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A guide to the European Union's relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States, with hyperlinks to sources of information within European Sources Online and on external websites.


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The signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and global powers in July 2015 was a major turning point in the emerging strategic landscape of the Middle East. The ‘nuclear deal’ led to the lifting by the EU and the US of nuclear-related sanctions, and is now operational. Other sanctions remain in place, however. Nevertheless, unhindered by US competition, European trade delegations have entered into a latter-day gold rush, led by the promise of the biggest untapped market in the world. As such, the EU has both an opportunity and a responsibility to help Iran reintegrate properly into the international system. But, in the face of an opaque clerical regime that relies on internal repression and military business conglomerates, Europe stands to lose if it continues to pursue its uncalculated and uncoordinated approach towards the Islamic Republic. This report offers recommendations to guide the EU towards a comprehensive EU strategy for relations with Iran. It maintains that there is no other option but to keep universal values and the rule of law at the core of the emerging bilateral relationship. In fact, the protection of the economic rights of European traders and investors allows the EU to push for wider reforms and the normalisation of relations.


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Studiet av post-sovjetisk litauisk emigrantlitteratur är ett forskningsområde som har vuxit fram först de senaste åren. Forskningen har hittills fokuserats på hur litauiska emigranter bevarar eller inte bevarar sin litauiska identitet utanför hemlandet. Denna uppsats har en annan inriktning. Med utgångspunkt från de kronotopmodeller som tagits fram av litteratur-vetaren Juris Rozītis analyseras två böcker av litauiska författare som skriver om liv i Storbritannien respektive Irland med syfte att undersöka hur det upplevda emigrantlivet framställs. Forskningsfrågorna är: Hur avbildas emigrantlivet i post-sovjetisk litauisk emigrantlitteratur? Hur skiljer sig den avbildning från den som framkommer i lettisk efterkrigslitteratur? Den nya ”Inspärrad i det nya landet”-modellen visar sig vara mycket lik en av Rozītis modeller, dock inte den som avbildar livet i det nya landet utan den modell som avbildar livet i flyktinglägren. ”Inspärrad i det nya landet”-modellen visar hur emigranterna lever i värld där det inte finns utrymme för det egna jaget eller intima förhållanden. De lever i en grå zon. I det nya landet men inte riktigt en del av det nya landet. Den närmaste omgivningen utgörs av andra som är marginaliserade i samhället: andra migranter, kriminella osv. Emigranterna är inspärrade i denna gråa zon. De stängs in av ett osynligt men ändå påtagligt stängsel mellan dem och det inhemska samhället. En väsentlig skillnad mot Rozitis flyktinglägersmodellen är dock att banden till hemlandet inte har skurits av utan utgör en levande del av emigrantens liv.


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Despite the position of the United States as de facto global hegemon, China is a rising power in the world. As Chinese power grows, the projection of Chinese influence will be felt most acutely in Southeast Asia. Whether to accommodate, contain or resist China will depend on future developments that none can foresee, including Chinese ambitions, the policies of other international players (the U.S., Japan), and the cohesion or fragility of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN). This paper argues that in deciding how best to deal with China, two factors that will influence the countries of Southeast Asia are their own long histories of bilateral relations with China and their own differing conceptions of how foreign relations should be conducted. This is to argue that history and culture are central to any understanding of the likely future shape of China-Southeast Asia relations. Only by taking history and culture into account will analysts be in a position to predict how the mainland and maritime states of Southeast Asia are likely to respond to a more powerful, confident and assertive China.


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Background: Several studies have found significant cross-sectional associations of perceived environmental attributes with physical activity behaviors. Prospective relations with environmental factors have been examined for vigorous activity, but not for the moderate-intensity activities that environmental and policy initiatives are being designed to influence. Purpose: To examine prospective associations of changes in perceptions of local environmental attributes with changes in neighborhood walking. Methods: Baseline and 10-week follow-up telephone interviews with 512 adults (49% men). Results: Men who reported positive changes in aesthetics and convenience were twice as likely to increase their walking. Women who reported positive changes in convenience were more than twice as likely to have increased their walking. There were contrasting findings for men and women who reported traffic as less of a problem: Men were 61% less likely to have increased walking; however women were 76% more likely to have done so. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to determine the possibly causal nature of such environment-behavior relations and to elucidate relevant gender differences. Such evidence will provide underpinnings for public health initiatives to increase participation in physical activity.


