764 resultados para ENERGÍA ELÉCTRICA
In this paper we present a heterogeneous collaborative sensor network for electrical management in the residential sector. Improving demand-side management is very important in distributed energy generation applications. Sensing and control are the foundations of the “Smart Grid” which is the future of large-scale energy management. The system presented in this paper has been developed on a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead-acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. Therefore, there is a large number of energy variables to be monitored that allow us to precisely manage the energy performance of the house by means of collaborative sensors. The experimental results, performed on a real house, demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed collaborative system to reduce the consumption of electrical power and to increase energy efficiency.
In this work, we propose the Seasonal Dynamic Factor Analysis (SeaDFA), an extension of Nonstationary Dynamic Factor Analysis, through which one can deal with dimensionality reduction in vectors of time series in such a way that both common and specific components are extracted. Furthermore, common factors are able to capture not only regular dynamics (stationary or not) but also seasonal ones, by means of the common factors following a multiplicative seasonal VARIMA(p, d, q) × (P, D, Q)s model. Additionally, a bootstrap procedure that does not need a backward representation of the model is proposed to be able to make inference for all the parameters in the model. A bootstrap scheme developed for forecasting includes uncertainty due to parameter estimation, allowing enhanced coverage of forecasting intervals. A challenging application is provided. The new proposed model and a bootstrap scheme are applied to an innovative subject in electricity markets: the computation of long-term point forecasts and prediction intervals of electricity prices. Several appendices with technical details, an illustrative example, and an additional table are available online as Supplementary Materials.
The liberalization of electricity markets more than ten years ago in the vast majority of developed countries has introduced the need of modelling and forecasting electricity prices and volatilities, both in the short and long term. Thus, there is a need of providing methodology that is able to deal with the most important features of electricity price series, which are well known for presenting not only structure in conditional mean but also time-varying conditional variances. In this work we propose a new model, which allows to extract conditionally heteroskedastic common factors from the vector of electricity prices. These common factors are jointly estimated as well as their relationship with the original vector of series, and the dynamics affecting both their conditional mean and variance. The estimation of the model is carried out under the state-space formulation. The new model proposed is applied to extract seasonal common dynamic factors as well as common volatility factors for electricity prices and the estimation results are used to forecast electricity prices and their volatilities in the Spanish zone of the Iberian Market. Several simplified/alternative models are also considered as benchmarks to illustrate that the proposed approach is superior to all of them in terms of explanatory and predictive power.
Las principales ventajas de los reactores de espectro neutrónico rápido refrigerados por metales líquidos (por ejemplo sodio) no sólo consisten en un eficiente uso del combustible por medio de la reproducción de material físil y de la utilización de uranio natural o empobrecido, sino que además logran reducir la cantidad de actínidos como el Americio o Neptunio, presentes en el combustible irradiado. El primer aspecto se traduce en una garantía de suministro de combustible prácticamente ilimitada, mientras que el segundo es importante porque estos elementos son los responsables de una gran parte de la actividad del combustible irradiado. La posibilidad de contar con un parque de reactores rápidos posibilitaría que la estrategia de ciclo de combustible no tuviese que ser necesariamente de tipo abierto, como en la mayoría de los países que cuentan con energía nuclear, sino una variación del ciclo cerrado avanzado donde el plutonio y los actínidos minoritarios separados del combustible irradiado forman parte del nuevo combustible que generará energía eléctrica. En este trabajo se analiza un hipotético escenario de generación en España, comprobando si un parque de dichos reactores resolvería algunos de los retos con los que la energía nuclear de fisión actual se enfrenta, ya que, como se ha dicho anteriormente, este tipo de reactores mejoran la seguridad, garantizan el suministro y gestionan más eficientemente tanto su propio combustible como el combustible irradiado en los reactores LWR actuales. A continuación se presentan las características y objetivos de los sistemas innovadores de Gen‐IV, entre los que se encuentran los reactores rápidos más avanzados, que dan un salto en concepto y en tecnología respecto a los reactores de Generación III+. Posteriormente se presenta una descripción del caso nuclear español y finalmente se detallan los resultados del estudio mostrando qué efectos tendría este escenario sobre el aprovechamiento y necesidades del combustible, así como sobre la reducción del inventario radioisotópico del combustible gastado ya existente y producido por la propia generación de reactores rápidos.
This paper describes a practical activity, part of the renewable energy course where the students have to build their own complete wind generation system, including blades, PM-generator, power electronics and control. After connecting the system to the electric grid the system has been tested during real wind scenarios. The paper will describe the electric part of the work surface-mounted permanent magnet machine design criteria as well as the power electronics part for the power control and the grid connection. A Kalman filter is used for the voltage phase estimation and current commands obtained in order to control active and reactive power. The connection to the grid has been done and active and reactive power has been measured in the system.
