820 resultados para Criminal psychology
This talk will describe a study designed to assess if clicker technology during a lesson can improve learning relative to traditional lecture alone. A control group was exposed to the stages of prenatal development via traditional lecture, and an experimental group was exposed to the material via an exercise that used clickers. A pretest showed no difference before the intervention. A posttest showed that the clicker group had significant gains indicating clickers may facilitate learning of science-based material.
I explore the main currents of postwar American liberalism. One, sociological, emerged in response to the danger of mass movements. Articulated primarily by political sociologists and psychologists and ascendant from the mid-fifties till the mid-seventies, it heralded the "end of ideology." It emphasized stability, elitism, positive science and pluralism; it recast normatively sound politics as logrolling and hard bargaining. I argue that these normative features, attractive when considered in isolation, taken together led to a vicious ad hominem style in accounting for views outside the postwar consensus. It used pseudo-scientific literature in labeling populists, Progressives, Taft conservatives, Goldwaterites, the New Left and others "pathological," viz. mentally ill. Hence, "therapeutic discourse." I argue that philosophical liberalism, which reasserts the role of political theory in working out norms and adjudicating disagreement, is a more profitable way of thinking about and defending from critics liberalism. I take the philosopher John Rawls as the tradition's modern representative. This inquiry is important because the themes of sociological liberalism are making a comeback in American public discourse, and with them perhaps the baggage of therapeutic discourse. I present a cautionary tale.
This paper traces the historical development in the State of Maine of the procedures by which persons found to be mentally unsound can be committed to institutional care against their will. Beginning in 1820 and continuing to the present, specific changes in the statutes governing this area are noted. Both the criminal and civil commitment procedures are dealt with. Following the historical trace, pending legislation relating to the criminal commitment process is examined in detail. Finally, consideration is given to the need for a complete reexamination of the practice of involuntary commitment involving ethical and constitutional issues.
A presente monografia tem por finalidade, demonstrar a possibilidade de se adotar a Investigação Criminal Defensiva no Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro, tendo em vista as Garantias Constitucionais que a amparam no âmbito do Devido Processo Legal, em especial os Princípios Constitucionais da Ampla Defesa e do Contraditório, tendo em vista os benefícios que esse tipo de investigação poderia trazer à pessoa do indiciado, uma vez que poderia trazer um maior equilíbrio entre as partes, uma celeridade processual, além de uma maior amplitude de elementos que irão formar a convicção do órgão do Ministério Público.
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo a analise do instituto da revisão criminal, do erro judiciário e a consequente indenização, a luz do direito processual penal brasileiro. Observando assim, a evolução da revisão criminal no decorrer do tempo, os seus aspectos legais, tais como, procedimento, finalidade e natureza jurídica, contemplando as vertentes doutrinárias a respeito do tema. Bem como as consequências de uma decisão, que contenha erro judiciário, sobre a dignidade da pessoa humana, discutindo se a indenização é realmente eficaz.
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo a analise do instituto da revisão criminal, do erro judiciário e a consequente indenização, a luz do direito processual penal brasileiro. Observando assim, a evolução da revisão criminal no decorrer do tempo, os seus aspectos legais, tais como, procedimento, finalidade e natureza jurídica, contemplando as vertentes doutrinárias a respeito do tema. Bem como as consequências de uma decisão, que contenha erro judiciário, sobre a dignidade da pessoa humana, discutindo se a indenização é realmente eficaz.
Este trabalho desenvolve e calibra um modelo de equilíbrio dinâmico de crime. O objetivo É estudar e quantificar os determinantes do comportamento criminal: aparato de polícia, condições do mercado de trabalho, perfil etário da população, composição do capital humano, crescimento econônomico e desigualdade de renda. Diferentemente dos trabalhos anteriores, o modelo considerado aqui leva em conta a decisão individual sobre lazer. Isso permite capturar as diferenças no padrão da oferta de trabalho que há entre criminosos e não criminosos. Uma implicação é que a sensibilidade da taxa de crime aos fatores que afetam comportamento criminal é modificada. Adicionalmente, investiga-se a viabilidade de uma política de redistribuição de renda enquanto alternativa a política de segurança pública.
The objective of this paper is to present and compare the process and the results of the implementation of the anti-money laundering system in Brazil and Argentina. Considering that the internal transformations cannot be discussed without a clear understanding of the international apparatus, attention will be given to the description of the “international policy” designed and conducted by FATF. Therefore, its incorporation into two different national realities, the Brazilian and the Argentinean ones, will shed light not only on the transnational transformations both States underwent but also on the anti-money laundering regime itself. The paper is divided into five parts. The first one presents a brief introduction on the emergence and development of the relationship between financial regulation and criminal policy. The two following sections are designed to present an overview of the anti money laundering system in Brazil and Argentina and of the role of FATF in their implementation process. The fourth section presents two Brazilian examples of situations in which full advantage of the FATF regime was taken: the National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering and the BacenJud, a communication channel between the financial system and the judicial power. To conclude, final comments will be presented in connection with the central questions of the project this paper is part of .
This article demonstrates the existence of civil responsibility with punitive purposes in Brazilian Law, explaining how it was introduced by jurisdictional activity in cases involving moral damages. Next, it points out main problems this situation represents to Brazilian Law from the standpoint of our juridical dogmatics and public policies. Additionally, it proposes the execution of an empirical research for comprehension of the structure and fundamentals of jurisprudence on the punitive character of civil responsibility for moral damages and establishes criteria for use in this research based on theories of punishment. Finally, it positions the problem of punitive function of civil responsibility in the broader ambit of relationships and boundaries between civil and criminal responsibility.