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Objectives. To undertake a prospective longitudinal study to assess psychological and decision-related distress after the diagnosis of localized prostate cancer. Methods. A total of I 11 men (93% response rate) with localized prostate cancer were recruited from outpatient urology clinics and urologists' private practices. More than one half (56%) elected to undergo radical prostatectomy, 19% underwent external beam radiotherapy, and 25% chose watchful waiting. Men completed self-report measures before treatment and 2 and 12 months after treatment. The measures used included the University of California, Los Angeles, Prostate Cancer Index, International Prostate Symptom Score, Impact of Events Scale, Constructed Meaning Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Health Care Orientation subscale, and Decisional Conflict Scale. Results. No statistically significant differences were found by medical treatment group in the psychological and decision-related adjustment at baseline or with time. Men who were undecided about their treatment choice had greater decisional conflict and a more negative healthcare orientation, but were not more psychologically distressed, compared with men who had decided. At diagnosis, 63% of men had high decision-related distress, and this persisted for 42% of men 12 months after treatment, despite high satisfaction with their treatment choice. At diagnosis, low-to-moderate psychological distress was most common, with distress decreasing after treatment. The overall quality of life was similar to community norms. Conclusions. The results of our study indicated that men who were undecided about what treatment to receive experienced greater decision-related distress. The final treatment choice was not related to psychological distress about prostate cancer. Psychological and decision-related distress decreased with time, independent of treatment modality. Interventions should target decision-related distress for all men and in-depth psychological support for those who experience ongoing difficulties. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc.


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Background. Although improvements in life expectancy have been attributed in part to the adoption or a more prudent lifestyle, few studies have examined the association of lifestyle with survival, using several lifestyle factors simultaneously, in a healthy elderly population. Methods. We investigated the association of health related behaviors with mortality in 7989 men aged 65 to 83 years participating in a population-based trial in Perth, Western Australia, by calculating a lifestyle score as a simple tally of flow many or eight prudent behaviors each individual followed. Results. Invitations to screening produced a corrected response of 70.5%. Out of a possible score of 8.46% of men had a score of less than 5. Within 5 years, a total of 703 men (9%) had died from any cause. The hazard ratio in men with a low lifestyle score was 1.3 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-1.5] compared with men with a score of 5 or more. Conclusions. Lifestyle remains an important predictor of mortality even in old age. Survival in older men without a history of cardiovascular disease can potentially be enhanced by promoting a healthy lifestyle. © 2004 Elsevier Inc, All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho, ligado à linha de Políticas e Gestão Educacional, examina o período histórico de 1917 a 1930, em que educadores bolcheviques influenciaram a educação soviética em pleno processo de construção da sociedade revolucionária. Esse importante contexto histórico gerou o interesse pelo tema remetendo este estudo a um período atravessado por discussões educacionais. Assim, procurou-se pesquisar quais foram os educadores que contribuíram para o avanço da educação soviética, o que foi pensado por eles e quais ideias sobre educação foram concretizadas por intermédio de políticas educacionais. Por meio de um estudo da época revolucionária da Rússia, buscou-se apresentar os princípios educacionais de Moisey Mikhaylovic Pistrak (1888-1940), Nadejda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (1869-1939) e Anatóli Lunatcharsky (1875-1933). Tentou-se apurar se as propostas de alguns desses educadores (ou de todos) para a época contribuíram ativamente na implantação da prática pedagógica socialista, fundada no marxismo. Cada um com suas práticas e estudos ajudou a construir o que se conhece na história como uma pedagogia socialista, baseada na ideia do coletivo vinculada ao movimento mais amplo de transformação social. A hipótese sobre a importância prática desses autores foi investigada ao longo do trabalho. A pesquisa intentou contribuir com uma reflexão acerca dos valores possíveis na educação contemporânea, que idealmente deveria valorizar o trabalho do ser humano e as relações de caráter humanitário entre os homens. Contudo, no contexto local não se conseguiu ter acesso, ainda, a uma grande quantidade de estudos relacionados ao tema. Não obstante esse fato, a pesquisa justifica-se como uma análise do período histórico conhecido por sua importância para a evolução da sociedade contemporânea. Parte-se da suposição de que no período pós-revolucionário aconteceu grande efervescência intelectual e cultural, gerando inúmeras propostas diferenciadas nos terrenos da organização escolar, da ação pedagógica, da relação escola-sociedade, da relação escola-unidades de produção, da relação entre educação e cidadania socialista etc. No decorrer da pesquisa, para estudar cada educador, foi preciso buscar em suas obras a presença de quatro temas relevantes no debate soviético daquele período: a nova sociedade soviética (papel dominante do Estado, declínio no papel da igreja e da família, reivindicação do sistema econômico de participação na educação); a organização do ensino por meio da abordagem de problemas (sistema modular); o processo de revolução cultural e a construção do novo homem; e a politecnia. Para fundamentar os temas, foi necessário caracterizar a posição do pensamento e a ação educacional de cada autor. Na abordagem dos temas, buscou-se também outros autores interessados pela educação soviética e pelas correntes doutrinárias no terreno da educação. Considera-se que a pesquisa contribuirá à academia, ao estudo da pedagogia e da política educacional, e à compreensão do pensamento dos educadores bolcheviques.


