855 resultados para Ecological speciation


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The underlying cause of many human autoimmune diseases is unknown, but several environmental factors are implicated in triggering the self-destructive immune reactions. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, potentially leading to persistent neurological deterioration. The cause of MS is not known, and apart from immunomodulatory treatments there is no cure. In the early phase of the disease, relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) is characterized by unpredictable exacerbations of the neurological symptoms called relapses, which can occur at different intervals ranging from 4 weeks to several years. Microbial infections are known to be able to trigger MS relapses, and the patients are instructed to avoid all factors that might increase the risk of infections and to properly use antibiotics as well as to take care of dental hygiene. Among those environmental factors which are known to increase susceptibility to infections, high ambient air inhalable particulate matter levels affect all people within a geographical region. During the period of interest in this thesis, the occurrence of MS relapses could be effectively reduced by injections of interferon, which has immunomodulatory and antiviral properties. In this thesis, ecological and epidemiological analyses were used to study the possible connection between MS relapse occurrence, population level viral infections and air quality factors, as well as the effects of interferon medication. Hospital archive data were collected retrospectively from 1986-2001, a period in time ranging from when interferon medication first became available until just before other disease-modifying MS therapies arrived on the market. The grouped data were studied with logistic regression and intervention analysis, and individual patient data with survival analysis. Interferons proved to be effective in the treatment of MS in this observational study, as the amount of MS exacerbations was lower during interferon use as compared to the time before interferon treatment. A statistically significant temporal relationship between MS relapses and inhalable particular matter (PM10) concentrations was found in this study, which implies that MS patients are affected by the exposure to PM10. Interferon probably protected against the effect of PM10, because a significant increase in the risk of exacerbations was only observed in MS patients without interferon medication following environmental exposure to population level specific viral infections and PM10. Apart from being antiviral, interferon could thus also attenuate the enhancement of immune reactions caused by ambient air PM10. The retrospective approach utilizing carefully constructed hospital records proved to be an economical and reliable source of MS disease information for statistical analyses.


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A new sensitive and selective procedure for speciation of trace dissolved Fe(III) and Fe(II), using modified octadecyl silica membrane disks and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. A ML3 complex is formed between the ligand and Fe(III) responsible for extraction of metal ion on the disk. Various factors influencing the separation of iron were investigated and the optimized operation conditions were established. Under optimum conditions, an enrichment factor of 166 was obtained for Fe3+ ions. The calibration graph using the preconcentration system for Fe3+ was linear between 40.0 and 1000.0 μg L-1.


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In this study the BEST7 software was employed to quantify different classes of functional groups and to model the proton titration behavior of humic substances. To illustrate the process, the Suwannee River fulvic acid of the IHSS (International Humic Substances Society) was used. Five categories - two classes of phenolic groups (phenol and cathecol), two classes of carboxylic groups (benzoic and phtalic) and the combination between them (salicylic) - of oxygenated groups were considered as being responsible for the potentiometric behavior of the sample and were quantitatively determined. The most and the least abundant groups were cathecol (3.300 ± 0.010 mmol g-1) and phenol (1.225 ± 0.070 mmol g-1), respectively. The estimated equilibrium constants were also determined and were in good agreement with the literature values for phenol and cathecol groups and for benzoic, phtalic and salicylic acids. Distribution diagrams of the species were generated with the software SPE and SPEPLOT.


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After listing the five key elements of ecological restoration, ecology, economics, social values, cultural values, and politics, I celebrate the fact that in Brazil there is legislation on how to perform ecological restoration of degraded tropical forests, as well as an ongoing dialogue among legislators and scientists about this legislation, and also a lively debate among scientists as the best way forward, referring to articles by Brancalion et al. (2010) and Durigan et al. (2010) in this issue of Revista Árvore. Legislators elsewhere, especially megadiversity countries, should take note. I do not take sides in the debate; I think both groups of authors make very good points. Instead I call on the scientists and legislators concerned with restoration to ponder five strategic tools: A. Start with clear concepts. B. Decide where you want to go and why. C. Negotiate who should benefit & how, and who should pay, how, & why. D. Work out how an honest cost-benefit analysis of restoration would look, regardless of the biome in which you are working. Finally, figure out how to make the restoration immediately attractive for private landowners. Otherwise, they will not cooperate as fully as they could or should, and restoration efforts will not achieve its full potential.


