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Fatigue was induced in the triceps brachii of the experimental arm by a regimen of either eccentric or concentric muscle actions. Estimates of force were assessed using a contralateral limb-matching procedure, in which target force levels (25 %, 50 % or 75 % of maximum) were defined by the unfatigued control arm. Maximum isometric force-generating capacity was reduced by 31 % immediately following eccentric contractions, and remained depressed at 24 (25 %) and 48 h (13 %) post-exercise. A less marked reduction (8.3 %) was observed immediately following concentric contractions. Those participants who performed prior eccentric contractions, consistently (at all force levels), and persistently (throughout the recovery period), overestimated the level of force applied by the experimental arm. In other words, they believed that they were generating more force than they actually achieved. When the forces applied by the experimental and the control arm, were each expressed as a proportion of the maximum force that could be attained at that time, the estimates matched extremely closely. This outcome is that which would be expected if the estimates of force were based on a sense of effort. Following eccentric exercise, the amplitude of the EMG activity recorded from the experimental arm was substantially greater than that recorded from the control arm. Cortically evoked potentials recorded from the triceps brachii (and extensor carpi radialis) of the experimental arm were also substantially larger than those elicited prior to exercise. The sense of effort was evidently not based upon a corollary of the central motor command. Rather, the relationship between the sense of effort and the motor command appears to have been altered as a result of the fatiguing eccentric contractions. It is proposed that the sense of effort is associated with activity in neural centres upstream of the motor cortex.


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There has been considerable interest in the literature regarding the function of transversus abdominis, the deepest of the abdominal muscles, and the clinical approach to training this muscle. With the development of techniques for the investigation of this muscle involving the insertion of fine-wire electromyographic electrodes under the guidance of ultrasound imaging it has been possible to test the hypotheses related to its normal function and function in people with low back pain. The purpose of this review is to provide an appraisal of the current evidence for the role of transversus abdominis in spinal stability, to develop a model of how the contribution of this muscle differs from the other abdominal muscles and to interpret these findings in terms of the consequences of changes in this function.


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In the present study we investigated tension regulation in the human soleus (SOL) muscle during controlled lengthening and shortening actions. Eleven subjects performed plantar flexor efforts on an ankle torque motor through 30 degrees of ankle displacement (75 degrees-105 degrees internal ankle angle) at lengthening and shortening velocities of 5, 15 and 30 degrees s(-1). To isolate the SOL from the remainder of the triceps surae, the subject's knee was flexed to 60 degrees during all trials. Voluntary plantar flexor efforts were performed under two test conditions: (1) maximal voluntary activation (MVA) of the SOL, and (2) constant submaximal voluntary activation (SVA) of the SOL. SVA trials were performed with direct visual feedback of the SOL electromyogram (EMG) at a level resulting in a torque output of 30% of isometric maximum. Angle-specific (90 degrees ankle angle) torque and EMG of the SOL, medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) were recorded. In seven subjects from the initial group, the test protocol was repeated under submaximal percutaneous electrical activation (SEA) of SOL (to 30% isometric maximal effort). Lengthening torques were significantly greater than shortening torques in all test conditions. Lengthening torques in MVA and SVA were independent of velocity and remained at the isometric level, whereas SEA torques were greater than isometric torques and increased at higher lengthening velocities. Shortening torques were lower than the isometric level for all conditions. However, whereas SVA and SEA torques decreased at higher velocities of shortening, MVA torques were independent of velocity. These results indicate velocity- and activation-type-specific tension regulation in the human SOL muscle.


