacotot els seus primers deixebles belgues per estudiar francès.
Plató és autor d"uns Dià legs fonamentals en la història d"allò que abans s"anomenava «la nostra» cultura, la cultura d"Occident; no hi deu haver ningú que ignori aquesta dada bà sica, elemental; i potser per això mateix pot semblar sorprenent que calgui reblar-ho. Ara bé, el fet de preguntar-se amb calma per quins motius el primer monument filosòfic que reconeixem en part, almenys com a «nostre» adopta la forma dialògica no constitueix cap platitud anacrònica, si es fa amb cura, ni mereix un encongiment d"espatlles com a tota resposta.
Parlar d'alguna cosa implica distanciar-se'n. El tÃtol mateix d'un text ja fa un efecte de distanciament perquè, en assenyalar el 'tema' del discurs, marca una posició d'exterioritat respecte a allò de què hom vol tractar. Per aixo, titulant aquest treball 'Filosofia i Pedagogia' indiquem que, respecte a aquestes 'coses', no donarem res per suposat. 0, almenys, que els supòsits hauran d'ésser explicitats. Que són justament aquestes coses que es plantegen com un problema. El nostre punt de partença és, dones, una pregunta: Quan parlem de 'Pedagogia' o de 'Filosofia', de què parlem?
The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
There is no question that students majoring in chemistry graduate with underdeveloped writing skills. Many educators have expressed concern about the obvious deficiencies in student writing. This article is designed to aid professors interested in teaching writing skills in their classrooms and laboratories.
Aquest article de carà cter descriptiu té la finalitat d’exposar un fenomen existent com és la violència laboral. La violència laboral, un constructe amb pocs anys d’estudi, afecta totes les professions i les diferents categories professionals. S’estructura en cinc apartats. En el primer, es defineix pròpiament l’objecte d’estudi; en el segon, les dades de l’abast del fenomen; en el tercer, la tipologia; en el quart les teories que expliquen el perquè es produeix i en l’últim els factors de risc.
The spread of sociocultural focuses and critical literacy studies, which offer an holistic perspective on communicative skills, has reached our country at a time when the commonest environment for writing is the internet, and information technologies have transformed writing with new channels, genres, forms of preparation and languages. Thanks to these changes, educational programmes now include new concepts of literacy related to knowledge and the use of digital environments. This paper explores the impact of introducing these new communicative environments to teaching written expression at secondary level and puts forward some ideas to link learning how to write to present communicative contexts and established practices. Without forgetting the achievements of recent decades, we need to bring about a series of changes to bring new learned writing practices to class and leave behind others we had championed as necessary when the goal was to move beyond exclusively linguistic or grammatical approaches
The purpose of this study was to analyze written arguments found within laboratory reports by undergraduate students in a practical inorganic chemistry course. The quality of students' argumentation was analyzed based on the argumentation model developed by Kelly and Takao. Students presented scientific arguments grounded in data and building toward theoretical assertions. This indicates that students have some understanding of the rhetorical power of data in their explanations. The findings of this study also support the idea that Kelly and Takao's model is effective in other disciplines and in other rhetorical tasks distinct from those originally analyzed by them in their domain of oceanography.