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The objective of this study was to obtain homogeneous groups of species and information on their density, dominance and volume, in terms of ecological group and diameter structure of an area of Submontane Semideciduous forest (Mata do Mumbaça) in Dionísio, MG. This work was conducted with data of the diameter distribution per species from floristic and phytosociological (Mata do Mumbaça) survey of 120 plots with 10 x 10 m each one. The 120 plots were contiguous and corresponding to a total sample area of 12,000 m² distributed over the topographic units (Low Ramp, Lower Slope, Upper Slope and Hill Top). The topographic units Low Ramp, Lower Slope and Upper Slope were in the middle stage of succession as they presented incipient stratification into two strata (canopy and understory) i.e. canopy ranging from 5 to 12 m high. However, the stratum Hill Top was classified as intermediate/advanced succession because it had a total height equal to or greater than 12 m. The distribution of individual trees of the four strata on diameter classes showed a typical J-inverted pattern that is, high concentration of individuals in smaller diameter classes and a sharp reduction towards the larger classes. In relation to absolute dominance and total volume of species, the ecological group that stood out in the four strata (Low Ramp, Lower Slope, Upper Slope and Hill Top) was the initial secondary, which were in the intermediate stage of secondary, rapidly developing into the mature phase.


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The bioavailability of metals and their potential for environmental pollution depends not simply on total concentrations, but is to a great extent determined by their chemical form. Consequently, knowledge of aqueous metal species is essential in investigating potential metal toxicity and mobility. The overall aim of this thesis is, thus, to determine the species of major and trace elements and the size distribution among the different forms (e.g. ions, molecules and mineral particles) in selected metal-enriched Boreal river and estuarine systems by utilising filtration techniques and geochemical modelling. On the basis of the spatial physicochemical patterns found, the fractionation and complexation processes of elements (mainly related to input of humic matter and pH-change) were examined. Dissolved (<1 kDa), colloidal (1 kDa-0.45 μm) and particulate (>0.45 μm) size fractions of sulfate, organic carbon (OC) and 44 metals/metalloids were investigated in the extremely acidic Vörå River system and its estuary in W Finland, and in four river systems in SW Finland (Sirppujoki, Laajoki, Mynäjoki and Paimionjoki), largely affected by soil erosion and acid sulfate (AS) soils. In addition, geochemical modelling was used to predict the formation of free ions and complexes in these investigated waters. One of the most important findings of this study is that the very large amounts of metals known to be released from AS soils (including Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Si, U and the lanthanoids) occur and can prevail mainly in toxic forms throughout acidic river systems; as free ions and/or sulfate-complexes. This has serious effects on the biota and especially dissolved Al is expected to have acute effects on fish and other organisms, but also other potentially toxic dissolved elements (e.g. Cd, Cu, Mn and Ni) can have fatal effects on the biota in these environments. In upstream areas that are generally relatively forested (higher pH and contents of OC) fewer bioavailable elements (including Al, Cu, Ni and U) may be found due to complexation with the more abundantly occurring colloidal OC. In the rivers in SW Finland total metal concentrations were relatively high, but most of the elements occurred largely in a colloidal or particulate form and even elements expected to be very soluble (Ca, K, Mg, Na and Sr) occurred to a large extent in colloidal form. According to geochemical modelling, these patterns may only to a limited extent be explained by in-stream metal complexation/adsorption. Instead there were strong indications that the high metal concentrations and dominant solid fractions were largely caused by erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates. A strong influence of AS soils, known to exist in the catchment, could be clearly distinguished in the Sirppujoki River as it had very high concentrations of a metal sequence typical of AS soils in a dissolved form (Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Rb and Sr). In the Paimionjoki River, metal concentrations (including Ba, Cs, Fe, Hf, Pb, Rb, Si, Th, Ti, Tl and V; not typical of AS soils in the area) were high, but it was found that the main cause of this was erosion of metal bearing phyllosilicates and thus these metals occurred dominantly in less toxic colloidal and particulate fractions. In the two nearby rivers (Laajoki and Mynäjoki) there was influence of AS soils, but it was largely masked by eroded phyllosilicates. Consequently, rivers draining clay plains sensitive to erosion, like those in SW Finland, have generally high background metal concentrations due to erosion. Thus, relying on only semi-dissolved (<0.45 μm) concentrations obtained in routine monitoring, or geochemical modelling based on such data, can lead to a great overestimation of the water toxicity in this environment. The potentially toxic elements that are of concern in AS soil areas will ultimately be precipitated in the recipient estuary or sea, where the acidic metalrich river water will gradually be diluted/neutralised with brackish seawater. Along such a rising pH gradient Al, Cu and U will precipitate first together with organic matter closest to the river mouth. Manganese is relatively persistent in solution and, thus, precipitates further down the estuary as Mn oxides together with elements such as Ba, Cd, Co, Cu and Ni. Iron oxides, on the contrary, are not important scavengers of metals in the estuary, they are predicted to be associated only with As and PO4.


