535 resultados para Deontologia forense


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB


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A presente invenção descreve um método e kit para a identificação de polimorfismos associados à morte súbita cardíaca (MSC) . A tecnologia desenvolvida promove a análise em conjunto de SNPs (polimorfismo de um único nucleotídeo) relacionados à MSC. Esta técnica poderá ser utilizada na genética forense e médica, para auxiliar no diagnóstico de causa de morte e doenças cardiovasculares, respectivamente, bem como na identificação da pré-disposição genética ao desenvolvimento destas doenças.


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A presente invenção refere-se a um método e kit para identificação genética humana por meio da análise de polimorfismos específicos do DNA mitocondrial para aplicação em populações miscigenadas como a brasileira, por exemplo. A técnica desenvolvida, além de permitir a identificação do indivíduo, permite també classificá-lo em halogrupos do DNA mitocondrial possibilitando a identificação da origem ancestral materna do indivíduo testado. A referida invenção pode ser aplicada na área de genética forense, pela polícia científica ou por laboratórios particulares, tendo como principais beneficiados populações miscigenadas que não dispõem de técnicas específicas para sua identificação e classificação genética.


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The Cooperating Teacher (CT) areessentialfor skills development and knowledge of future physical education teachers. Through asemi-structured interview, the purpose of our studyis to understand the perspectives and view sof CT with respectto the Teachers Students (TS) preparationin their first contact with the school reality. We verified that the CT feel that TS start with knowledge, but they cannot put theminto practice. This difficultyis due to the fact that the current curriculum have few hoursof practical subjects for the TS developte aching skillsand learning. However, despitethe current curriculum does not meet all the requirements for the professionalization has Curricular Units(CU) importante for the development of values, ethics, ethics and citizenship TS.


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Traditionally, undergraduate education emphasizes theory and technique. The ethical education of the professional who will act in society is placed at most in a discipline related to professional´s deontology. Ethical discussions are developed in a bored way and the mission of educating students is considered fulfilled. Based on this analysis, the principal purpose of this study was to verify if the training provided by university has some influence on the development of students’ moral judgment and moral competence. The participants were 540 undergraduate students from the first and the last year of education from Pedagogy course from two universities of São Paulo state, one of them was public and the other private. The instruments were Defining Issues Test (DIT-2) and Moral Judgment Test (MJT-xt). The results indicated that the training received did not lead to significant improvement of their capacity to reflect about moral issues.


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Melanin is a very important pigment to human species, and besides defining skin, eyes and hair color, it is also involved in sun exposure protection. This pigment is classified into two subtypes: pheomelanin, which is responsible for lighter pigmentation and eumelanin, the dark pigment related. Due to this type of melanin variation it is possible to found different phenotypes of hair and skin color. The genetics MC1R variations are described as the most important for diversity in pigmentation, and this gene is directly related to the complex process of melanin synthesis. The use of these variations to phenotype prediction using genetic information has been used in Europe countries to infer physical features from biological samples, with the purpose of directing searches of criminal suspects and victims identification. The aim of this study was to analyze 8 major MC1R polymorphisms in a sample of Brazilian individuals. Analyzing 91 individuals, we observed with higher frequencies the polymorphisms rs1805005:G>T, rs2228479:G>A and rs885479:G>A, which are related to skin and hair colors, as previously showed in literature. These data suggest the possibility of predicting phenotype from genetic polymorphisms in Brazilian population. However it will be necessary to analyze a larger number of individuals to be able to confirm these associations and to perform a more detailed statistical analysis