The main objective of this paper is to review the state of the art of residential PV systems in France and Belgium. This is done analyzing the operational data of 10650 PV systems (9657 located in France and 993 in Belgium). Three main questions are posed. How much energy do they produce? What level of performance is associated to their production? Which are the key parameters that most influence their quality? During the year 2010, the PV systems in France have produced a mean annual energy of 1163 kWh/kWp in France and 852 kWh/kWp in Belgium. As a whole, the orientation of PV generators causes energy productions to be some 7% inferior to optimally oriented PV systems. The mean Performance Ratio is 76% in France and 78% in Belgium, and the mean Performance Index is 85% in both countries. On average, the real power of the PV modules falls 4.9% below its corresponding nominal power announced on the manufacturer?s datasheet. A brief analysis by PV modules technology has lead to relevant observations about two technologies in particular. On the one hand, the PV systems equipped with Heterojunction with Intrinsic. Thin layer (HIT) modules show performances higher than average. On the other hand, the systems equipped with Copper Indium (di)Selenide (CIS) modules show a real power that is 16 % lower than their nominal value.
In this paper, the dynamic response of a hydro power plant for providing secondary regulation reserve is studied in detail. Special emphasis is given to the elastic water column effects both in the penstock and the tailrace tunnel. For this purpose, a nonlinear model based on the analogy between mass and momentum conservation equations of a water conduit and those of wave propagation in transmission lines is used. The influence of the plant configuration and design parameters on the fulfilment of the Spanish Electrical System Operator requirements is analysed
Environmental constraints imposed on hydropoweroperation are usually given in the form of minimum environmental flows and maximum and minimum rates of change of flows, or ramp rates. One solution proposed to mitigate the environmental impact caused by the flows discharged by a hydropower plant while reducing the economic impact of the above-mentioned constraints consists in building a re-regulationreservoir, or afterbay, downstream of the power plant. Adding pumpingcapability between the re-regulationreservoir and the main one could contribute both to reducing the size of the re-regulationreservoir, with the consequent environmental improvement, and to improving the economic feasibility of the project, always fulfilling the environmental constraints imposed to hydropoweroperation. The objective of this paper is studying the contribution of a re-regulationreservoir to fulfilling the environmental constraints while reducing the economic impact of said constraints. For that purpose, a revenue-driven optimization model based on mixed integer linear programming is used. Additionally, the advantages of adding pumpingcapability are analysed. In order to illustrate the applicability of the methodology, a case study based on a real hydropower plant is presented
The run-of-river hydro power plant usually have low or nil water storage capacity, and therefore an adequate control strategy is required to keep the water level constant in pond. This paper presents a novel technique based on TSK fuzzy controller to maintain the pond head constant. The performance is investigated over a wide range of hill curve of hydro turbine. The results are compared with PI controller as discussed in [1].
El uso de las turbinas de gas en ciclo combinado es una de las alternativas más aceptadas en los últimos tiempos. Existen muchas razones por las que se está investigando sobre la posibilidad de usar otro tipo de combustibles como alternativa al característico, gas natural (metano). Entre otras, se pueden citar: la evolución del precio y la disponibilidad en una zona de algún tipo de gas de síntesis [17] así como estrategias medioambientales y de emisiones [10], [18], [20]. En la bibliografía se encuentran estudios, en los que de forma rigurosa se establece la relación entre la eficiencia de una instalación, usando balances característicos del Segundo Principio de la Termodinámica, y aspectos muy diversos como análisis de los gases de combustión [14], posibilidad de recalentamiento de los gases [19], temperaturas de gasificación [23] y temperatura de llama [18] etc. Estos estudios siempre toman como combustible el metano. En este estudio se presenta un análisis de las emisiones de CO2 (toneladas emitidas) por energía eléctrica producida (MWh) en la instalación de turbina de gas en ciclo combinado usando como combustible los primeros elementos de los hidrocarburos alcanos desde el metano, que se toma como referencia, hasta el heptano. Esto permite la determinación de las emisiones para distintos combustibles con distintas composiciones. Como parámetros relacionados directamente con la eficiencia de la instalación, se han contemplado para cada combustible diferentes temperaturas de entrada a la turbina de gas y distintas relaciones de compresión. Finalmente se obtienen una serie de curvas que relacionan la eficiencia y las emisiones con el número de carbonos presentes en el combustible. El análisis realizado pretende ser un elemento de discusión, basado en aspectos puramente termodinámicos, para la toma de decisiones
This paper proposes a method for the identification of different partial discharges (PDs) sources through the analysis of a collection of PD signals acquired with a PD measurement system. This method, robust and sensitive enough to cope with noisy data and external interferences, combines the characterization of each signal from the collection, with a clustering procedure, the CLARA algorithm. Several features are proposed for the characterization of the signals, being the wavelet variances, the frequency estimated with the Prony method, and the energy, the most relevant for the performance of the clustering procedure. The result of the unsupervised classification is a set of clusters each containing those signals which are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. The analysis of the classification results permits both the identification of different PD sources and the discrimination between original PD signals, reflections, noise and external interferences. The methods and graphical tools detailed in this paper have been coded and published as a contributed package of the R environment under a GNU/GPL license.
