Nikola Tesla è considerato, dai divulgatori scientifici che di lui si occupano, una figura chiave nella storia della scienza moderna e contemporanea, per l’importanza che hanno avuto le sue ricerche nello sviluppo di tecnologie del XX e XXI secolo. La sua attuale scarsa fama nel piano accademico contrasta con un’abbondante presenza di un Nikola Tesla come personaggio di finzione nelle arti popolari. Questa ricezione ambigua di Tesla potrebbe essere di fatto relazionata con il carattere utopico e visionario delle sue speranze nella scienza come mezzo di conoscenza per il miglioramento della società umana. Questo breve saggio si propone di analizzare come venga presentato il personaggio di Nikola Tesla nel lungometraggio jugoslavo Tajna Nikole Tesle, contribuendo così alla comprensione di come la narrativa di finzione possa sfruttare l’immagine di uno scienziato relativamente agli interessi politici legati a specifici contesti socio-storici.
Myhre syndrome (MIM 139210) is a developmental disorder characterized by short stature, short hands and feet, facial dysmorphism, muscular hypertrophy, deafness and cognitive delay. Using exome sequencing of individuals with Myhre syndrome, we identified SMAD4 as a candidate gene that contributes to this syndrome on the basis of its pivotal role in the bone morphogenetic pathway (BMP) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling. We identified three distinct heterozygous missense SMAD4 mutations affecting the codon for Ile500 in 11 individuals with Myhre syndrome. All three mutations are located in the region of SMAD4 encoding the Mad homology 2 (MH2) domain near the site of monoubiquitination at Lys519, and we found a defect in SMAD4 ubiquitination in fibroblasts from affected individuals. We also observed decreased expression of downstream TGF-β target genes, supporting the idea of impaired TGF-β-mediated transcriptional control in individuals with Myhre syndrome.
El éxito internacional de Andrea Camilleri, escritor siciliano cuyas novelas están caracterizadas por la presencia del dialecto, ha fomentado el debate sobre la posibilidad de traducir textos caracterizados por la presencia de variación lingüística. Esta cuestión ha sido tratada de forma marginal por la traductología y, a menudo, los estudiosos han abogado por la supresión de las marcas dialectales en las traducciones. Un análisis del sistema lingüístico italiano y de su literatura, sin embargo, no puede prescindir del estudio de los dialectos y de las variedades regionales, cuya presencia es todavía muy fuerte. El presente trabajo se centra en un análisis descriptivo, de tipo cualitativo y cuantitativo, de las réplicas de tres personajes de la novela de Camilleri Il cane di terracotta en la versión original y en su traducción al castellano. Este estudio, suportado por la descripción del marco teórico en el que se inscribe el tema de la variación lingüística, nos permite, en primer lugar, evaluar el peso de la presencia de marcas de dialecto geográfico y social en el texto original y trazar la compleja relación existente entre lengua nacional, dialectos y variedades regionales en Italia. En segundo lugar, a través del análisis de la versión en castellano podremos verificar si existe una supresión considerable de las marcas dialectales en la traducción
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Una raccolta di studi con cui l'Associazione Biblica Italiana e le EDB intendono onorare la memoria di mons. Fusco, vescovo di Nardò-Gallipoli e illustre biblista. Il volume segue gli ambiti di interesse che hanno caratterizzato la sua ricerca e vede il contributo di insigni studiosi italiani e stranieri.
BACKGROUND In previous meta-analyses, tea consumption has been associated with lower incidence of type 2 diabetes. It is unclear, however, if tea is associated inversely over the entire range of intake. Therefore, we investigated the association between tea consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes in a European population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS The EPIC-InterAct case-cohort study was conducted in 26 centers in 8 European countries and consists of a total of 12,403 incident type 2 diabetes cases and a stratified subcohort of 16,835 individuals from a total cohort of 340,234 participants with 3.99 million person-years of follow-up. Country-specific Hazard Ratios (HR) for incidence of type 2 diabetes were obtained after adjustment for lifestyle and dietary factors using a Cox regression adapted for a case-cohort design. Subsequently, country-specific HR were combined using a random effects meta-analysis. Tea consumption was studied as categorical variable (0, >0-<1, 1-<4, ≥ 4 cups/day). The dose-response of the association was further explored by restricted cubic spline regression. Country specific medians of tea consumption ranged from 0 cups/day in Spain to 4 cups/day in United Kingdom. Tea consumption was associated inversely with incidence of type 2 diabetes; the HR was 0.84 [95%CI 0.71, 1.00] when participants who drank ≥ 4 cups of tea per day were compared with non-drinkers (p(linear trend) = 0.04). Incidence of type 2 diabetes already tended to be lower with tea consumption of 1-<4 cups/day (HR = 0.93 [95%CI 0.81, 1.05]). Spline regression did not suggest a non-linear association (p(non-linearity) = 0.20). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE A linear inverse association was observed between tea consumption and incidence of type 2 diabetes. People who drink at least 4 cups of tea per day may have a 16% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than non-tea drinkers.
