840 resultados para Electrospun membranes
In this paper we continue the development of the differential calculus started in Aragona et al. (Monatsh. Math. 144: 13-29, 2005). Guided by the so-called sharp topology and the interpretation of Colombeau generalized functions as point functions on generalized point sets, we introduce the notion of membranes and extend the definition of integrals, given in Aragona et al. (Monatsh. Math. 144: 13-29, 2005), to integrals defined on membranes. We use this to prove a generalized version of the Cauchy formula and to obtain the Goursat Theorem for generalized holomorphic functions. A number of results from classical differential and integral calculus, like the inverse and implicit function theorems and Green's theorem, are transferred to the generalized setting. Further, we indicate that solution formulas for transport and wave equations with generalized initial data can be obtained as well.
Correlations between GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)-R) activity and molecular organization of synaptosomal membranes (SM) were studied along the protocol for cholesterol (Cho) extraction with beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The mere pre-incubation (PI) at 37A degrees C accompanying the beta-CD treatment was an underlying source of perturbations increasing [H-3]-FNZ maximal binding (70%) and K (d) (38%), plus a stiffening of SMs' hydrocarbon core region. The latter was inferred from an increased compressibility modulus (K) of SM-derived Langmuir films, a blue-shifted DPH fluorescence emission spectrum and the hysteresis in DPH fluorescence anisotropy (A (DPH)) in SMs submitted to a heating-cooling cycle (4-37-4A degrees C) with A (DPH,heating) < A (DPH,cooling). Compared with PI samples, the beta-CD treatment reduced B (max) by 5% which correlated with a 45%-decrement in the relative Cho content of SM, a decrease in K and in the order parameter in the EPR spectrum of a lipid spin probe labeled at C5 (5-SASL), and significantly increased A (TMA-DPH). PI, but not beta-CD treatment, could affect the binding affinity. EPR spectra of 5-SASL complexes with beta-CD-, SM-partitioned, and free in solution showed that, contrary to what is usually assumed, beta-CD is not completely eliminated from the system through centrifugation washings. It was concluded that beta-CD treatment involves effects of at least three different types of events affecting membrane organization: (a) effect of PI on membrane annealing, (b) effect of residual beta-CD on SM organization, and (c) Cho depletion. Consequently, molecular stiffness increases within the membrane core and decreases near the polar head groups, leading to a net increase in GABA(A)-R density, relative to untreated samples.
Ferrao FM, Lara LS, Axelband F, Dias J, Carmona AK, Reis RI, Costa-Neto CM, Vieyra A, Lowe J. Exposure of luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells to ANG II induces dimerization of AT(1)/AT(2) receptors to activate SERCA and to promote Ca2+ mobilization. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302: F875-F883, 2012. First published January 4, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.00381.2011.-ANG II is secreted into the lumens of proximal tubules where it is also synthesized, thus increasing the local concentration of the peptide to levels of potential physiological relevance. In the present work, we studied the effect of ANG II via the luminal membranes of LLC-PK1 cells on Ca2+-ATPase of the sarco(endo) plasmic reticulum (SERCA) and plasma membrane (PMCA). ANG II (at concentrations found in the lumen) stimulated rapid (30 s) and persistent (30 min) SERCA activity by more than 100% and increased Ca2+ mobilization. Pretreatment with ANG II for 30 min enhanced the ANG II-induced Ca2+ spark, demonstrating a positively self-sustained stimulus of Ca2+ mobilization by ANG II. ANG II in the medium facing the luminal side of the cells decreased with time with no formation of metabolites, indicating peptide internalization. ANG II increased heterodimerization of AT(1) and AT(2) receptors by 140%, and either losartan or PD123319 completely blocked the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II. Using the PLC inhibitor U73122, PMA, and calphostin C, it was possible to demonstrate the involvement of a PLC -> DAG(PMA)-> PKC pathway in the stimulation of SERCA by ANG II with no effect on PMCA. We conclude that ANG II triggers SERCA activation via the luminal membrane, increasing the Ca2+ stock in the reticulum to ensure a more efficient subsequent mobilization of Ca2+. This first report on the regulation of SERCA activity by ANG II shows a new mechanism for Ca2+ homeostasis in renal cells and also for regulation of Ca2+-modulated fluid reabsorption in proximal tubules.
