929 resultados para DIAZEPAM WITHDRAWAL
突触可塑性(syanptic plasticity)是指在某种条件下突触传递效能的持 续性变化,是从细胞和分子水平上来阐述学习记忆的机制,是学习记忆的基础, 存在多种形式,主要包括长时程增强(LTP)和长时程抑制(LTD)等。应激(stress) 就是指机体对各种内、外界刺激因素所作出的适应性反应的过程。应激会影响正 常的生理状态,并引发进一步的生化反应,进而影响到海马突触可塑性和学习记 忆。成瘾(addiction)是指对药物的使用失去控制,或者强迫性的寻求和使用 药物,而不顾由此带来的恶性后果,从某种角度来看,它也是一种记忆,通过篡 夺正常生理神经通路而产生比正常生理反应更强烈的可塑性,进而形成有害的异 常记忆,其最核心的特征就是对药物的强迫性渴求和复吸。成瘾一旦形成,可能 成为伴随一生的状态,即使经过长期的戒断,也会表现出强烈的渴求以及有复吸 的高度危险性。成瘾和学习记忆有很多神经通路甚至分子机制上的交叉,所以一 部分研究学习记忆的方法可以用来研究成瘾,反之,成瘾也是一种很好的研究学 习记忆的模型。 既然应激可以影响突触可塑性和学习记忆,而对于吸毒者来说,戒断本身就 是一种应激,那么探讨应激和戒断对突触可塑性和学习记忆的影响,对临床上的 戒毒工作将有着重要意义。基于此,本文将围绕这个问题而开展实验工作。 我们采用电生理、行为学及生化等研究方法对吗啡戒断过程中突触可塑性和 学习记忆,以及应激在其中的作用进行了一些研究。电生理的结果表明:在吗啡 戒断过程中,海马LTP 的大小呈现出倒-U 型曲线,其中戒断4 天时LTP 最大。 应激可以将最大的LTP 提前在戒断18 小时出现,而糖皮质激素受体拮抗剂米非司酮或者熄灭剂量的吗啡能够阻断最大的LTP 出现。同时,海马下托-伏隔核通 路的突触可塑性也出现类似的戒断时间依赖性的改变。行为学研究发现:戒断过 程中,大鼠的疼痛阈值降低,同时降低急性吗啡的镇痛效应,而这种变化能够被 应激或米非司酮所改变。另外,条件位置偏爱实验结果显示吗啡条件位置偏爱的 形成依赖于海马和伏隔核糖皮质激素受体。生化实验结果显示:戒断过程中,AMPA 受体亚型GluR1 和GluR2/3 及其调节分子CaMKⅡ会出现表达动态改变。 本实验对于应激和戒断对突触可塑性和学习记忆的影响进行了研究,进一步 揭开了应激在戒断中的部分作用机制,这将对于以后研究治疗毒品渴求和复吸有 一定的贡献
已有的研究表明,眶额叶在解剖上与现在已知的药物滥用相关的脑区是紧密联系在一起的。例如,眶额叶在药物滥用和强迫性重复行为中起作用,且随着脑成像技术的应用,越来越多的证据表明眶额叶参与了药物滥用。但是我们并不了解在阿片给药和戒断期间眶额叶脑区活动是如何变化的。因此,我们在实验中采用了Mn2+增强的核磁共振成像(Manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,MEMRI,4.7T)技术和脑电(EEG)记录的方法,以研究大鼠眶额叶在给与阿片类药物(盐酸吗啡)以及戒断过程中的动态变化。 MEMRI是一种近年才发展起来的新型技术。研究表明,Mn2+是Ca2+的类似物,可以通过Ca2+通道进入兴奋性的神经元里面并结合到胞内的蛋白质和核酸上的Ca2+和Mg2+结合位点上 (MILDVAN and COHN, 1963; EISINGER et al., 1965)。另外,Mn2+的顺磁性也为它成为核磁共振成像的造影剂提供了前提条件。可是成功应用MEMRI的前提就是要在适当的时间把合适剂量的Mn2+传递到靶点上。因此,Mn2+在注射到靶点后,是否能够在有效的时间内反映大脑活动的变化就成为一个非常重要并且在技术上较为棘手的问题。在给实验大鼠脑区微量注射Mn2+(80mMol/L,200nl)的同时,通过微量注射兴奋性神经递质谷氨酸(Glu 0.5mM/L)或抑制性递质γ-aminobutyric acid(GABA 0.5M/L)以改变靶点神经元兴奋性的方法,检测Mn2+能否反映脑区的活动变化。另外,我们随机选取实验动物,分别在注射Mn2+ 3小时、5小时和8小时后对三组大鼠(n=5)进行10%福尔马林灌流,并且通过观察大鼠眶额叶脑区Mn2+强度的变化来研究最佳的灌流时间。我们的实验结果表明,Mn2++Glu组的右侧脑区/左侧脑区的Mn2+亮度比Mn2+空白对照组增加了20%(p=0.016, student t-test, *p <0.05),也远大于Mn2++GABA组(p=0.047, *p<0.05)。结果表明,当神经元被兴奋的时候,较多的Mn2+可以通过Ca2+通道进入兴奋的神经元内,使得Mn2+的成像亮度增加。由于Mn2+成像亮度的增加可以反映神经元的兴奋活动,因此可以显示出靶点区的脑活动。另外,在研究灌流时间对Mn2+亮度影响的实验中发现,注射Mn2+ 5小时后灌流得到的信噪比分别比注射Mn2+3小时(p=0.055)和8小时(p=0.004,*p<0.05)高出24%和32%。总之,我们采用微量注射Mn2+(80mM/L,200nl)后5小时用10%福尔马林心脏灌流的方法获得了较好的结果。另外在试验中我们首先观测了大鼠吗啡戒断后的行为学指标和检测大鼠戒断后条件化位置偏好的程度。实验结果表明大鼠可以建立非常明显的条件化位置偏好,但在湿狗抖等行为学指标上无明显症状。这说明大鼠对于吗啡(10mg/kg, 一天两次,持续12天)形成了明显的心理依赖而无明显的生理依赖。此外,MEMRI的结果表明,在吗啡给药的第1天和第6天,大鼠眶额叶的Mn2+强度与空白对照组相比有显著的降低( one-way ANOVA, Post Hoc Dunnett’s C Tests), F (6,28)=7.242, P<0.001);而在戒断第3天又恢复到正常水平,在戒断第5天和第7天Mn2+强度跟空白对照组相比没有显著性差别(one-way ANOVA, *p<0.05)。脑电(EEG)的结果表明,急性吗啡诱导的gamma波段的EEG显著降低(Two-way ANOVA, F(1,10)=13.626,p=0.006)。然而在戒断第1天gamma波段的EEG与空白对照组相比是增加的。在戒断第3天和戒断第5天,gamma波段的EEG与空白对照组相比也有显著性增强。以上研究结果表明:大鼠眶额叶脑区的动态变化与整个吗啡给药和戒断过程是密切相关的;此外,MEMRI在探讨药物滥用以及成瘾等机制上有很大的应用前景。
Residues of enrofloxacin, furazolidone and their metabolites in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