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Um dos fatores mais estudados recentemente em populações de moscasvarejeiras importantes para a Entomologia Forense é a dispersão larval. A dispersão é um importante processo para o ciclo das moscas-varejeiras, já que durante esse período as larvas deixam o substrato alimentar procurando um lugar apropriado para se enterrarem, e se tornarem pupas e adultos. Moscas-varejeiras também exibem geralmente intensa atividade interativa, sobretudo durante o período larval, competindo por recursos alimentares e/ou agindo como predadora intraguilda, principalmente no caso específico de Chrysomya albiceps. Estas interações têm resultado no declínio de espécies nativas. Neste estudo pretende-se investigar o comportamento larval de Chrysomya megacephala e C. albiceps, concentrando-se na análise da dispersão larval pós-alimentar em sítios previamente ocupados por pupas, para avaliar se a presença prévia de pupas da mesma e de espécie diferente pode influenciar os padrões de dispersão larval


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper, a computational analysis, using a cellular automata model, has been developed to analyze post-feeding dispersal behavior of blow y larvae. This model aimed to: simulate the exponential decline of pupal number in relation to the feed source and spatial oscillation due to larval interaction during dispersal; study whether the prior pupal presence in uences distribution patterns of larval frequency; and compare obtained unidirectional dispersal patterns to the cross-dimensional ones. The cellular automata (CA) model was able to successfully reproduce the essential features of the larval dispersal process and, thus, show the importance of local interaction in the studied dispersal process dynamics. Oscillations could be explained by the interaction among dispersing larvae and intrinsic pupation time. The box size and the initial larval density were important factors for the experiment because they in uenced the results. Results showed that the unidirectional dispersal could be used to simulate the larval dispersion that occurs in the natural environment, because both models had a similar result. These results are important to understand how di erent factors can in uence the dynamics of blow y larval dispersal, bringing important results for behavioral ecology and forensic entomology


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Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), has considerable medical, veterinary and forensic importance. In insects in general, the ability to track the food substrate is due to highly sensitive organs adapted for detecting odors, particularly in the case of blowflies, which is one of carcass main consumers. Eggs of blowflies are usually aggregated in function of the behavior of other pheromone mediated by females laying eggs in place on the same substrate. One of the main reasons for studying oviposition behavior is because it may indirectly affect individual qualification, population dynamics and community structure. It has been suggested that female blowflies can evaluate the number of eggs on a substrate, decreasing the size of oviposition in very saturated substrates with larvae or eggs leading to a lower intraspecific competition. The present study investigated the oviposition behavior of females of C. megacephala, and wished to consider whether they are able to distinguish quantitatively (size of the mass) eggs previously put into a place of posture and hence indicate whether there is a limit beneficial (to avoid competition among larvae) for its oviposition on the same substrate or if that place would already be saturated, requiring find another substrate without eggs or less for futures ovipositions. With 20 females and five males, five treatments were applied, repeated ten times and analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. Each treatment consists in placing, inside the cage, a flask with 50g of ground beef and another one in the other side, with the same amount of substrate with a certain amount of prior oviposition for a period of 5 hours. The masses prior eggs were used 0.03 g, 0.05 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g and 0.3 g (respectively, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5). The other part of the work consisted in the use of a “Y” olfactometer, a device used to determine the choice of an invertebrate against... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A Entomologia Forense é um ramo de investigação científica que aplica o estudo de insetos e outros artrópodes a procedimentos legais e está se desenvolvendo e chamando bastante atenção nos últimos anos. Diversos estudos vêm sendo realizados nesta área para que os profissionais responsáveis possuam o maior número de informações possível sobre os insetos utilizados para estes fins, permitindo-lhes assim fazer melhores análises nos casos litigiosos envolvendo a descoberta da causa até a estimativa de tempo do intervalo pós-morte (I.P.M.) em um cadáver humano. Dentro deste ramo de estudo, a ordem Diptera apresenta certo destaque por apresentar diversos insetos com hábitos necrófagos, como por exemplo a família Calliphoridae, que se destaca pela grande distribuição e número de registros da presença de seus representantes nos tecidos de corpos animais no início da decomposição. A espécie Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), pertencente a esta família, tendo sido introduzida acidentalmente aqui no Brasil alguns anos atrás, possui uma importância médico-sanitária como veiculadora de patógenos, eventual causadora de miíases e, pelo fato de colocar seus ovos sobre tecidos de animais em decomposição, é uma importante espécie utilizada em estudos forenses. Baseando-se em trabalhos já realizados, sabe-se que a presença de determinadas substâncias químicas no substrato alimentar das larvas destas moscas pode alterar seu desenvolvimento, e sabendo quais seriam as mudanças provocadas por uma dessas substâncias, a análise do cadáver se tornaria mais completa e confiável durante a estimativa do I.P.M. A área responsável pelo estudo da interação entre substâncias químicas e os seus efeitos nos insetos é chamada de Entomotoxicologia, que também permite detectar traços de drogas lícitas ou não no trato digestivo de insetos necrófagos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Along the Earth globe we can find many types of psychoactive plants. Among them is the Ipomoea violacea, popularly known as Morning Glory. There are ergotalkaloids producer associated-fungus in its leaves and seeds. One of these alkaloids that can be found is the ergine (or LSA), a homologous substance of the lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). There are many discussions around the world about the inclusion of LSA in the list of controlled substances. In Brazil, this was recently prohibited. One of the most important point of view in the study of isotopic composition of 13C and 15N of this plant is the fact that there is a total alkaloid variation in function of its geographic origin like was verified in 1960’s, besides to aggregate knowledge about it. This work was made to verify if the isotopic ratio can be used as a tool in tracing this illegal Brazilian plant. We could conclude that this plant presents a C3 photosynthetic pathway, its parts has different isotopic carbon and nitrogen composition and that stable isotope analysis can be successfully used as a tool to detect its geographic origin