Objective. To evaluate the association between diabetes mellitus and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) controlled for several sociodemographic and anthropometric variables, in a representative sample of the Spanish population. Methods. A population-based, cross-sectional, and cluster sampling study, with the entire Spanish population as the target population. Five thousand and forty-seven participants (2162/2885 men/women) answered the HRQOL short form 12 questionnaire (SF-12). The physical (PCS-12) and the mental component summary (MCS-12) scores were assessed. Subjects were divided into four groups according to carbohydrate metabolism status: normal, prediabetes, unknown diabetes (UNKDM), and known diabetes (KDM). Logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results. Mean PCS-12/MCS-12 values were 50.9 ± 8.5/47.6 ± 10.2, respectively. Men had higher scores than women in both PCS-12 (51.8 ± 7.2 versus 50.3 ± 9.2; P < 0.001) and MCS-12 (50.2 ± 8.5 versus 45.5 ± 10.8; P < 0.001). Increasing age and obesity were associated with a poorer PCS-12 score. In women lower PCS-12 and MCS-12 scores were associated with a higher level of glucose metabolism abnormality (prediabetes and diabetes), (P < 0.0001 for trend), but only the PCS-12 score was associated with altered glucose levels in men (P < 0.001 for trend). The Odds Ratio adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI) and educational level, for a PCS-12 score below the median was 1.62 (CI 95%: 1.2–2.19; P < 0.002) for men with KDM and 1.75 for women with KDM (CI 95%: 1.26–2.43; P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusion. Current study indicates that increasing levels of altered carbohydrate metabolism are accompanied by a trend towards decreasing quality of life, mainly in women, in a representative sample of Spanish population.
BACKGROUND Observational studies implicate higher dietary energy density (DED) as a potential risk factor for weight gain and obesity. It has been hypothesized that DED may also be associated with risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), but limited evidence exists. Therefore, we investigated the association between DED and risk of T2D in a large prospective study with heterogeneity of dietary intake. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS A case-cohort study was nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC) study of 340,234 participants contributing 3.99 million person years of follow-up, identifying 12,403 incident diabetes cases and a random subcohort of 16,835 individuals from 8 European countries. DED was calculated as energy (kcal) from foods (except beverages) divided by the weight (gram) of foods estimated from dietary questionnaires. Prentice-weighted Cox proportional hazard regression models were fitted by country. Risk estimates were pooled by random effects meta-analysis and heterogeneity was evaluated. Estimated mean (sd) DED was 1.5 (0.3) kcal/g among cases and subcohort members, varying across countries (range 1.4-1.7 kcal/g). After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, energy intake from beverages and misreporting of dietary intake, no association was observed between DED and T2D (HR 1.02 (95% CI: 0.93-1.13), which was consistent across countries (I(2) = 2.9%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE In this large European case-cohort study no association between DED of solid and semi-solid foods and risk of T2D was observed. However, despite the fact that there currently is no conclusive evidence for an association between DED and T2DM risk, choosing low energy dense foods should be promoted as they support current WHO recommendations to prevent chronic diseases.
Rho GTPases integrate control of cell structure and adhesion with downstream signaling events. In keratinocytes, RhoA is activated at early times of differentiation and plays an essential function in establishment of cell-cell adhesion. We report here that, surprisingly, Rho signaling suppresses downstream gene expression events associated with differentiation. Similar inhibitory effects are exerted by a specific Rho effector, CRIK (Citron kinase), which is selectively down-modulated with differentiation, thereby allowing the normal process to occur. The suppressing function of Rho/CRIK on differentiation is associated with induction of KyoT1/2, a LIM domain protein gene implicated in integrin-mediated processes and/or Notch signaling. Like activated Rho and CRIK, elevated KyoT1/2 expression suppresses differentiation. Thus, Rho signaling exerts an unexpectedly complex role in keratinocyte differentiation, which is coupled with induction of KyoT1/2, a LIM domain protein gene with a potentially important role in control of cell self renewal.