The residues of enrofloxacin and its metabolite in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) were studied after oral dose of 50 mg/kg for 7 days. To find the differences between Nile tilapia and Chinese shrimp (Penaeus chinensis), the residues of enrofloxacin in P chinensis were also studied under the same conditions. The results showed that enrofloxacin metabolized into ciprofloxacin in both Nile tilapia and P chinensis, the maximal concentration of enrofloxacin in muscle, liver and plasma of Nile tilapia were 3.61 mu g/g, 5.96 mu g/g, 1.25 mu g/ml respectively, and ciprofloxacin in muscle was 0.22 mu g/g. The maximal concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in P chinensis were 1.68 mu g/g and 0.07 mu g/g respectively. The predicted withdrawal time for Nile tilapia was 22 days, and P. chinensis was 12 days under our experiment conditions. The residues of fitrazolidone [3-(5-nitrofurfurylidenamino)-2-oxazolidinone] and its main metabolite 3-amina-2-oxazolidinone (AOZ) in Nile tilapia were first determined by HPLC/MS. Results showed that after oral dose of 30 mg/kg for 7 days, the maximum concentration of farazolidone in Nile tilapia was 413 mu g/kg after 6 h, whereas AOZ residue reached its maximum (31 mu g/kg) right after stopping treatment. In contrast to the high metabolic rate of furazolidone, AOZ was very difficult to eliminate in vivo, thus the withdrawal time of furazolidone in Nile tilapia was 22 days at least. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Modeling of the gel-immobilized cell system requires accurate measurement of diffusion coefficients. Three methods of the quasi-steady-state (QSS) method, the time-lag (TL) method and a variant quasi-steady-state (VQSS) method were critically assessed and compared for the evaluation of diffusivities using the diffusion cell technique. Experimental data from our laboratory were used for the analysis of the influence of crucial theoretical assumptions not being fulfilled in each method. The results highlighted a risk in obtaining highly variable diffusion coefficients by not validating the QSS and the accuracy of the measurements. In the TL method, the estimation of diffusivities based on the plot intercept that was mostly used in the literature, results in a many fold lower value when compared to that based on the plot slope. The comparison with the QSS and VQSS methods confirmed similar diffusivity obtained by the TL method based on the plot slope. It thus suggested that the correct estimation of diffusivities by the TL method could be based on the plot slope only. Furthermore, the errors associated with the solute mass in the gel, the sample withdrawal and the non-negligible concentration changes in the chambers were also discussed. It is concluded that diffusion cell technique has to be employed cautiously for a correct evaluation of diffusivities. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