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One of the areas of human identification is Cheiloscopy, the name given to the study of the lips, their characteristics (such as thickness, position of the grooves and grooves) and the record of the impressions left by them. There are variations in the layout of the lines and fissures of the lips, which are unique to each individual, permanent and unchanging. The lip print rarely changes, enduring minor traumas such as inflammation or sores. In criminal investigations, lip prints, visible through the presence of lipstick, can be found on glasses, napkins, clothes, cigarettes, indicating a relationship between the subject and the scene of the crime. Latent impressions may be revealed employing specific chemicals such as powder of silver and aluminum nitrate. Although it is not a very common method, Cheiloscopy may become very useful in forensics due to the extensive amount of valuable information that it brings. The objective of this study was to review the literature on the use of Cheiloscopy in human identification, using traditional and digital methods. It was found that the literature is still in need of studies in this area. The advent of new digital technologies can facilitate the implementation of technical expertise, generating speed and objectivity. New research studies are necessary, especially in the development of digital methods. The application of Cheiloscopy can greatlyhelp with Law, in the identification of living suspects and dead individuals. In the end the benefit will fall to society as a whole.


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The knowledge of Forensic Anthropology is very importance in cases of identification of human remains. One phase of this process is the study of human height, which can be accomplished with relative ease when intact corpses, complete skeletons or long bones are available. However, the experience of Forensic Dentistry is essential in situations in which there is only information of the skull or of the teeth. The objective of this study was to review in the literature and evaluate works concerning the estimate of the height calculated from dental dimensions. Carrea, in 1920, proposed the estimation of the probable height of an individual by developing formulas for maximum and minimum heights from measurements of the lower central and lateral incisors and canines. The method was used in the case "Josef Mengele", to complement estimates. Tested in the Brazilian population, 70% of match between the actual and the estimated stature were obtained. Using more precise instruments, in the modified method, 96% of correct matching were verified. Recently, a new formula was introduced to estimate height, from measurements of upper teeth, because the technique cannot be used when jaw is not available. The correlation between height and dental dimensions is demonstrated. However, there is still a lack in scientific literature in this field, and further studies are necessary. The estimate of height from dental dimensions can be very useful and important, especially in situations where the complete skeleton it not found, and long bones are not available.