958 resultados para Energy-aware computing


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We obtain new combinatorial upper and lower bounds for the potential energy of designs in q-ary Hamming space. Combined with results on reducing the number of all feasible distance distributions of such designs this gives reasonable good bounds. We compute and compare our lower bounds to recently obtained universal lower bounds. Some examples in the binary case are considered.


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Systems-of-systems (SoS) are systems resulted from the interaction among other independent constituent systems that collaborate to offer new functionalities towards accomplishing global missions. Each of these constituent systems accomplishes its individual missions and is able to contribute to the achievement of the global missions of the SoS, both being viewed as a set of associated goals. In the perspective of self-aware systems, SoS need to exhibit goal-awareness, i.e., They need to be aware of their own goals and of how their constituent systems contribute to their accomplishment. In this paper, we revisit goal-oriented concepts aiming at identifying and modeling goals at both SoS level and the constituent systems level. Moreover, we take advantage of such goal-oriented models to express the relationship among goals at these levels as well as to define how each constituent system can contribute to the accomplishment of global goals of an SoS. In addition, we shed light on important issues related to goal modeling in self-aware SoS to be addressed in future research.


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Energy efficiency is one of the most important performances of a wireless sensor network. In this paper, we show that choosing a proper transmission scheme given the channel and network conditions can ensure a high energy performance in different transmission environments. Based on the energy models we established for both cooperative and non-cooperative communications, the efficiency in terms of energy consumption per bit for different transmission schemes is investigated. It is shown that cooperative transmission schemes can outperform non-cooperative schemes in energy efficiency in severe channel conditions and when the source-destination distance is in a medium or long range. But the latter is more energy efficient than the former for short-range transmission. For cooperative transmission schemes, the number of transmission branches and the number of relays per branch can also be properly selected to adapt to the variations of the transmission environment, so that the total energy consumption can be minimized.


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This paper describes the use of Bluetooth and Java-Based technologies in developing a multi-player mobile game in ubiquitous computing, which strongly depends on automatic contextual reconfiguration and context-triggered actions. Our investigation focuses on an extended form of ubiquitous computing which game software developers utilize to develop games for players. We have developed an experimental ubiquitous computing application that provides context-aware services to game server and game players in a mobile distributed computing system. Obviously, contextual services provide useful information in a context-aware system. However, designing a context-aware game is still a daunting task and much theoretical and practical research remains to be done to reach the ubiquitous computing era. In this paper, we present the overall architecture and discuss, in detail, the implementation steps taken to create a Bluetooth and Java based context-aware game. We develop a multi-player game server and prepare the client and server codes in ubiquitous computing, providing adaptive routines to handle connection information requests, logging and context formatting and delivery for automatic contextual reconfiguration and context-triggered actions. © 2010 Binary Information Press.


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E=MC³ Energy Equals Management's Continued Cost Concern, is an essay written by Fritz G. Hagenmeyer, Associate Professor, School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University. In the writing, Hagenmeyer initially tenders: “Energy problems in the hospitality industry can be contained or reduced, yielding elevated profits as a result of applied, quality management principles. The concepts, processes and procedures presented in this article are intended to aid present and future managers to become more effective with a sharpened focus on profitability.” This article is an overview of energy efficiency and the management of such. In an expanding energy consumption market with its escalating costs, energy management has become an ever increasing concern and component of responsible hospitality management, Hagenmeyer will have you know. “In endeavoring to "manage" on a day-to-day basis a functioning hospitality building's energy system, the person in charge must take on the role of Justice with her scales, attempting to balance the often varying comfort needs of guests and occupants with the invariable rising costs of energy utilized to generate and maintain such comfort conditions, since comfort is seen as an integral part of the "service," "product," or "price/value” perception of patrons,” says Hagenmeyer. In contrast to what was thought in the mid point of this century - that energy would be abundant and cheap - the reality has set-in that this is not the case; not by a long shot. The author wants you to be aware that energy costs in buildings are a force to be reckoned with; a major expense to be sure. “Since 1973, "energy-conscious design" has begun to become part of the repertoire of architects, design engineers, and construction companies,” Hagenmeyer states. “For instance, whereas office buildings of the early 1970s might have used 400,000 British Thermal Units (BTUs) per square foot year, new buildings are going up that use 55,000 to 65,000 BTUs per square foot year,” Hagenmeyer, like an incandescent bulb, illuminates you. Hagenmeyer references Robert E. Aulbach’s article - Energy Management – when informing you that the hospitality manager should not become complacent in addressing the energy cost issue, but should and must maintain a diligent focus on the problem. Hagenmeyer also makes reference to the Middle East War and to OPEC, and their influence on energy prices. In closing, Hagenmeyer suggests an - Energy Management Action Plan – which he outlines for you.


