763 resultados para Electrochemical sensors
A nitrate selective electrode was prepared for use in an aggresive medium (high acidic or basic concentration). It is demonstrated that the depending E graph with respect to pNO3- has not a Nernstian response in concentration acidic range upper 0.1 mol/L H2SO4. The observed behaviour is supposed to be due to the formation of a dimeric anion HN2O6-.
This work describes the development of an alternative acetate bath for the electrochemical codeposition of Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes at low pH that is stable for several weeks and produces electrodes with good performance for chlor-alkali electrolysis. Physical characterization of the electrode surface was made using X ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis (EDX). The evaluation of the material as electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) was carried out in brine solution (160 g L-1 NaCl + 150 g L-1 NaOH) at different temperatures through steady-state polarization curves. The Ni-Cu-Fe electrodes obtained with this bath have shown low overpotentials for the her, around 0.150 V at 353 K, and good stability under continuous long-term operation for 260 hours. One positive aspect of this cathode is that the polarization behavior of the material shows only one Tafel slope over the temperature range of 298 - 353 K.
Electrodes consisting of Pt nanoparticles dispersed on thin films of niobium oxide were prepared onto titanium substrates by a sol-gel method. The physical characterization of these electrodes was carried out by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The mean size of the Pt particles was found to be 10.7 nm. The general aspects of the electrochemical behavior were studied by cyclic voltammetry in 1 mol L-1 HClO4 aqueous solution. The response of these electrodes in relation to the oxidation of formaldehyde and methanol in acidic media was also studied.
The electrochemical oxidation on platinum and platinum rhodium bimetallic electrodes was studied by Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry for several ethanol concentrations in solution. It is found that increasing the ethanol concentration the production of the partially oxidized products (acetaldehyde) increases as the concentration increases. On the other hand, addition of 25% at. of rhodium increases the full oxidation to CO2. Another interesting result observed is a correlation between the intensity of the dehydrogenations peak at 0.3 V vs. RHE and the CO2 yield for the different ethanol concentration studied.
TLC autographic assays revealed in the hexane extract of Iryanthera juruensis (Myristicaceae) the presence of two compounds, with antioxidant properties towards beta-carotene. They were isolated and identified as 3-methyl-sargachromenol (1) and sargachromenol (2). Further investigation of the hexane extract led to isolations of 3-methyl-sargaquinoic acid (3) and sargaquinoic acid (4). The electrochemical behaviour of these compounds was studied in CH2Cl2/Bu4NBF4 at glassy carbon electrode. The phenolic group in both tocotrienols 1 and 2 are oxidized at +0.23V and +0.32V and their oxidation potentials are correlated with the observed antioxidant activities and oxidation mechanism of alpha-tocopherol. The reductive voltametric behaviour of quinone function in both plastoquinones 3 and 4 is discussed.
The electrochemical reduction of p-nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride (NBSCl) in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) solution is used here as a model to investigate the role of sulfinic acid derivative in this compound's global reduction process. Cyclic voltammetric experiments reveal the production of sulfinic acid derivative, which is important in chemical reactions involving the original compound and other intermediates. This paper also discusses the probable mechanisms of the reduction.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli jalkauttaa Liqum Oy:n kehittämä Chemistry Navi-gator (Chena) kunnossapidon ja tuotannon päivittäiseksi työkaluksi prosessin märän pään kemian seurantaan. Chena – analysaattorin mittausteknologia perustuu hapetus – pelkistysreaktioiden mittaamiseen. Analysaattori mittaa paperimassassa olevien ionien ja ionikombinaatioiden konsentraatioita ja aktiivisuuksia kuudella anturilla, joiden toiminta perustuu sähkökemiallisiin muutoksiin mitattavassa näytteessä. Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli erityisesti Chena – järjestelmän toimintakuntoon saattaminen sekä tutkia minkälaisia muutoksia märkäosan kemian tilassa analysaattorilla voidaan havaita. Työn kirjallisuusosassa esitellään yleisesti paperikoneen märkäosan kemiallisia ilmiöitä ja kemian tilan muuttujia. Lisäksi esitellään yleisimpiä prosessiin annosteltavia paperin laatuun sekä prosessin toimivuuteen vaikuttavia kemikaaleja. Kokeellisessa osassa optimoitiin järjestelmässä olevien ajoparametrien raja-arvoja vastaamaan nykypäivän ajo-olosuhteita sekä tutkittiin miten Chenan signaalit reagoivat eri massasuhteilla ja kemikaaliannoksilla. Kokeellisen osassa suoritettujen askelvastekokeiden tulosten perusteella havait-tiin, että peroksidi ja ditioniitti antoivat voimakkaimmat vasteet Chenan signaaleihin varsinkin suuremmilla pitoisuuksilla. Myös retentio- ja vaahdonestoaineen osalta oli havaittavissa selviä vasteita Chenan signaaleissa. Massasuhteiden osalta merkittävimmät vasteet Chenan signaaleihin PK4:n puolella aiheuttivat täysin hylytön massaseos sekä puolet kokonaistilavuudesta päällystämätöntä hylkyä sisältänyt massaseos. PK7:n puolella voimakkaimmat vasteet aiheutuivat alhaisen hylkypitoisuuden massoista. Chena avulla saadaan uutta
Electrode kinetics and study of 'transition state' with applied potential in case of [M - antibiotics - cephalothin] system were reported at pH = 7.30 ± 0.01 at suitable supporting electrolyte at 25.0ºC. The M = Co or Ni and antibiotics were doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, minocycline, amoxicillin and chloramphenicol used as primary ligands and cephalothin as secondary ligand. Kinetic parameters viz. transfer coefficient (a), degree of irreversibility (l), diffusion coefficient (D) and rate constant (k) were determined. The values of a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.59 and 2.60 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.67 X 10-3 cm s-1 in case of [Co - antibiotics - cephalothin] system. In case of [Ni - antibiotics - cephalothin], a and k varied from 0.41 to 0.58 and 2.34 X 10-3 cm s-1 to 9.19 X 10-3 cm s-1 respectively confirmed that transition state behaves between oxidant and reductant response to applied potential and it adjusts it self in such a way that the same is located midway between dropping mercury electrode and solution interface. The values of rate constant confirmed the quasireversible nature of electrode processes. The stability constants (logb) of complexes were also determined.
Bis-(µ2-oxo)-tetrakis{[1-feniltriazene-1,3-diil)-2-(phenyltriazenil)benzene copper(II) is a tetranuclear complex which shows four Cu(II) ions coordinated by four 1,2-bis(phenyltriazene)benzene bridged ligands, with one diazoaminic deprotonated chain, and two O2- ligands. The complex reduces at E1/2 = -0.95 V vs Fc+/Fc, a two electrons process. Cyclic voltammetric and spectroelectrochemical studies showed a reversible process. When immobilized on carbon paste electrode, the complex electrocatalyses the reduction of O2 dissolved on aqueous solution at -0.3 V vs SCE potential. The obtained current shows linearity with O2 concentration.
In the work eddy current sensors are described and evaluated. Theoretical part includes physical basics of the eddy currents, overview of available commercial products and technologies. Industrial sensors operation was assessed based on several working modes. Apart from this, the model was created in Matlab Simulink with Xilinx Blockset and then translated into a Xilinx ISE Design Suite compatible project. The performance of the resulting implementation was compared to the existing implementation in the Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA board with the custom made sensor. Additionally, an introduction to FPGAs and VHDL is presented.
Vi omges i vardagen av alla sorters plaster, som kemiskt kallas för polymerer. Vi anknyter dem oftast till vardagliga föremål såsom muggar, leksaker eller platskassar. Det finns dock en särklass av polymerer som fås elektriskt ledande genom en så kallad dopningsprocess. Dopning innebär i detta fall oxidation eller reduktion av konjugerade dubbelbindningar i polymerstrukturen. Detta har lett till utveckling av elektriska apparater där dyra, och i vissa fall även sällsynta, metall och halvledarmaterial ersätts genom av elektriskt ledande polymerer (plaster). Utöver elektronisk ledningsförmåga uppvisar dessa polymerer också jonisk ledningsförmåga. Denna kombination av unika egenskaper möjliggör skapandet av t.ex. nya sensormaterial som kan överföra kemisk information till en mätbar elektronisk signal. Detta öppnar i sin tur möjligheter