976 resultados para Dossi, Dosso, -1542
采用可求解可压缩流动与传热的全速度SIMPLE算法, 对低功率氩电弧加热发动机内部的传热与流动进行了数值模拟, 获得了电弧加热发动机内的温度、速度、马赫数及流线分布. 计算结果表明: 电弧加热发动机内最高温度出现在阴极下游附近中心轴线处, 这是因为电弧在阴极表面收缩形成阴极弧点, 从而焦耳热成为该高温区的主要加热机制; 沿着发动机中心轴线, 气体温度和速度开始时随着距阴极距离的增加而迅速增加, 然后在等离子体流向喷管出口的过程中, 气体温度和速度逐渐下降. 此外还详细考察了弧电流变化对电弧加热发动机内部传热与流动特性的影响, 计算获得的发动机流量和比冲与实验结果基本一致.
利用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型 ,研究了中能重离子碰撞过程中的库仑相互作用对于动量耗散的同位旋效应 .计算结果表明 :由于库仑相互作用的存在 ,使得碰撞过程中的化学不稳定区和力学不稳定区减小 ,明显地减弱了动量耗散 ;其减弱的程度与对称势的形式及强度有关 ,对称势越强则动量耗散的减弱幅度越大 .动量耗散灵敏地依赖于核子 核子碰撞截面的同位旋相关性而较弱地依赖于对称势 ,这一特征不论有无库仑相互作用均存在 .
The synthesis and crystal structure of the first mixed-metal organometallic polymer network containing phenylthiolato ligands, [K2Fe(SPh)(4)](n), are investigated. The simple phenyl-thiolate acts as a sigma- and pi-donor ligand to give a 3-D potassium iron coordination polymer with both metal-carbon and metal-sulfur coordination interactions.
在海洋学研究、海洋生产和工程建设应用中,经常需要对特定区域的海水参数进行长期、定点、实时的垂直剖面测量。锚系浮标和潜标是海洋监测网中最普遍采用的搭载平台之一,它们主要用于海洋环境定点监测。海洋浮标在研究海洋和大气的相互作用及全球气候变化、预报全球性和地区性海洋灾害、海洋污染监测、卫星遥感数据真实性校验、以及作为平台用于水声通讯和水下定位等方面发挥了重要作用,其缺点在于隐蔽性和安全性较差。潜标监测平台由于其主浮体安装在水下50-100米,具有良好的隐蔽性和安全性,在构建海洋立体监测系统中有较好的应用,但由于它总是隐藏在海表面以下,所搭载的测量传感器的种类有限,数据实时传送困难,从某种程度上也限制了其应用。 节能型自治式多功能海洋环境监测系统将定点锚泊潜标和浮标技术相结合,并创新性的融进了节能技术和自动防触碰功能,利用简约的传动储能节能技术,以C8051F340单片机为核心控制芯片,设计了低功耗、高可靠的数据采集控制存储系统的硬件电路和软件系统,使系统不但能够完成锚泊区域海表面水文参数的测量和数据传送,同时依靠单一的传感器组能够完成深达50米以上的水体次表层海洋要素的连续垂直剖面观测。系统利用SD卡实现了对海洋要素采集数据的实时存储和传送。低功耗、高可靠的数据采集控制存储系统的设计为海洋测量仪器实现智能化控制奠定了基础,提升了人类对海洋进行持续现场监测的能力。
The function of seismic data in prospecting and exploring oil and gas has exceeded ascertaining structural configuration early. In order to determine the advantageous target area more exactly, we need exactly image the subsurface media. So prestack migration imaging especially prestack depth migration has been used increasingly widely. Currently, seismic migration imaging methods are mainly based on primary energy and most of migration methods use one-way wave equation. Multiple will mask primary and sometimes will be regarded as primary and interferes with the imaging of primary, so multiple elimination is still a very important research subject. At present there are three different wavefield prediction and subtraction methods: wavefield extrapolation; feedback loop; and inverse-scattering series. I mainly do research on feedback loop method in this paper. Feedback loop method includs prediction and subtraction.Currently this method has some problems as follows. Firstly, feedback loop method requires the seismic data used to predict multiple is full wavefield data, but usually the original seismic data don’t meet this assumption, so seismic data must be regularized. Secondly, Multiple predicted through feedback loop method usually can’t match the real multiple in seismic data and they are different in amplitude, phase and arrrival time. So we need match the predicted multiple and that in seismic data through estimating filtering factors and subtract multiple from seismic data. It is the key for multiple elimination how to select a correct matching filtering method. There are many matching filtering methods and I put emphasis on Least-square adaptive matching filtering and L1-norm minimizing adaptive matching filtering methods. Least-square adaptive matching filtering method is computationally very fast, but it has two assumptions: the signal has minimum energy and is orthogonal to the noise. When seismic data don’t meet the two assumptions, this method can’t get good matching results and then can’t attenuate multiple correctly. L1-norm adaptive matching filtering methods can avoid these two assumptions and then get good matching results, but this method is computationally a little slow. The results of my research are as follows: 1. Proposed a method that interpolates seismic traces based on F-K migration and demigration. The main advantage of this method is that it can interpolate seismic traces in any offsets. It shows this method is valid through a simple model. 2. Comparing different Least-square adaptive matching filtering methods. The results show that equipose multi-channel adaptive matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and two field data. 3. Proposed equipose multi-channel L1-norm adaptive matching filtering method. Because L1-norm is robust to large amplitude differences, there are no assumption on the signal has minimum energy and orthogonality, this method can get better results of multiple elimination. 4. Research on multiple elimination in inverse data space. The method is a new multiple elimination method and it is different from those methods mentioned above.The advantages of this method is that it is simple in theory and no need for the adaptive subtraction and computationally very fast. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not stabilized in its solution. The results show that equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel least-square matching filtering and equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel L1-norm matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and many field data.
