951 resultados para Digital elevation model
One of the main concerns when conducting a dam test is the acute determination of the hydrograph for a specific flood event. The use of 2D direct rainfall hydraulic mathematical models on a finite elements mesh, combined with the efficiency of vector calculus that provides CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) technology, enables nowadays the simulation of complex hydrological models without the need for terrain subbasin and transit splitting (as in HEC-HMS). Both the Spanish PNOA (National Plan of Aereal Orthophotography) Digital Terrain Model GRID with a 5 x 5 m accuracy and the CORINE GIS Land Cover (Coordination of INformation of the Environment) that allows assessment of the ground roughness, provide enough data to easily build these kind of models
Disponer de información precisa y actualizada de inventario forestal es una pieza clave para mejorar la gestión forestal sostenible y para proponer y evaluar políticas de conservación de bosques que permitan la reducción de emisiones de carbono debidas a la deforestación y degradación forestal (REDD). En este sentido, la tecnología LiDAR ha demostrado ser una herramienta perfecta para caracterizar y estimar de forma continua y en áreas extensas la estructura del bosque y las principales variables de inventario forestal. Variables como la biomasa, el número de pies, el volumen de madera, la altura dominante, el diámetro o la altura media son estimadas con una calidad comparable a los inventarios tradicionales de campo. La presente tesis se centra en analizar la aplicación de los denominados métodos de masa de inventario forestal con datos LIDAR bajo diferentes condiciones y características de masa forestal (bosque templados puros y mixtos) y utilizando diferentes bases de datos LiDAR (información proveniente de vuelo nacionales e información capturada de forma específica). Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se profundiza en la generación de inventarios forestales continuos con LiDAR en grandes áreas. Los métodos de masa se basan en la búsqueda de relaciones estadísticas entre variables predictoras derivadas de la nube de puntos LiDAR y las variables de inventario forestal medidas en campo con el objeto de generar una cartografía continua de inventario forestal. El rápido desarrollo de esta tecnología en los últimos años ha llevado a muchos países a implantar programas nacionales de captura de información LiDAR aerotransportada. Estos vuelos nacionales no están pensados ni diseñados para fines forestales por lo que es necesaria la evaluación de la validez de esta información LiDAR para la descripción de la estructura del bosque y la medición de variables forestales. Esta información podría suponer una drástica reducción de costes en la generación de información continua de alta resolución de inventario forestal. En el capítulo 2 se evalúa la estimación de variables forestales a partir de la información LiDAR capturada en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA-LiDAR) en España. Para ello se compara un vuelo específico diseñado para inventario forestal con la información de la misma zona capturada dentro del PNOA-LiDAR. El caso de estudio muestra cómo el ángulo de escaneo, la pendiente y orientación del terreno afectan de forma estadísticamente significativa, aunque con pequeñas diferencias, a la estimación de biomasa y variables de estructura forestal derivadas del LiDAR. La cobertura de copas resultó más afectada por estos factores que los percentiles de alturas. Considerando toda la zona de estudio, la estimación de la biomasa con ambas bases de datos no presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Las simulaciones realizadas muestran que las diferencias medias en la estimación de biomasa entre un vuelo específico y el vuelo nacional podrán superar el 4% en áreas abruptas, con ángulos de escaneo altos y cuando la pendiente de la ladera no esté orientada hacia la línea de escaneo. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla un estudio en masas mixtas y puras de pino silvestre y haya, con un enfoque multi-fuente empleando toda la información disponible (vuelos LiDAR nacionales de baja densidad de puntos, imágenes satelitales Landsat y parcelas permanentes del inventario forestal nacional español). Se concluye que este enfoque multi-fuente es adecuado para realizar inventarios forestales continuos de alta resolución en grandes superficies. Los errores obtenidos en la fase de ajuste y de validación de los modelos de área basimétrica y volumen son similares a los registrados por otros autores (usando un vuelo específico y parcelas de campo específicas). Se observan errores mayores en la variable número de pies que los encontrados en la literatura, que pueden ser explicados por la influencia de la metodología de parcelas de radio variable en esta variable. En los capítulos 4 y 5 se evalúan los métodos de masa para estimar biomasa y densidad de carbono en bosques tropicales. Para ello se trabaja con datos del Parque Nacional Volcán Poás (Costa Rica) en dos situaciones diferentes: i) se dispone de una cobertura completa LiDAR del área de estudio (capitulo 4) y ii) la cobertura LiDAR completa no es técnica o económicamente posible y se combina una cobertura incompleta de LiDAR con imágenes Landsat e información auxiliar para la estimación de biomasa y carbono (capitulo 5). En el capítulo 4 se valida un modelo LiDAR general de estimación de biomasa aérea en bosques tropicales y se compara con los resultados obtenidos con un modelo ajustado de forma específica para el área de estudio. Ambos modelos están basados en la variable altura media de copas (TCH por sus siglas en inglés) derivada del modelo digital LiDAR de altura de la vegetación. Los resultados en el área de estudio muestran que el modelo general es una alternativa fiable al ajuste de modelos específicos y que la biomasa aérea puede ser estimada en una nueva zona midiendo en campo únicamente la variable área basimétrica (BA). Para mejorar la aplicación de esta metodología es necesario definir en futuros trabajos procedimientos adecuados de medición de la variable área basimétrica en campo (localización, tamaño y forma de las parcelas de campo). La relación entre la altura media de copas del LiDAR y el área basimétrica (Coeficiente de Stock) obtenida en el área de estudio varía localmente. Por tanto es necesario contar con más información de campo para caracterizar la variabilidad del Coeficiente de Stock entre zonas de vida y si estrategias como la estratificación pueden reducir los errores en la estimación de biomasa y carbono en bosques tropicales. En el capítulo 5 se concluye que la combinación de una muestra sistemática de información LiDAR con una cobertura completa de imagen satelital de moderada resolución (e información auxiliar) es una alternativa efectiva para la realización de inventarios continuos en bosques tropicales. Esta metodología permite estimar altura de la vegetación, biomasa y carbono en grandes zonas donde la captura de una cobertura completa de LiDAR y la realización de un gran volumen de trabajo de campo es económica o/y técnicamente inviable. Las alternativas examinadas para la predicción de biomasa a partir de imágenes Landsat muestran una ligera disminución del coeficiente de determinación y un pequeño aumento del RMSE cuando la cobertura de LiDAR es reducida de forma considerable. Los resultados indican que la altura de la vegetación, la biomasa y la densidad de carbono pueden ser estimadas en bosques tropicales de forma adecuada usando coberturas de LIDAR bajas (entre el 5% y el 20% del área de estudio). ABSTRACT The availability of accurate and updated forest data is essential for improving sustainable forest management, promoting forest conservation policies and reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). In this sense, LiDAR technology proves to be a clear-cut tool for characterizing forest structure in large areas and assessing main forest-stand variables. Forest variables such as biomass, stem volume, basal area, mean diameter, mean height, dominant height, and stem number can be thus predicted with better or comparable quality than with costly traditional field inventories. In this thesis, it is analysed the potential of LiDAR technology for the estimation of plot-level forest variables under a range of conditions (conifer & broadleaf temperate forests and tropical forests) and different LiDAR capture characteristics (nationwide LiDAR information vs. specific forest LiDAR data). This study evaluates the application of LiDAR-based