921 resultados para Drupal (Computer file)


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"September 15, 1984."


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Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.


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Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.


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Available on demand as hard copy or computer file from Cornell University Library.


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In recent years, freshwater fish farmers have come under increasing pressure from the Water Authorities to control the quality of their farm effluents. This project aimed to investigate methods of treating aquacultural effluent in an efficient and cost-effective manner, and to incorporate the knowledge gained into an Expert System which could then be used in an advice service to farmers. From the results of this research it was established that sedimentation and the use of low pollution diets are the only cost effective methods of controlling the quality of fish farm effluents. Settlement has been extensively investigated and it was found that the removal of suspended solids in a settlement pond is only likely to be effective if the inlet solids concentration is in excess of 8 mg/litre. The probability of good settlement can be enhanced by keeping the ratio of length/retention time (a form of mean fluid velocity) below 4.0 metres/minute. The removal of BOD requires inlet solids concentrations in excess of 20 mg/litre to be effective, and this is seldom attained on commercial fish farms. Settlement, generally, does not remove appreciable quantities of ammonia from effluents, but algae can absorb ammonia by nutrient uptake under certain conditions. The use of low pollution, high performance diets gives pollutant yields which are low when compared with published figures obtained by many previous workers. Two Expert Systems were constructed, both of which diagnose possible causes of poor effluent quality on fish farms and suggest solutions. The first system uses knowledge gained from a literature review and the second employs the knowledge obtained from this project's experimental work. Consent details for over 100 fish farms were obtained from the public registers kept by the Water Authorities. Large variations in policy from one Authority to the next were found. These data have been compiled in a computer file for ease of comparison.


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In order to simplify computer management, several system administrators are adopting advanced techniques to manage software configuration of enterprise computer networks, but the tight coupling between hardware and software makes every PC an individual managed entity, lowering the scalability and increasing the costs to manage hundreds or thousands of PCs. Virtualization is an established technology, however its use is been more focused on server consolidation and virtual desktop infrastructure, not for managing distributed computers over a network. This paper discusses the feasibility of the Distributed Virtual Machine Environment, a new approach for enterprise computer management that combines virtualization and distributed system architecture as the basis of the management architecture. © 2008 IEEE.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In his study - File Control: The Heart Of Business Computer Management - William G. O'Brien, Assistant Professor, The School of Hospitality Management at Florida International University, initially informs you: “Even though computers are an everyday part of the hospitality industry, many managers lack the knowledge and experience to control and protect the files in these systems. The author offers guidelines which can minimize or prevent damage to the business as a whole.” Our author initially opens this study with some anecdotal instances illustrating the failure of hospitality managers to exercise due caution with regard to computer supported information systems inside their restaurants and hotels. “Of the three components that make up any business computer system (data files, programs, and hard-ware), it is files that are most important, perhaps irreplaceable, to the business,” O’Brien informs you. O’Brien breaks down the noun, files, into two distinct categories. They are, the files of extrinsic value, and its counterpart the files of intrinsic value. An example of extrinsic value files would be a restaurant’s wine inventory. “As sales are made and new shipments are received, the computer updates the file,” says O’Brien. “This information might come directly from a point-of-sale terminal or might be entered manually by an employee,” he further explains. On the intrinsic side of the equation, O’Brien wants you to know that the information itself is the valuable part of this type of file. Its value is over and above the file’s informational purpose as a pragmatic business tool, as it is in inventory control. “The information is money in the legal sense For instance, figures moved about in banking system computers do not represent dollars; they are dollars,” O’Brien explains. “If the record of a dollar amount is erased from all computer files, then that money ceases to exist,” he warns. This type of information can also be bought and sold, such as it is in customer lists to advertisers. Files must be protected O’Brien stresses. “File security requires a systematic approach,” he discloses. O’Brien goes on to explain important elements to consider when evaluating file information. File back-up is also an important factor to think about, along with file storage/safety concerns. “Sooner or later, every property will have its fire, flood, careless mistake, or disgruntled employee,” O’Brien closes. “…good file control can minimize or prevent damage to the business as a whole.”


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This report describes the work accomplished to date on research project HR-173, A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, and presents the initial design for this system. The specific topics discussed here are findings from the analysis of information needs, the system specifications developed from these findings, and the proposed system design based upon the system specifications. The initial system design will include tentative input designs for capturing input data, output designs to show the output formats and the items to be output for use in decision making, file design showing the organization of information to be kept on each piece of equipment in the computer data file, and general system design explaining how the entire system will operate. The Steering Committee appointed by Iowa Highway Research Board is asked to study this report, make appropriate suggestions, and give approval to the proposed design subject to any suggestions made. This approval will permit the designer to proceed promptly with the development of the computer program implementation phase of the design.


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Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit, befasst sich mit der Darstellung von TEI-Dokumenten im Content-Management-System „Drupal“. Dazu wird ein Modul entwickelt, welches das einfache Publizieren von Dokumenten in diesem, auf der Extensible Markup Language (XML) basierenden Format, in Drupal ermöglicht. Das Modul bietet eine Oberfläche zum Hochladen dieser Dokumente an und stellt zusätzlich Optionen bereit, die es ermöglichen die Darstellung der angezeigten Dokumente zu beeinflussen. Dabei ist es durch ein spezielles Menü möglich, Farben, Schriftgröße und -art festzulegen. Die Konvertierung der Dokumente geschieht per XSL Transformation und basiert auf dem Ergebnis eines vorangegangenen Projekts. Die Darstellung wird angereichert durch dynamische Elemente, wie Anmerkungen des Autors oder die Möglichkeit zur Umschaltung zwischen verschiedenen Textversionen wie z.B. einer originalen und einer korrigierten Fassung. Diese Funktion ist durch eine Werkzeugleiste zugänglich, die im unteren Bereich eingeblendet wird und es auch ermöglicht Seitenzahlen, die im Dokument als solche erkannt wurden, zu suchen oder direkt aufzurufen.


