977 resultados para Dried flower arrangement
In optimal foraging theory, search time is a key variable defining the value of a prey type. But the sensory-perceptual processes that constrain the search for food have rarely been considered. Here we evaluate the flight behavior of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) searching for artificial flowers of various sizes and colors. When flowers were large, search times correlated well with the color contrast of the targets with their green foliage-type background, as predicted by a model of color opponent coding using inputs from the bees' UV, blue, and green receptors. Targets that made poor color contrast with their backdrop, such as white, UV-reflecting ones, or red flowers, took longest to detect, even though brightness contrast with the background was pronounced. When searching for small targets, bees changed their strategy in several ways. They flew significantly slower and closer to the ground, so increasing the minimum detectable area subtended by an object on the ground. In addition, they used a different neuronal channel for flower detection. Instead of color contrast, they used only the green receptor signal for detection. We relate these findings to temporal and spatial limitations of different neuronal channels involved in stimulus detection and recognition. Thus, foraging speed may not be limited only by factors such as prey density, flight energetics, and scramble competition. Our results show that understanding the behavioral ecology of foraging can substantially gain from knowledge about mechanisms of visual information processing.
This study considered cytokinin distribution in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) shoot apices in distinct phases of development using immunocytochemistry and quantitative tandem mass spectrometry. In contrast to vegetative apices and flower buds, we detected no free cytokinin bases (zeatin, dihydrozeatin, or isopentenyladenine) in prefloral transition apices. We also observed a 3-fold decrease in the content of cytokinin ribosides (zeatin riboside, dihydrozeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenosine) during this transition phase. The group concluded that organ formation (e.g. leaves and flowers) is characterized by enhanced cytokinin content, in contrast to the very low endogenous cytokinin levels found in prefloral transition apices, which showed no organogenesis. The immunocytochemical analyses revealed a differing intracellular localization of the cytokinin bases. Dihydrozeatin and isopentenyladenine were mainly cytoplasmic and perinuclear, whereas zeatin showed a clear-cut nuclear labeling. To our knowledge, this is the first time that this phenomenon has been reported. Cytokinins do not seem to act as positive effectors in the prefloral transition phase in tobacco shoot apices. Furthermore, the differences in distribution at the cellular level may be indicative of a specific physiological role of zeatin in nuclear processes.
The orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable and dramatic flower-color polymorphism, with both yellow- and purple-flowered individuals present in natural populations throughout the range of the species in Europe. The evolutionary significance of flower-color polymorphisms found in many rewardless orchid species has been discussed at length, but the mechanisms responsible for their maintenance remain unclear. Laboratory experiments have suggested that behavioral responses by pollinators to lack of reward availability might result in a reproductive advantage for rare-color morphs. Consequently, we performed an experiment varying the relative frequency of the two color morphs of D. sambucina to test whether rare morph advantage acted in the natural habitat of the species. We show here clear evidence from this manipulative experiment that rare-color morphs have reproductive advantage through male and female components. This is the first demonstration, to our knowledge, that negative frequency-dependent selection through pollinator preference for rare morphs can cause the maintenance of a flower-color polymorphism.
We review the study of flower color polymorphisms in the morning glory as a model for the analysis of adaptation. The pathway involved in the determination of flower color phenotype is traced from the molecular and genetic levels to the phenotypic level. Many of the genes that determine the enzymatic components of flavonoid biosynthesis are redundant, but, despite this complexity, it is possible to associate discrete floral phenotypes with individual genes. An important finding is that almost all of the mutations that determine phenotypic differences are the result of transposon insertions. Thus, the flower color diversity seized on by early human domesticators of this plant is a consequence of the rich variety of mobile elements that reside in the morning glory genome. We then consider a long history of research aimed at uncovering the ecological fate of these various flower phenotypes in the southeastern U.S. A large body of work has shown that insect pollinators discriminate against white phenotypes when white flowers are rare in populations. Because the plant is self-compatible, pollinator bias causes an increase in self-fertilization in white maternal plants, which should lead to an increase in the frequency of white genes, according to modifier gene theory. Studies of geographical distributions indicate other, as yet undiscovered, disadvantages associated with the white phenotype. The ultimate goal of connecting ecology to molecular genetics through the medium of phenotype is yet to be attained, but this approach may represent a model for analyzing the translation between these two levels of biological organization.