plot-level methods in large areas. These methods are based on statistical relationships between predictor variables (derived from airborne data) and field-measured variables to generate wall to wall forest inventories. The fast development of this technology in recent years has led to an increasing availability of national LiDAR datasets, usually developed for multiple purposes throughout an expanding number of countries and regions. The evaluation of the validity of nationwide LiDAR databases (not designed specifically for forest purposes) is needed and presents a great opportunity for substantially reducing the costs of forest inventories. In chapter 2, the suitability of Spanish nationwide LiDAR flight (PNOA) to estimate forest variables is analyzed and compared to a specifically forest designed LiDAR flight. This study case shows that scan angle, terrain slope and aspect significantly affect the assessment of most of the LiDAR-derived forest variables and biomass estimation. Especially, the estimation of canopy cover is more affected than height percentiles. Considering the entire study area, biomass estimations from both databases do not show significant differences. Simulations show that differences in biomass could be larger (more than 4%) only in particular situations, such as steep areas when the slopes are non-oriented towards the scan lines and the scan angles are larger than 15º. In chapter 3, a multi-source approach is developed, integrating available databases such as nationwide LiDAR flights, Landsat imagery and permanent field plots from SNFI, with good resultos in the generation of wall to wall forest inventories. Volume and basal area errors are similar to those obtained by other authors (using specific LiDAR flights and field plots) for the same species. Errors in the estimation of stem number are larger than literature values as a consequence of the great influence that variable-radius plots, as used in SNFI, have on this variable. In chapters 4 and 5 wall to wall plot-level methodologies to estimate aboveground biomass and carbon density in tropical forest are evaluated. The study area is located in the Poas Volcano National Park (Costa Rica) and two different situations are analyzed: i) available complete LiDAR coverage (chapter 4) and ii) a complete LiDAR coverage is not available and wall to wall estimation is carried out combining LiDAR, Landsat and ancillary data (chapter 5). In chapter 4, a general aboveground biomass plot-level LiDAR model for tropical forest (Asner & Mascaro, 2014) is validated and a specific model for the study area is fitted. Both LiDAR plot-level models are based on the top-of-canopy height (TCH) variable that is derived from the LiDAR digital canopy model. Results show that the pantropical plot-level LiDAR methodology is a reliable alternative to the development of specific models for tropical forests and thus, aboveground biomass in a new study area could be estimated by only measuring basal area (BA). Applying this methodology, the definition of precise BA field measurement procedures (e.g. location, size and shape of the field plots) is decisive to achieve reliable results in future studies. The relation between BA and TCH (Stocking Coefficient) obtained in our study area in Costa Rica varied locally. Therefore, more field work is needed for assessing Stocking Coefficient variations between different life zones and the influence of the stratification of the study areas in tropical forests on the reduction of uncertainty. In chapter 5, the combination of systematic LiDAR information sampling and full coverage Landsat imagery (and ancillary data) prove to be an effective alternative for forest inventories in tropical areas. This methodology allows estimating wall to wall vegetation height, biomass and carbon density in large areas where full LiDAR coverage and traditional field work are technically and/or economically unfeasible. Carbon density prediction using Landsat imaginery shows a slight decrease in the determination coefficient and an increase in RMSE when harshly decreasing LiDAR coverage area. Results indicate that feasible estimates of vegetation height, biomass and carbon density can be accomplished using low LiDAR coverage areas (between 5% and 20% of the total area) in tropical locations.