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Dioctophymosis is a worldwide renal parasitosis caused by the Dioctophyma renale nematode, which results in progressive destruction of renal tissue. Aquatics annelids are considered the main intermediate hosts and the literature refers as permanent hosts of dogs, wild mammals and even humans. During procedures for population control of coatis (Nasua nasua) in the Ecological Park of Tietê (PET), was noticed the presence of parasitosis by D. renale. From 68 animals, males and females, young and adults, submitted to exploratory laparotomy, 51 were positive for the presence of worms, 9 were found only in the right kidney. In 10 cases, in addition to right kidney parasitism, worms were also observed in the abdominal cavity. In 24 cases D. renale was found only in the abdominal cavity and in 8 animals the right kidney was reduced to a small rigid structure. The study showed that the preferred site for parasitism of the worm, considered erratic, was the abdominal cavity in 66.66% of the cases.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular parasite protozoan. A large percentage of animals presents specific antibodies caused by a previous exposition, resulting in a chronic infection. Felides are the definitive hosts and the other warm-blooded animals, including primates, are the intermediate hosts. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of T. gondii infection in free-living tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) from an ecological station located on Mata de Santa Teresa, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. T. gondii antibodies were analyzed by modified agglutination test (MAT) in serum samples of 36 tufted capuchin monkeys, considering eight as cut-off titer. From the studied animals, 3/36 (8.33%; CI95% 3.0-21.9%) presented T. gondii antibodies, all with titer 32. No significative difference was observed relating to the sex (1/3 male and 2/3 female), and to the age (1/3 young and 2/3 adult) (P>0.05). Thus, these results demonstrate the presence of T. gondii antibodies in primates from São Paulo state.


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An understanding of seed germination ecology of weeds can assist in predicting their potential distribution and developing effective management strategies. Influence of environmental factors and seed size on germination and seedling emergence of Convolvulus arvensis (field bindweed) was studied in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Germination occurred over a wide range of constant temperatures, between 15 and 40 ºC, with optimum germination between 20 and 25 ºC. Time to start germination, time to 50% germination and mean germination time increased while germination percentage and germination index decreased with an increase in temperature from 20 ºC, salinity and osmotic stress. However, germination was tolerant to low salt (25 mM) or osmotic stress (0.2 MPa), but as salinity and osmotic stress increased, germination percentage and germination index decreased. Seeds of C. arvensis placed at soil surface showed maximum emergence and decreased as seeding depth increased. Seeds of C. arvensis germinated over a wide range of pH (4 to 9) but optimum germination occurred at pH 6 to 8. Under highly alkaline and acidic pH, time to start germination, time to 50% germination and mean germination time increased while germination percentage and germination index decreased. Increase in field capacity caused decreased time to start germination, time to 50% germination and mean germination time but increased germination percentage and germination index. Bigger seeds had low time to start germination, time to 50% germination and mean germination time but high germination percentage and germination index. Smaller seeds were more sensitive to environmental factors as compared to larger or medium seeds. It can be concluded that except for pH, all environmental factors and seed sizes adversely affect C. arvensis as regards seed germination or emergence and germination or emergence traits, and larger seeds result in improved stand establishment and faster germination than small seeds, regardless of moisture stress or deeper seeding depth.