Instrumentación virtual para la caracterización de la fiabilidad de células solares de concentración
Este Trabajo Fin de Máster surge de la necesidad de evaluar la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos de concentración, los cuales han sufrido una evolución importante, pasando de usarse células solares de silicio con un 26% de rendimiento, a células multiunión III-V superando el 43% de rendimiento. Las células solares multinunión, mucho más caras y complejas que las células de silicio, no podrán ser comercializadas hasta que no se demuestre que tienen una fiabilidad comparable a las células de silicio. Con el objetivo de disponer de resultados de fiabilidad en un periodo de tiempo adecuado, se utilizan ensayos acelerados. Los ensayos acelerados en células solares presentan una dificultad añadida, debido a la necesidad de que la célula solar esté funcionando y además sea caracterizada dentro de una cámara climática. Mientras que para realizar ensayos acelerados en otros dispositivos es muy sencillo hacerlos funcionar dentro de la cámara climática, en el caso de las células solares tanto el funcionamiento como la caracterización requieren de iluminación dentro de la cámara climática. Conseguir dicha iluminación es complejo como se comentará en el desarrollo de esta memoria de Trabajo Fin de Máster, así como la solución encontrada. A lo largo de esta memoria se desarrollará una primera parte teórica, comenzando con una breve descripción teórica sobre células solares, aunque el estudio de las mismas no es el objetivo de este proyecto, por lo que se continuará con teoría de fiabilidad. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Máster es desarrollar un software capaz de realizar ensayos acelerados sobre células solares. El diseño del software desarrollado podría usarse para cualquier tipo de célula solar, u otro dispositivo similar como un LED o un diodo láser. El último capítulo teórico desarrollado en este proyecto es una introducción al lenguaje de programación gráfico, denominado lenguaje G, implementado con Labview, software elegido para el desarrollo del programa. Dado que estará destinado a su uso en otros proyectos, el desarrollo del sistema estará totalmente descrito y el código comentado, para que en un futuro se pueda modificar de forma sencilla. El núcleo de la memoria es el desarrollo del software aunque también se mostrará el desarrollo hardware, que ha sido desarrollado en paralelo en otro Trabajo Fin de Máster y la instalación necesaria para poder llevar a cabo los ensayos. Para finalizar la memoria, se documenta la instalación realizada, mostrando las pruebas realizadas al software y al hardware y la puesta en funcionamiento de los ensayos con sus primeros resultados.
With the rising prices of the retail electricity and the decreasing cost of the PV technology, grid parity with commercial electricity will soon become a reality in Europe. This fact, together with less attractive PV feed-in-tariffs in the near future and incentives to promote self-consumption suggest, that new operation modes for the PV Distributed Generation should be explored; differently from the traditional approach which is only based on maximizing the exported electricity to the grid. The smart metering is experiencing a growth in Europe and the United States but the possibilities of its use are still uncertain, in our system we propose their use to manage the storage and to allow the user to know their electrical power and energy balances. The ADSM has many benefits studied previously but also it has important challenges, in this paper we can observe and ADSM implementation example where we propose a solution to these challenges. In this paper we study the effects of the Active Demand-Side Management (ADSM) and storage systems in the amount of consumed local electrical energy. It has been developed on a prototype of a self-sufficient solar house called “MagicBox” equipped with grid connection, PV generation, lead–acid batteries, controllable appliances and smart metering. We carried out simulations for long-time experiments (yearly studies) and real measures for short and mid-time experiments (daily and weekly studies). Results show the relationship between the electricity flows and the storage capacity, which is not linear and becomes an important design criterion.
Photovoltaic modules based on thin film technology are gaining importance in the photovoltaic market, and module installers and plant owners have increasingly begun to request methods of performing module quality control. These modules pose additional problems for measuring power under standard test conditions (STC), beyond problems caused by the temperature of the module and the ambient variables. The main difficulty is that the modules’ power rates may vary depending both on the amount of time they have been exposed to the sun during recent hours and on their history of sunlight exposure. In order to assess the current state of the module, it is necessary to know its sunlight exposure history. Thus, an easily accomplishable testing method that ensures the repeatability of the measurements of the power generated is needed. This paper examines different tests performed on commercial thin film PV modules of CIS, a-Si and CdTe technologies in order to find the best way to obtain measurements. A method for obtaining indoor measurements of these technologies that takes into account periods of sunlight exposure is proposed. Special attention is paid to CdTe as a fast growing technology in the market.
Debido a las limitaciones de las técnicas de optimización convencionales, en el siguiente trabajo se presenta una metaheurística basada en un algoritmo genético (AG), para resolver problemas de programación de tipo flow shop, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de finalización de todos los trabajos, más conocido como makespan. Este problema, considerado de difícil solución, es típico de la optimización combinatoria y se presenta en talleres con tecnología de maquinado, donde existen máquinas-herramientas convencionales y se fabrican diferentes tipos de piezas que tienen en común una misma ruta tecnológica (orden del proceso). La solución propuesta se probó con problemas clásicos publicados por otros autores, obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios en cuanto a la calidad de las soluciones encontradas y el tiempo de cómputo empleado.