O objetivo deste estudo in vivo, internacional, randomizado e duplo cedo foi avaliar comparativamente a efetividade e o pH de diferentes géis clareadores na técnica de clareamento em consultório, com e sem o emprego de fonte de luz híbrida em função do grau de alteração de cor, sensibilidade e manutenção do tratamento ao longo de 12 meses de acompanhamento. Foram selecionados 48 voluntários de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os pacientes foram divididos, de forma randomizada, em 4 grupos de 12 participantes cada, onde: Grupo EXP10 5 aplicações do gel de peróxido de hidrogênio a 10% (Gel Experimental DMC Equipamentos) e ativação de luz híbrida de LED (violeta)/Laser (Experimental DMC Equipamentos) com 7′ e 30″ por aplicação, com tempo total de 37′30; Grupo LP15 5 aplicações do gel de peróxido de hidrogênio 15% (Lase Peroxide Lite DMC Equipamentos) seguindo mesmo protocolo do grupo EXP10; Grupo TB35LH 3 aplicações do gel de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Total Blanc Office - DFL) e ativação de luz híbrida de LED (azul)/Laser (Whitening Lase II DMC Equipamentos) de 7′ e 30″ por aplicação, com tempo total de 22′30″; Grupo TB35 3 aplicações do gel de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Total Blanc Office - DFL) sem ativação com fonte de luz, totalizando 45″. A determinação dos valores de pH foi realizada com o peagômetro digital (Sentron Model 1001, Sentron) nos tempos inicial e após o término do protocolo clareador. A aferição da cor foi feita com espectofotômetro VITA Easyshade antes do clareamento, após 24 horas, 1 semana, 1, 6 e 12 meses. A sensibilidade dentária e grau de satisfação dos pacientes foram avaliados por meio do questionário VAS e IPS antes, imediatamente após o clareamento, 24 horas e uma semana após. Os resultados da alteração do pH receberam tratamento estatístico pela ANOVA e teste de Bonferroni a 0,05%. Os resultados indicaram que o pH aumentou do momento inicial para o final para todos os protocolos. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os protocolos TB35 e TB35LH em nenhum dos momentos, e o pH médio do grupo EXP10 foi maior em comparação aos outros três grupos nos dois momentos avaliados. Os resultados do ΔE receberam tratamento estatístico pela ANOVA e teste de Bonferroni a 0,05%. Os resultados indicaram que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos LP15, TB35 e TB35LH. O ΔE médio observado após 24 horas foi estatisticamente maior que para os outros tempos (inicial, 1 semana, 1 mês, 6 e 12 meses). Para análise da sensibilidade foi construído um modelo linear misto e atribuídos postos (ranks) aos valores de Δ e teste de Bonferroni a 0,05% para comparações pareadas. Não houve diferença nos valores da sensibilidade imediatamente e 24 horas após o tratamento, com relação ao momento inicial. Houve diferença significativa entre Δ1 e Δ3 indicando que a sensação de dor após uma semana do tratamento foi menor do que as observadas nos instantes imediato e após 24 horas. Para os resultados de satisfação foi construído um modelo linear misto e atribuídos postos (ranks) e o Método de Bonferroni (0,05%) foi utilizado para as comparações pareadas do efeito de tempo. Os resultados indicam queda nos níveis de satisfação entre os períodos imediato e um ano e entre os períodos 24 horas e um ano. Todos os géis clareadores apresentaram mínima variação do pH nos tempos avaliados, entretanto houve um aumento do pH da primeira para a última aplicação em todos os grupos estudados e o grupo EXP10 apresentou os maiores valores de pH seguido do LP15, TB35LH e TB35 apresentaram os valores mais baixos de pH. Os grupos LP15, TB35 e TB35LH apresentaram menor variação da cor ao longo de 12 meses de acompanhamento. O efeito do protocolo clareador não influenciou a sensibilidade dos pacientes e após uma semana a sensibilidade retornaram aos níveis normais. O nível de satisfação dos pacientes foi significativo em relação ao tempo e não aos protocolos clareadores, os pacientes do grupo TB35 mostraram-se mais insatisfeitos ao longo da pesquisa.
The environmental, cultural and socio-economic causes and consequences of farmland abandonment are issues of increasing concern for researchers and policy makers. In previous studies, we proposed a new methodology for selecting the driving factors in farmland abandonment processes. Using Data Mining and GIS, it is possible to select those variables which are more significantly related to abandonment. The aim of this study is to investigate the application of the above mentioned methodology for finding relationships between relief and farmland abandonment in a Mediterranean region (SE Spain).We have taken into account up to 28 different variables in a single analysis, some of them commonly considered in land use change studies (slope, altitude, TWI, etc), but also other novel variables have been evaluated (sky view factor, terrain view factor, etc). The variable selection process provides results in line with the previous knowledge of the study area, describing some processes that are region specific (e.g. abandonment versus intensification of the agricultural activities). The European INSPIRE Directive (2007/2/EC) establishes that the digital elevation models for land surfaces should be available in all member countries, this means that the research described in this work can be extrapolated to any European country to determine whether these variables (slope, altitude, etc) are important in the process of abandonment.