Flower and fruit development in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were severely affected when plants were grown at low temperatures, displaying homeotic and meristic transformations and alterations in the fusion pattern of the organs. Most of these homeotic transformations modified the identity of stamens and carpels, giving rise to intermediate organs. Complete homeotic transformations were rarely found and always affected organs of the reproductive whorls. Meristic transformations were also commonly observed in the reproductive whorls, which developed with an excessive number of organs. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that meristic transformations take place very early in the development of the flower and are related to a significant increase in the floral meristem size. However, homeotic transformations should occur later during the development of the organ primordia. Steady-state levels of transcripts corresponding to tomato MADS-box genes TM4, TM5, TM6, and TAG1 were greatly increased by low temperatures and could be related to these flower abnormalities. Moreover, in situ hybridization analyses showed that low temperatures also altered the stage-specific expression of TM4.
To clarify the molecular basis of the photoperiodic induction of flowering in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv Violet, we examined changes in the level of mRNA in cotyledons during the flower-inductive photoperiod using the technique of differential display by the polymerase chain reaction. A transcript that accumulated during the inductive dark period was identified and a cDNA corresponding to the transcript, designated PnC401 (P. nil C401), was isolated. RNA-blot hybridization verified that levels of PnC401 mRNA fluctuated with a circadian rhythm, with maxima between 12 and 16 h after the beginning of the dark period) and minima of approximately 0. This oscillation continued even during an extended dark period but was damped under continuous light. Accumulation of PnC401 mRNA was reduced by a brief exposure to red light at the 8th h of the dark period (night-break treatment) or by exposure to far-red light at the end of the light period (end-of-day far-red treatment). These results suggest that fluctuations in levels of PnC401 mRNA are regulated by phytochrome(s) and a circadian clock and that they are associated with photoperiodic events that include induction of flowering.
A very old unanswered question in classical cytology is whether chromosomes are arranged randomly in sperm or whether they occupy specific positions. Even with modern methods of chromosome painting, it is difficult to resolve this question for the very condensed and almost spherical sperm head of most mammals. We have taken advantage of the unusual fibrillar sperm head of monotreme mammals (echidna and platypus) to examine the position of chromosome landmarks in a two-dimensional array. We used fluorescence and radioactive in situ hybridization to telomeric, rDNA, and unique sequences to show that chromosomes are arranged tandemly and in a defined order in the sperm nucleus.
The evolutionarily conserved Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) is present in the N-terminal regions of more than one-third of all Krüppel-class zinc finger proteins. Recent experiments have demonstrated that the KRAB-A domain tethered to a promoter DNA by connecting to heterologous DNA-binding protein domain or targeted to a promoter-proximal RNA sequence acts as a transcriptional silencing of RNA polymerase II promoters. Here we show that expression of KRAB domain suppresses in vivo the activating function of various defined activating transcription factors, and we demonstrate that the KRAB domain specifically silences the activity of promoters whose initiation is dependent on the presence of a TATA box. Promoters whose accurate transcription initiation is directed by a pyrimidine-rich initiator element, however, are relatively unaffected. We also report in vitro transcription experiments indicating that the KRAB domain is able to repress both activated and basal promoter activity. Thus, the KRAB domain appears to repress the activity of certain promoters through direct communication with TATA box-dependent basal transcription machinery.
The promoter of the bean PAL2 gene (encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase; EC is a model for studies of tissue-restricted gene expression in plants. Petal epidermis is one of the tissues in which this promoter is activated in tobacco. Previous work suggested that a major factor establishing the pattern of PAL2 expression in tobacco petals is the tissue distribution of a protein closely related to Myb305, which is a Myb-like transcriptional activator from snapdragon. In the present work, we show that Myb305 expression in tobacco leaves causes ectopic activation of the PAL2 promoter. To achieve Myb305 expression in planta, a viral expression vector was used. This approach combines the utility of transient assays with the possibility of direct biochemical detection of the introduced factor and may have wider application for studying the function of plant transcription factors.
