841 resultados para Elite behaviour


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In recent years much progress has been made towards understanding the selective forces involved in the evolution of social behaviour including conflicts over reproduction among group members. Here, I argue that an important additional step necessary for advancing our understanding of the resolution of potential conflicts within insect societies is to consider the genetics of the behaviours involved. First, I discuss how epigenetic modifications of behaviour may affect conflict resolution within groups. Second, I review known natural polymorphisms of social organization to demonstrate that a lack of consideration of the genetic mechanisms involved may lead to erroneous explanations of the adaptive significance of behaviour. Third, I suggest that, on the basis of recent genetic studies of sexual conflict in Drosophila, it is necessary to reconsider the possibility of within-group manipulation by means of chemical substances (i.e. pheromones). Fourth, I address the issue of direct versus indirect genetic effects, which is of particular importance for the study of behaviour in social groups. Fifth, I discuss the issue of how a genetic influence on dominance hierarchies and reproductive division of labour can have secondary effects, for example in the evolution of promiscuity. Finally, because the same sets of genes (e.g. those implicated in chemical signalling and the responses that are triggered) may be used even in species as divergent as ants, cooperative breeding birds and primates, an integration of genetic mechanisms into the field of social evolution may also provide unifying ideas.


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Em 14661, o rei de Portugal, após quatro anos de tentativas falhadas para povoar Santiago através de distribuição de terras em sesmaria a casais portugueses, doa ao donatário (Infante D. Fernando) e aqueles que se aventurassem a residir na ilha, tornando-se seus vizinhos, facilidades fiscais e outros privilégios, incentivando, assim, a vinda de reinois capacitados a investir na armação de navios para o comércio com a Costa da Guiné. Este grupo de reinois - composto por homens com capital para financiar e organizar na ilha um entreposto de mercadorias africanas, principalmente, de escravos e por aqueles que para cá vieram para controlar esse lucrativo negócio, defendendo os interesses da Coroa (oficiais régios) ou dos rendeiros - forma a primeira elite santiaguense, que podemos denominar (e que muitas vezes a documentação assim o faz) de ―Homens brancos, honrados e poderosos‖.


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In this paper we analyse the decline of the Swiss corporate network between 1980 and 2000. We address the theoretical and methodological challenge of this transformation by the use of a combination of network analysis and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). Based on a sample of top managers of the 110 largest Swiss companies in 1980 and 2000 we show that, beyond an adjustment to structural pressure, an explanation of the decline of the network has to include the strategies of the fractions of the business elites. We reveal that three factors contribute crucially to the decline of the Swiss corporate network: the managerialization of industrial leaders, the marginalization of law degree holders and the influx of hardly connected foreign managers.


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No seu admirável romance, “Ilhéu da Contenda”, Teixeira de Sousa, relata o pensamento de Chiquinho, um jovem mestiço foguense que enquanto matuta sobre a sua posição social, como filho ilegítimo de um branco da terra, expõe-nos sucintamente os seus pensamentos sobre a história da sua família e da sua ilha: “...De que lhe valia ser filho de branco se não usava o nome do pai? /.../ Preferia não receber coisa alguma do pai se em troca apenas lhe desse o seu apelido. Não queria nada mais de Nhô Eusébio. Francisco Medina da Veiga seria nome mais bonito do que só Francisco de Pina. Francisco de Pina. Nome de negro. Ao passo que os Medinas e os Veigas foram sempre gentes graúdas desde o povoamento da ilha. O primeiro Veiga foi capitão-mor do Fogo, e tão rico que os descendentes se mantiveram abastados até os que ainda viviam. Ouvia contar a Nha Caela que esse Afonso Sanches Veiga capitão-mor da ilha, foi o tronco da família do marido. Pois Nho Pedro Simplício da Veiga descendia de uma linha directa desse grande homem que se celebrizou pela sua riqueza e também pela sua crueldade. Os escravos não brincavam com ele. Quando pisavam o risco, mandava-os amarrar a calabaceira de Ilhéu de 2 Contenda e ele próprio os ia castigar com varas de marmeleiro entrançadas em três. Depois mandava botar sal e vinagre nos lanhos sangrentos. Era violento como tudo, esse Sanches da Veiga, tetravô de Pedro Simplício” (pp.61-62)


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As abordagens das sociedades africanas e das transformações sociais que nelas ocorrem têm sido perturbadas pela alienação a um tipo de análise que, em vez de privilegiar a compreensão do que realmente acontece, tem-se esforçado em vincular estas mesmas abordagens a teorias e conceptualizações formalmente reconhecidas, numa teimosa tentativa de legitimação do que sobre elas teriam escrito as ciências sociais ocidentais ou outras análises estabelecidas. Neste esforço, são-nos impostas citações fabricadas em função daquilo que, próximo do objecto de análise, teriam dito os clássicos ou os “mais autorizados”, sobrecarregando os textos e tornando-os menos inteligíveis aos não especialistas, criando constrangimentos à própria análise que, em última instância, assumem a forma de uma camisa-de-forças a um real desenvolvimento do métier de investigador.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the conditions under which referendum campaigns have an impact on voting choices. Based on a model of opinion formation that integrates both campaign effects and partisan effects, we argue that campaign effects vary according to the context of the popular vote (size and type of conflict among the party elite and intensity and direction of the referendum campaign). We test our hypotheses with two-step estimations for hierarchical models on data covering 25 popular votes on foreign, European and immigration policy in Switzerland. Our results show strong campaign effects and they suggest that their strength and nature are indeed highly conditional on the context of the vote: the type of party coalition pre-structures the patterns of individual voting choices, campaign effects are higher when the campaign is highly intense and they are more symmetric when it is balanced.