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Trianthema portulacastrum is a very problematic summer crop weed and a complete crop failure has been observed because of this weed at high density. The effect of different ecological factors on germination of T. portulacastrum seeds collected in two different years (2009 and 2005) was studied in laboratory experiments. An increase in temperature from 25 to 35 ºC increased germination percentage of T. portulacastrum from 65 to 85%, after which germination started to decrease, reducing to 71.25% at 45 ºC. Trianthema portulacastrum had maximum germination with distilled water compared with different salt solutions and drought stress levels. Germination was significantly minimum at salinity and drought stress level of 250 mM and -0.8 MPa, respectively. Emergence of T. portulacastrum was maximum (86.25%) at 100% field capacity level but decreased sharply as field capacity decreased thereafter, and minimum emergence (30%) was recorded at field capacity level of 25%. Germination of T. portulacastrum was lowest at pH 5 and any increase in pH resulted in increased germination. A pH range of 8 to 10 had statistically similar germination. Sowing depth of 6 cm reduced the emergence of T. portulacastrum to zero. Reduction in emergence was recorded with depth increase from zero to 5 cm. Maximum emergence was recorded from soil surface (0 cm). An increase in temperature, salinity, drought, sowing depth (up to 4 cm) and a decrease in field capacity increased time to start germination/emergence, time to 50% germination/emergence and mean germination/emergence time but decreased germination/emergence index. Seeds collected during 2009 gave higher germination than old seeds collected in 2005. This information might contribute to development of effective control of T. portulacastrum.


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ABSTRACTThe conclusion of the dam project located in Alqueva, in Southern Portugal, has resulted in a significant increase of new irrigated areas, since 2006. This has meant that, in recent years, there have been progressive flora changes in farming systems traditionally implemented in the Alentejo region. The present work has analyzed the weed flora in an early stage of these changes, and the impact of environmental factors on the distribution of natural vegetation under Mediterranean climate conditions in the influence area of Alqueva. In 2007, 105 floristic surveys were carried out in autumn-winter crop plots or other soil use, and 264 species were identified. Families with higher expression were: Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae. Only three species have been identified in more than half of farms, Avena sterilis, Phalaris minor and Lolium rigidum and they were part of the 15 species that revealed high and very high infestation degrees. Soil texture and extractable phosphorus have been determined as active ecological factors, according to the method of ecological profiles and Mutual Information. Therefore, these factores were those with the greatest influence on the species distribution. L.rigidum distribution showed to be associated with medium soil texture and A.sterilis distribution also showed to be associated with medium and fine soil texture soils, without showing ecological preference by extractable phosphorus. The distribution of P.minorwas not related to the soil texture but showed preference for soils with medium phosphorus content.


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A hundred seventy two stream reaches from six distinct natural regions (parts of biomes or geological areas) in São Paulo State (Atlantic Rainforest, Cerrado, Hard Water regions, Northwest region, Subtropical Rainforest, and Tropical Rainforest) were searched for the most representative macroscopic Cyanophyceae of phytobenthic communities. Selected ecological parameters were analyzed in each stream segment: conductance, current velocity, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, and water temperature. Algal abundance was evaluated as percentage cover. Thirthy four cyanophyte taxa were identified and Phormidium retzii was the most widespread species throughout the State, occurring in all studied regions, except in hard water areas, and was negatively correlated to conductance. The subtropical Rainforest region presented the highest mean species richness per site, whereas the tropical Rainforest region had the highest abundance (percentage cover) of blue-green algae. Correlation tests revealed that conductance was significantly and negatively related to variations in abundance and richness of cyanophyte in streams of São Paulo State. This relationship probably reflects the ability of blue-green algae to grow at medium to low ion content and to take advantage under nutrient stress conditions.


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We examined the ecological distribution of macroalgal communities in streams using species groups (taxonomic units = algal phyla, and morphological = morphological types) with similar structures and functions instead of the species themselves. The study was conducted from June to July/2007 in two drainage basins located in mid-southern region of Paraná State , Brazil. Evaluations of macroalgal communities took into consideration the following spatial scales: the drainage basin (the Pedras river and Marrecas river basins), shading regime (open and shaded stream segments), mesohabitats (riffles and pools), and microhabitats (sampling units of 0.05m2). A total of 29 taxa (23 subgeneric, one generic, and five vegetative groups) were identified. On these, 12 taxa belong to Chlorophyta, 11 to Cyanobacteria, four to Heterokontophyta, and two to Rhodophyta. The proportions of morphological types were: 24% free filaments, 17.25% mats, tufts, gelatinous colonies, and gelatinous filaments, 7% crusts. In terms of spatial scales, we observed a predominance of Chlorophyta in open stream segments and Cyanobacteria in shaded stream segments, reflecting the loss of competitive advantage of green algae in sites with low energy availability. In the mesohabitats, the morphological types recorded in pools were predominantly poorly adapted to fast currents (free filaments), while those found in riffles (mats, tufts and gelatinous filaments) were highly resistant to fast water flows. As such, the use of species groupings based on algal taxonomy associated with morphological characteristics proved to be useful to understanding the distributions of these organisms in lotic environments.