This thesis focuses on tectonic geomorphology and the response of the Ken River catchment to postulated tectonic forcing along a NE-striking monocline fold in the Panna region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Peninsular India is underlain by three northeast-trending paleotopographic ridges of Precambrian Indian basement, bounded by crustal-scale faults. Of particular interest is the Pokhara lineament, a crustal scale fault that defines the eastern edge of the Faizabad ridge, a paleotopographic high cored by the Archean Bundelkhand craton. The Pokhara lineament coincides with the monocline structure developed in the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup rocks along the Bundelkhand cratonic margin. A peculiar, deeply incised meander-like feature, preserved along the Ken River where it flows through the monocline, may be intimately related to the tectonic regime of this system. This thesis examines 41 longitudinal stream profiles across the length of the monocline structure to identify any tectonic signals generated from recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. It also investigates the evolution of the Ken River catchment in response to the generation of the monocline fold. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were used to delineate a series of tributary watersheds and extract individual stream profiles which were imported into MATLAB for analysis. Regression limits were chosen to define distinct channel segments, and knickpoints were defined at breaks between channel segments where there was a discrete change in the steepness of the channel profile. The longitudinal channel profiles exhibit the characteristics of a fluvial system in transient state. There is a significant downstream increase in normalized steepness index in the channel profiles, as well as a general increase in concavity downstream, with some channels exhibiting convex, over-steepened segments. Normalized steepness indices and uppermost knickpoint elevations are on average much higher in streams along the southwest segment of the monocline compared to streams along the northeast segment. Most channel profiles have two to three knickpoints, predominantly exhibiting slope-break morphology. These data have important implications for recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. Furthermore, geomorphic features preserved along the Ken River suggest that it is an antecedent river. The incised meander-like feature appears to be the abandoned river valley of a former Ken River course that was captured during the evolution of the landscape by what is the present day Ken River.
L'elaborato raccoglie le attività necessarie alla generazione di una ortofoto e di un Digital Surface Model a partire da una coppia di fotogrammi. L'area di interesse è la base italiana in Antartide Mario Zucchelli situata in prossimità della baia di Terranova. Dopo una prima parte in cui vengono descritti gli aspetti teorici della fotogrammetria, quali acquisizione delle immagini, orientamento interno ed esterno, stereo-restituzione e generazione dei prodotti finali si descrivono i procedimenti pratici per la generazione di una ortofoto, quindi una fotografia aerea che ha subito un processo di correzione geometrica e radiometrica e che può quindi essere utilizzata per dedurre informazioni quantitative di tipo metrico. Le operazioni svolte presso il laboratorio di Topografia sono state svolte mediante l'utilizzo del software di modellazione Agisoft Photoscan. Infine nelle conclusioni si sottolinea l'importanza della fotogrammetria come archivio storico e come unico strumento di indagine su fenomeni antropologici e naturali di lunga durata, non indagabili in altri modi.