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Este estudo teve por objetivos, identificar a percepção do padrasto sobre suas relações com seu(s) enteado(s) e identificar a percepção do padrasto acerca da sua função e papel na família. Utilizou-se de uma investigação clínica de referencial psicanalítico que levantou os dados por meio de entrevistas semi-dirigidas e do Desenho de família com estórias, em 3 participantes adultos e que eram padrastos. Os atendimentos foram realizados em ambiente de consultório, respeitando-se questões técnicas e éticas da pesquisa e da Psicologia em especial, tais como sigilo e consentimento dos participantes. A análise do conteúdo mostrou que havia peculiaridades em cada caso estudado, entretanto, havia fatores comuns em seus sentimentos e ações sobre a família e enteados: a) houve uma ambivalência pois tanto se perceberam como homens provedores e orientadores dos filhos e enteados, quanto havia também uma a percepção de que os sentimentos pelo filho biológico eram diferentes daqueles sentidos por seus enteados. b) todos os padrastos revelaram entraves nas relações por uma não definição clara de seu papel e função no contexto familiar, muitas vezes reforçado pelas esposas- mães, tidas como aquelas que detém o poder sobre o filho/enteado e, esta confusão gerava rivalidade entre padrasto e enteado, numa disputa pelo amor da esposa e mãe. c) do ponto de vista psíquico, foi observado que muitos conflitos os remetiam aos períodos precoces do desenvolvimento, especialmente à resolução edipiana, como numa reedição; assim, o exercício da função de padrasto se dá à base da qualidade de suas relações com seus pais na infância tal como se dá no exercício da paternidade consangüínea. De modo que, a função de padrasto, assim como a paterna se dá por um compromisso evolutivo . Sugerem-se outros trabalhos, pois se entendeu que esse tipo de estudo relacionado à Psicologia do desenvolvimento pode auxiliar em ações de saúde e prevenção em saúde mental.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a capacidade de otimismo, de suporte social e de valores do trabalho serem preditores de bem estar subjetivo, bem como analisar as relações de variáveis demográficas com essas variáveis de estudo, descrevê-las e examinar as relações entre elas. A amostra consistiu de 47 homens e de 101 mulheres com idade média de 41,00 anos (DP =10,72) que buscavam apoio em instituição para sua transição profissional. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário de autopreenchimento composto por cinco medidas que aferiram as variáveis incluídas no estudo: otimismo, percepção de suporte social, valores do trabalho, satisfação geral com a vida e afetos positivos e negativos, bem como variáveis demográficas: sexo, idade, estudo, trabalho, voluntariado, estado civil e permanência na instituição. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, correlações, análise de variância e calculados modelos de regressão linear múltipla. As relações das variáveis de estudo com variáveis demográficas revelaram que as pessoas que não estudam percebem ter mais suporte prático e dão mais importância a motivações de autopromoção e de prestígio do que as que estudam. Os mais jovens com até 30 anos relataram que se percebem tendo mais apoio emocional e prático do que os mais velhos. Com o avanço da idade diminuem as percepções de suporte emocional e prático, contudo as pessoas com mais de 50 anos revelaram menos afetos negativos e maior satisfação com a vida do que os mais jovens. Casados revelaram dar menos importância do que separados, divorciados, viúvos, etc. à estabilidade no trabalho e segurança financeira; solteiros revelaram ter mais afetos negativos do que os casados. Homens relataram se sentir mais satisfeitos com a vida, ter mais afetos positivos e menos afetos negativos que mulheres. Quem realiza trabalho voluntário revelou ser mais otimista e ter menos afetos negativos do que aqueles que não realizam. Os dados revelaram que os pesquisados têm um bom nível de otimismo e uma percepção de suporte emocional maior do que a percepção de suporte prático; são motivados, principalmente por metas de realização no trabalho e de estabilidade e segurança financeira; sentem-se indiferentes quanto à satisfação com a vida; apresentam afetos positivos um pouco acima da indiferença; contudo sentem poucos afetos negativos. Disso decorre que um pouco mais de dois terços dos pesquisados apresentaram predominância de estados emocionais positivos sobre os negativos. O otimismo foi a variável que estabeleceu associações mais altas e em maior quantidade; correlacionou positivamente com valores de realização no trabalho, com valores de relações sociais, com valores do trabalho de prestígio, com satisfação com a vida e com afetos positivos; e correlacionou negativamente com afetos negativos. A percepção de suporte emocional correlacionou positivamente com valores de prestígio, afetos positivos e com satisfação com a vida; e correlacionou negativamente com afetos negativos. Percepção de suporte prático não apresentou correlações significativas com nenhuma variável de estudo. Afetos positivos correlacionaram-se positivamente com valores do trabalho de relações sociais e com valores do trabalho de prestígio. A partir da análise de três modelos preditivos encontrou-se que otimismo e suporte emocional repercutem positivamente sobre a satisfação com a vida e sobre afetos positivos. Otimismo repercute negativamente sobre afetos negativos. Valores do trabalho de prestígio repercutem positivamente sobre afetos positivos. Valores de estabilidade repercutem negativamente sobre satisfação com a vida e sobre afetos positivos; e positivamente sobre afetos negativos. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o estado otimista é um poderoso fator de impacto positivo sobre o estado de saúde denominado bem estar subjetivo.(AU)