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Three-dimensional trunk motion. trunk muscle electromyography and intra-abdominal pressure were evaluated to investigate the preparatory control of the trunk associated with voluntary unilateral upper limb movement. The directions of angular motion produced by moments reactive to limb movement in each direction were predicted using a three-dimensional model of the body. Preparatory motion of the trunk occurred in three dimensions in the directions opposite to the reactive moments. Electromyographic recordings from the superficial trunk muscles were consistent with preparatory trunk motion. However, activation of transversus abdominis was inconsistent with control of direction-specific moments acting on the trunk. The results provide evidence that anticipatory postural adjustments result in movements and not simple rigidification of the trunk. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In humans, when the stability of the trunk is challenged in a controlled manner by repetitive movement of a limb, activity of the diaphragm becomes tonic but is also modulated at the frequency of limb movement. In addition, the tonic activity is modulated by respiration. This study investigated the mechanical output of these components of diaphragm activity. Recordings were made of costal diaphragm, abdominal, and erector spinae muscle electromyographic activity; intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, and transdiaphragmatic pressures; and motion of the rib cage, abdomen, and arm. During limb movement the diaphragm and transversus abdominis were tonically active with added phasic modulation at the frequencies of both respiration and limb movement. Activity of the other trunk muscles was not modulated by respiration. Intra-abdominal pressure was increased during the period of limb movement in proportion to the reactive forces from the movement. These results show that coactivation of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles causes a sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure, whereas inspiration and expiration are controlled by opposing activity of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to vary the shape of the pressurized abdominal cavity.


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In humans, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is elevated during many everyday activities. This experiment aimed to investigate the extent to which increased IAP-without concurrent activity of the abdominal or back extensor muscles-produces an extensor torque. With subjects positioned in side lying on a swivel table with its axis at L3, moments about this vertebral level were measured when IAP was transiently increased by electrical stimulation of the diaphragm via the phrenic nerve. There was no electromyographic activity in abdominal and back extensor muscles. When IAP was increased artificially to similar to 15% of the maximum IAP amplitude that could be generated voluntarily with the trunk positioned in flexion, a trunk extensor moment (similar to6 Nm) was recorded. The size of the effect was proportional to the increase in pressure. The extensor moment was consistent with that predicted from a model based on measurements of abdominal cross-sectional area and IAP moment arm. When IAP was momentarily increased while the trunk was flexed passively at a constant velocity, the external torque required to maintain the velocity was increased. These results provide the first in vivo data of the amplitude of extensor moment that is produced by increased IAP. Although the net effect of this extensor torque in functional tasks would be dependent on the muscles used to increase the IAP and their associated flexion torque, the data do provide evidence that IAP contributes, at least in part, to spinal stability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To determine whether voluntary abdominal muscle contraction is associated with pelvic floor muscle activity. Design: Pelvic floor muscle activity was recorded during contractions of the abdominal muscles at 3 different intensities in supine and standing positions. Setting: Research laboratory. Participants: Six women and 1 man with no histories of lower back pain. Interventions: Not applicable. Main Outcome Measures: Electromyographic activity of the pelvic floor muscles was recorded with surface electrodes inserted into the anus and vagina. These recordings were corroborated by measurements of anal and vaginal pressures. Gastric pressure was recorded in 2 subjects. Results: Pelvic floor muscle electromyography increased with contraction of the abdominal muscles. With strong abdominal contraction, pelvic floor muscle activity did not differ from that recorded during a maximal pelvic floor muscle effort. The pressure recordings confirmed these data. The increase in pressure recorded in the anus and vagina preceded the pressure in the abdomen. Conclusions: In healthy subjects, voluntary activity in the abdominal muscles results in increased pelvic floor muscle activity. The increase in pelvic floor pressure before the increase in the abdomen pressure indicates that this response is preprogrammed. Dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles can result in urinary and fecal incontinence. Abdominal muscle training to rehabilitate those muscles may be useful in treating these conditions.