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Cloud computing realizes the long-held dream of converting computing capability into a type of utility. It has the potential to fundamentally change the landscape of the IT industry and our way of life. However, as cloud computing expanding substantially in both scale and scope, ensuring its sustainable growth is a critical problem. Service providers have long been suffering from high operational costs. Especially the costs associated with the skyrocketing power consumption of large data centers. In the meantime, while efficient power/energy utilization is indispensable for the sustainable growth of cloud computing, service providers must also satisfy a user's quality of service (QoS) requirements. This problem becomes even more challenging considering the increasingly stringent power/energy and QoS constraints, as well as other factors such as the highly dynamic, heterogeneous, and distributed nature of the computing infrastructures, etc. ^ In this dissertation, we study the problem of delay-sensitive cloud service scheduling for the sustainable development of cloud computing. We first focus our research on the development of scheduling methods for delay-sensitive cloud services on a single server with the goal of maximizing a service provider's profit. We then extend our study to scheduling cloud services in distributed environments. In particular, we develop a queue-based model and derive efficient request dispatching and processing decisions in a multi-electricity-market environment to improve the profits for service providers. We next study a problem of multi-tier service scheduling. By carefully assigning sub deadlines to the service tiers, our approach can significantly improve resource usage efficiencies with statistically guaranteed QoS. Finally, we study the power conscious resource provision problem for service requests with different QoS requirements. By properly sharing computing resources among different requests, our method statistically guarantees all QoS requirements with a minimized number of powered-on servers and thus the power consumptions. The significance of our research is that it is one part of the integrated effort from both industry and academia to ensure the sustainable growth of cloud computing as it continues to evolve and change our society profoundly.^


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Il termine pervasive computing incarna l’idea di andare oltre il paradigma dei personal computers: è l’idea che qualsiasi device possa essere tecnologizzato ed interconnesso con un network distribuito, costituendo un nuovo modello di interazione uomo-macchina. All’interno di questo paradigma gioca un ruolo fondamentale il concetto di context-awareness, che fa riferimento all’idea che i computer possano raccogliere dati dall’ambiente circostante e reagire in maniera intelligente e proattiva basandosi su di essi. Un sistema siffatto necessita da un lato di una infrastruttura per la raccolta dei dati dall’ambiente, dall'altro di un supporto per la componente intelligente e reattiva. In tale scenario, questa tesi ha l'obiettivo di progettare e realizzare una libreria per l'interfacciamento di un sistema distribuito di sensori Java-based con l’interprete tuProlog, un sistema Prolog leggero e configurabile, scritto anch'esso in Java ma disponibile per una pluralità di piattaforme, in modo da porre le basi per la costruzione di sistemi context-aware in questo ambiente.


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Acknowledgments The financial support of the part of this research by The Royal Society, The Royal Academy of Engineering and The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland is gratefully acknowledged.


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Funded by European Research Council ERC. Grant Number: project GA 335910 VEWA


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Acknowledgments The financial support of the part of this research by The Royal Society, The Royal Academy of Engineering and The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland is gratefully acknowledged.


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Funded by European Research Council ERC. Grant Number: project GA 335910 VEWA


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In this dissertation, we develop a novel methodology for characterizing and simulating nonstationary, full-field, stochastic turbulent wind fields.

In this new method, nonstationarity is characterized and modeled via temporal coherence, which is quantified in the discrete frequency domain by probability distributions of the differences in phase between adjacent Fourier components.

The empirical distributions of the phase differences can also be extracted from measured data, and the resulting temporal coherence parameters can quantify the occurrence of nonstationarity in empirical wind data.

This dissertation (1) implements temporal coherence in a desktop turbulence simulator, (2) calibrates empirical temporal coherence models for four wind datasets, and (3) quantifies the increase in lifetime wind turbine loads caused by temporal coherence.

The four wind datasets were intentionally chosen from locations around the world so that they had significantly different ambient atmospheric conditions.

The prevalence of temporal coherence and its relationship to other standard wind parameters was modeled through empirical joint distributions (EJDs), which involved fitting marginal distributions and calculating correlations.

EJDs have the added benefit of being able to generate samples of wind parameters that reflect the characteristics of a particular site.