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For a number of years following the Orange revolution of 2004, Ukraine aspired to join the European Union. Although full integration was never a short-term prospect, European integration, through the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, offers considerable benefits to Ukraine. However, the country was severely affected by the Great Slump of 2008–9 in the global economy, and this profoundly negative experience has shaped Ukrainian domestic and foreign policy in the subsequent period, putting paid to aspirations to EU membership and influencing the Ukrainian government's decision to seek a closer relationship with Russia immediately following the presidential election of 2010. Nevertheless, closer relations with Russia should not adversely affect Ukraine's efforts at EU integration.


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This is a multiple case study of the leadership language of three senior women working in a large corporation in Bahrain. The study’s main aim is to explore the linguistic practices the women leaders use with their colleagues and subordinates in corporate meetings. Adopting a Foucauldian (1972) notion of ‘discourses’ as social practices and a view of gender as socially constructed and discursively performed (Butler 1990), this research aims to unveil the competing discourses which may shape the leadership language of senior women in their communities of practice. The research is situated within the broader field of Sociolinguistics and the specific field of Language and Gender. To address the research aim, a case study approach incorporating multiple methods of qualitative data collection (observation, interviews, and shadowing) was utilised to gather information about the three women leaders and produce a rich description of their use of language in and out of meeting contexts. For analysis, principles of Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) were used to organise and sort the large amount of data. Also, Feminist Post- Structuralist Discourse Analysis (FPDA) was adopted to produce a multi-faceted analysis of the subjects, their language leadership, power relations, and competing discourses in the context. It was found that the three senior women enact leadership differently making variable use of a repertoire of conventionally masculine and feminine linguistic practices. However, they all appear to have limited language resources and even more limiting subject positions; and they all have to exercise considerable linguistic expertise to police and modify their language in order to avoid the ‘double bind’. Yet, the extent of this limitation and constraints depends on the community of practice with its prevailing discourses, which appear to have their roots in Islamic and cultural practices as well as some Western influences acquired throughout the company’s history. It is concluded that it may be particularly challenging for Middle Eastern women to achieve any degree of equality with men in the workplace because discourses of Gender difference lie at the core of Islamic teaching and ideology.


