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Les enquêtes militaires et l-organisation des intellectuels de gauche au Brésil dans les années 1960
This article has as its object of analysis the Inquiries Police-Military, adocumentation produced during the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985)and today it’s important sources for historians, sociologists, political scientists to understand the internal dynamics of repression, as well as specifying certainnetworks communist militancy and the engagement of progressive sectorsagainst the military government. Documents, court proceedings that currently in Brazil endorse the work of the Truth Commission, which seeks to ascertain the fate of disappeared politicians and determine the actions of the organs of repression during the military dictatorship in Brazil.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Planned to comprise 15 v. No more published.
The first series covers the years 1832-56 and comprises 43 vols.; the second series (numbered also "26.-49. année"), the years 1857-80, 50 vols.; the third series (numbered also "50.-68. année"), the years 1881-98, 36 vols.
Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des Sciences morales et politiques et par l'Académie française.
1. ptie.] Les moeurs politiques et les traditions. 1885.--2. ptie. La chute de la royaute̲. 1887.--3. ptie. La guerre aux rois. 1792-1793. 1891.--4. ptie. Les limites naturelles, 1794-1795. 1892.--5. ptie. Bonaparte et le Directoire, 1795-1799. [3. e̲d.] 1903.--6. ptie. La tre̲ve--Lune̲ville et Amiens, 1800-1805. 3. e̲d. 1903.--7. ptie. Le blocus continental--le grand empire, 1806-1812. 2. e̲d. 1904.--8. ptie. La coalition, les traite̲s de 1815, 1812-1815. 2. e̲d. 1904.--[9]. Table alphabe̲tique.
Mode of access: Internet.
Beginning with 1906 all the memoirs of the Academy are published in two series: A. Mémoires de la Classe des sciences; B. Mémoires de la Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la Classe des beaux-arts. Each series includes two collections, one in-40 and one in-80.
Beginning with 1904 all the memoirs of the Academy are published in two series: A. Mémoires de la Classe des sciences; B: Mémoires de la Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques et de la Classe des beauz-arts. Each series includes two collections, one in 4to and one in 8vo.