A tese estuda e analisa as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) disponíveis em hospitais no Brasil, associados à ANAHP – Associação Nacional de Hospitais Privados que patrocinou a coleta de dados e apoiou a pesquisa com dois temas centrais: uso e custo; integração e interoperabilidade das TIC. A Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OECD), em estudo sobre TIC em saúde, afirmou que, se implantadas de maneira eficiente, as TIC podem resultar em melhoria da qualidade na prestação de serviços de saúde, aumento da segurança no atendimento ao paciente e custos menores. Para permitir a comparação de resultados e o uso de modelos de pesquisa confiáveis, este estudo adaptou o Modelo de Pesquisa de Uso de TI utilizado pelo GVcia - Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Aplicada da FGV – EAESP e realizou uma complementação dos instrumentos de pesquisa para levantar dados específicos da integração das TIC em hospitais utilizando com referência uma pesquisa aplicada a hospitais norte-americanos. A coleta de dados foi realizada para o período 2009 a 2015 em duas etapas. Na primeira, foi enviado o questionário eletrônico, validado por executivos de hospitais e apresentado no apêndice A. Na segunda etapa, os dados enviados foram validados e aspectos da integração foram esclarecidos por meio de entrevistas. O estudo de custo e uso das TIC resultou no cálculo de diversos indicadores. Gastos e investimentos com TIC em hospitais privados atingiu a 3,5% do faturamento anual dos hospitais da amostra enquanto que o setor da saúde, por sua vez, gastou e investiu 6,4% do faturamento anual com as TIC que implementou. Outro indicador inédito e importante para futuros estudos no setor é o custo anual das TIC por leito hospitalar que permaneceu estável em torno de US$ 39.000 entre 2010 e 2014 e caiu para US$ 36.000 em 2015, valor equivalente a R$ 120.000 de dezembro de 2015. Outras estatísticas e indicadores apresentados no estudo ajudam a entender a evolução e o desempenho das TIC na prestação de serviços de saúde e poderão ser úteis para decidir se as TIC ajudarão a melhorar a segurança e atenção ao paciente, aos profissionais de saúde no acesso a dados do paciente, e a necessária sintonia com o Modelo da Saúde Digital (e-Saúde), a custos adequados. Os resultados do presente estudo são comparáveis aos americanos semelhantes e permitem inferir que o parque tecnológico em uso nos hospitais privados brasileiros poderá alavancar a integração de sistemas existentes, permitindo a sintonia com Modelos de Saúde Digital, com a melhoria de desempenho da cadeia estendida da saúde na atenção ao cidadão que poderá ser assistido onde estiver, a qualquer momento, com segurança. Ação gerencial e investimentos são os tópicos centrais que envolvem a integração.
The ocean plays an important role in modulating the mass balance of the polar ice sheets by interacting with the ice shelves in Antarctica and with the marine-terminating outlet glaciers in Greenland. Given that the flux of warm water onto the continental shelf and into the sub-ice cavities is steered by complex bathymetry, a detailed topography data set is an essential ingredient for models that address ice-ocean interaction. We followed the spirit of the global RTopo-1 data set and compiled consistent maps of global ocean bathymetry, upper and lower ice surface topographies and global surface height on a spherical grid with now 30-arc seconds resolution. We used the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO, 2014) as the backbone and added the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean version 3 (IBCAOv3) and the Interna- tional Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) version 1. While RTopo-1 primarily aimed at a good and consistent representation of the Antarctic ice sheet, ice shelves and sub-ice cavities, RTopo-2 now also contains ice topographies of the Greenland ice sheet and outlet glaciers. In particular, we aimed at a good representation of the fjord and shelf bathymetry sur- rounding the Greenland continent. We corrected data from earlier gridded products in the areas of Petermann Glacier, Hagen Bræ and Sermilik Fjord assuming that sub-ice and fjord bathymetries roughly follow plausible Last Glacial Maximum ice flow patterns. For the continental shelf off northeast Greenland and the floating ice tongue of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier at about 79°N, we incorporated a high-resolution digital bathymetry model considering original multibeam survey data for the region. Radar data for surface topographies of the floating ice tongues of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden Glacier and Zachariæ Isstrøm have been obtained from the data centers of Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Operation Icebridge (NASA/NSF) and Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). For the Antarctic ice sheet/ice shelves, RTopo-2 largely relies on the Bedmap-2 product but applies corrections for the geometry of Getz, Abbot and Fimbul ice shelf cavities.
Based on data from R/V Polarstern multibeam sonar surveys between 1984 and 1997 a high resolution bathymetry has been generated for the central Fram Strait. The area ensonified covers approx. 36,500 sqkm between 78°N - 80°N and 0°E - 7.5°E. Basic outcome of the investigation is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with 100 m grid spacing which was utilized for contouring and generation of a new series of bathymetric charts at a scale of 1:100,000, the AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Fram Strait (AWI BCFS).