Liposomes have been an excellent option as drug delivery systems, since they are able of incorporating lipophobic and/or lipophilic drugs, reduce drug side effects, increase drug targeting, and control delivery. Also, in the last years, their use reached the field of gene therapy, as non-viral vectors for DNA delivery. As a strategy to increase system stability, the use of polymerizable phospholipids has been proposed in liposomal formulations. In this work, through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance (ESR) of spin labels incorporated into the bilayers, we structurally characterize liposomes formed by a mixture of the polymerizable lipid diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), in a 1:1 molar ratio. It is shown here that the polymerization efficiency of the mixture (c.a. 60%) is much higher than that of pure DC8,9PC bilayers (c.a. 20%). Cationic amphiphiles (CA) were added, in a final molar ratio of 1:1:0.2 (DC8,9PC:DMPC:CA), to make the liposomes possible carriers for genetic material, due to their electrostatic interaction with negatively charged DNA. Three amphiphiles were tested, 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimetylammonium-propane (DOTAP), stearylamine (SA) and trimetyl (2-miristoyloxietyl) ammonium chloride (MCL), and the systems were studied before and after UV irradiation. Interestingly, the presence of the cationic amphiphiles increased liposomes polymerization. MCL displaying the strongest effect. Considering the different structural effects the three cationic amphiphiles cause in DC8,9PC bilayers, there seem to be a correlation between the degree of DC8,9PC polymerization and the packing of the membrane at the temperature it is irradiated (gel phase). Moreover, at higher temperatures, in the bilayer fluid phase, more polymerized membranes are significantly more rigid. Considering that the structure and stability of liposomes at different temperatures can be crucial for DNA binding and delivery, we expect the study presented here contributes to the production of new carrier systems with potential applications in gene therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nafion membranes series N117 doped with ammonium, at different cation fractions (H+/NH4+), were investigated for ionic transport and water vapor uptake, for several water activities and temperatures. Ammonium cations change both properties of the polymer in a similar manner. Membrane ionic conductivity and water vapor uptake (lambda) decrease as the ammonium concentration increases in the polymer. Ionic transport activation energies are calculated and the transport mechanism of ammonium ions in Nafion is discussed. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.040203jes] All rights reserved.
In this work we examine the interaction between the 13-residue cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) and model membranes of variable lipid composition. The effect on peptide conformational properties was investigated by means of CD (circular dichroism) and fluorescence spectroscopies. Based on the hypothesis that the antibiotic acts through a mechanism involving toroidal pore formation, and taking into account that models of toroidal pores imply the formation of positive curvature, we used large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) to mimic the initial step of peptide-lipid interaction, when the peptide binds to the bilayer membrane, and micelles to mimic the topology of the pore itself, since these aggregates display positive curvature. In order to more faithfully assess the role of curvature, micelles were prepared with lysophospholipids containing (qualitatively and quantitatively) head groups identical to those of bilayer phospholipids. CD and fluorescence spectra showed that, while TRP3 binds to bilayers only when they carry negatively charged phospholipids. binding to micelles occurs irrespective of surface charge, indicating that electrostatic interactions play a less predominant role in the latter case. Moreover, the conformations acquired by the peptide were independent of lipid composition in both bilayers and micelles. However, the conformations were different in bilayers and in micelles, suggesting that curvature has an influence on the secondary structure acquired by the peptide. Fluorescence data pointed to an interfacial location of TRP3 in both types of aggregates. Nevertheless, experiments with a water soluble fluorescence quencher suggested that the tryptophan residues are more accessible to the quencher in micelles than in bilayers. Thus, we propose that bilayers and micelles can be used as models for the two steps of toroidal pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Polymers from natural sources are particularly useful as biomaterials for medical devices applications. In this study, the results of characterization of a gelatin network electrolyte doped with europium triflate (Eu(CF3SO3)(3)) are described. The unusual electronic properties of the trivalent lanthanide ions make them well suited as luminescent reporter groups, with many applications in biotechnology. Samples of solvent-free electrolytes were prepared with a range of guest salt concentration. Materials based on Eu(CF3SO3)(3) were obtained as mechanically robust, flexible, transparent, and completely amorphous films. Samples were characterized by thermal analysis (thermo-gravimetry analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), electrochemical stability, scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), and photoluminescence spectroscopy.