That relapse still exists even after prolonged withdrawal is a difficult issue in the medical cure of drug addiction. Neuro-adaptation induced by prolonged exposure to addictive drugs is the neural mechanisms of both compulsive drug seeking and relapse.Neuro-adaptation caused by addictive drugs increases the individuals’ response to drugs and on the other hand, it reduces the response to natural reward in withdrawn individuals.There must be common neural mechanisms between the co-existing phenomena, and there must also be unique neural mechanisms in the drugs.To reveal the neuro-adaptation arising in the process from random, controllable drug-use to uncontrollable compulsive drug seeking is of great significance both theoretically and practically.Based on the above hypothesis, in order to reveal the function of alpha adrenergic receptor in compulsive drug-seeking motivation during the process of drug addiction, using sensitization of morphine-induced psychomotor activity as behavioral model, through the method of behavioral pharmacology, the neural mechanisms of alpha adrenergic receptor’s involvement in the process of addiction has been studied.The adjustment function caused by alpha receptors in medial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens to morphine-induced psychomotor activity has been compared in the period of first use of drugs and in repetitive-use period. Furthermore, the effect on novelty seeking caused by alpha-receptors in relevant brain areas has also been compared. Major results are as follow: 1 After prolonged morphine exposure, rats’ response to morphine-induced psychomotor activity is strengthened and response to novel object induced reward weakened. 2 Injection of prazosin in medial prefrontal cortex will block morphine-induced psychomotor activity of naïve rats, however, it will not block that of morphine-withdrawn rats, but it will block the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 3 Injection of clonidine in medial prefrontal cortex will block morphine-induced psychomotor effect of both naïve rats and morphine-withdrawn rats, and will block the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 4 Injection of prazosin in nucleus accumbens will not affect the morphine-induced psychomotor effect of either naïve rats or morphine-withdrawn rats, nor will it affect the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. 5 Injection of clonidine in nucleus accumbens will block morphine-induced psychomotor effect of naïve rats, however, it will not block that of morphine-withdrawn rats, nor will it affect the novelty seeking behavior of morphine-withdrawn rats. These results show: 1 The weakening of the function of alpha1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex and alpha2 receptors in nucleus accumbens caused by repetitive exposure to morphine is probably the cause of compulsive drug-seeking activity. 2 Blocking alpha1 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex accelerates the loss of interest in natural reward after morphine withdrawal. 3 Blocking alpha2 receptors in medial prefrontal cortex not only restrains drug-seeking motivation, but also blocks the individual’s seeking motivation for novelty stimulus, which suggests that, while selecting medicine for curing addiction, it should be considered to reduce the influence on natural reward as much as possible and to avoid major side-effect.