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This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet. phase W with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the recruitment behaviour of low threshold motor units in flexor digitorum superficialis by altering two biomechanical constraints: the load against which the muscle worked and the initial muscle length. The load was increased using isotonic (low load), loaded dynamic (intermediate load) and isometric (high load) contractions in two studies. The initial muscle position reflected resting muscle length in series A, and a longer length with digit III fully extended in series B. Intramuscular EMG was recorded from 48 single motor units in 10 experiments on five healthy subjects, 21 units in series A and,27 in series B, while subjects performed ramp up, hold and ramp down contractions. Increasing the load on the muscle decreased the force, displacement and firing rate of single motor units at recruitment at shorter muscle lengths (P < 0.001, dependent t-test). At longer muscle lengths this recruitment pattern was observed between loaded dynamic and isotonic contractions, but not between isometric and loaded dynamic contractions. Thus, the recruitment properties of single motor units in human flexor digitorum superficialis are sensitive to changes in both imposed external loads and the initial length of the muscle. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Because the structure of the spine is inherently unstable, muscle activation is essential for the maintenance of trunk posture and intervertebral control when the limbs are moved. To investigate how the central nervous system deals with this situation the temporal components of the response of the muscles of the trunk were evaluated during rapid limb movement performed in response to a visual stimulus. Fine-wire electromyography (EMG) electrodes were inserted into transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus abdominis (OI) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) of 15 subjects under the guidance of real-time ultrasound imaging. Surface electrodes were placed over rectus abdominis (RA), lumbar multifidus (MF) and the three parts of deltoid. In a standing position, ten repetitions of shoulder flexion, abduction and extension were performed by the subjects as fast as possible in response to a visual stimulus. The onset of TrA EMG occurred in advance of deltoid irrespective of the movement direction. The time to onset of EMC activity of OI, OE, RA and MF varied with the movement direction, being activated earliest when the prime action of the muscle opposed the reactive forces associated with the specific limb movement. It is postulated that the non-direction-specific contraction of TrA may be related to the control of trunk. stability independent of the requirement for direction-specific control of the centre of gravity in relation to the base of support.


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The purpose of this study was to describe, interpret and compare the EMG activation patterns of ankle muscles - tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL) and gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) - in volleyball players with and without ankle functional instability (FI) during landing after the blocking movement. Twenty-one players with FI (IG) and 19 controls (CG) were studied. The cycle of movement analyzed was the time period between 200 ms before and 200 ms after the time of impact determined by ground reaction forces. The variables were analyzed for two different phases: pre-landing (200 ms before impact) and post-landing (200 ms after impact). The RMS values and the timing of onset activity were calculated for the three studied muscles, in both periods and for both groups. The co-activation index for TA and PL, TA and GL were also calculated. Individuals with FI presented a lower RMS value pre-landing for PL (CG = 43.0 perpendicular to 22.0; IG = 26.2 perpendicular to 8.4, p < 0.05) and higher RMS value post-landing (CG = 47.5 perpendicular to 13.3; IG = 55.8 perpendicular to 21.6, p < 0.10). Besides that, in control group PL and GL activated first and simultaneously, and TA presented a later activation, while in subjects with FI all the three muscles activated simultaneously. There were no significant differences between groups for co-activation index. Thus, the rate of contraction between agonist and antagonist muscles is similar for subjects with and without FI but the activation individually was different. Volleyball players with functional instability of the ankle showed altered patterns of the muscles that play an important role in the stabilization of the foot-ankle complex during the performance of the blocking movement, to the detriment of the ligament complex, and this fact could explain the usual complaints in these subjects. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rapid shoulder movement is preceded by contraction of the abdominal muscles to prepare the body for the expected disturbance to postural equilibrium and spinal stability provoked by the reactive forces resulting from the movement. The magnitude of the reactive forces is proportional to the inertia of the limb. The aim of the study was to investigate if changes in the reaction time latency of the abdominal muscles was associated with variation in the magnitude of the reactive forces resulting from variation in limb speed. Fifteen participants performed shoulder flexion at three different speeds (fast, natural and slow). The onset of EMG of the abdominal muscles, erector spinae and anterior deltoid (AD) was recorded using a combination of fine-wire and surface electrodes. Mean and peak velocity was recorded for each limb movement speed for five participants. The onset of transversus abdominis (TrA) EMG preceded the onset of AD in only the fast movement condition. No significant difference in reaction time latency was recorded between the fast and natural speed conditions for all muscles. The reaction time of each of the abdominal muscles relative to AD was significantly delayed with the slow movement compared to the other two speeds. The results indicate that the reaction time latency of the trunk muscles is influenced by limb inertia only with limb movement below a threshold velocity.


