984 resultados para Dual-fuel Diesel RCCI LTC


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Antagonism of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is exerted through angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, renin inhibitors and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. These drugs have been successfully tested in numerous trials and in different clinical settings. The original indications of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers have progressively expanded from the advanced stages to the earlier stages of cardiorenal continuum. To optimize the degree of blockade of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, dose uptitrations of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists or the use of a dual blockade, initially identified with the combination of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists, have been proposed. The data from the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET) study do not support this specific dual blockade approach. However, the dual blockade of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor antagonists with direct renin inhibitors is currently under investigation while that based on an aldosterone blocker with any of the previous three drugs requires more evidence beyond heart failure. In this review, we revisited potential advantages of dual blockade of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in arterial hypertension and diabetes.


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We present a methodology that allows to calculate the impact of a given Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance protection system on the risk of incurring extremely large individual lifetime costs. Our proposed methodology is illustrated with a case study. According to our risk measure, the current Spanish public LTC system mitigates individual risk by more than 30% compared to the situation where no public protection were available. We show that our method can be used to compare risk reduction of alternative LTC insurance plans.


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The Great Tohoku-Kanto earthquake and resulting tsunami has brought considerable attention to the issue of the construction of new power plants. We argue in this paper, nuclear power is not a sustainable solution to energy problems. First, we explore the stock of uranium-235 and the different schemes developed by the nuclear power industry to exploit this resource. Second, we show that these methods, fast breeder and MOX fuel reactors, are not feasible. Third, we show that the argument that nuclear energy can be used to reduce CO2 emissions is false: the emissions from the increased water evaporation from nuclear power generation must be accounted for. In the case of Japan, water from nuclear power plants is drained into the surrounding sea, raising the water temperature which has an adverse affect on the immediate ecosystem, as well as increasing CO2 emissions from increased water evaporation from the sea. Next, a short exercise is used to show that nuclear power is not even needed to meet consumer demand in Japan. Such an exercise should be performed for any country considering the construction of additional nuclear power plants. Lastly, the paper is concluded with a discussion of the implications of our findings.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the endocrine and renal effects of the dual inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase, MDL 100,240. DESIGN: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study was performed in 12 healthy volunteers. METHODS: MDL 100,240 was administered intravenously over 20 min at single doses of 6.25 and 25 mg in subjects with a sodium intake of 280 (n = 6) or 80 (n = 6) mmol/day. Measurements were taken of supine and standing blood pressure, plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity, angiotensin II, atrial natriuretic peptide, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion, effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate as p-aminohippurate and inulin clearances, electrolytes and segmental tubular function by endogenous lithium clearance. RESULTS: Supine systolic blood pressure was consistently decreased by MDL 100,240, particularly after the high dose and during the low-salt intake. Diastolic blood pressure and heart rate did not change. Plasma angiotensin converting enzyme activity decreased rapidly and dose-dependently. In both the high- and the low-salt treatment groups, plasma angiotensin II levels fell and renin activity rose accordingly, while plasma atrial natriuretic peptide levels remained unchanged. In contrast, urinary atrial natriuretic peptide excretion increased dose-dependently under both diets, as did urinary cyclic GMP excretion. Effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate did not change. The urinary flow rate increased markedly during the first 2 h following administration of either dose of MDL 100,240 (P < 0.001) and, similarly, sodium excretion tended to increase from 0 to 4 h after the dose (P = 0.07). Potassium excretion remained stable. Proximal and distal fractional sodium reabsorption were not significantly altered by the treatment. Uric acid excretion was increased. The safety and clinical tolerance of MDL 100,240 were good. CONCLUSIONS: The increased fall in blood pressure in normal volunteers together with the preservation of renal hemodynamics and the increased urinary volume, atrial natriuretic peptide and cyclic GMP excretion distinguish MDL 100,240 as a double-enzyme inhibitor from inhibitors of the angiotensin converting enzyme alone. The differences appear to be due, at least in part, to increased renal exposure to atrial natriuretic peptide following neutral endopeptidase blockade.