Most computational models of neurons assume that their electrical characteristics are of paramount importance. However, all long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, as well as many short-term effects, are mediated by chemical mechanisms. This technical report explores the interaction between electrical and chemical mechanisms in neural learning and development. Two neural systems that exemplify this interaction are described and modelled. The first is the mechanisms underlying habituation, sensitization, and associative learning in the gill withdrawal reflex circuit in Aplysia, a marine snail. The second is the formation of retinotopic projections in the early visual pathway during embryonic development.
BackgroundMechanical ventilation is important in caring for patients with critical illness. Clinical complications, increased mortality, and high costs of health care are associated with prolonged ventilatory support or premature discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Weaning refers to the process of gradually or abruptly withdrawing mechanical ventilation. the weaning process begins after partial or complete resolution of the underlying pathophysiology precipitating respiratory failure and ends with weaning success (successful extubation in intubated patients or permanent withdrawal of ventilatory support in tracheostomized patients).ObjectivesTo evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two strategies, a T-tube and pressure support ventilation, for weaning adult patients with respiratory failure that required invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours, measuring weaning success and other clinically important outcomes.Search methodsWe searched the following electronic databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2012, Issue 6); MEDLINE (via PubMed) (1966 to June 2012); EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2012); LILACS (1986 to June 2012); CINAHL (1982 to June 2012); SciELO (from 1997 to August 2012); thesis repository of CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior) (http://capesdw.capes.gov.br/capesdw/) (August 2012); and Current Controlled Trials (August 2012).We reran the search in December 2013. We will deal with any studies of interest when we update the review.Selection criteriaWe included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared a T-tube with pressure support (PS) for the conduct of spontaneous breathing trials and as methods of gradual weaning of adult patients with respiratory failure of various aetiologies who received invasive mechanical ventilation for at least 24 hours.Data collection and analysisTwo authors extracted data and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies. Meta-analyses using the random-effects model were conducted for nine outcomes. Relative risk (RR) and mean difference (MD) or standardized mean difference (SMD) were used to estimate the treatment effect, with 95% confidence intervals (CI).Main resultsWe included nine RCTs with 1208 patients; 622 patients were randomized to a PS spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) and 586 to a T-tube SBT. the studies were classified into three categories of weaning: simple, difficult, and prolonged. Four studies placed patients in two categories of weaning. Pressure support ventilation (PSV) and a T-tube were used directly as SBTs in four studies (844 patients, 69.9% of the sample). in 186 patients (15.4%) both interventions were used along with gradual weaning from mechanical ventilation; the PS was gradually decreased, twice a day, until it was minimal and periods with a T-tube were gradually increased to two and eight hours for patients with difficult and prolonged weaning. in two studies (14.7% of patients) the PS was lowered to 2 to 4 cm H2O and 3 to 5 cm H2O based on ventilatory parameters until the minimal PS levels were reached. PS was then compared to the trial with the T-tube (TT).We identified 33 different reported outcomes in the included studies; we took 14 of them into consideration and performed meta-analyses on nine. With regard to the sequence of allocation generation, allocation concealment, selective reporting and attrition bias, no study presented a high risk of bias. We found no clear evidence of a difference between PS and TT for weaning success (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.17, 9 studies, low quality of evidence), intensive care unit (ICU) mortality (RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.23, 5 studies, low quality of evidence), reintubation (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.26, 7 studies, low quality evidence), ICU and long-term weaning unit (LWU) length of stay (MD -7.08 days, 95% CI -16.26 to 2.1, 2 studies, low quality of evidence) and pneumonia (RR 0.67, 95% CI 0.08 to 5.85, 2 studies, low quality of evidence). PS was significantly superior to the TT for successful SBTs (RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.17, 4 studies, moderate quality of evidence). Four studies reported on weaning duration, however we were unable to combined the study data because of differences in how the studies presented their data. One study was at high risk of other bias and four studies were at high risk for detection bias. Three studies reported that the weaning duration was shorter with PS, and in one study the duration was shorter in patients with a TT.Authors' conclusionsTo date, we have found evidence of generally low quality from studies comparing pressure support ventilation (PSV) and with a T-tube. the effects on weaning success, ICU mortality, reintubation, ICU and LWU length of stay, and pneumonia were imprecise. However, PSV was more effective than a T-tube for successful spontaneous breathing trials (SBTs) among patients with simple weaning. Based on the findings of single trials, three studies presented a shorter weaning duration in the group undergoing PS SBT, however a fourth study found a shorter weaning duration with a T-tube.