att göra snabba, billiga och känsliga sensorer för bl.a. mediciniska analyser. I denna avhandling karakteriserades elektrokemiskt och spektroelektrokemiskt N- och ring-substituerade polyanilinfilmer. Polyanilin (PANI) hör till de mest studerade elektriskt ledande polymererna. Den är stabil och lätt att framställa. Substituerade polyaniliner har ändå studerats måttligt, mest p.g.a. att substituerade PANIs ledningsförmåga är lägre än PANIs och deras framställning kan vara svår. De nya grupperna i PANI-kedjan ger dock en möjlighet att binda ytterligare molekyler av intresse till PANI-kedjan, som t.ex. jonselektiva grupper. Kovalent bundna selektiva molekyler ger upphov till stabila, känsliga och selektiva sensormaterial. Karakteriseringen av de studerade polymerer är viktig för den fundamentala förståelsen av deras unika egenskaper och för utvecklingen av framtidens sensormaterial. -------------------------------------- Käytämme joka päivä monenlaisia muoveja, joita kutsutaan kemiassa myös polymeereiksi. Olemme tottuneet yhdistämään muovit arkisiin esineisiin kuten mukeihin, leluihin tai muovikasseihin. On kuitenkin olemassa erityisiä polymeerejä, jotka voidaan saada sähköä johtaviksi hapetus- ja pelkistysreaktioiden avulla. Tästä johtuen on kehitteillä sähköisiä laitteita, joissa kalliit ja jossain tapauksissa myös harvinaisia metalleja sisältävät osat ja puolijohteet voidaan korvata johdepolymeereillä (eli muoveilla). Sähkönjohtavuuden lisäksi johdepolymeereillä on myös ionijohtavuutta. Näiden erityislaatuisten ominaisuuksien yhdistelmä on mahdollistanut mm. sensorimateriaalin kehittämisen, sillä kemiallinen tieto voidaan kääntää mitattavaksi sähköiseksi signaaliksi. Tämä taas omalta osaltaan mahdollistaisi nopeiden, halpojen ja herkkien sensorien valmistuksen, mm. diagnostiikkaan. Tässä väitöksessä on tutkittu sähkökemiallisesti valmistettuja N- ja rengassubstituoituja polyaniliinikalvoja. Polyaniliini (PANI) on yksi eniten tutkituista johdepolymeereistä. Se on stabiili ja helppo valmistaa. Substituoidut polyaniliinit ovat herättäneet vain kohtalaista tieteellistä kiinnostusta, lähinnä, koska niiden sähköinen johdekyky on alhaisempi kuin PANIn. Myös niiden valmistus voi olla vaikeaa. Substituoidut molekyylit PANI-ketjussa mahdollistavat kuitenkin, että niihin voi liittää uusia molekyylejä, esim. ioniherkkiä ryhmiä. Kovalentisti sitoutuneilla selektiivisillä molekyyleillä saadaan tehtyä stabiileja, herkkiä ja selektiivisiä sensorimateriaaleja. Väitöksessä käytettyjen polymeerien karakterisointi on tärkeää, jotta niiden erityisominaisuuksia pystyttäisiin ymmärtämään paremmin ja myös kehittämään sopivia tulevaisuuden sensorimateriaaleja.
Electrocoagulation is a process in which wastewater is treated under electrical current. Coagulant is formed during the process through the metal anode dissolution to respective ions which react with hydroxyl ions released in cathode. These metal hydroxides form complexes with pollutant ions. Pollutants are removed among metal hydroxide precipitates. This study was concentrated on describing chemistry and device structures in which electrochemical treatment operations are based on. Studied pollutants were nitrogen compounds, sulphate, trivalent and pentavalent arsenic, heavy metals, phosphate, fluoride, chloride, and bromide. In experimental part, removal of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate during electrochemical treatment was studied separately. Main objective of this study was to find suitable metal plate material for ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate removal, respectively. Also other parameters such as pH of solution, concentration of pollutant and sodium chloride, and current density were optimized. According to this study the most suitable material for ammonium and sulphate removal by electrochemical treatment was stainless steel. Respectively, iron was the optimum material for nitrate removal. Rise in the pH of solution at the final stage of electrochemical treatment of ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate was detected. Conductivities of solutions decreased during ammonium removal in electrochemical processes. When nitrate and sulphate were removed electrochemically conductivities of solutions increased. Concentrations of residual metals in electrochemically treated solutions were not significant. Based on this study electrochemical treatment processes are recommended to be used in treatment of industrial wastewaters. Treatment conditions should be optimized for each wastewater matrix.
