961 resultados para Electric power distribution systems
A edição dos procedimentos de distribuição de energia elétrica (PRODIST) confirmou a análise comparativa entre empresas de distribuição de energia elétrica estabelecida pela Resolução 024/2000 como base para o estabelecimento das metas dos indicadores de continuidade DEC (Índice de Duração Equivalente de Interrupção por Consumidor) e FEC (Índice de Frequência Equivalente de Interrupção por Consumidor). O estabelecimento das metas é influenciado diretamente pela definição dos conjuntos de unidades consumidoras das empresas de distribuição de energia elétrica, portanto, é de interesse das empresas distribuidoras uma boa definição desses conjuntos. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia baseada em técnicas de aprendizado de máquina que auxilie as empresas de distribuição de energia elétrica na tomada de decisão da definição de conjuntos de unidades consumidoras objetivando melhor compatibilidade das metas para os indicadores de DEC e FEC com a realidade dos conjuntos em relação às características ambientais e de infra-estrutura da área de concessão da empresa distribuidora.
Nos últimos anos, o desenvolvimento sócio econômico da Região Sudeste do Estado do Pará, tem sido causado principalmente pela exploração e processamento industrial de minérios, que agregado ao crescimento populacional, tem gerado grande evolução na demanda do consumo de energia elétrica, devido à instalação cada vez mais crescente de novas cargas industriais, comerciais, residenciais e rurais monofásicas. Todo esse aumento de carga já está impactando diretamente o desempenho das subestações distribuidoras da Concessionária de Energia Elétrica, no que tange a manifestação de distúrbios de regime permanente causados por harmônicas, tais como zumbidos em transformador de força e rompimento de condutores de média tensão. Estes distúrbios são apresentado em um estudo de caso envolvendo as Subestações (SE´s) Itacaiúnas e Itupiranga. Para comprovar a nocividade desses distúrbios nessas SE´s, foram realizadas campanhas de medição para obtenção de resultados práticos e, então, executadas simulações envolvendo estudos de curtocircuito, fluxo de carga e propagação de harmônicos, de forma a se obter um diagnóstico analítico sobre as situações encontradas e assim, ser possível emitir recomendações para a mitigação dos problemas detectados. Este trabalho será de grande valia à Concessionária de Energia Elétrica, podendo ser tomado como uma das referências para estudos de qualidade de energia elétrica, em outras subestações, além de dar embasamento experimental às futuras cobranças da ANEEL, com relação à implantação dos Procedimentos de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica no Sistema Elétrico Nacional (PRODIST).
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
In an ever more competitive environment, power distribution companies must satisfy two conflicting objectives: minimizing investment costs and the satisfaction of reliability targets. The network reconfiguration of a distribution system is a technique that well adapts to this new deregulated environment for it allows improvement of reliability indices only opening and closing switches, without the onus involved in acquiring new equipment. Due to combinatorial explosion problem characteristic, in the solution are employed metaheuristics methods, which converge to optimal or quasi-optimal solutions, but with a high computational effort. As the main objective of this work is to find the best configuration(s) of the distribution system with the best levels of reliability, the objective function used in the metaheuristics is to minimize the LOLC - Loss Of Load Cost, which is associated with both, number and duration of electric power interruptions. Several metaheuristics techniques are tested, and the tabu search has proven to be most appropriate to solve the proposed problem. To characterize computationally the problem of the switches reconfiguring was developed a vector model (with integers) of the representation of the switches, where each normally open switch is associated with a group of normally closed switches. In this model simplifications have been introduced to reduce computational time and restrictions were made to exclude solutions that do not supply energy to any load point of the system. To check violation of the voltage and loading criteria a study of power flow for the ten best solutions is performed. Also for the ten best solutions a reliability evaluation using Monte Carlo sequential simulation is performed, where it is possible to obtain the probability distributions of the indices and thus calculate the risk of paying penalty due to not meeting the goals. Finally, the methodology is applied in a real Brazilian distribution network, and the results are discussed.