The gonadal steroids, in particular estradiol, exert an important action during perinatal period in the regulation of sexual dimorphism and neuronal plasticity, and in the growth and development of nervous system. Exposure of the developing female to estrogens during perinatal period may have long-lasting effects that are now regarded as “programming” the female neuroendocrine axis to malfunction in adulthood. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of a single administration of a low dose (10 μg) of β-estradiol 3-benzoate (EB) to female rats on the day of birth on brain and plasma concentrations of the neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone, general behaviours and behavioral sensitivity to benzodiazepines. Neonatal administration of EB induces a dramatic reduction in the cerebrocortical and plasma levels of allopregnanolone and progesterone that were apparent in both juvenile (21 days) and adult (60 days). In contrast, this treatment did not affect 17β-estradiol levels. Female rats treated with β-estradiol 3-benzoate showed a delay in vaginal opening, aciclicity characterized by prolonged estrus, and ovarian failure. Given that allopregnanolone elicits anxiolytic, antidepressive, anticonvulsant, sedative-hypnotic effects and facilitates social behaviour, we assessed whether this treatment might modify different emotional, cognitive and social behaviours. This treatment did not affect locomotor activity, anxiety- and mood-related behaviours, seizures sensitivity and spatial memory. In contrast, neonatal β-estradiol 3-benzoate-treated rats showed a dominant, but not aggressive, behaviour and an increase in body investigation, especially anogenital investigation, characteristic of male appetitive behaviour. On the contrary, neonatal administration of β-estradiol 3-benzoate to female rats increases sensitivity to the anxiolytic, sedative, and amnesic effects of diazepam in adulthood. These results indicate that the marked and persistent reduction in the cerebrocortical and peripheral concentration of the neuroactive steroid allopregnanolone induced by neonatal treatment with β-estradiol 3-benzoate does not change baseline behaviours in adult rats. On the contrary, the low levels of allopregnanolone seems to be associated to changes in the behavioural sensitivity to the positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor, diazepam. These effects of estradiol suggest that it plays a major role in pharmacological regulation both of GABAergic transmission and of the abundance of endogenous modulators of such transmission during development of the central nervous system.
Cooper, J., Lewis, R. & Urquhart, C. (2004). Using participant or non-participant observation to explain information behaviour. Information Research, 9(4). Retrieved August 3, 2006 from http://informationr.net/ir/9-4/paper184.html Sponsorship: AHRC (Cooper).