A biomonitorização humana ou biomonitoramento (BH) é definido como a medida periódica de determinada substância química ou seu metabólito em fluidos biológicos, principalmente sangue e urina, de uma população com o objetivo de avaliar a exposição e os riscos à saúde. Tal método tem se tornado comum em países desenvolvidos, porém ainda é uma prática pouco utilizada no Brasil. Isso ocorre pela dificuldade de coleta, armazenamento e transporte das amostras, principalmente em regiões sem infraestrutura e de difícil acesso. Diante disso, alguns procedimentos alternativos de coleta de amostra vêm sendo propostos. Um destes procedimentos é o Dried Blood Spot (DBS) ou coleta e armazenamento de amostra em papel-cartão. Este método oferece uma série de vantagens sobre os procedimentos de coleta convencionais, principalmente por reduzir consideravelmente o volume de amostra coletada. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estabilidade dos analitos após a deposição da amostra no cartão e do risco de contaminação da amostra pelo substrato sólido. Além disso, procedimentos de extração dos analitos do papel, para posterior quantificação, ainda não estão totalmente estabelecidos. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou de forma sistemática o procedimento de coleta de sangue por DBS visando sua futura aplicação em programas de biomonitoramento no Brasil para determinação dos elementos químicos As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se e Zn por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). Para isso, no estudo foram utilizadas três diferentes marcas comerciais de cartão coletor: Whatman 903(TM), Munktell(TM), e DMPK-C(TM). Todas as marcas de cartão apresentaram baixas concentrações dos elementos químicos. Após a deposição da amostra no papel cartão verificou-se que a concentração dos elementos químicos manteve-se estável por um período de pelo menos 60 dias (temperatura ambiente e ao abrigo da luz). Foi otimizado o método de extração dos analitos do substrato, com melhor condição obtida após a imersão do papel (corte circular de diâmetro de 1/2´´) por 60 minutos em solução extratora (0,5% v/v HNO3 e 0,01% v/v Triton(TM) X-100) na proporção de 1:50 v/v, seguida de 10 segundos de agitação por vortex. Após a extração, a solução resultante contendo os analitos foi diretamente injetada no ICP-MS. Cabe também destacar que não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas nas concentrações dos elementos químicos com coleta de sangue da veia do antebraço (sangue venoso) ou do dedo (sangue capilar). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, devem contribuir para a implementação deste procedimento em análises de elementos químicos (biomonitoramento da população brasileira), principalmente considerando as dificuldades de coleta, armazenamento e transporte de amostras clínicas em nosso país por sua extensão territorial. Além disso, este procedimento pode facilitar estudos com populações vulneráveis e que vivem em áreas remotas e de difícil acesso.
A new interaction between insects and carnivorous plants is reported from Brazil. Larvae of the predatory flower fly Toxomerus basalis (Diptera: Syrphidae: Syrphinae) have been found scavenging on the sticky leaves of several carnivorous sundew species (Drosera, Droseraceae) in Minas Gerais and São Paulo states, SE Brazil. This syrphid apparently spends its whole larval stage feeding on prey trapped by Drosera leaves. The nature of this plant-animal relationship is discussed, as well as the Drosera species involved, and locations where T. basalis was observed. 180 years after the discovery of this flower fly species, its biology now has been revealed. This is (1) the first record of kleptoparasitism in the Syrphidae, (2) a new larval feeding mode for this family, and (3) the first report of a dipteran that shows a kleptoparasitic relationship with a carnivorous plant with adhesive flypaper traps. The first descriptions of the third instar larva and puparium of T. basalis based on Scanning Electron Microscope analysis are provided.
Six-page handwritten draft of an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.
Printed broadside containing an organization plan for the catalogue of the Harvard University Library.