Lastly, to characterize the effect of temporal coherence on design loads, we created four models in the open-source wind turbine simulator FAST based on the \windpact turbines, fit response surfaces to them, and used the response surfaces to calculate lifetime turbine responses to wind fields simulated with and without temporal coherence.

The training data for the response surfaces was generated from exhaustive FAST simulations that were run on the high-performance computing (HPC) facilities at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

This process was repeated for wind field parameters drawn from the empirical distributions and for wind samples drawn using the recommended procedure in the wind turbine design standard \iec.

The effect of temporal coherence was calculated as a percent increase in the lifetime load over the base value with no temporal coherence.


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A RET network consists of a network of photo-active molecules called chromophores that can participate in inter-molecular energy transfer called resonance energy transfer (RET). RET networks are used in a variety of applications including cryptographic devices, storage systems, light harvesting complexes, biological sensors, and molecular rulers. In this dissertation, we focus on creating a RET device called closed-diffusive exciton valve (C-DEV) in which the input to output transfer function is controlled by an external energy source, similar to a semiconductor transistor like the MOSFET. Due to their biocompatibility, molecular devices like the C-DEVs can be used to introduce computing power in biological, organic, and aqueous environments such as living cells. Furthermore, the underlying physics in RET devices are stochastic in nature, making them suitable for stochastic computing in which true random distribution generation is critical.

In order to determine a valid configuration of chromophores for the C-DEV, we developed a systematic process based on user-guided design space pruning techniques and built-in simulation tools. We show that our C-DEV is 15x better than C-DEVs designed using ad hoc methods that rely on limited data from prior experiments. We also show ways in which the C-DEV can be improved further and how different varieties of C-DEVs can be combined to form more complex logic circuits. Moreover, the systematic design process can be used to search for valid chromophore network configurations for a variety of RET applications.

We also describe a feasibility study for a technique used to control the orientation of chromophores attached to DNA. Being able to control the orientation can expand the design space for RET networks because it provides another parameter to tune their collective behavior. While results showed limited control over orientation, the analysis required the development of a mathematical model that can be used to determine the distribution of dipoles in a given sample of chromophore constructs. The model can be used to evaluate the feasibility of other potential orientation control techniques.


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While molecular and cellular processes are often modeled as stochastic processes, such as Brownian motion, chemical reaction networks and gene regulatory networks, there are few attempts to program a molecular-scale process to physically implement stochastic processes. DNA has been used as a substrate for programming molecular interactions, but its applications are restricted to deterministic functions and unfavorable properties such as slow processing, thermal annealing, aqueous solvents and difficult readout limit them to proof-of-concept purposes. To date, whether there exists a molecular process that can be programmed to implement stochastic processes for practical applications remains unknown.

In this dissertation, a fully specified Resonance Energy Transfer (RET) network between chromophores is accurately fabricated via DNA self-assembly, and the exciton dynamics in the RET network physically implement a stochastic process, specifically a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC), which has a direct mapping to the physical geometry of the chromophore network. Excited by a light source, a RET network generates random samples in the temporal domain in the form of fluorescence photons which can be detected by a photon detector. The intrinsic sampling distribution of a RET network is derived as a phase-type distribution configured by its CTMC model. The conclusion is that the exciton dynamics in a RET network implement a general and important class of stochastic processes that can be directly and accurately programmed and used for practical applications of photonics and optoelectronics. Different approaches to using RET networks exist with vast potential applications. As an entropy source that can directly generate samples from virtually arbitrary distributions, RET networks can benefit applications that rely on generating random samples such as 1) fluorescent taggants and 2) stochastic computing.

By using RET networks between chromophores to implement fluorescent taggants with temporally coded signatures, the taggant design is not constrained by resolvable dyes and has a significantly larger coding capacity than spectrally or lifetime coded fluorescent taggants. Meanwhile, the taggant detection process becomes highly efficient, and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) based taggant identification guarantees high accuracy even with only a few hundred detected photons.

Meanwhile, RET-based sampling units (RSU) can be constructed to accelerate probabilistic algorithms for wide applications in machine learning and data analytics. Because probabilistic algorithms often rely on iteratively sampling from parameterized distributions, they can be inefficient in practice on the deterministic hardware traditional computers use, especially for high-dimensional and complex problems. As an efficient universal sampling unit, the proposed RSU can be integrated into a processor / GPU as specialized functional units or organized as a discrete accelerator to bring substantial speedups and power savings.