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Queiroz BC, Cagliari MF, Amorim CF, Sacco IC. Muscle activation during four Pilates core stability exercises in quadruped position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91: 86-92. Objective: To compare the activity of stabilizing trunk and hip muscles in 4 variations of Pilates stabilizing exercises in the quadruped position. Design: Repeated-measures descriptive study. Setting: A biomechanics laboratory at a university school of medicine. Participants: Healthy subjects (N=19; mean age +/- SD, 31 +/- 5y; mean weight +/- SD, 60 +/- 11 kg; mean height +/- SD, 166 +/- 9cm) experienced in Pilates routines. Interventions: Surface electromyographic signals of iliocostalis, multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and external and internal oblique muscles were recorded in 4 knee stretch exercises: retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk; anteverted pelvis with extended trunk; neutral pelvis with inclined trunk; and neutral pelvis with trunk parallel to the ground. Main Outcome Measures: Root mean square values of each muscle and exercise in both phases of hip extension and flexion, normalized by the maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Results: The retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk position led to significantly increased external oblique and gluteus maximus muscle activation. The anteverted pelvis with trunk extension significantly increased multifidus muscle activity. The neutral pelvis position led to significantly lower activity of all muscles. Rectus abdominis muscle activation to maintain body posture was similar in all exercises and was not influenced by position of the pelvis and trunk. Conclusions: Variations in the pelvic and trunk positions in the knee stretch exercises change the activation pattern of the multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. The lower level of activation of the rectus abdominis muscle suggests that pelvic stability is maintained in the 4 exercise positions.


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Patella stabilizer muscle response and patellar kinematics were evaluated in 19 women with anterior knee pain (AKP) and 20 healthy women during maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) with the knee positioned at 15 degrees, 30 degrees and 45 degrees flexion during open (OKC) and closed (CKC) kinetic chain exercises. Patellar kinematics was evaluated through patellar tilt and displacement, and the electrical activity of patellar stabilizers through the root mean square normalized during MVIC and OKC with the knee at 90 degrees flexion. Data revealed that the vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO) was more active in the control group compared to the AKP group during OKC exercises with the knee at 45 degrees flexion. However, no difference in the patellar kinematics was observed between these groups; nevertheless, the correlation between these parameters also showed, with the knee at 45 degrees flexion, that lateral patellar tilt increase was associated with a reduction in the activity of lateral patellar stabilizers in the control group and with an increase in the VMO activity in the AKP group. In conclusion, electrical activity is an important factor in evaluating AKP and in AKP treatment evolution. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The purpose of this series was to determine the frequency of abductor mechanism avulsion by sonography after total hip arthroplasty with the Hardinge approach (J Bone Joint Surg Br 1982; 64:17-19) and its relationship to the presence of insufficiency of this musculature in the postoperative period. Methods. Thirty-four consecutive patients were prospectively accessed in the postoperative period of hip arthroplasty by the Trendelenburg test, hip sonography, and abductor muscle electromyography. In patients who were found to have clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature, we also measured the femoral offset in the preoperative and postoperative radiographs. Hip sonography was performed by an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist blinded to the other tests, and the tendons of the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus were visualized on longitudinal and transverse sections with a 7- to 10-MHz linear transducer. Results. Eight patients presented clinical insufficiency of the abductor musculature as detected by the Trendelenburg test. Four of these 8 patients with abductor insufficiency presented tendinous avulsion detected by sonography. One of the 4 patients with abductor insufficiency and normal sonographic findings had a decrease in the femoral offset caused by the arthroplasty itself. Two patients presented electromyographic changes of the abductor musculature, with no tendinous avulsion detected by sonography and no abductor insufficiency. Conclusions. We concluded that in patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty by the Hardinge approach in whom insufficiency of the abductor musculature develops, sonography is an interesting method of investigation because it identified the cause of this problem in most of our patients.