The success of semen cryopreservation is influenced by several factors, such as freezing curves and cryoprotectants. These two factors are of special interest once they may lead to many important physical-chemical changes resulting in different degrees of damage in spermatozoa structure. This experiment was designed to compare the effect of bull semen cryopreservation using two freezing techniques: conventional (CT cooling rate of -0.55 degrees C min-1 and freezing rate of -19.1 degrees C min-1) and automated (AT cooling rate of -0.23 degrees C min-1 and freezing rate of -15 degrees C min-1), performed with different curves, and with three cryoprotectants (glycerol, ethylene glycol and dimethyl formamide) on bovine sperm motility and integrity of plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes. These variables were simultaneously evaluated using the fluorescence probes propidium iodide, fluorescein-conjugated Pisum sativum agglutinin and MitoTracker Green FM. The effects of freezing techniques, as well as of different cryoprotectants were analysed by the analysis of variance. The means were compared by Fishers test. There were no significant differences between freezing techniques (P > 0.05). Glycerol showed higher percentages of motility, vigour and integrity of plasma, acrosomal and mitochondrial membranes than other two cryoprotectants (P < 0.05). Ethylene glycol preserved higher motility and integrity of plasma and mitochondrial membranes than dimethyl formamide (P < 0.05). Sperm motility with glycerol was 30.67 +/- 1.41% and 30.50 +/- 1.06%, with ethylene glycol was 21.17 +/- 1.66% and 21.67 +/- 1.13% and with dimethyl formamide was 8.33 +/- 0.65% and 9.17 +/- 0.72% to CT and AT curves, respectively. The percentage of spermatozoa with simultaneously intact plasma membrane, intact acrosome and mitochondrial function (IPIAH) was 14.82 +/- 1.49% (CT) and 15.83 +/- 1.26% (AT) to glycerol, 9.20 +/- 1.31% (CT) and 9.92 +/- 1.29% (AT) to ethylene glycol 4.65 +/- 0.93% (CT) and 5.17 +/- 0.87% (AT) to dimethyl formamide. Glycerol provided the best results, although nearly 85% of spermatozoa showed some degree of injury in their membranes, suggesting that further studies are required to improve the results of cryopreservation of bovine semen.
Plasticized natural macromolecules-based polymer electrolyte samples were prepared and characterized. The plasticization of chitosonium acetate with glycerol increased the ionic conductivity value from 3.0 x 10(-7) S/cm to 1.1 x 10(-5) S/cm. The conductivity temperature relationship of the samples exhibits either VTF or Arrhenius type depending on the glycerol concentration in the sample. The dielectric studies evidencing the relaxation process in the plasticized sample at low frequency region are due to the electric polarization effect. Moreover, the samples were transparent in the Vis region, showed thermal stability up to 160 degrees C and good surface uniformity.
The present study investigates gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) based on sodium alginate plasticized with glycerol containing either CH3COOH or LiClO4. The membranes showed ionic conductivity results of 3.1 x 10(-4) S/cm for the samples with LiClO4 and 8.7x10(-5) S/cm for the samples with CH3COOH at room temperature. The samples also showed thermal stability up to 160 degrees C, transparency of up to 90%, surface uniformity and adhesion to glass and steel. Moreover, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis revealed two relaxations for both samples and the Ea values were between 18 and 36 kJ/mol. All the results obtained indicate that alginate-based GPEs can be used as electrolytes in electrochemical devices.
Ionic conducting membranes of gelatin plasticized with glycerol and containing LiI/I-2 have been obtained and characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and impedance spectroscopy. The transparent (80-90% in the visible range) membranes showed ionic conductivity value of 5 x 10(-5) S/cm at room temperature, which increased to 3 x 10(-3) S/cm at 80 degrees C. All the ionic conductivity measurements as a function of temperature showed VTF dependence and activation energy of 8 kJ/mol. These samples also showed low glass transition temperature of -76 degrees C. Moreover the samples were predominantly amorphous. The membranes applied to small electrochromic devices showed 20% of color change from colored to bleached states during more than 70 cronoamperometric cycles.