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We survey the population genetic basis of social evolution, using a logically consistent set of arguments to cover a wide range of biological scenarios. We start by reconsidering Hamilton's (Hamilton 1964 J. Theoret. Biol. 7, 1-16 (doi:10.1016/0022-5193(64)90038-4)) results for selection on a social trait under the assumptions of additive gene action, weak selection and constant environment and demography. This yields a prediction for the direction of allele frequency change in terms of phenotypic costs and benefits and genealogical concepts of relatedness, which holds for any frequency of the trait in the population, and provides the foundation for further developments and extensions. We then allow for any type of gene interaction within and between individuals, strong selection and fluctuating environments and demography, which may depend on the evolving trait itself. We reach three conclusions pertaining to selection on social behaviours under broad conditions. (i) Selection can be understood by focusing on a one-generation change in mean allele frequency, a computation which underpins the utility of reproductive value weights; (ii) in large populations under the assumptions of additive gene action and weak selection, this change is of constant sign for any allele frequency and is predicted by a phenotypic selection gradient; (iii) under the assumptions of trait substitution sequences, such phenotypic selection gradients suffice to characterize long-term multi-dimensional stochastic evolution, with almost no knowledge about the genetic details underlying the coevolving traits. Having such simple results about the effect of selection regardless of population structure and type of social interactions can help to delineate the common features of distinct biological processes. Finally, we clarify some persistent divergences within social evolution theory, with respect to exactness, synergies, maximization, dynamic sufficiency and the role of genetic arguments.


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The oviposition behaviour of the braconid parasitoid, Compsobracon mirabilis ( Szépligeti, 1901) is described. Observations were conducted in a cerrado region located in Três Marias, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The oviposition occurred in a branch of Alibertia concolor (Cham.) K. Schum. 1889 (Rubiaceae), inside of which there were thirteen larvae of an unidentified species of Lepidoptera.


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Consider the density of the solution $X(t,x)$ of a stochastic heat equation with small noise at a fixed $t\in [0,T]$, $x \in [0,1]$.In the paper we study the asymptotics of this density as the noise is vanishing. A kind of Taylor expansion in powers of the noiseparameter is obtained. The coefficients and the residue of the expansion are explicitly calculated.In order to obtain this result some type of exponential estimates of tail probabilities of the difference between the approximatingprocess and the limit one is proved. Also a suitable local integration by parts formula is developped.


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Na tese, que agora se apresenta, ocupamo-nos da formação e desenvolvimento da elite, que, desde o século XV até ao século XVII, evoluiu num processo em que se evidencia uma vincada mudança social. Durante o primeiro século da História do arquipélago, os “homens brancos honrados” de Santiago ocuparam a cimeira da sociedade da ilha. Estes homens, - brancos/reinóis, muitas vezes nobres, armadores, comerciantes e funcionários da administração central - formaram a primeira elite do arquipélago que estruturou a sociedade cabo-verdiana conforme os seus interesses económicos, as suas práticas culturais, políticas e ideológicas. Acontece que esta elite se organiza, se fortalece, e desaparece, não propriamente porque é desalojada numa ruptura abrupta, mas porque é substituída num processo pacífico. É este processo que consideramos específico da sociedade cabo-verdiana e procurámos esclarecer na tese apresentada. Os filhos ilegítimos mulatos dos “homens brancos honrados” serão devedores de seus progenitores e viriam a ocupar o lugar cimeiro na economia e no poder local santiaguense como membros da elite endógena cabo-verdiana, mas sem as facilidades que o comércio lucrativo com a Costa da Guiné propiciava. É essa herança que leva a que os homens dessa elite sejam conhecidos por “brancos da terra” e, não sendo nobres reinóis, façam parte do grupo restrito da “nobreza da terra”. É esta elite que vai evoluir até à Independência de Cabo Verde, sem grandes rupturas que a transforme de forma semelhante ao que sucedeu no período de que nos ocupamos. Daí a importância desta tese para o conhecimento da sociedade cabo-verdiana ao longo dos tempos.


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Isolates of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex vary phenotypically. Whether the closely related zoophilic and anthropophilic anamorphs currently associated with Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii have to be considered as members of the same biological species remains an open question. In order to better delineate species in the T. mentagrophytes complex, we performed a mating analysis of freshly collected isolates from humans and animals with A. benhamiae and A. vanbreuseghemii reference strains, in comparison to internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 28S rDNA sequencing. Mating experiments as well as ITS and 28S sequencing unambiguously allowed the distinction of A. benhamiae and A. vanbreuseghemii. We have also shown that all the isolates from tinea pedis and tinea unguium identified as T. interdigitale based on ITS sequences mated with A. vanbreuseghemii tester strains, but had lost their ability to give fertile cleistothecia. Therefore, T. interdigitale has to be considered as a humanized species derived from the sexual relative A. vanbreuseghemii.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about smoking, unhealthy use of alcohol, and risk behaviours for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in immigrants from developed and developing countries. METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study of 400 patients who consulted an academic emergency care centre at a Swiss university hospital. The odds ratios for having one or more risk behaviours were adjusted for age, gender, and education level. RESULTS: Immigrants from developing countries were less likely to use alcohol in an unhealthy manner (OR = 0.35, 95% CI 0.22-0.57) or practise risk behaviours for STDs (OR = 0.31, 95% CI 0.13-0.74). They were also less likely to have any of the three studied risk behaviours (OR = 2.5, 95% CI 1.5-4.3). DISCUSSION: In addition to the usual determinants, health behaviours are also associated with origin; distinguishing between immigrants from developing and developed countries is useful in clinical settings. Surprisingly, patients from developing countries tend to possess several protective characteristics.