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Die Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der erweiterten Suche innerhalb von Dokumenten, die im TEI-Lite kodierten Format im Content-Management-System Drupal vorliegen. Aufgrund des modularen Aufbaus von Drupal wird die erweiterte Suche in Form eines Moduls verwirklicht. In einem ersten Schritt werden die Merkmale der im TEI-Lite Format vorliegenden Dokumente beschrieben. Dies umfasst Angaben sowohl zur Definition des TEI-Standards als auch zu grundlegenden Dokumenteneingenschaften. Weiterhin wird auf das CMS Drupal eingegangen und die Konzepte bereits existierender Suchmodule betrachtet. Die Präsentation des entwickelten Konzeptes zur Implementierung eines Suchmoduls, das auf die Bedürfnisse von TEI-Lite standardisierten Dokumenten ausgerichtet ist, ergibt sich aus den vorangegangenen Arbeitsschritten. Daraus resultieren Ansätze zur Indexierung, Durchsuchbarkeit sowie der visuellen Präsentation der Suchergebnisse. Die Schilderung der Verwendung und der Funktionen, die das Modul nach abgeschlossenen Programmierarbeiten kennzeichnen, geht der Darstellung des Implementierungsvorgangs voran, der gleichsam den Kern der Diplomarbeit bildet. Unter Zuhilfenahme von Quelltext-Auszügen werden Details zu einzelnen Entwicklungsstadien präsentiert. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf weitere Optimierungsmöglichkeiten des erarbeiteten Suchmoduls gegeben.


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Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Speaker(s): Sue Sentance Organiser: Leslie Carr Time: 22/04/2014 15:00-16:00 Location: B32/3077 File size: 698 Mb Abstract Until recently, "computing" education in English schools mainly focused on developing general Digital Literacy and Microsoft Office skills. As of this September, a new curriculum comes into effect that provides a strong emphasis on computation and programming. This change has generated some controversy in the news media (4-year-olds being forced to learn coding! boss of the government’s coding education initiative cannot code shock horror!!!!) and also some concern in the teaching profession (how can we possibly teach programming when none of the teachers know how to program)? Dr Sue Sentance will explain the work of Computing At School, a part of the BCS Academy, in galvanising universities to help teachers learn programming and other computing skills. Come along and find out about the new English Computing Revolution - How will your children and your schools be affected? - How will our University intake change? How will our degrees have to change? - What is happening to the national perception of Computer Science?


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This paper describes a study that was conducted to learn more about how older adults use the tools in a GUI to undertake tasks in Windows applications. The objective was to gain insight into what people did and what they found most difficult. File and folder manipulation, and some aspects of formatting presented difficulties, and these were thought to be related to a lack of understanding of the task model, the correct interpretation of the visual cues presented by the interface, and the recall and translation of the task model into a suitable sequence of actions.


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Routine computer tasks are often difficult for older adult computer users to learn and remember. People tend to learn new tasks by relating new concepts to existing knowledge. However, even for 'basic' computer tasks there is little, if any, existing knowledge on which older adults can base their learning. This paper investigates a custom file management interface that was designed to aid discovery and learnability by providing interface objects that are familiar to the user. A study was conducted which examined the differences between older and younger computer users when undertaking routine file management tasks using the standard Windows desktop as compared with the custom interface. Results showed that older adult computer users requested help more than ten times as often as younger users when using a standard windows/mouse configuration, made more mistakes and also required significantly more confirmations than younger users. The custom interface showed improvements over standard Windows/mouse, with fewer confirmations and less help being required. Hence, there is potential for an interface that closely mimics the real world to improve computer accessibility for older adults, aiding self-discovery and learnability.


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La prova informatica richiede l’adozione di precauzioni come in un qualsiasi altro accertamento scientifico. Si fornisce una panoramica sugli aspetti metodologici e applicativi dell’informatica forense alla luce del recente standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 in tema di trattamento del reperto informatico nelle fasi di identificazione, raccolta, acquisizione e conservazione del dato digitale. Tali metodologie si attengono scrupolosamente alle esigenze di integrità e autenticità richieste dalle norme in materia di informatica forense, in particolare della Legge 48/2008 di ratifica della Convenzione di Budapest sul Cybercrime. In merito al reato di pedopornografia si offre una rassegna della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, ponendo l’enfasi sugli aspetti rilevanti ai fini dell’analisi forense. Rilevato che il file sharing su reti peer-to-peer è il canale sul quale maggiormente si concentra lo scambio di materiale illecito, si fornisce una panoramica dei protocolli e dei sistemi maggiormente diffusi, ponendo enfasi sulla rete eDonkey e il software eMule che trovano ampia diffusione tra gli utenti italiani. Si accenna alle problematiche che si incontrano nelle attività di indagine e di repressione del fenomeno, di competenza delle forze di polizia, per poi concentrarsi e fornire il contributo rilevante in tema di analisi forensi di sistemi informatici sequestrati a soggetti indagati (o imputati) di reato di pedopornografia: la progettazione e l’implementazione di eMuleForensic consente di svolgere in maniera estremamente precisa e rapida le operazioni di analisi degli eventi che si verificano utilizzando il software di file sharing eMule; il software è disponibile sia in rete all’url http://www.emuleforensic.com, sia come tool all’interno della distribuzione forense DEFT. Infine si fornisce una proposta di protocollo operativo per l’analisi forense di sistemi informatici coinvolti in indagini forensi di pedopornografia.