A specific type of natural log jam in the upper alluvial reach of the Carbon River was found to influence secondary channel avulsion, causing flooding hazards to the adjacent Carbon River Road in the northwest quadrant of Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. The fence-like natural log jam was characterized by large woody debris buttressed horizontally against standing riparian trees (i.e. ìfence railsî and ìfence postî). The objectives of this report are two-fold. First, physical characteristics and spatial distribution were documented to determine the geomorphic controls on the fence-like log jams. Second, the function and timing of the natural log jam in relation to channel avulsion was determined to provide insight into flooding hazards along the Carbon River Road. The fence-like log jams are most abundant in the upper reaches of the Carbon River between 3.0 and 5.5 kilometers from the Carbon Glacier terminus, where longitudinal gradient significantly decreases from about 0.06 to 0.03. Sediment impoundment can occur directly upstream of the fence-like log jam, creating vertical bed elevation difference as high as 1.32 meters, and can form during low magnitude, high frequency flood event (3.5-year recurrence interval). In some locations, headcuts and widening of secondary channel were observed directly to the side of the log jams, suggesting its role in facilitating secondary channel avulsions. Areas along the Carbon River Road more prone to damages from avulsion hazards were identified by coupling locations of the log jams and Relative Water Surface Elevation map created using the 1-meter 2012 Light Detection and Ranging Digital Elevation Map. Ultimately, the results of this report may provide insight to flooding hazards along the Carbon River Road from log jam-facilitated channel avulsion.
In this work the landscape morphodynamics was used to check the strength and importance of the changes carried out by man on the environment over time, in Natal-RN municipality. The occupation of partially preserved natural areas was analyzed, but environmentally fragile, such as riparian forests, vegetation on the banks of waterways, which play regulatory role of the water flow, and the dunes, which guarantee the rapid recharge of aquifers. The impacts of urban sprawl in Natal Southern and West zones Were identified and characterized, through a detailed mapping in the period between 1969 and 2013 the main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes. For this were used aerial photographs and satellite imagery, altimetry data, and pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a spatial database, and evolution of maps of impervious areas, evolution of the use and occupation and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from contour lines with contour interval of 1 meter. Based on this study presents a diagnosis of the environmental situation and the state of conservation of natural areas, over the last 44 years, compared to human pressures. In general, it was found that the urban settlement has advanced about 60% of studied natural areas. This advance was growing by the year 2006, when there was a slowdown in the process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the river Pitimbú and your PPA, which experienced a more significant loss area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of groundwater Natal, due to increased sealed area, the release of liquid and solid waste, as well as the removal of riparian vegetation. Changed irreversibly the natural landscape, and reduced the quality and quantity of water resources necessary for the population. Thus, it is necessary to stimulate the adoption of use and protection of PPA planning measures, to the preservation of the San Valley Region inserted into the EPZ 01, and integrate more remaining dunes, in good condition, this EPZ, due to the importance of those remaining on the environment and the maintenance of quality of life. It is suggested, also, protection of catchment areas, such as PPA ponds and Pitimbú River. Finally, it is expected that this study can assist the managers in making decisions in urban and environmental planning of the municipality
Two Polarstern expeditions were conducted in 1995 (ANT-XII/4) and 2001 (ANT-XVIII/5a) to the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea and the suspected Eltanin meteorite impact in the SE-Pacific. A survey of the sediment distribution and its acoustic structure along the cruise track was performed. The seafloor topography was sampled using the multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS2 which operates on a frequency of 15.5 kHz. The resulting AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Eltanin Meteorite Impact Area is based on a Digital Terrain Model of this area. The mapping was performed using ArcGIS. The Eltanin impact area which covers the 4.100 m high Freden Seamount is visualized by one overview sheet of the scale 1:200,000 and four 1:100,000 subsheets.