Scopo di questo studio è la disamina e la divulgazione dei pregi letterari e del valore concettualmente innovativo del Discorso dell 'amore verso la patria di Ludovico Zuccolo. L'analisi dei contenuti dell'opera, unitamente alla puntualizzazione delle sue caratteristiche formali e stilistiche, permette di vedere come questo scrittore proponga, utilizzando la forma letteraria del discorso politico, una riuscita codificazione della tematica dei diritti e dei doveri dei cittadini verso la patria; operazione in cui si sostanzia, a mio avviso, l'apporto innovativo dello Zuccolo. Dopo l'iniziale riscoperta, da parte di Benedetto Croce, del capitolo delle Considerazioni sulla Ragion di Stato, l`opera dello Zuccolo ha generato un certo interesse critico fra gli studiosi di letteratura politica del "900" senza tuttavia divenire oggetto di contributi esaustivi malgrado, a nostro parere, la presenza di elementi di originalità di pensiero nel Discorso dell 'amore verso la patria. Inoltre, l'opinione degli specialisti non è mai stata unanime riguardo al valore e ai contenuti delle opere di questo autore. Se per il Croce, ne << La Critica >> del 1926, egli appare come colui che ha prodotto, «Lo scritto più acuto e originale sull'argomento [della Ragion di Stato], composto in quel seco1o.>> (p. 301), per altri egli si presenta come un dotto estensore di trattati politici nei quali sfoggia abilmente la sua erudizione classica e Luigi Firpo arriva a suggerire addirittura che lo Zuccolo sia colpevole di plagio proprio laddove tratta il tema della Ragion di Stato : Al punto in cui siamo, una cosa è certa, e cioè che i conti non tornano : non riesco a credere che uno scrittore inzeppi centinaia e centinaia di pagine di luoghi comuni, di erudizione d"accatto, di oziosità accademiche, e poi un bel mattino, morso dalla tarantola o baciato in fronte da Minerva, metta in carta il piccolo capolavoro, le pagine meditate e profonde, e perciò lungamente soffeite, che pure gli appartengono per una paternità incontestata e certa. Dico questo, perché in un caso del genere, non al miracolo s"avrebbe da credere, ma, semmai, al plagio. (1). Catherine Pitiot, nel suo saggio La retorica politica nell 'opera utopica di Ludovico Zuccolo, coglie invece in questo autore unicamente l"utopista che << lntende allontanarsi dalla realtà contemporanea per modificarla, correggerla e presentare un'in1magine che sia fondamentalmente diversa, a livello strutturale. >> (2). Di parere diametralmente opposto Rodolfo de Mattei, che attribuisce allo Zuccolo lo status di anti-utopista per eccellenza, tipico di uno scrittore che, Non ha voluto usufruire della facile libertà della fantasia per sovvertire l'ordine storico e per alterare arbitrariamente la natura umana, cioé per proporre un ordinamento mirante ad una radicale trasformazione della società e quindi di assai dubbia realizzazione. (3). Altri studiosi, fra cui Bruno Nediani, si sono dedicati alla descrizione della personalità dello Zuccolo, attingendo alle sue lettere - che lo stesso Nediani ha riscoperto - oltre che ai brevi accermi che di sé fa lo Zuccolo negli scritti. Dal saggio del Nediani, La personalità di Ludovico Zuccolo (1969), emerge la figura di un uomo tormentato e insoddisfatto, ossessionato dal sospetto dell"autorità ecclesiastica, costretto a procacciarsi impieghi inadeguati presso i potenti, all'inseguimento dell'obiettivo di una carriera che, comunque, finisce con il risultargli sempre, prima o poi, insopportabile. Più recentemente, Sergio Bertelli, nel suo contributo alla Storia della letteratura di Cecchi e Sapegno, ha aperto una nuova prospettiva sullo Zuccolo proponendolo come colui che, Spezza finalmente il cerchio moralistico costruito dal Botero attorno al pensiero machiavelliano e la ragion di stato cessa di essere giudicata vera o falsa, buona o malvagia, interessando in sé e per sé, cioé nei suoi presupposti e nei suoi fini esclusivamente politici. (4).
BACKGROUND Understanding of the genetic basis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has progressed rapidly, but the interactions between common genetic variants and lifestyle risk factors have not been systematically investigated in studies with adequate statistical power. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the combined effects of genetic and lifestyle factors on risk of T2D in order to inform strategies for prevention. METHODS AND FINDINGS The InterAct study includes 12,403 incident T2D cases and a representative sub-cohort of 16,154 individuals from a cohort of 340,234 European participants with 3.99 million person-years of follow-up. We studied the combined effects of an additive genetic T2D risk score and modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors using Prentice-weighted Cox regression and random effects meta-analysis methods. The effect of the genetic score was significantly greater in younger individuals (p for interaction = 1.20×10-4). Relative genetic risk (per standard deviation [4.4 risk alleles]) was also larger in participants who were leaner, both in terms of body mass index (p for interaction = 1.50×10-3) and waist circumference (p for interaction = 7.49×10-9). Examination of absolute risks by strata showed the importance of obesity for T2D risk. The 10-y cumulative incidence of T2D rose from 0.25% to 0.89% across extreme quartiles of the genetic score in normal weight individuals, compared to 4.22% to 7.99% in obese individuals. We detected no significant interactions between the genetic score and sex, diabetes family history, physical activity, or dietary habits assessed by a Mediterranean diet score. CONCLUSIONS The relative effect of a T2D genetic risk score is greater in younger and leaner participants. However, this sub-group is at low absolute risk and would not be a logical target for preventive interventions. The high absolute risk associated with obesity at any level of genetic risk highlights the importance of universal rather than targeted approaches to lifestyle intervention.