null RAE2008
Thatcher, Rhys, et al., 'Influence of blood donation on O-2 uptake on-kinetics, peak O-2 uptake and time to exhaustion during severe-intensity cycle exercise in humans', Experimental Physiology (2006) 91(3) pp.499-509 RAE2008
Alexander, N.; Quinn, B.; and Cairns, P. (2005). International retail divestment activity. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management. 33(1), pp.5-22 RAE2008
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Biotecnologia e Saúde, especialidade em Epidemiologia e Saúde Pública
PTEN‐induced kinase 1 (PINK1) was identified initially in cancer cells as a gene up‐regulated by overexpression of the central tumour suppressor, PTEN. Loss‐of‐function mutations in PINK1 were discovered subsequently to cause autosomal recessive Parkinsonʹs disease (ARPD). Despite much research focusing on the proposed mechanism(s) through which loss of PINKI function causes neurodegeneration, few studies have focused on a direct role for this serine/threonine kinase in cancer biology. The focus of this thesis was to examine a direct role for PINK1 function in tumourigenesis. Initial studies showed that loss of PINK1 reduces tumour‐associated phenotypes including cell growth, colony formation and invasiveness, in several cell types in vitro, indicating a pro‐tumourigenic role for PINK1 in cancer. Furthermore, results revealed for the first time that PINK1 deletion, examined in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFS) from PINK1 knock‐out animals, causes cell cycle defects, whereby cells arrest at in cytokinesis, giving rise to a highly significant increase in the number of multinucleated cells. This results in several key changes in the expression profile of cell cycle associated protein. In addition, PINK1‐deficient MEFs were found to resist cell cycle exit, with a proportion of cells remaining in proliferative phases upon removal of serum. The ability of cells to progress through mitosis conferred by PINK1 expression was independent of its kinase activity, while the cell cycle exit following serum withdrawal was kinase dependent. Investigations into the mechanism through which loss of PINK1 function gives rise to cell cycle defects revealed that dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1)‐mediated mitochondrial fission is enhanced in PINK1‐ deficient MEFs, and that increased expression of Drp1 on mitochondria and activation of Drp1 is highly significant in PINK1‐deficient multinucleated cells. Deregulated and increased levels and activation of mitochondrial fission via Drp1 was shown to be a major feature of cell cycle defects caused by PINK1 deletion, both during progression through G2/M and cell cycle exit following serum removal. Altered PINK1 localisation was also observed during progression of mitosis, and upon serum deprivation. Thus, PINK1 dissociated from the mitochondria during the mitotic phases and localised to mitochondria upon serum withdrawal. During serum withdrawal deletion of PINK1 disabled the ability of MEFs to increase mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and increase autophagy. This was co‐incident with increased mitochondrial fission, and increased localisation of Drp1 to mitochondria following serum deprivation. Together, this indicates an inability of PINK1‐negative cells to respond protectively to this stress‐induced state, primarily via impaired mitochondrial function. In contrast, PINK1 overexpression was found to protect cells from DNA damage following treatment with oxidants. In addition, deletion of PINK1 blocked the ability of cells to re‐enter the cell cycle in response to insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF‐1), a major cancer promoting agonistwhich acts primarily via PI3‐kinase/Akt activation. Furthermore, PINK1 mRNA expression was significantly increased following serum deprivation of MCF‐7 cells, and this was rendered more significant upon additional inhibition of PI3‐kinase. Conversely, IGF‐1 activation of PI3‐kinase/Akt causes a time‐dependent and significant reduction of PINK1 mRNA expression that was PI3‐kinase dependent. Together these results indicate that PINK1 expression is necessary for IGF‐1 signalling and is regulated reciprocally in the absence and presence of IGF‐1, via PI3‐kinase/Akt, a signalling system which has major tumour‐promoting capacity in cancer cell biology. The results of this thesis indicate PINK1 is a candidate tumour-promoting gene which has a significant function in the regulation of the cell cycle, and growth factor responses, at key cell cycle checkpoints, namely, during progression through G2/M and during exit of the cell cycle following removal of serum. Furthermore, the results reveal that the regulation of mitochondrial fission and Drp1 function is mechanistically important in the regulation of cell cycle control by PINK1. As deregulation of the cell cycle is linked to both tumourigenesis and neurodegeneration, the findings of this thesis are of importance not just for understanding cancer biology, but also in the context of PINK1‐associated neurodegeneration.