Distribution networks are formed by long lines that carry electricity substations to homes and industries. These lines have associated impedance and depending on operating conditions of the network these impedances may vary. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the effects observed in studies of voltage drop, short circuit and electrical losses, when considered the drivers sequence impedances used in primary distribution network at different temperatures. Therefore, it is initially presented a calculation methodology and details the factors that influence the final values. The methodology presented tackles in a practical way the main factors that directly or indirectly influence the values of the impedances as an emblematic example and will be properly dealt with throughout the paper is the effect of temperature on the values of the sequence impedances. More specifically is dealt with the case of XLPE cables protected, by having a higher maximum operating temperature than the operating temperature of the network. The effects observed in the power flow generated when considering the impedance values at both temperatures were analyzed. The impedance drivers tend to increase with increasing temperature. Thus the impedance of the conductor XLPE protected will tend to be greater for the maximum operating temperature for which the operating temperature of the network, resulting in greater voltage drop and higher electrical losses
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations
The public consultation n° 018/2014, for review the Module 8 of Procedures of Electricity Distribution (PRODIST), conducted by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), aims to improve the regulation of power quality, considering the phenomena harmonic distortion, voltage unbalance, voltage fluctuation and short term voltage variation. These regulatory changes impact in the way of analysis and treatment, of power quality disruption, by the electricity distribution. The developed work makes a study about the applications of these new regulatory requests and hopes to contribute with a better understanding. Through power quality measurements, in distribution substations, with different load profiles (industrial, urban and rural), was obtained a real view of the system, under the aspect of power quality, to evaluate the regulation adherence to the current version and proposed. In this case study, although being in accordance with the current methodology, happened a transgression of propose. With a comparative analysis, was possible to identify some phenomena that were more flexible in the proposed revision and others with more severe monitoring
The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations
The public consultation n° 018/2014, for review the Module 8 of Procedures of Electricity Distribution (PRODIST), conducted by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), aims to improve the regulation of power quality, considering the phenomena harmonic distortion, voltage unbalance, voltage fluctuation and short term voltage variation. These regulatory changes impact in the way of analysis and treatment, of power quality disruption, by the electricity distribution. The developed work makes a study about the applications of these new regulatory requests and hopes to contribute with a better understanding. Through power quality measurements, in distribution substations, with different load profiles (industrial, urban and rural), was obtained a real view of the system, under the aspect of power quality, to evaluate the regulation adherence to the current version and proposed. In this case study, although being in accordance with the current methodology, happened a transgression of propose. With a comparative analysis, was possible to identify some phenomena that were more flexible in the proposed revision and others with more severe monitoring
Esta dissertação tem por propósito analisar os impactos da geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e sobre a proteção das redes de média tensão das concessionárias de distribuição de energia elétrica usando uma abordagem paramétrica. A principal motivação deste trabalho são os recentes incentivos regulatórios que estão fomentando a geração distribuída no Brasil. Contudo, as redes de distribuição convencionais foram projetadas para serem passivas e a introdução da geração poderá causar problemas de ordem técnica que ainda precisam ser resolvidos. Tais problemas foram pesquisados e aqueles relacionados com os impactos sobre as correntes de curto-circuito foram enfatizados. As normas técnicas das concessionárias também foram investigadas porque seus requisitos, como a ligação dos transformadores de acoplamento, influem nas correntes de curto-circuito. Para se calcular as correntes de curto-circuito, desenvolveu-se uma planilha eletrônica cujos resultados foram validados com programas comerciais de análise de redes elétricas. Esta ferramenta foi utilizada para demonstrar, através de exemplos, o impacto causado pela geração distribuída sobre as correntes de curto-circuito e, posteriormente, para realizar as análises paramétricas nas quais a influência de cada variável foi avaliada. A aplicação do método paramétrico permitiu o estudo de possíveis limites para a potência de um gerador distribuído em função dos impactos admissíveis, de seu ponto de conexão, de seus parâmetros elétricos e dos parâmetros elétricos da rede.
"October 1981."
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