Polarization curves experimentally obtained in the electro-dissolution of iron in a 1 M H2SO4 solution using a rotating disc as the working electrode present a current instability region within the range of applied voltage in which the current is controlled by mass transport in the electrolyte. According to the literature (Barcia et. al., 1992) the electro-dissolution process leads to the existence of a viscosity gradient in the interface metal-solution, which leads to a velocity field quantitatively different form the one developed in uniform viscosity conditions and may affect the stability of the hydrodynamic field. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether a steady viscosity profile, depending on the distance to the electrode surface, affects the stability properties of the classic velocity field near a rotating disc. Two classes of perturbations are considered: perturbations monotonically varying along the radial direction, and perturbations periodically modulated along the radial direction. The results show that the hydrodynamic field is always stable with respect to the first class of perturbations and that the neutral stability curves are modified by the presence of a viscosity gradient in the second case, in the sense of reducing the critical Reynolds number beyond which perturbations are amplified. This result supports the hypothesis that the current oscillations observed in the polarization curve may originate from a hydrodynamic instability.
The irrigation is a technique developed to supply the hydric needs of the plants. The use of the water should be optimized so that the culture just has enough for its growth, avoiding waste. The objective of this work was to characterize the behavior of capacitive sensors of humidity to monitor the moisture in the soils. In first instance, it was appraised sensors with dielectric built of synthetic pomes stone (Rd = 0,4 and Rd = 0,8) and of soil samples (Rd = 0,8 and Rd = 1,0), being the Rd parameter a geometric factor that relates the distance between the capacitor plates with radius of the plates. For the calibration, the sensors were installed in PVC recipient of cylindrical shape, filled with soil. The set (sensor and soil) was humidified by capillary effect and submitted by a natural drying very slowly. The parameter readings were taken daily, which allowed obtain the curves relating the humidity percentage, expressed in terms of dry weight, with the output voltage fort the sensor. The experiments were performed in sand soil and in dark red latossolo. The obtained results allowed to infer that the behavior of the sensor has a specific feature for each type of soil, being, therefore, necessary to develop a own calibration curve for the sensor, when used in soil with specific characteristic.
Polymeric materials that conduct electricity are highly interesting for fundamental studies and beneficial for modern applications in e.g. solar cells, organic field effect transistors (OFETs) as well as in chemical and bio‐sensing. Therefore, it is important to characterize this class of materials with a wide variety of methods. This work summarizes the use of electrochemistry also in combination with spectroscopic methods in synthesis and characterization of electrically conducting polymers and other π‐conjugated systems. The materials studied in this work are intended for organic electronic devices and chemical sensors. Additionally, an important part of the presented work, concerns rational approaches to the development of water‐based inks containing conducting particles. Electrochemical synthesis and electroactivity of conducting polymers can be greatly enhanced in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) in comparison to conventional electrolytes. Therefore, poly(para‐phyenylene) (PPP) was electrochemically synthesized in the two representative RTILs: bmimPF6 and bmiTf2N (imidazolium and pyrrolidinium‐based salts, respectively). It was found that the electrochemical synthesis of PPP was significantly enhanced in bmimPF6. Additionally, the results from doping studies of PPP films indicate improved electroactivity in bmimPF6 during oxidation (p‐doping) and in bmiTf2N in the case of reduction (n‐doping). These findings were supported by in situ infrared spectroscopy studies. Conducting poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) is a material which can provide relatively high field‐effect mobility of charge carriers in OFET devices. The main disadvantage of this n‐type semiconductor is its limited processability. Therefore in this work BBL was functionalized with poly(ethylene oxide) PEO, varying the length of side chains enabling water dispersions of the studied polymer. It was found that functionalization did not distract the electrochemical activity of the BBL backbone while the processability was improved significantly in comparison to conventional BBL. Another objective was to study highly processable poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) water‐based inks for controlled patterning scaled‐down to nearly a nanodomain with the intention to fabricate various chemical sensors. Developed PEDOT:PSS inks greatly improved printing of nanoarrays and with further modification with quaternary ammonium cations enabled fabrication of PEDOT:PSS‐based chemical sensors for lead (II) ions with enhanced adhesion and stability in aqueous environments. This opens new possibilities for development of PEDOT:PSS films that can be used in bio‐related applications. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a broad group of π‐conjugated materials consisting of aromatic rings in the range from naphthalene to even hundred rings in one molecule. The research on this type of materials is intriguing, due to their interesting optical properties and resemblance of graphene. The objective was to use electrochemical synthesis to yield relatively large PAHs and fabricate electroactive films that could be used as template material in chemical sensors. Spectroscopic, electrochemical and electrical investigations evidence formation of highly stable films with fast redox response, consisting of molecules with 40 to 60 carbon atoms. Additionally, this approach in synthesis, starting from relatively small PAH molecules was successfully used in chemical sensor for lead (II).