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Introduction: Although older individuals are more prone to hypoglycaemia, it is not known if they have sufficient understanding of the risks of hypoglycaemia or the factors that predispose to it. We evaluated the effectiveness of hypoglycaemia education and examined the factors that increased susceptibility to hypoglycaemia among older people with diabetes. Methods: Forty-five patients (male/female) aged >65 years and known to have diabetes were identified through outpatient clinics at a secondary care hospital. Information relating to education received, awareness of hypoglycaemia and associated risk factors was collected using a standard questionnaire. Additionally, data regarding demographics, treatment regimes, patient attitudes, hypoglycaemic awareness and risks and barriers to self-management of diabetes was collected. Patients were categorised as low, moderate and high risk based on their responses. Independent sample t-tests and Analysis of Variance were carried out to identify factors contributing to high hypoglycaemic risk. Results: Overall, 70% of the patients reported receiving education about hypoglycaemia from health professionals and 95% of them reported good understanding of hypoglycaemia and were able to self-test. Proportion of women receiving education was, however, lower than men (52% women versus 88% men). Compared with men, women were less likely to recognise (59 versus 73%), or act appropriately to a hypoglycaemic episode (59 versus 78%). The mean number of hypoglycaemic episodes per year (41 versus 12) and the duration of hypoglycaemia (9.9 versus 6.3 min) was also greater among women compared with men. The duration of diabetes (P = 0.018), female gender, type 1 diabetes (0.002) and lack awareness of medications causing hypos (P = 0.006) were strong predictors of hypoglycaemia risk. Conclusions: There are significant gaps in education around hypoglycaemia in older people with diabetes. Women, people with longer duration and type 1 diabetes in particular, need additional attention and future educational initiatives need to address these issues.  


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Rates of HIV infection continue to climb among minority populations and men who have sex with men (MSM), with African American/Black MSM being especially impacted. Numerous studies have found HIV transmission risk to be associated with many health and social disparities resulting from larger environmental and structural forces. Using anthropological and social environment-based theories of resilience that focus on individual agency and larger social and environmental structures, this dissertation employed a mixed methods design to investigate resilience processes among African American/Black MSM.^ Quantitative analyses compared African American/Black (N=108) and Caucasian/White (N=250) MSM who participated in a previously conducted randomized controlled trial (RCT) of sexual and substance use risk reduction interventions. At RCT study entry, using past 90 day recall periods, there were no differences in unprotected sex frequency, however African American/Black MSM reported higher frequencies of days high (P<0.000), and drugs and sex used in combination (P<0.000), and substance dependence (P<0.000) and lower levels of social support (P<0.024) compared to Caucasian/White MSM. At 12- month follow-up, multi-level statistical models found that African American/Black MSM reduced their frequencies of days high and unprotected sex at greater rates than Caucasian/White MSM (P<0.001).^ Qualitative data collected among a sub-sample of African American/Black MSM from the RCT (N=21) described the men's experiences of living with multiple health and social disparities and the importance of RCT study assessments in facilitating reductions in risk behaviors. A cross-case analysis showed different resilience processes undertaken by men who experienced low socioeconomic status, little family support, and homophobia (N=16) compared to those who did not (N=5).^ The dissertation concludes that resilience processes to HIV transmission risk and related health and social disparities among African American/Black MSM varies and are dependent on specific social environmental factors, including social relationships, structural homophobia, and access to social, economic, and cultural capital. Men define for themselves what it means to be resilient within their social environment. These conclusions suggest that both individual and structural-level resilience-based HIV prevention interventions are needed.^


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Rates of HIV infection continue to climb among minority populations and men who have sex with men (MSM), with African American/Black MSM being especially impacted. Numerous studies have found HIV transmission risk to be associated with many health and social disparities resulting from larger environmental and structural forces. Using anthropological and social environment-based theories of resilience that focus on individual agency and larger social and environmental structures, this dissertation employed a mixed methods design to investigate resilience processes among African American/Black MSM. Quantitative analyses compared African American/Black (N=108) and Caucasian/White (N=250) MSM who participated in a previously conducted randomized controlled trial (RCT) of sexual and substance use risk reduction interventions. At RCT study entry, using past 90 day recall periods, there were no differences in unprotected sex frequency, however African American/Black MSM reported higher frequencies of days high (P Qualitative data collected among a sub-sample of African American/Black MSM from the RCT (N=21) described the men’s experiences of living with multiple health and social disparities and the importance of RCT study assessments in facilitating reductions in risk behaviors. A cross-case analysis showed different resilience processes undertaken by men who experienced low socioeconomic status, little family support, and homophobia (N=16) compared to those who did not (N=5). The dissertation concludes that resilience processes to HIV transmission risk and related health and social disparities among African American/Black MSM varies and are dependent on specific social environmental factors, including social relationships, structural homophobia, and access to social, economic, and cultural capital. Men define for themselves what it means to be resilient within their social environment. These conclusions suggest that both individual and structural-level resilience-based HIV prevention interventions are needed.