The 1 : 1,500,000 AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Gakkel Ridge (AWI BCGR) has been developed from multibeam data measured during the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition in 2001 (AMORE 2001, ARK-XVII/2). This expedition was conducted to investigate the Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean and was carried out by the icebreaking research vessels RV Polarstern and USCGC Healy. Polarstern is equipped with the multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2, whereas Healy carries Seabeam 2112. During the expedition an area of 8890 km length and 18 - 46 km width, situated between 82°N/8°W and 87°N/75°E, was surveyed simultaneously by both vessels. Water depths ranged from 566 to 5673 meters. Dense sea ice cover derogated the sonar measurements and decreased data quality. Data errors were corrected in an extensive post-processing. The data of two different sonar systems had to be consolidated in order to derive a high resolution bathymetry of the Gakkel Ridge. Final result was a digital terrain model (DTM) with a grid spacing of 100 meters, which was utilized for generating the map series AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Gakkel Ridge, consisting of ten map sheets.
To project the future development of the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage in permafrost environments, the spatial and vertical distribution of key soil properties and their landscape controls needs to be understood. This article reports findings from the Arctic Lena River Delta where we sampled 50 soil pedons. These were classified according to the U.S.D.A. Soil Taxonomy and fall mostly into the Gelisol soil order used for permafrost-affected soils. Soil profiles have been sampled for the active layer (mean depth 58±10 cm) and the upper permafrost to one meter depth. We analyze SOC stocks and key soil properties, i.e. C%, N%, C/N, bulk density, visible ice and water content. These are compared for different landscape groupings of pedons according to geomorphology, soil and land cover and for different vertical depth increments. High vertical resolution plots are used to understand soil development. These show that SOC storage can be highly variable with depth. We recommend the treatment of permafrost-affected soils according to subdivisions into: the surface organic layer, mineral subsoil in the active layer, organic enriched cryoturbated or buried horizons and the mineral subsoil in the permafrost. The major geomorphological units of a subregion of the Lena River Delta were mapped with a land form classification using a data-fusion approach of optical satellite imagery and digital elevation data to upscale SOC storage. Landscape mean SOC storage is estimated to 19.2±2.0 kg C/m**2. Our results show that the geomorphological setting explains more soil variability than soil taxonomy classes or vegetation cover. The soils from the oldest, Pleistocene aged, unit of the delta store the highest amount of SOC per m**2 followed by the Holocene river terrace. The Pleistocene terrace affected by thermal-degradation, the recent floodplain and bare alluvial sediments store considerably less SOC in descending order.
This thesis focuses on tectonic geomorphology and the response of the Ken River catchment to postulated tectonic forcing along a NE-striking monocline fold in the Panna region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Peninsular India is underlain by three northeast-trending paleotopographic ridges of Precambrian Indian basement, bounded by crustal-scale faults. Of particular interest is the Pokhara lineament, a crustal scale fault that defines the eastern edge of the Faizabad ridge, a paleotopographic high cored by the Archean Bundelkhand craton. The Pokhara lineament coincides with the monocline structure developed in the Proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup rocks along the Bundelkhand cratonic margin. A peculiar, deeply incised meander-like feature, preserved along the Ken River where it flows through the monocline, may be intimately related to the tectonic regime of this system. This thesis examines 41 longitudinal stream profiles across the length of the monocline structure to identify any tectonic signals generated from recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. It also investigates the evolution of the Ken River catchment in response to the generation of the monocline fold. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) were used to delineate a series of tributary watersheds and extract individual stream profiles which were imported into MATLAB for analysis. Regression limits were chosen to define distinct channel segments, and knickpoints were defined at breaks between channel segments where there was a discrete change in the steepness of the channel profile. The longitudinal channel profiles exhibit the characteristics of a fluvial system in transient state. There is a significant downstream increase in normalized steepness index in the channel profiles, as well as a general increase in concavity downstream, with some channels exhibiting convex, over-steepened segments. Normalized steepness indices and uppermost knickpoint elevations are on average much higher in streams along the southwest segment of the monocline compared to streams along the northeast segment. Most channel profiles have two to three knickpoints, predominantly exhibiting slope-break morphology. These data have important implications for recent surface uplift above the Pokhara lineament. Furthermore, geomorphic features preserved along the Ken River suggest that it is an antecedent river. The incised meander-like feature appears to be the abandoned river valley of a former Ken River course that was captured during the evolution of the landscape by what is the present day Ken River.