Miltefosine (MT) is an alkylphospholipid approved for breast cancer metastasis and visceral leishmaniasis treatments, although the respective action mechanisms at the molecular level remain poorly understood. In this work, the interaction of miltefosine with the lipid component of stratum corneum (SC), the uppermost skin layer, was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of several fatty acid spin-labels. In addition, the effect of miltefosine on (i) spherical lipid vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and (ii) lipids extracted from SC was also investigated, by EPR and time-resolved polarized fluorescence methods. In SC of neonatal Wistar rats, 4% (w/w) miltefosine give rise to a large increase of the fluidity of the intercellular membranes, in the temperature range from 6 to about 50 degrees C. This effect becomes negligible at temperatures higher that ca. 60 degrees C. In large unilamelar vesicles of DPPC no significant changes could be observed with a miltefosine concentration 25% molar, in close analogy with the behavior of biomimetic vesicles prepared with bovine brain ceramide, behenic acid and cholesterol. In these last samples, a 25 mol% molar concentration of miltefosine produced only a modest decrease in the bilayer fluidity. Although miltefosine is not a feasible skin permeation enhancer due to its toxicity, the information provided in this work could be of utility in the development of a MT topical treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Support structures for dermal regeneration are composed of biodegradable and bioresorbable polymers, animal skin or tendons, or are bacteria products. The use of such materials is controversial due to their low efficiency. An important area within tissue engineering is the application of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to reparative surgery. The combined use of biodegradable membranes with stem cell therapy may lead to promising results for patients undergoing unsuccessful conventional treatments. Thus, the aim of this study was to test the efficacy of using membranes composed of anionic collagen with or without the addition of hyaluronic acid (HA) as a substrate for adhesion and in vitro differentiation of bone marrow-derived canine MSCs. The benefit of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on the differentiation of cells in culture was also tested. MSCs were collected from dog bone marrow, isolated and grown on collagen scaffolds with or without HA. Cell viability, proliferation rate, and cellular toxicity were analyzed after 7 days. The cultured cells showed uniform growth and morphological characteristics of undifferentiated MSCs, which demonstrated that MSCs successfully adapted to the culture conditions established by collagen scaffolds with or without HA. This demonstrates that such scaffolds are promising for applications to tissue regeneration. bFGF significantly increased the proliferative rate of MSCs by 63% when compared to groups without the addition of the growth factor. However, the addition of bFGF becomes limiting, since it has an inhibitory effect at high concentrations in culture medium.
Electrospinning is used to produce fibers in the nanometer range by stretching a polymeric jet using electric fields of high magnitude. Chitosan is an abundant natural polymer that can be used to obtain biocompatible nanostructured membranes. The objectives of this work were to obtain nanostructured membranes based on blends of chitosan and polyoxyethylene (PEO), and evaluate their thermal and morphological properties, as well as their in vitro biocompatibility by agar diffusion cytotoxicity tests for three different cell lines. A nanostructured fibrous membrane with fiber diameters in the order of 200 nm was obtained, which presented a rough surface and thickness ranging from one to two millimeters. The results of the cytotoxicity tests evidenced that the chitosan/PEO membranes are non-toxic to the cells studied in this work. Further, the electrospinning technique was effective in obtaining nanostructured chitosan/PEO membranes, which showed biocompatibility according to in vitro preliminary tests using the cell lines.
Biological membranes are constituted from lipid bilayers and proteins. Investigation of protein-membrane interaction, essential for biological function of cells, must rest upon solid knowledge of lipid bilayer behavior. Thus, extensive studies of an experimental model for membranes, lipid bilayers in water solution, have been undertaken in the last decades. These systems present structural, thermal and electrical properties which depend on temperature, ionic strength or concentration. In this talk, we shall discuss statistical models for lipid bilayers, as well as the relation between their properties and results for properties of lipid dispersions investigated by the laboratories supervised by Teresa Lamy (IF-USP) and Amando Ito (FFCL-USP).