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Fuel poverty is a significant threat to public health with its links to heart disease, respiratory illness and mental health. People on low incomes are most likely to live in fuel poverty. The Fuel Poverty Strategy, which was launched 23 November, 2004, needed to be adequately resourced to help reduce the devastating effects of health inequalities in our society, according to the Institute of Public Health in Ireland. The Institute of Public Health recently completed research which showed that locally based projects are an effective way of improving the energy efficiency of homes. The findings from the research conducted by the Institute of Public Health showed that local fuel poverty interventions can reduce fuel poverty and improve health: - The energy efficiency of homes were significantly improved - There was a statistically significant increase in levels of benefit uptake - People reported spending less on fuel after intervention - There were significant reductions in the presence of condensation, mould and damp, which is where we have the strongest evidence of links to ill-health - There was a significant reduction in the number of illnesses (associated with fuel poverty) reported by those who received the heating conversion and insulation - People reported reductions in the use of health services after intervention


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Extensive characterisation of Trypanosoma cruzi by isoenzyme phenotypes has separated the species into three principal zymodeme groups, Z1, Z2 and Z3, and into many individual zymodemes. There is marked diversity within Z2. A strong correlation has been demonstrated between the strain clusters determined by isoenzymes and those obtained using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles. Polymorphisms in ribosomal RNA genes, in mini-exon genes, and microsatellite fingerprinting indicate the presence of at least two principal T. cruzi genetic lineages. Lineage 1 appears to correspond with Z2 and lineage 2 with Z1. Z1 (lineage 2) is associated with Didelphis. Z2 (lineage 1) may be associated with a primate host. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium indicate that propagation of T. cruzi is predominantly clonal. Nevertheless, two studies show putative homozygotes and heterozygotes circulating sympatrically: the allozyme frequencies for phosphoglucomutase, and hybrid RAPD profiles suggest that genetic exchange may be a current phenomenon in some T. cruzi transmission cycles. We were able to isolate dual drug-resistant T. cruzi biological clones following copassage of putative parents carrying single episomal drug-resistant markers. A multiplex PCR confirmed that dual drug-resistant clones carried both episomal plasmids. Preliminary karyotype analysis suggests that recombination may not be confined to the extranuclear genome.


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This paper provides an update on the All-Ireland Policy Paper on Fuel Poverty and Health published by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) in December 2007.Economic downturn and fluctuating fuel prices mean that for many people the challenge of fuel poverty is becoming even more immediate. Alleviating financial strain and protecting the health and social well-being of fuel-poor householders must remain a priority across government. A substantial body of research links fuel poverty to physical and mental ill-health. Older people in particular are at an increased risk of suffering from heart disease, stroke and respiratory conditions in the winter months. Research published in Northern Ireland this year has also highlighted the impact of fuel poverty on children’s health and well-being.  


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In this paper we give new characterization of the classical Morrey space. Complementary global Morrey-type spaces are introduced. It is proved that for particular values of parameters these spaces give new pre-dual space of the classical Morrey space. We also show that our new pre-dual space of the Morrey space coincides with known pre-dual spaces.