This paper addresses the problem of nonlinear multivariate root finding. In an earlier paper we described a system called Newton which finds roots of systems of nonlinear equations using refinements of interval methods. The refinements are inspired by AI constraint propagation techniques. Newton is competative with continuation methods on most benchmarks and can handle a variety of cases that are infeasible for continuation methods. This paper presents three "cuts" which we believe capture the essential theoretical ideas behind the success of Newton. This paper describes the cuts in a concise and abstract manner which, we believe, makes the theoretical content of our work more apparent. Any implementation will need to adopt some heuristic control mechanism. Heuristic control of the cuts is only briefly discussed here.
Cook, Anthony; Watters, T.R.; Schultz, R.A.; Robinson, M.S., (2002) 'The mechanical and thermal structure of Mercury's early lithosphere', Geophysical Research Letters 29(11) pp.1542 RAE2008
BoostMap is a recently proposed method for efficient approximate nearest neighbor retrieval in arbitrary non-Euclidean spaces with computationally expensive and possibly non-metric distance measures. Database and query objects are embedded into a Euclidean space, in which similarities can be rapidly measured using a weighted Manhattan distance. The key idea is formulating embedding construction as a machine learning task, where AdaBoost is used to combine simple, 1D embeddings into a multidimensional embedding that preserves a large amount of the proximity structure of the original space. This paper demonstrates that, using the machine learning formulation of BoostMap, we can optimize embeddings for indexing and classification, in ways that are not possible with existing alternatives for constructive embeddings, and without additional costs in retrieval time. First, we show how to construct embeddings that are query-sensitive, in the sense that they yield a different distance measure for different queries, so as to improve nearest neighbor retrieval accuracy for each query. Second, we show how to optimize embeddings for nearest neighbor classification tasks, by tuning them to approximate a parameter space distance measure, instead of the original feature-based distance measure.
This thesis is concerned with inductive charging of electric vehicle batteries. Rectified power form the 50/60 Hz utility feeds a dc-ac converter which delivers high-frequency ac power to the electric vehicle inductive coupling inlet. The inlet configuration has been defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers in Recommended Practice J-1773. This thesis studies converter topologies related to the series resonant converter. When coupled to the vehicle inlet, the frequency-controlled series-resonant converter results in a capacitively-filtered series-parallel LCLC (SP-LCLC) resonant converter topology with zero voltage switching and many other desirable features. A novel time-domain transformation analysis, termed Modal Analysis, is developed, using a state variable transformation, to analyze and characterize this multi-resonant fourth-orderconverter. Next, Fundamental Mode Approximation (FMA) Analysis, based on a voltage-source model of the load, and its novel extension, Rectifier-Compensated FMA (RCFMA) Analysis, are developed and applied to the SP-LCLC converter. The RCFMA Analysis is a simpler and more intuitive analysis than the Modal Analysis, and provides a relatively accurate closed-form solution for the converter behavior. Phase control of the SP-LCLC converter is investigated as a control option. FMA and RCFMA Analyses are used for detailed characterization. The analyses identify areas of operation, which are also validated experimentally, where it is advantageous to phase control the converter. A novel hybrid control scheme is proposed which integrates frequency and phase control and achieves reduced operating frequency range and improved partial-load efficiency. The phase-controlled SP-LCLC converter can also be configured with a parallel load and is an excellent option for the application. The resulting topology implements soft-switching over the entire load range and has high full-load and partial-load efficiencies. RCFMA Analysis is used to analyze and characterize the new converter topology, and good correlation is shown with experimental results. Finally, a novel single-stage power-factor-corrected ac-dc converter is introduced, which uses the current-source characteristic of the SP-LCLC topology to provide power factor correction over a wide output power range from zero to full load. This converter exhibits all the advantageous characteristics of its dc-dc counterpart, with a reduced parts count and cost. Simulation and experimental results verify the operation of the new converter.