1000 resultados para Domínguez, Nora


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The potential for application of silicon nitride-based light sources to general lighting is reported. The mechanism of current injection and transport in silicon nitride layers and silicon oxide tunnel layers is determined by electro-optical characterization of both bi- and tri-layers. It is shown that red luminescence is due to bipolar injection by direct tunneling, whereas Poole-Frenkel ionization is responsible for blue-green emission. The emission appears warm white to the eye, and the technology has potential for large-area lighting devices. A photometric study, including color rendering, color quality and luminous efficacy of radiation, measured under various AC excitation conditions, is given for a spectrum deemed promising for lighting. A correlated color temperature of 4800K was obtained using a 35% duty cycle of the AC excitation signal. Under these conditions, values for general color rendering index of 93 and luminous efficacy of radiation of 112 lm/W are demonstrated. This proof of concept demonstrates that mature silicon technology, which is extendable to lowcost, large-area lamps, can be used for general lighting purposes. Once the external quantum efficiency is improved to exceed 10%, this technique could be competitive with other energy-efficient solid-state lighting options. ©2011 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: (230.2090) Electro-optical devices; (150.2950) Illumination.


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Power leakage properties and guiding conditions of rib antiresonant reflecting optical waveguides (rib-ARROW) have been theoretically and experimentally studied as a function of wavelength and polarization of the light for different geometrical and optical parameters that characterize the rib-ARROW structure. Obtained results show that rib-ARROWs can only be fabricated with low losses in a wavelength range when determined rib configurations are adopted. Furthermore, these waveguides exhibit a polarization sensitivity that largely depends on the core-substrate refractive index difference. Together with the experimental results, theoretical calculations from different modeling methods are also presented and discussed.


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A configurational model for silicon oxide damaged after a high-dose ion implantation of a nonreactive species is presented. Based on statistics of silicon-centered tetrahedra, the model takes into account not only the closest environment of a given silicon atom, but also the second neighborhood, so it is specified whether the oxygen attached to one given silicon is bridging two tetrahedra or not. The frequencies and intensities of infrared vibrational bands have been calculated by averaging over the distributions and these results are in agreement with the ones obtained from infrared experimental spectra. Likewise, the chemical shifts obtained from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis are similar to the reported values for the charge-transfer model of SiOx compounds.


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The definition of the quark-antiquark static potential is given within an effective field theory framework. The leading infrared divergences of the static singlet potential in perturbation theory are explicitly calculated.


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Selostus: Perunan somaattisten hybridien ja niiden somatohaploidien fluoresenssi in situ -hybridisaatio Solanum brevidens -lajin spesifisten sekvenssien avulla


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We show that some nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics color-octet matrix elements can be written in terms of (derivatives of) wave functions at the origin and of nonperturbative universal constants once the factorization between the soft and ultrasoft scales is achieved by using an effective field theory where only ultrasoft degrees of freedom are kept as dynamical entities. This allows us to derive a new set of relations between inclusive heavy-quarkonium P-wave decays into light hadrons with different principal quantum numbers and with different heavy flavors. In particular, we can estimate the ratios of the decay widths of bottomonium P-wave states from charmonium data.


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We show that some nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics color-octet matrix elements can be written in terms of (derivatives of) wave functions at the origin and of nonperturbative universal constants once the factorization between the soft and ultrasoft scales is achieved by using an effective field theory where only ultrasoft degrees of freedom are kept as dynamical entities. This allows us to derive a new set of relations between inclusive heavy-quarkonium P-wave decays into light hadrons with different principal quantum numbers and with different heavy flavors. In particular, we can estimate the ratios of the decay widths of bottomonium P-wave states from charmonium data.


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This article reviews recent theoretical developments in heavy-quarkonium physics from the point of view of effective-field theories of QCD. We discuss nonrelativistic QCD and concentrate on potential nonrelativistic QCD. The main goal will be to derive Schrödinger equations based on QCD that govern heavy-quarkonium physics in the weak- and strong-coupling regimes. Finally, the review discusses a selected set of applications, which include spectroscopy, inclusive decays, and electromagnetic threshold production.


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Este artigo busca discutir o processo de implementação da reforma do ensino médio, a partir de dados colhidos em pesquisa realizada em três estados brasileiros. O intuito é analisar os principais eixos das reformas estaduais e seus focos mais críticos, a partir do estudo de seus diferentes aspectos e das tensões geradas entre a intencionalidade das novas estratégias, a realidade que se quer transformar e o que foi efetivamente produzido como decorrência das medidas propostas. As preocupações principais suscitadas referem-se: ao cenário educacional em que convivem velhos e novos problemas que apontam para a expansão do ensino médio com baixa qualidade, para a privatização da sua gestão, e, simultaneamente, para um forte componente de exclusão; ao fato de que a reforma em curso vem afetando sensivelmente o trabalho do professor e a dinâmica institucional da escola e, em muito menor grau, a realidade educacional do aluno. O estudo conclui que a situação atual do ensino médio encerra o seguinte paradoxo: uma reforma curricular complexa junto com a desvalorização do trabalho intelectual da escola como instituição cultural.


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O estudo focaliza a reconfiguração da gestão educacional a partir da nova lógica de regulação social e do novo papel do Estado, à luz da historicidade dos países estudados (Argentina, Brasil, Chile e México), examinando os fatores culturais que interferiram na dinâmica da reforma educacional da década de 90. Aspectos que evidenciam a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade dessa reforma na região, bem como as especificidades nacionais que intervieram em sua concretização, são destacados. Afirma que a historicidade que caracteriza a realidade educacional tem sofrido, no México, o que poderíamos denominar "ruptura conservadora"; no Chile, "continuidade conservadora"; no Brasil, "renovação conservadora"; e, na Argentina, "ruptura interrompida". Recupera algumas conclusões alcançadas por meio da análise de 186 textos de caráter acadêmico sobre os impactos, nos países estudados, da reforma educacional da década.


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