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L’aigua i l’energia formen un binomi indissociable. En relació al cicle de l’aigua, des de fa varies dècades s’han desenvolupat diferents formes per recuperar part de l’energia relacionada amb l’aigua, per exemple a partir de centrals hidroelèctriques. No obstant, l’ús d’aquesta aigua també porta associat un gran consum energètic, relacionat sobretot amb el transport, la distribució, la depuració, etc... La depuració d’aigües residuals porta associada una elevada demanda energètica (Obis et al.,2009). En termes energètics, tot i que la despesa elèctrica d’una EDAR varia en funció de diferents paràmetres com la configuració i la capacitat de la planta, la càrrega a tractar, etc... es podria considerar que el rati mig seria d’ aproximadament 0.5 KWh•m-3.Els principals costos d’explotació estan relacionats tant amb la gestió de fangs (28%) com amb el consum elèctric (25%) (50% tractament biològic). Tot i que moltes investigacions relacionades amb el tractament d’aigua residual estan encaminades en disminuir els costos d’operació, des de fa poques dècades s’està investigant la viabilitat de que l’aigua residual fins i tot sigui una font d’energia, canviant la perspectiva, i començant a veure l’aigua residual no com a una problemàtica sinó com a un recurs. Concretament s’estima que l’aigua domèstica conté 9.3 vegades més energia que la necessària per el seu tractament mitjançant processos aerobis (Shizas et al., 2004). Un dels processos més desenvolupats relacionats amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica és la digestió anaeròbia. No obstant, aquesta tecnologia permet el tractament d’altes càrregues de matèria orgànica generant un efluent ric en nitrogen que s’haurà de tractar amb altres tecnologies. Per altre banda, recentment s’està investigant una nova tecnologia relacionada amb el tractament d’aigües residuals i la producció energètica: les piles biològiques (microbial fuel cells, MFC). Aquesta tecnologia permet obtenir directament energia elèctrica a partir de la degradació de substrats biodegradables (Rabaey et al., 2005). Les piles biològiques, més conegudes com a Microbial Fuel Cells (acrònim en anglès, MFC), són una emergent tecnologia que està centrant moltes mirades en el camp de l’ investigació, i que es basa en la producció d’energia elèctrica a partir de substrats biodegradables presents en l’aigua residual (Logan., 2008). Els fonaments de les piles biològiques és molt semblant al funcionament d’una pila Daniell, en la qual es separa en dos compartiments la reacció d’oxidació (compartiment anòdic) i la de reducció (compartiment catòdic) amb l’objectiu de generar un determinat corrent elèctric. En aquest estudi, bàsicament es mostra la posada en marxa d'una pila biològica per a l'eliminació de matèria orgànica i nitrogen de les aigües residuals.


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INTRODUCTION: Double transplantation is one possible answer to the shortage of donor organs. While each donor kidney would be unsuitable when considered as a single allograft, use of both kidneys should provide sufficient nephron mass for effective glomerular filtration. CASE REPORT: This is the first Swiss report of a dual adult transplant of marginal kidneys in a 46-year-old man, who was transplanted for the fourth time. Follow-up at 6 months is excellent without acute rejection. CONCLUSION: Recent analysis of dual marginal versus single ideal transplant outcomes, found a comparable 1-yr graft survival in both of the procedures. Long term results are still lacking and guidelines to decide between single, double or no transplantation are emerging.


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We performed a pilot study to compare vertebral fracture assessments (VFA) and lateral X-rays in terms of inter- and intraobserver reliability and degree of correlation for the detection of syndesmophytes in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). We recruited 19 patients with AS and recent lumbar or cervical lateral X-rays with at least one syndesmophyte. Each patient underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with measurement of bone mineral density and dorso-lumbar VFA. Intra- and interreader reliability for VFA and X-rays were measured using 2 independent, blinded observers and Cohen's kappa values. An adapted modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (amSASSS) was generated with each method, and these 2 values correlated. For X-rays, intraobserver and interobserver agreement were 94.3% (κ = 0.83) and 98.6% (κ = 0.96), respectively; for VFA, corresponding values were 92.8% (κ = 0.79) and 93.8% (κ = 0.82). Overall agreement between the 2 techniques was 88.6% (κ = 0.72). The Pearson correlation coefficient for the 2 methods was 0.95 for the modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score . Per dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-generated bone mineral density, >50% of patients were osteopenic and 10% osteoporotic. In terms of reproducibility and correlation with X-rays, performing a VFA appears to be a candidate for assessing radiographic damage in AS, thought further research is necessary to justify this indication.